admin-lte | 3.2.0 | Admin dashboard and control panel template |
aight | 2.1.1 | un-suck JavaScript APIs in IE8 & 9 |
algoliasearch-helper-js | 2.28.1 | Helper for implementing advanced search features with algolia |
amazeui | 2.7.2 | Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development. |
animsition | 4.0.2 | A simple and easy jQuery plugin for CSS animated page transitions. |
arrive | 2.5.2 | arrive.js provides events to watch for DOM elements creation and removal. It makes use of Mutation Observers internally. |
audiojs | 1.0.1 | A cross-browser javascript wrapper for the html5 audio tag |
avgrund | 0.1.0 | A JS/CSS3 modal UI concept |
basicModal | 3.3.9 | Easy-to-use modal window for your website or webapp |
boexfi | 1.0.0 | Some sample files used in the implementation of BoxOpi website. |
booking-js | 2.9.13 | Make a beautiful embeddable booking widget in minutes |
bootstrap-material-datetimepicker | 2.7.1 | Datepicker for bootstrap-material |
bootstrap-multiselect | 1.1.2 | JQuery multiselect plugin based on Twitter Bootstrap. |
bootstrap-switch | 3.3.5 | Turn checkboxes and radio buttons into toggle switches. |
bootstrap-tour | 0.12.0 | Quick and easy way to build your product tours with Bootstrap Popovers. |
botui | 0.3.9 | A JS library to build the UI for your bot |
Captionator | 0.6 | Simple closed-captioning polyfill for HTML5. Just 8KB when gzipped! |
choices.js | 11.0.3 | A vanilla JS customisable text input/select box plugin |
circles | 0.0.6 | Lightweight JavaScript library that generates circular graphs in SVG. Now with animation. |
Clamp.js | 0.5.1 | Clamps an HTML element by adding ellipsis to it if the content inside is too long. |
cookiesjs | 3.0.3 | Intuitive cookie manipulation library |
detectizr | 2.2.0 | Detectizr is a Modernizr extension to detect device, browser, operating system and screen. |
drawer | 3.2.2 | Flexible drawer menu using jQuery, iScroll and CSS. |
fabric.js | 5.3.1 | Object model for HTML5 canvas, and SVG-to-canvas parser. Backed by jsdom and node-canvas. |
fast-xml-parser | 4.5.1 | Parse XML to JS/JSON very fast without C/C++ based libraries |
FastActive | 1.0.1 | FastActive is a javascript snippet that makes websites and web apps feel as responsive as native apps on touch devices. |
frappe-charts | 1.6.2 | Simple, responsive, modern SVG Charts with zero dependencies |
fuelux | 3.17.2 | Base Fuel UX styles and controls |
gentelella | 1.4.0 | Gentellela Admin is a free to use Bootstrap admin template |
intercom.js | 0.1.4 | A client-side cross-window message broadcast library built on top of the HTML5 localStorage API. |
izimodal | 1.6.1 | Elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight modal plugin with jQuery. |
izitoast | 1.4.0 | Elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight notification plugin with no dependencies. |
js-data-angular | 3.2.4 | Angular wrapper for js-data. |
js-marker-clusterer | 1.0.0 | The library creates and manages per-zoom-level clusters for large amounts of markers. Google API v3. |
jssor-slider | 28.0.0 | Responsive jQuery Image Slider/Slideshow/Carousel/Gallery/Banner |
lazyloadjs | 3.2.2 | Image lazy loading |
materialize | 1.0.0 | Builds Materialize distribution packages |
modernizr | 2.8.3 | Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser. |
motajs | 0.18.0 | JavaScript library that aims to allow the developer to easily build web applications. |
nanobar | 0.4.2 | Very lightweight js progress bars (for browsers) |
ng.ckeditor | 2.1.0 | Angular Module for rendering the CKEditor |
ngMask | 3.1.1 | Best ngMask |
oj | 0.2.1 | A unified templating language for the people. Thirsty people. |
peerjs | 1.5.4 | PeerJS client |
PhononJs | 1.5.1 | Phonon is a lightweight & scalable Javascript/CSS3/HTML5 mobile framework to develop a single page application based on Phonegap / Apache Cordova. |
progressbar.js | 1.1.1 | Responsive and slick progress bars with animated SVG paths |
qoopido.nucleus | 3.2.15 | Lightweight, atomic and modular JavaScript utility library that strongly encourages the creation and usage of small yet flexible, reusable and easily maintainable modules. |
shave | 5.0.4 | Shave is a javascript plugin that truncates multi-line text within a html element based on set max height |
simple-gallery-js | 1.0.3 | Easy gallery upload. Native. Just 2kb gzipped. |
smokejs | 3.1.1 | Smoke form validation and components for Bootstrap |
stacktable.js | 1.0.3 | jQuery plugin for stacking tables on small screens |
svg.connectable.js | 2.0.1 | A JavaScript library for connecting SVG things. |
template_js | 0.8.0 | template.js simple and easy to use javascript template. |
timezone-js | 2.0.4 | JavaScript timezone library based on Olson timezone data |
tippy.js | 6.3.7 | Vanilla JS Tooltip Library |
todc-bootstrap | 3.0.2 | Google-styled theme for Bootstrap. |
umbrella | 0.0.0 | Lightweight and intuitive javascript library |
vanilla-tilt | 1.8.1 | A smooth 3D tilt javascript library forked from Tilt.js |
videojs-vast-vpaid | 2.0.2 | VAST plugin to use with video.js |
vquery | 5.0.1 | A simple, light-weight, vanilla JS wrapper for jQuery-like syntax. |
wallop | 2.4.1 | wallop is a minimal 4kb library for showing & hiding things |
wnumb | 1.2.0 | wNumb - JavaScript Number & Money formatting |
zoomove | 1.3.0 | Enlarges the image with the mouse hover and move |
zui | 3.0.0 | An open source front-end implementation that help you quickly construct modern multi-screen applications |
reframe.js | 4.0.2 | Reframe.js: responsive iframes for embedded content |
input-autogrow | 1.1.1 | Autogrow plugin for inputs |
quasar-framework | 0.17.20 | Simultaneously build desktop/mobile SPA websites & phone/tablet apps with VueJS |
webkul-micron | 1.1.6 | a microInteraction library built with CSS Animations and driven by JavaScript Power |
carbon-components | 11.66.1 | The Carbon Design System is IBM’s open-source design system for products and experiences. |
magic-grid | 3.4.7 | Super lightweight javascript library for dynamic grid layouts. |
qiniu-js | 3.4.2 | Javascript SDK for Qiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage AP |
css-vars-ponyfill | 2.4.9 | Client-side support for CSS custom properties (aka "CSS variables") in legacy and modern browsers |
alpaca | 1.5.27 | Alpaca provides the easiest and fastest way to generate interactive forms for the web and mobile devices. It runs simply as HTML5 or more elaborately using Bootstrap, jQuery Mobile or jQuery UI. Alpaca uses Handlebars to process JSON schema and provide |
gmaps-marker-clusterer | 1.2.2 | The library creates and manages per-zoom-level clusters for large amounts of markers. Google API v3. |
cuttr | 1.4.3 | Cuttr is a javascript / jQuery plugin that truncates multi-line text content with multiple truncation methods and custom ellipsis. |
simple-keyboard | 3.8.26 | On-screen Javascript Virtual Keyboard |
qr-scanner | 1.4.2 | A javascript QR scanner library |
webcomponents-template-polyfill | 1.5.1 | HTML template element polyfill. |
treejs | 1.8.3 | a lightweight tree widget, compatible with originaljs/react/vue, 9.6kb size for tree.min.js&tree.min.css without gzip. |
carrierjs | 2.5.2 | Carrier JS is promise based http client for browsers. It is used to interact with servers with ultimate caching feature. |
ofilterjs | 1.0.7 | OfilterJs is a data object filter processor for Javascript, which provides simpler, more convenient and more efficient data operations for development. |
feedbackplus | 1.6.0 | Screenshotting and screenshot editing for your feedback forms with JavaScript. |
anabolicset | 1.4.1 | Javascript Set on steroids. |
jscanify | 1.2.0 | Open-source Javascript mobile document scanner. |
dev-timer | 0.4.0 | Super interval timer that can handle multiple timers simulteanously. |