库名 | 最新版本 | 描述 |
1000hz-bootstrap-validator | 0.11.9 | A user-friendly HTML5 Form validator for Bootstrap 3 |
10up-sanitize.css | 13.0.0 | Render elements consistently. Style with best practices. |
1140 | 2.0 | The 1140 grid fits perfectly into a 1280 monitor. On smaller monitors it becomes fluid and adapts to the width of the browser. |
16pixels | 0.1.12 | 16pixels as a node packaged module |
18x | 0.1.337 | Util js for build web site |
3Dmol | 2.4.2 | Object oriented Javascript molecular visualization library |
6pac-slickgrid | 5.14.3 | A lightning fast JavaScript grid/spreadsheet |
6px | 1.0.3 | Javascript client for 6px |
6to5 | 3.6.5 | Turn ES6 code into readable vanilla ES5 with source maps |
960gs | 0 | The 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development workflow by providing commonly used dimensions, based on a width of 960 pixels. |
9fit | 2.1.8 | 9fit用作浏览器的帮助 |
AlertifyJS | 1.13.1 | AlertifyJS is a javascript framework for developing pretty browser dialogs and notifications. |
Allofthelights.js | 2.0 | Allofthelights.js is a jQuery plugin to turn off the light and enjoy your videos, try it ! |
AniJS | 0.9.3 | Declarative handling library for CSS animations. |
Backbone.dualStorage | 1.4.1 | A dual (localStorage and REST) sync adapter for Backbone.js |
Base64 | 1.3.0 | Base64 encoding and decoding |
Base64URL-ArrayBuffer | 1.1.0 | Encode and Decode Base64URLs into ArrayBuffers |
BigVideo.js | 1.1.5 | The jQuery Plugin for Big Background Video (and Images) |
Bijou.js | 8.2.4 | Useful JS snippets, in one simple library |
Blotter | 0.1.0 | A JavaScript API for drawing unconventional text effects on the web. |
Bridge.NET | 17.10.1 | Write modern mobile and web apps in C#. Run them anywhere in JavaScript with Bridge.NET. http://bridge.net |
Broadway | 0.1.0 | A JavaScript H.264 decoder. |
BrowserFS | 2.0.0 | A filesystem in your browser! |
Buttons | 2.0.0 | A CSS button library built with Sass |
CSS-Mint | 2.0.7 | Lightweight and simple to use UI Kit |
Camera | 1.3.4 | A jQuery slideshow with many effects, transitions, easy to customize, using canvas and mobile ready, based on jQuery 1.9.1+ |
CanvasInput | 1.2.7 | CanvasInput recreates and improves a full DOM element within HTML5 Canvas. |
Captionator | 0.6 | Simple closed-captioning polyfill for HTML5. Just 8KB when gzipped! |
Caret.js | 0.3.1 | Get caret position and offset from inputor |
Chart.js | 4.4.1 | Simple HTML5 charts using the canvas element. |
Clamp.js | 0.5.1 | Clamps an HTML element by adding ellipsis to it if the content inside is too long. |
ClientJS | 0.2.1 | Device information and digital fingerprinting written in pure JavaScript. |
CodeFlask.js | 1.4.1 | A micro code-editor for awesome web pages. |
Colors.js | 1.2.4 | A simple color manipulation javascript library. |
ContentTools | 1.6.16 | A JS library for building WYSIWYG editors for HTML content |
Cookies.js | 1.2.3 | Client-Side Cookie Manipulation API |
CoolQueue.io | 1.0.0 | Offline failsafe for socket.io |
Counter-Up | 1.0.0 | A lightweight jQuery plugin that counts up to a targeted number when the number becomes visible. |
Cuckoo | 2.1.0 | A blog theme based on Typecho |
Darkmode.js | 1.5.7 | |
Detect.js | 2.2.2 | JS Library to detect browser, os and device based on the UserAgent String |
DinaKit | 1.2 | iTemplates DinaKit Framework |
Director | 1.2.8 | A client Side/Server Side Router |
DisplayJS | 2.3.0 | A simple JavaScript framework for building ambitious UIs |
DragDrop | 0.3.0 | A JavaScript micro-framework for adding drag-and-drop functionality to elements for advanced UI development |
Dropify | 0.2.2 | Override your input files with style. |
Dynatable | 0.3.1 | A funner, semantic, HTML5+JSON, interactive table plugin. |
EaselJS | 1.0.2 | EaselJS is a library for building high-performance interactive 2D content in HTML5. It provides a feature-rich display list to allow you to manipulate and animate graphics. It also provides a robust interactive model for mouse and touch interactions. |
Embetty | 4.0.1 | Embetty displays remote content like tweets or videos without compromising your privacy. |
EventEmitter | 5.2.8 | Event based JavaScript for the browser |
F2 | 1.4.5 | An open framework for the financial services industry. |
Faker | 3.1.0 | Generate massive amounts of fake contextual data |
FastActive | 1.0.1 | FastActive is a javascript snippet that makes websites and web apps feel as responsive as native apps on touch devices. |
FeedEk | 3.2.0 | FeedEk is a jQuery plugin for parsing and displaying RSS and Atom feeds. FeedEk uses YQL API to retrieve feeds. You can obtain feeds easily from any domain. No need for server-side scripts. |
FileSaver.js | 2.0.5 | An HTML5 saveAs() FileSaver implementation. |
FitText.js | 1.2.0 | A jQuery plugin for inflating web type |
FlexSearch | 0.7.31 | Next-Generation full text search library with zero dependencies. |
FlipDiv | 1.6.0 | A space efficient 3D menu with CSS transitions. |
Flowtype.js | 1.1.0 | Web typography at its finest: font-size and line-height based on element width. |
Fort.js | 2.0.0 | Modern progress bar for form completion. |
FrozenUI | 1.3.0 | 为移动端web而生 |
FuncUnit | 2.0.4 | A functional test suite based on jQuery. |
Glide.js | 3.6.0 | A lightweight, flexible, fast and dependency-free JavaScript ES6 slider and carousel |
HTML5Notification | 3.0.0 | Notification polyfill |
Halfmoon | 2.0.2 | Front-end framework with a built-in dark mode and full customizability using CSS variables; great for building dashboards and tools. |
Han | 3.3.0 | The CSS typography framework optimised for Hanzi |
Hoverizr | 1.0 | An image manipulation and overlay plugin for jQuery |
Hyphenator | 5.3.0 | Hyphenator.js is a free open source Javascript library that automatically hyphenates text on websites. |
IBM-type | 0.5.4 | An opinionated type for all IBM experiences, including the IBM Plex typeface. |
ICanHaz.js | 0.10.3 | A clean solution for templating with Mustache.js and jQuery or Zepto |
Iframe-Height-Jquery-Plugin | 1.2.5 | This plugin can get contents of iframe and set height of iframe automatically. Also it has cross-domain fix |
IndexedDBShim | 15.2.0 | A polyfill for IndexedDB using WebSql |
InstagramFeed | 3.0.2 | Instagram Feed without access token. Not using the Instagram API |
Iosevka | 11.1.1 | Versatile typeface for code, from code. |
JQuery-Snowfall | 1.7.4 | Make it snow on you page or elements |
JavaScript-autoComplete | 1.0.4 | An extremely lightweight vanilla JavaScript completion suggester. |
Jouele | 3.0.5 | Jouele is a simple and beautiful audio player for the web. |
KaTeX | 0.16.9 | Fast math typesetting for the web. |
Kalendae | 1.0.2 | A framework agnostic javascript date picker. |
Kraken | 13.0.0 | A lightweight front-end boilerplate |
Ladda | 1.0.6 | Buttons with built-in loading indicators |
Leaflet.EasyButton | 2.4.0 | easily add control buttons to your leaflet maps with icon support |
Leaflet.Spin | 1.1.2 | Show a spinner on a Leaflet map using Spin.js |
Leaflet.awesome-markers | 2.0.2 | Colorful iconic & retina-proof markers for Leaflet, based on the Glyphicons / Font-Awesome icons |
LoadGo | 2.2.1 | LoadGo is a JQuery plugin for using your logo as a progress bar |
LogosDistort | 0.3.8 | A simple Javascript plugin that uses matrix3d to perform perspective distortions. |
MaterialDesign-Webfont | 7.4.47 | Dist for Material Design Webfont. This includes the Stock and Community icons in a single webfont collection. |
MinPubSub | 0.0.2 | 198 byte publish/subscribe messaging micro-framework |
Mock.js | 1.0.0 | Mock.js is a simulation data generator to help the front-end to develop and prototype separate from the back-end progress and reduce some monotony particularly while writing automated tests. |
Modaal | 0.4.4 | An accessible dialog window library for all humans. |
ModelCore | 1.1.1 | A RESTful Javascript ORM for AngularJS |
Morphext | 2.4.4 | A simple, high-performance and cross-browser jQuery rotating / carousel plugin for text phrases powered by Animate.css. |
MutationObserver.js | 0.3.7 | MutationObserver shim for ES3 environments |
Nestable | 2012-10-15 | Nestable is an experimental example and not under active development. If it suits your requirements feel free to expand upon it! |
NicEdit | 0.93 | Lightweight, Cross Platform WYSIWYG editor. |
ODataResources | 1.0.25 | Allows making fluent OData queries from angular resources |
OrgChart.js | 0.0.1 | organization chart plugin based on ES6 |
OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier | 1.0.3 | Deals with overlapping markers in Google Maps JS API v3, Google Earth-style. |
OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier-Leaflet | 0.2.6 | Deals with overlapping markers in the Leaflet maps API, Google Earth-style. |
OwlCarousel2 | 2.3.4 | Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive carousel slider. |
PKI.js | 1.2.1 | Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is the basis of how identity and key management is performed on the web today. PKIjs is a pure JavaScript library implementing the formats that are used in PKI applications. It is built on WebCrypto and aspires to make it possible to build native web applications that utilize X.509 and the related formats on the web without plug-ins |
PapaParse | 5.4.1 | Fast and powerful CSV parser for the browser that supports web workers and streaming large files. Converts CSV to JSON and JSON to CSV. |
PgwSlider | 2.3.0 | Responsive and lightweight Slider plugin for jQuery / Zepto |
PhononJs | 1.5.1 | Phonon is a lightweight & scalable Javascript/CSS3/HTML5 mobile framework to develop a single page application based on Phonegap / Apache Cordova. |
PhysicsJS | 0.7.0 | A modular, extendable, and easy-to-use physics engine for javascript |
PickMeUp | 3.2.1 | Really simple, powerful, customizable and lightweight standalone datepicker |
PikaChoose | 4.5.0 | PikaChoose is jQuery gallery plugin to make slideshows simply and easily. |
Pjax-Standalone | 0.6.0 | A standalone implementation of Pushstate AJAX, for non-jquery webpages |
PreloadJS | 1.0.1 | PreloadJS makes it easy to preload your assets: images, sounds, JavaScript, fonts, JSON, and text data |
Primer | 21.1.1 | Primer is the CSS framework that powers GitHub. |
PrintArea | 2.4.1 | Prints a specific area of the page. Using json settings, the printed area is either opened in a popup or in a hidden iframe. Minimal setup and easy to use. See the demo for examples and usage of the options. |
Promin | 1.0.0 | A jQuery plugin to boost your HTML forms to level awesome. |
PubSub | 4.0.0 | Javascript implementation of the Publish/Subscribe pattern. |
PullToRefresh | 0.1.1 | a JavaScript implementation of PullToRefresh without jQuery or other Frameworks under MIT-License |
RGraph | 606 | Beautiful javascript charts for websites |
Radian | 0.1.3 | Radian is a JavaScript library for producing interactive SVG plots in HTML using Angular JS and D3.js. |
ReStable | 0.1.2 | jQuery plugin that make tables responsive |
Readmore.js | 2.2.1 | A lightweight jQuery plugin for collapsing and expanding long blocks of text with "Read more" and "Close" links. |
RecordRTC | 5.6.2 | RecordRTC is a server-less (entire client-side) JavaScript library can be used to record WebRTC audio/video media streams. It supports cross-browser audio/video recording. |
Repaintless.css | 1.4.0 | Repaintless is a library of CSS animations, which don't cause costly repaints and recalculations in our browser. Animations are smooth and simple. |
ResponsiveSlides.js | 1.55 | Simple & lightweight responsive slider plugin |
Ripple.js | 1.2.1 | Adds Material style ripple to buttons, links |
RyanMullins-angular-hammer | 2.2.0 | Hammer.js support for Angular.js applications |
SVG-Morpheus | 0.3.2 | JavaScript library enabling SVG icons to morph from one to the other. It implements Material Design's Delightful Details transitions. |
ScrollMagic | 2.0.8 | The javascript library for magical scroll interactions. |
ScrollToFixed | 1.0.8 | This plugin is used to fix elements on the page (top, bottom, anywhere); however, it still allows the element to continue to move left or right with the horizontal scroll. |
ScrollTrigger | 1.0.6 | Triggers classes on HTML elements based on the scroll position. It makes use of requestAnimationFrame so it doesn't jack the users scroll, that way the user / browser keeps their original scroll behaviour. Animations run when the browser is ready for it. |
Selectivity.js | 3.0.6 | Modular and light-weight selection library for jQuery and Zepto.js. |
Sharrre | 2.0.1 | Make your sharing widget! Sharrre is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create nice widgets sharing for Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus (with PHP script) and more. |
Shuffle | 6.1.0 | Categorize, sort, and filter a responsive grid of items |
Sidy.js | 1.1.0 | jQuery plugin for Off-, On- canvas panels with CSS3 animations |
SimpleLightbox | 2.1.0 | SimpleLightbox is a Lightweight plugin for responsive lightbox images and galleries with no dependencies. |
SlickNav | 1.0.10 | Responsive Mobile Menu Plugin for jQuery |
Sly | 1.6.1 | JavaScript library for one-directional scrolling with item based navigation support |
Snowstorm | 20131208 | A JavaScript Snow Effect for HTML |
SocialIcons | 1.0.1 | An easier way to create social icons and buttons. Retina ready. No Images. |
Sortable | 1.15.6 | Minimalist JavaScript library for reorderable drag-and-drop lists on modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery. Supports AngularJS and any CSS library, e.g. Bootstrap. |
SoundJS | 1.0.2 | A JavaScript library that provides a simple API, and powerful features to make working with audio a breeze. Easily ties in audio file loading to PreloadJS. |
Sparticles | 1.3.1 | Lightweight, High Performance Particles in Canvas |
SpeechKITT | 1.0.0 | A flexible GUI for interacting with Speech Recognition |
SuperScrollorama | 1.0.3 | The jQuery plugin for supercool scroll animation |
Swiper | 11.0.5 | Most modern mobile touch slider and framework with hardware accelerated transitions |
SyntaxHighlighter | 3.0.83 | SyntaxHighlighter is a fully functional self-contained code syntax highlighter developed in JavaScript. |
TableDnD | 1.0.5 | jQuery plug-in to drag and drop rows in HTML tables |
TableExport | 5.2.0 | The simple, easy-to-implement plugin to export HTML tables to xlsx, xls, csv, and txt files |
TheoremJS | 1.2.0 | A Math library for computation in JavaScript |
TimeMe.js | 2.0.0 | A utility to time how long a user interacts with a page, disregarding time spent on other tabs, minimized, or idle time. |
TinyNav.js | 1.2.0 | TinyNav.js is a tiny jQuery plugin (452 bytes minified and gzipped) that converts
Tipue-Search | 5.0.0 | Tipue Search is a site search engine jQuery plugin. |
Tocca.js | 2.0.9 | Super lightweight script (1kb) to detect via Javascript events like 'tap' 'dbltap' 'swipeup' 'swipedown' 'swipeleft' 'swiperight' on any kind of device. |
TremulaJS | 1.3.2 | Picture Streams + Momentum Engine + Bézier Paths + Multi-Device |
Trip.js | 3.3.5 | Trip.js is a plugin that can help you make tutorial trips easily on website |
Trumbowyg | 2.27.3 | A lightweight WYSIWYG editor |
Turf.js | 6.5.0 | a node.js library for performing geospatial operations with geojson |
TypeWatch | 3.0.2 | A jquery plugin to determine when a user has stopped typing in a text field. |
TypeWriter.js | 1.0.1 | A lightweight, easy-to-implement JavaScript plugin to add animated typing effect for websites |
TypewriterJS | 2.21.0 | A native javascript plugin that can be used to create an elegent automatic typewriter animation effect on websites. |
Typist | 0.0.0 | Elegant automated typing, for your text rotation needs. |
UAParser.js | 1.0.37 | Lightweight JavaScript-based user-agent string parser |
URI.js | 1.19.11 | URI.js is a Javascript library for working with URLs. |
Uniform.js | 4.3.0 | A plugin for jQuery. Make your form controls look how you want them to. |
UpUp | 1.1.0 | Control the content users see, even when they're offline |
Vague.js | 0.0.6 | Vague.js is an experimental script that allows you to blur any kind of html element thanks to the SVG filters |
Ventus | 0.3.0 | A window manager written in Javascript, HTML5 and CSS3. |
Vidage | 1.0.1 | Your solution to full-screen background video and image combined. |
Voyeur | 0.4.0 | Voyeur is a tiny (1.2kb) Javascript library that lets you traverse and manipulate the DOM the way it should have been. |
Vue.Draggable | 2.24.3 | Vue component allowing drag-and-drop sorting in sync with View-Model. Based on Sortable.js. |
Vue2Leaflet | 2.7.1 | Vue2 leaflet library |
WebRupee | 2.0 | Rupee Symbol for the Web |
Zebra_datepicker | 2.0.0 | A super-lightweight, highly configurable, cross-browser date picker jQuery plugin |
ZzFX | 2.29 | A Tiny JS Sound FX System - Zuper Zmall Zound Zynth |
ZzFXM | 2.0.3 | A super small music generator for use in size-limited JavaScript productions |
a-happy-tyler | 1.0.89 | Tyler is happy. Be like Tyler. |
abcjs | 6.4.4 | javascript for rendering abc music notation |
ably | 1.2.22 | Realtime client library for Ably, the realtime messaging service |
absurd | 0.3.9 | JavaScript library with superpowers - http://absurdjs.com/ |
academicons | 1.9.4 | Academicons is an icon font for academics. It aims to supplement other packages (such as Font Awesome) with icons for academic websites. |
accounting.js | 0.4.1 | A lightweight JavaScript library for number, money and currency formatting . |
ace | 1.37.2 | Ace (Ajax.org Cloud9 Editor) |
acorn | 8.14.0 | ECMAScript parser |
acorn-loose | 8.4.0 | Error-tolerant ECMAScript parser |
acorn-walk | 8.3.4 | ECMAScript (ESTree) AST walker |
across-tabs | 1.4.0 | Easy communication between cross-origin browser tabs |
activate-power-mode | 1.0.0 | Activate POWER MODE anywhere |
adapterjs | 0.15.5 | Creating a common API for WebRTC in the browser |
adblock-detect | 1.0.5 | Detect ad blocker presence in browser |
admin-lte | 3.2.0 | Admin dashboard and control panel template |
adobe-sign-sdk | 1.1.0 | SDK for Adobe Sign REST API |
aegis | 1.3.3 | Aegis CSS Framework |
aes-js | 3.1.2 | A pure JavaScript implementation of the AES block cipher and all common modes of operation. |
aframe | 1.4.2 | Building blocks for the VR Web |
aframe-text-component | 0.4.2 | Text component for A-Frame VR. |
ag-grid | 33.0.3 | Advanced Framework Agnostic Javascript Datagrid. |
agility | 0.1.3 | Javascript MVC for the "write less, do more" |
aight | 2.1.1 | un-suck JavaScript APIs in IE8 & 9 |
air-datepicker | 2.2.3 | Lightweight customizable cross-browser jQuery datepicker, built with es5 and css-flexbox. Works in all modern desktop and mobile browsers (tested no Android 4.4+ and iOS8+)  |
airbrake-browser | 2.1.8 | Official Airbrake notifier for browsers |
airbrake-js | 1.6.7 | Notify Airbrake on JavaScript exceptions |
aitmed-cadl | 1.7.190 | A package with utilities to manage and process CADL files. |
aja | 0.4.1 | Asynchronous JavaScript And JavaScript/JSON(P) : Ajax without XML |
ajax-bootstrap-select | 1.4.5 | Extends existing [Bootstrap Select] implementations by adding the ability to search via AJAX requests as you type. Originally for CROSCON. |
ajaxify | 8.3.0 | Ajaxify your site out of the box, instantly |
ajaxrequest.js | 2.1.9 | A JavaScript class library that can help in managing AJAX requests. |
ajile | 2.1.7 | ajile enables namespacing, dependency-management, and on-demand loading of cross-domain, local, and inline JavaScript within browsers. |
ajv | 8.17.1 | Another JSON Schema Validator |
ajv-async | 1.0.1 | Configure async validation mode in Ajv - JSON-Schema validator |
ajv-draft-04 | 1.0.0 | Another JSON Schema Validator specifically for Draft-04 support |
ajv-formats | 3.0.1 | Another JSON Schema Validator extension for JSON Schema format keywords |
akar-icons-fonts | 1.1.22 | A perfectly rounded icon library made for everyone. |
alasql | 4.6.1 | Versatile SQL database for browser or node. Handles relational data and nested JSON (noSQL). Export to and import from Excel, localStorage or IndexedDB |
alchemyjs | 0.4.2 | Alchemy.js is a graph drawing application built in d3. |
alertify.js | 0.3.11 | Alertify is an unobtrusive customizable JavaScript notification system. |
alertifyjs-alertify.js | 1.0.11 | An lightweight, unobtrusive customizable JavaScript notification system. |
alexandernst-angular-multi-select | 7.4.6 | A multi select dropdown directive for AngularJS |
algebra.js | 0.2.5 | Build, display, and solve algebraic equations. |
algoliasearch | 5.19.0 | AlgoliaSearch API JavaScript client |
algoliasearch-helper-js | 2.28.1 | Helper for implementing advanced search features with algolia |
algoliasearch.zendesk-hc | 2.32.0 | Algolia Search for Zendesk's Help Center |
ali-oss | 6.21.0 | aliyun oss(object storage service) node client |
alifd__next | 1.27.29 | A configurable component library for web built on React. |
allmighty-autocomplete | 1.0.140706 | Simple to use autocomplete directive in a module for AngularJs! |
allow-me | 0.1.1 | Visual aid for your users in giving you browser's permission such as cam or mic |
alloy-ui | 1.0.1 | AlloyUI |
alloyeditor | 2.14.10 | AlloyEditor, a modern WYSIWYG editor, build on top of CKEditor |
ally.js | 1.4.1 | JavaScript library to help web applications with accessibility concerns |
alpaca | 1.5.27 | Alpaca provides the easiest and fastest way to generate interactive forms for the web and mobile devices. It runs simply as HTML5 or more elaborately using Bootstrap, jQuery Mobile or jQuery UI. Alpaca uses Handlebars to process JSON schema and provide |
alpinejs | 3.14.8 | A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup. |
alpinejs-anchor | 3.14.8 | Alpine's Anchor plugin allows you to easily anchor an element's positioning to another element on the page. |
alpinejs-collapse | 3.14.8 | Alpine's Collapse plugin allows you to expand and collapse elements using smooth animations. |
alpinejs-focus | 3.14.8 | Alpine's Focus plugin allows you to manage focus on a page. |
alpinejs-intersect | 3.14.8 | Alpine's Intersect plugin is a convenience wrapper for Intersection Observer that allows you to easily react when an element enters the viewport. |
alpinejs-mask | 3.14.8 | Alpine's Mask plugin allows you to automatically format a text input field as a user types. |
alpinejs-morph | 3.14.8 | Alpine's Morph plugin allows you to 'morph' an element on the page into the provided HTML template, all while preserving any browser or Alpine state within the 'morphed' element. |
alpinejs-persist | 3.14.8 | Alpine's Persist plugin allows you to persist Alpine state across page loads. |
alpinejs-resize | 3.14.8 | Alpine's Resize plugin is a convenience wrapper for the Resize Observer that allows you to easily react when an element changes size. |
alpinejs-sort | 3.14.8 | Alpine's Sort plugin allows you to easily re-order elements by dragging them with your mouse. |
alpinejs-ui | 3.14.8 | A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup. |
alt | 0.18.6 | A flux implementation |
alt-lodash | 1.0.5 | This library can be used as alternate of lodash |
alton | 1.2.1 | Alton is a jQuery-powered scrolling plugin, with a twist. |
amazeui | 2.7.2 | Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development. |
amazeui-react | 1.2.3 | Amaze UI components build with React. |
amcharts | 3.21.15 | JavaScript Charts V3 |
amcharts4 | 4.10.38 | The most advanced amCharts charting library for JavaScript and TypeScript apps. |
ami.js | 0.33.0 | AMI Medical Imaging (AMI) JS ToolKit for THREEJS |
amis | 6.9.0 | 一种MIS页面生成工具 |
ammaps | 3.21.15 | JavaScript Maps V3, a ready-to-use library, providing instant drop-in solution for adding accessible, interactive mapping functionality to your web sites and applications. Features hundreds of hand-crafted quality maps, vast customization options, and flexible functionality. |
amplifyjs | 1.1.2 | AmplifyJS is a set of components for data management and application communication. |
amplitudejs | 5.3.2 | A JavaScript library that allows you to control the design of your media controls in your webpage -- not the browser. No dependencies (jQuery not required) https://521dimensions.com/open-source/amplitudejs |
amstockchart | 3.13.0 | amCharts is a robust charting tool that will suit any dataviz need. |
anabolicset | 1.4.1 | Javascript Set on steroids. |
analytics.js | 2.9.1 | The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any web application. |
anchor-js | 5.0.0 | A Javscript utility for adding deep anchor links to online docs. |
anchor.js | 1.0.6 | This small but might really useful jQuery Plugin brings in an animation to all native section link and smoothly jumps at an element anywhere on your page. |
anchorific | 0.1.3 | Automatically generate anchored headings and nested navigations based on header tags |
anchorme | 3.0.8 | A library to convert URLs to a clickable HTML anchor elements |
androidicons | 1.0 | Androidicons is a professional, handcrafted icon set with 250 icons in 14 different colors and 5 sizes, including an icon font and all sources |
angucomplete-alt | 3.0.0 | Awesome Autocompleteness for AngularJS |
angular | 12.2.17 | Angular - the core framework |
angular-animate | 1.8.3 | AngularJS module for CSS-based animations (keyframes and transitions) as well as JavaScript-based animations. |
angular-aria | 1.8.3 | AngularJS module for common ARIA attributes that convey state or semantic information about the application for users of assistive technologies, such as screen readers. |
angular-audio | 1.7.4 | Total awesomeness for playing sounds in AngularJS |
angular-auth0 | 3.1.0 | Auth0.js wrapper for Angular.js |
angular-auto-validate | 1.19.0 | An automatic validation module for AngularJS which gets rid of excess html in favour of dynamic element modification to notify the user of validation errors |
angular-autofields | 2.2.8 | Automatically generate fields from a schema object and bind them to an object |
angular-azure-mobile-service | 1.3.11 | Angular Azure Mobile Service |
angular-bacon | 2.0.1 | bacon.js bindings for AngularJS |
angular-base64 | 2.0.5 | Base64 conversion for AngularJS |
angular-base64-upload | 0.1.23 | Converts files from file input into base64 encoded models. |
angular-bindonce | 0.3.3 | Zero watchers binding directives for AngularJS |
angular-block-ui | 0.2.2 | An AngularJS module that allows you to block user interaction on AJAX requests. |
angular-bootstrap-colorpicker | 3.0.32 | Native AngularJS colorpicker directive |
angular-bootstrap-datetimepicker | 4.0.1 | This directive allows you to add a datetime-picker to your form elements. |
angular-bootstrap-lightbox | 0.12.0 | An AngularJS lightbox built using UI Bootstrap Modal. |
angular-bootstrap-slider | 0.1.28 | An angular directive for seiyria-bootstrap-slider |
angular-bootstrap-switch | 0.5.2 | AngularJS directive for the bootstrap-switch jQuery plugin. |
angular-br-filters | 0.7.0 | An Angular library of masks applicable to several Brazilian data. |
angular-breadcrumb | 0.5.0 | AngularJS module that generates a breadcrumb from ui-router's states |
angular-busy | 4.1.4 | Show busy/loading indicators on any $http or $resource request, or on any promise |
angular-cache | 4.6.0 | angular-cache is a very useful replacement for Angular's $cacheFactory. |
angular-cached-resource | 1.4.2 | An AngularJS module to interact with RESTful resources, even when browser is offline |
angular-carousel | 1.1.0 | Angular Carousel - Mobile friendly touch carousel for AngularJS |
angular-chart.js | 1.1.1 | An angular.js wrapper for Chart.js |
angular-chartist.js | 4.3.4 | Angular directive for Chartist.js |
angular-charts | 0.2.7 | angular directives for common charts using d3, for more information visit |
angular-chosen-localytics | 1.9.3 | Angular Chosen directive is an AngularJS Directive that brings the Chosen jQuery in a Angular way |
angular-ckeditor | 1.0.3 | CKEditor directive for Angular. |
angular-clipboard | 1.7.0 | Copy to clipboard with AngularJS directive, without using Flash. |
angular-confirm | 1.2.6 | Angular Confirm Modal |
angular-cookie | 4.1.0 | angular module for accessing browser coockies |
angular-cookies | 1.8.3 | AngularJS module for reading and writing browser cookies |
angular-css | 1.0.8 | CSS on-demand for AngularJS |
angular-css-injector | 1.4.0 | angularJS service to load dynamically CSS files |
angular-data | 1.5.3 | Angular wrapper for js-data. |
angular-data-table | 0.8.1 | A feature-rich but lightweight ES6 AngularJS Data Table crafted for large data sets! |
angular-datatables | 2.1.0 | Angular module that provides a datatable directive along with datatable options helpers. |
angular-debounce | 0.1.7 | AngularJS Debounce service and directive |
angular-deckgrid | 0.5.0 | A lightweight masonry-like grid for AngularJS. |
angular-dialog-service | 5.3.0 | A service to handle common dialog types in a web application. Built on top of Angular-Bootstrap's modal |
angular-drag-and-drop-lists | 2.1.0 | Angular directives for sorting nested lists using the HTML5 Drag and Drop API |
angular-dragula | 1.2.8 | Drag and drop so simple it hurts |
angular-dynamic-locale | 0.1.38 | A minimal module that adds the ability to dynamically change the locale |
angular-elastic | 2.5.1 | Elastic (autosize) textareas for AngularJS, without jQuery dependency. |
angular-elastic-input | 2.4.0 | A directive for AngularJS which automatically resizes the width of input field according to the content, while typing. |
angular-elevatezoom-plus | 1.2.2 | Angular directive for ElevateZoom Plus. |
angular-file-saver | 1.1.3 | An AngularJS service that implements the HTML5 W3C saveAs() in browsers that do not natively support it |
angular-file-upload | 2.6.1 | Angular File Upload is a module for the AngularJS framework |
angular-filemanager | 1.5.1 | A very smart filemanager to manage your files in the browser. |
angular-filter | 0.5.17 | Bunch of useful filters for angularJS(with no external dependencies!) |
angular-flatpickr | 3.6.6 | angular directive for flatpickr |
angular-fontselect | 0.13.4 | A fontselect directive for AngularJS |
angular-formly | 8.4.1 | AngularJS directive which takes JSON representing a form and renders to HTML |
angular-formly-material | 0.14.3 | Material design templates for angular-formly |
angular-formly-templates-bootstrap | 6.5.1 | Angular-Formly plugin which outputs bootstrap compatible form fields. |
angular-foundation | 0.8.0 | Angular components for Foundation |
angular-foundation-6 | 0.11.22 | This project is a port of the AngularUI team's excellent angular-bootstrap project for use in the Foundation framework. |
angular-gantt | 1.3.3 | Gantt chart component for AngularJS |
angular-gettext | 2.4.2 | Gettext support for Angular.js |
angular-google-analytics | 1.1.9 | Angular Google Analytics - Easy tracking for your AngularJS application |
angular-google-chart | 0.1.0 | Google Chart Tools AngularJS Directive Module |
angular-google-maps | 2.4.1 | AngularJS directives for Google Maps |
angular-gravatar | 0.4.2 | Angular.JS directive for gravatar images |
angular-gridster | 0.13.15 | An implementation of gridster-like widgets for Angular JS. This directive gives you gridster behavior |
angular-growl | 0.4.0 | growl like notifications for angularJS projects, using bootstrap alert classes |
angular-growl-2 | 0.7.9 | growl like notifications for angularJS projects, using bootstrap alert classes |
angular-hal | 2.3.0 | Hal client for angularjs |
angular-highlightjs | 0.7.1 | AngularJS directive for syntax highlighting with highlight.js |
angular-hotkeys | 1.7.0 | Automatic keyboard shortcuts for your Angular Apps |
angular-http-auth | 1.5.0 | HTTP Auth Interceptor Module for AngularJS. |
angular-i18n | 1.8.3 | Locales for AngularJS |
angular-image-spinner | 0.1.5 | Angular directive for showing spinner in the container with image. |
angular-img-cropper | 1.1.0 | Client side image cropper directive for AngularJS (rectangular area, aspect ratio, multi-touch) |
angular-imgcache.js | 0.1.0 | Simple imgcache.js wrapper for AngularJS, can be used with Ionic/Cordova/Phonegap. |
angular-input-masks | 4.4.1 | Personalized input masks for AngularJS |
angular-inview | 3.1.0 | AngularJS directive to check if a DOM element is in the browser viewport. |
angular-js-bootstrap-datetimepicker | 2.5.1 | Date-time picker AngularJS Bootstrap plugin |
angular-ladda | 0.4.3 | An angular directive wrapper for Ladda. |
angular-leaflet-directive | 0.10.0 | angular-leaflet-directive - An AngularJS directive to easily interact with Leaflet maps |
angular-linkify | 2.0.0 | Angular filter to linkify urls, "@" usernames, and hashtags. |
angular-loader | 1.8.3 | Module loader for AngularJS modules. If you are loading multiple script files containing AngularJS modules, you can load them asynchronously and in any order as long as you load this file first. |
angular-loading-bar | 0.9.0 | An automatic loading bar for AngularJS |
angular-local-storage | 0.7.1 | An Angular module that gives you access to the browsers local storage |
angular-mapboxgl-directive | 0.46.0 | An AngularJS directive for Mapbox GL |
angular-material | 1.2.5 | Material Design for AngularJS Apps |
angular-material-calendar | 0.2.14 | A calendar directive for AngularJS and Angular Material Design |
angular-material-data-table | 0.10.10 | Material Design data table. |
angular-material-icons | 0.7.1 | AngularJS directive to use Material Design icons with custom fill color and size. |
angular-materialize | 0.2.2 | Angularjs directives for Materialize CSS Framework |
angular-md5 | 0.1.10 | A md5 crypto component for Angular.js |
angular-media-queries | 0.6.1 | Angular service to test if a given @media statment is true. |
angular-message-format | 1.8.3 | AngularJS module extends the AngularJS $interpolate service with a syntax for handling pluralization and gender specific messages, which is based on the ICU MessageFormat syntax. |
angular-messages | 1.8.3 | AngularJS module that provides enhanced support for displaying messages within templates |
angular-mixpanel | 1.1.2 | Wraps the mixpanel JavaScript global to make it injectable and aid in testing |
angular-mocks | 1.8.3 | AngularJS mocks for testing |
angular-moment | 1.3.0 | Angular.JS directives for Moment.JS (timeago alternative) |
angular-moment-picker | 0.10.2 | Angular Moment Picker is an AngularJS directive for date and time picker using Moment.js |
angular-morris | 1.3.0 | Easy use of morris.js with angular.js |
angular-motion | 0.4.4 | AngularMotion - Fancy CSS3 animations for AngularJS 1.2+ |
angular-mousewheel | 1.0.5 | An AngularJS directive for cross-browser mouse wheel support, using the small and standalone Hamster.js library. |
angular-multi-select | 4.0.0 | A multi select dropdown directive for AngularJS |
angular-notification | 1.1.1 | Notification service for Angular using native HTML5 API. |
angular-numeraljs | 2.0.1 | AngularJS filter for Numeral.js: number formatting as a filter |
angular-nvd3 | 1.0.9 | An AngularJS directive for NVD3.js reusable charting library |
angular-pageslide-directive | 2.2.0 | AngularJS sliding panel for serving additional content from off the page |
angular-parse-ext | 1.8.3 | AngularJS module provides functionality to allow Unicode characters in identifiers inside AngularJS expressions. |
angular-patternfly | 5.0.3 | Angular extension of the PatternFly project. |
angular-pdf-viewer | 0.2.13 | An AngularJS directive to display PDFs |
angular-permission | 6.0.0 | Simple route authorization via roles/permissions |
angular-poller | 0.4.5 | Angular Poller service uses a timer and sends requests every few seconds to keep the client synced with the server. |
angular-pusher | 0.0.14 | AngularJS provider and service for Pusher |
angular-qrcode | 7.2.0 | QR Code elements for AngularJS. |
angular-recaptcha | 4.2.0 | An AngularJS module to ease usage of reCaptcha inside a form |
angular-relative-date | 2.1.1 | AngularJS filter to provide relative, human-readable dates. |
angular-resizable | 1.2.0 | A directive for creating resizable containers in angular. |
angular-resource | 1.8.3 | AngularJS module for interacting with RESTful server-side data sources |
angular-restmod | 1.1.11 | API Bound Models for AngularJS |
angular-retina | 0.3.13 | Replace AngularJS directive 'ng-src' by a version which supports Retina displays |
angular-route | 1.8.3 | AngularJS module for routing and deeplinking services and directives |
angular-route-segment | 1.5.1 | A lightweight extension for AngularJS $route service which supports tree-like nested views and routes hierarchy, and advanced loading flow handling. |
angular-sanitize | 1.8.3 | AngularJS module for sanitizing HTML |
angular-schema-form | 0.8.14 | Create complex forms from a JSON schema with angular. |
angular-scroll | 1.0.2 | Scrollspy, animated scrollTo and scroll events |
angular-signalr-hub | 1.6.3 | A handy wrapper for SignalR Hubs. Just specify the hub name, listening functions, and methods that you're going to use. |
angular-simple-logger | 0.1.7 | Basic logger with level logging which can also be independent. |
angular-slick-carousel | 3.1.7 | Angular directive for slick carousel |
angular-smart-table | 2.1.11 | Smart table is a table module for angular js. It allows you to quickly compose your table in a declarative way including sorting, filtering, row selection pagination. |
angular-smooth-scrollbar | 7.2.0 | An angular module that allows you customize smooth scrollbars |
angular-socialshare | 2.3.11 | A social urls and content sharing directive for angularjs. |
angular-socket-io | 0.7.0 | Socket.IO component for AngularJS |
angular-sortable-view | 0.0.21 | Fully declarative (multi)sortable for AngularJS |
angular-soundmanager2 | 0.5.6 | SoundManager2 Music Player for AngularJs |
angular-spinner | 1.0.1 | Angular directive to show an animated spinner (using spin.js) |
angular-storage | 0.0.15 | A Storage done right for AngularJS |
angular-strap | 2.3.12 | AngularStrap - AngularJS directives for Bootstrap |
angular-stripe | 5.0.0 | Angular service provider for interacting with Stripe |
angular-summernote | 0.8.1 | AngularJS directive to Summernote |
angular-svg-round-progressbar | 0.4.8 | AngularJS module that uses SVG to create a circular progressar |
angular-sweetalert | 1.1.2 | AngularJS wrapper for SweetAlert |
angular-timer | 1.3.5 | A simple, re-usable, inter-operable timer directive |
angular-toarrayfilter | 1.0.3 | An angular filter to convert objects to arrays for easy filtering and sorting |
angular-toastr | 2.1.1 | Angular-toastr is a notification library based on CodeSeven/toastr but written for Angular.js |
angular-tooltips | 1.2.2 | Angular.js tooltips module. |
angular-touch | 1.8.3 | AngularJS module for touch events and helpers for touch-enabled devices |
angular-translate | 2.19.1 | i18n for your Angular apps, made easy |
angular-translate-handler-log | 2.19.1 | Uses angular's $log service to give a warning when trying to translate a translation id which doesn't exist. |
angular-translate-interpolation-messageformat | 2.19.1 | Uses MessageFormat.js to interpolate strings against some values. |
angular-translate-loader-partial | 2.19.1 | angular-translate-loader-partial |
angular-translate-loader-static-files | 2.19.1 | Creates a loading function for a typical static file url pattern: "lang-en_US.json", "lang-de_DE.json", etc. Using this builder, the response of these urls must be an object of key-value pairs. |
angular-translate-loader-url | 2.19.1 | Creates a loading function for a typical dynamic url pattern: "locale.php?lang=en_US", "locale.php?lang=de_DE", "locale.php?language=nl_NL" etc. Prefixing the specified url, the current requested, language id will be applied with "?{queryParameter}={key}". Using this service, the response of these urls must be an object of key-value pairs. |
angular-translate-storage-cookie | 2.19.1 | Abstraction layer for cookieStore. This service is used when telling angular-translate to use cookieStore as storage. |
angular-translate-storage-local | 2.19.1 | Abstraction layer for localStorage. This service is used when telling angular-translate to use localStorage as storage. |
angular-tree-control | 0.2.30 | Angular Tree Control |
angular-truncate | 0.1.2 | Angular Truncate - Ellipsis for your templates |
angular-ui | 0.4.0 | AngularUI - The companion suite for AngularJS |
angular-ui-ace | 0.2.3 | This directive allows you to add ACE editor elements. |
angular-ui-bootstrap | 2.5.6 | Native AngularJS (Angular) directives for Bootstrap |
angular-ui-calendar | 1.0.0 | A complete AngularJS directive for the Arshaw FullCalendar. |
angular-ui-codemirror | 0.3.0 | This directive allows you to add CodeMirror to your textarea elements. |
angular-ui-date | 1.0.1 | This directive allows you to add a date-picker to your form elements. |
angular-ui-grid | 4.12.7 | A data grid for Angular |
angular-ui-mask | 1.8.7 | Mask on an input field so the user can only type pre-determined pattern |
angular-ui-notification | 0.3.6 | Angular.js service providing simple notifications using Bootstrap 3 styles with css transitions for animating |
angular-ui-router | 1.1.1 | State-based routing for AngularJS |
angular-ui-router-default | 0.0.6 | AngularJS module that adds support for specifying default child views for abstract states when using ui-router. |
angular-ui-router-title | 0.1.1 | AngularJS module for updating browser title/history based on the current ui-router state. |
angular-ui-router.statehelper | 1.3.1 | A helper module for AngularUI Router, which allows you to define your states as an object tree. |
angular-ui-scrollpoint | 2.1.1 | Add a 'ui-scrollpoint' class to elements when the page scrolls past them. |
angular-ui-select | 0.19.8 | AngularJS ui-select |
angular-ui-slider | 0.4.0 | This directive allows you to add a slider to your form elements. |
angular-ui-sortable | 0.19.0 | This directive allows you to jQueryUI Sortable. |
angular-ui-switch | 0.1.1 | iOS 7 style switch directive for AngularJS |
angular-ui-tinymce | 0.0.19 | This directive allows you to add a tinymce to your form elements. |
angular-ui-tree | 2.22.6 | An AngularJS UI component that can sort nested lists, provides drag & drop support and doesn't depend on jQuery |
angular-ui-utils | 0.1.1 | AngularUI is the companion suite to the AngularJS framework. |
angular-ui-validate | 1.2.3 | General-purpose validator for ngModel. |
angular-utf8-base64 | 0.0.5 | Base64 encoding/decoding with UTF8 support for AngularJS Apps |
angular-validation | 1.4.5 | Client-side Validation for AngularJS |
angular-validator | 1.2.10 | Powerful, flexible and simple Angular validation! |
angular-vertxbus | 6.4.1 | AngularJS facade and service acting as a Vert.x SockJS client |
angular-video-bg | 0.3.4 | An Angular.js YouTube video background player directive that stresses simplicity and performance. |
angular-websocket | 2.0.1 | An Angular WebSocket service for connecting client applications to servers. |
angular-wizard | 1.1.1 | Easy to use Wizard library for AngularJS |
angular-wysiwyg | 1.2.4 | AngularJS WYSIWYG editor |
angular-xeditable | 0.10.2 | Edit-in-place for angular.js |
angular.js | 1.8.3 | AngularJS is an MVC framework for building web applications. The core features include HTML enhanced with custom component and data-binding capabilities, dependency injection and strong focus on simplicity, testability, maintainability and boiler-plate reduction. |
angular2-materialize | 15.1.10 | Angular 2 support for Materialize CSS framework |
angular2-polyfill | 0.0.32 | Angular2 polyfill for Angular1 |
angularFire | 2.3.0 | The officially supported AngularJS binding for Firebase |
angularLocalStorage | 0.3.2 | angular local storage module |
angularSubkit | 1.0.3 | AngularSubkit is a set of browser Subkit bindings for AngularJS. |
angularjs-color-picker | 3.4.8 | Color Picker Directive For AngularJS |
angularjs-datepicker | 2.1.23 | A datepicker directive for angularjs. |
angularjs-dropdown-multiselect | 1.11.8 | This directive gives you a Bootstrap Dropdown with the power of AngularJS directives. |
angularjs-google-maps | 1.18.5 | The Simplest AngularJS Google Maps V3 Directive |
angularjs-ie8-build | 1.3.20 | A build of AngularJS 1.3 with polyfils and some changes to bring back IE8 compatibilty |
angularjs-nvd3-directives | 0.0.7 | Angular.js directives for nvd3 |
angularjs-pdf | 2.0.0 | An Angularjs directive |
angularjs-scroll-glue | 2.2.0 | An AngularJs directive that automatically scrolls to the bottom of an element on changes in its scope. |
angularjs-slider | 7.1.0 | AngularJS slider directive with no external dependencies. Mobile friendly!. |
angularjs-toaster | 3.0.0 | AngularJS Toaster is a customized version of toastr non-blocking notification javascript library |
angulartics | 1.6.0 | Vendor-agnostic web analytics for AngularJS applications |
angulartics-google-analytics | 0.5.0 | Google Analytics plugin for Angulartics |
angulartics2 | 14.1.0 | Vendor-agnostic web analytics for Angular2 applications |
anima | 0.4.0 | CSS/JS Animations Library with Physics support |
animate.css | 4.1.1 | Plug and play, app-like animations for your websites and web apps. |
animateCSS | 1.2.2 | Animate CSS jQuery Plugin |
animated-header | 0.0.1 | A fixed header that will animate its size on scroll. The inner elements will also adjust their size with a transition. |
animatelo | 1.0.3 | Animatelo is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness. |
animateplus | 2.1.1 | CSS and SVG animation library |
animations | 2.1 | A versatile CSS3 animation pack with various usages, trigger CSS3 animations as elements enter the viewport, as you hover with a mouse or by binding them via JavaScript functions. |
animejs | 3.2.2 | Polyvalent Javascript animation engine |
animo.js | 1.0.3 | A powerful little tool for managing CSS animations |
animsition | 4.0.2 | A simple and easy jQuery plugin for CSS animated page transitions. |
annyang | 2.6.1 | A javascript library for adding voice commands to your site, using speech recognition |
ansi-to-html | 0.7.2 | Convert ansi escaped text streams to html. |
ant-design-blazor | 0.4.1 | A set of enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Blazor WebAssembly. |
ant-design-icons | 5.5.1 | Ant Design Icons for React |
ant-design-icons-svg | 4.4.2 | Abstract nodes for ant design icons. |
ant-design-pro | 2.3.2 | An enterprise-class UI design language and React-based implementation |
ant-design-vue | 4.2.6 | An enterprise-class UI design language and Vue-based implementation |
antd | 5.22.7 | An UI design language |
antd-mobile | 5.38.0 | A configurable Mobile UI specification and React-based implementation. |
antimoderate | 0.0.2 | The progressive image loading library for great good! |
antiscroll | 0.9 | Antiscroll addresses this issue by providing a cross-browser implementation of the scrollbars popularized by OS X Lion that retains native properties. |
antv-g2 | 5.2.10 | the Grammar of Graphics in Javascript |
antv-g6 | 5.0.40 | A Graph Visualization Framework in JavaScript |
antv-x6 | 3.0.0 | JavaScript diagramming library that uses SVG and HTML for rendering. |
antv-x6-react-shape | 2.2.3 | X6 shape for rendering react components. |
anyjs | 1.0.6 | It's a library which improve JS UI-development. |
anythingslider | 1.9.7 | Just what the world needs, another jQuery slider. YAWN. I know, check this one out though, it's got lots of cool features. Here on CSS-Tricks, I've created a number of different sliders. Three, in fact. A "featured content" slider, a "start/stop slider", and "moving boxes". Each of them had some cool interesting feature that I needed to build at the time. All were well-received, but as is the case with these things, people want them to do X, Y, and Z in addition to what they already did. This new AnythingSlider is an attempt at bringing together the functionality of all of those previous sliders and adding new features. In other words, to create a really "full featured" slider that could be widely useful. This is the first time (on CSS-Tricks) that one of these sliders is an actual plugin as well, which should make implementing it and customizing it much easier. |
aos | 2.3.4 | Animate on scroll library |
apexcharts | 4.3.0 | A JavaScript Chart Library |
aphrodite | 2.4.0 | Inline styles in JS that just work (TM) |
api-check | 7.5.5 | Validate the api to your functions to help people use them correctly. This is pretty much React's propTypes without React. |
aping | 1.4.3 | apiNG is an AngularJS directive that enables you to receive, aggregate, limit, order and display data from one or more sources. The complete setup is dead simple, just by adding data-attributes to your html |
aplayer | 1.10.1 | Wow, such a beautiful html5 music player |
apng-canvas | 2.1.2 | Library for displaing animated PNG files in browsers with canvas support |
app-loading | 0.0.51 | Focus on Medium-like app loading style |
appbase-js | 5.3.4 | Appbase.io streaming client lib for Javascript |
approvejs | 3.1.2 | A simple JavaScript validation library that doesn't interfere. |
aquarelle | 1.0.0 | watercolor animation |
ar.js | 2.2.2 | Efficient Augmented Reality for the Web |
aragonite-form-validator | 1.1.2 | A lightweight and onobstrusive field validator that helps you validate any kind of data before submiting to your server. |
arbor | 0.91.0 | a graph visualization library using web workers and jQuery |
architect | 0.1.0 | Architect is a JavaScript library built on top of Web Workers. He will manage and polyfill them workers so you don’t have to. |
arduino-create-agent-js-client | 2.15.1 | JS module providing discovery of the Arduino Create Plugin and communication with it |
argon-dashboard | 2.0.4 | Argon - Dashboard for Bootstrap 5 by Creative Tim |
argon-dashboard-django | 1.0.2 | Template project - Django Boilerplate Code |
argon-dashboard-react | 1.2.0 | React version of Argon Dashboard by Creative Tim |
argon2-browser | 1.18.0 | Argon2 library compiled for browser runtime |
arkane-connect | 1.27.0 | Arkane Connect - api library for 3th parties |
arrive | 2.5.2 | arrive.js provides events to watch for DOM elements creation and removal. It makes use of Mutation Observers internally. |
art-template | 4.13.2 | JavaScript Template Engine |
artDialog | 7.0.0 | classical web dialog module which perfectly crafted from inside to outside |
artalk | 2.9.1 | A Selfhosted Comment System |
artitalk | 3.3.4 | 基于leancloud实现的静态页面可实时发布说说/微语的js |
artplayer | 5.2.1 | ArtPlayer.js is a modern and full featured HTML5 video player |
asap | 2.0.6 | High-priority task queue for Node.js and browsers |
asciidoctor.js | 1.5.9 | A JavaScript AsciiDoc processor, cross-compiled from the Ruby-based AsciiDoc implementation, Asciidoctor, using Opal |
asciinema-player | 2.6.1 | Web player for terminal session recordings |
asmCrypto | 2.3.2 | Asm.js implementation of WebCrypto API |
aspnet-signalr | 1.0.27 | ASP.NET Core SignalR is an open-source library that simplifies adding real-time web functionality to apps. Real-time web functionality enables server-side code to push content to clients instantly. |
async | 3.2.6 | Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code |
asynquence | 0.10.2 | promise-style async sequence flow-control |
asynquence-contrib | 0.28.2 | additional plugins for asynquence |
at.js | 1.5.4 | Add Github like mentions autocomplete to your application. |
atmosphere | 4.0.1 | A browser-side JavaScript client for the Atmosphere |
atrament.js | 4.5.0 | Tiny JS library for beautiful drawing and handwriting on the HTML Canvas |
attrchange | 2.0.1 | attrchange is a simple jQuery crossbrowser plugin to bind a listener function to any HTML element on attribute change. |
audio5js | 0.1.12 | HTML5 Audio Compatibility Layer |
audiojs | 1.0.1 | A cross-browser javascript wrapper for the html5 audio tag |
audiosynth | 1.0.0 | Dynamic waveform audio synthesizer, written in Javascript. Generate musical notes dynamically and play them in your browser using the HTML5 Audio Element. |
augment | 4.3.1 | The world's smallest and fastest classical JavaScript inheritance pattern. |
augment.js | 1.0.0 | Enables use of modern JavaScript by augmenting built in objects with the latest JavaScript methods. |
aui | 9.12.6 | Atlassian User Interface Framework |
aurelia | 1.0.2 | The home for Aurelia's concatenated script-tag-ready build and its simple starter-kit. |
aurelia-script | 1.5.2 | Aurelia's concatenated script-tag-ready build. |
aurora-grid | 1.0.9 | Grid system for Aurora Kit |
aurora.js | 0.4.2 | Audio decoding framework |
aurora.js-aac | 0.1.0 | An AAC decoder for Aurora.js |
aurora.js-alac | 0.1.0 | An Apple Lossless decoder for Aurora.js |
aurora.js-flac | 0.2.1 | A FLAC decoder for Aurora.js |
aurora.js-mp3 | 0.1.0 | An MP3 decoder for Aurora.js |
auth0-js | 9.28.0 | Auth0 headless browser sdk |
authy-form-helpers | 2.3 | Authy Form Helpers help you build your Registration and Verification forms to use Authy quicker |
authy-forms.css | 2.2 | Authy Form Helpers help you build your Registration and Verification forms to use Authy quicker |
authy-forms.js | 2.2 | Authy Form Helpers help you build your Registration and Verification forms to use Authy quicker |
auto-animate | 0.8.2 | Add motion to your apps with a single line of code. |
autobahn | 22.10.1 | An implementation of The Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP). |
autocompeter | 1.2.3 | A really fast AJAX autocomplete service and widget |
autocomplete.js | 0.38.1 | Fast and fully-featured autocomplete library |
autolinker | 3.15.0 | Utility to automatically link the URLs, email addresses, and Twitter handles in a given block of text/HTML |
autonumeric | 4.10.7 | autoNumeric is a standalone Javascript library that provides live *as-you-type* formatting for international numbers and currencies. It supports most International numeric formats and currencies including those used in Europe, Asia, and North and South America. |
autosize.js | 6.0.1 | Autosize is a small, stand-alone script to automatically adjust textarea height to fit text. |
autotrack | 2.4.1 | Automatic + enhanced analytics.js tracking for common user interactions |
avalanche-css | 1.3.1 | Superclean, powerful, responsive, Sass-based, BEM-syntax CSS grid system |
avalon.js | 2.2.7 | A lightweight,high-performance and easy-to-learn javascript MVVM framework |
avgrund | 0.1.0 | A JS/CSS3 modal UI concept |
awesome-bootstrap-checkbox | 1.0.4 | Font Awesome Bootstrap Checkboxes & Radios. Pure css way to make inputs look prettier. |
awesome-notifications | 3.1.3 | Lightweight library for beautifull and smooth notifications |
awesome-qr | 2.1.5-rc.0 | An awesome but simple QR code generator written in JavaScript. |
awesomplete | 1.1.7 | Ultra lightweight, usable, beautiful autocomplete with zero dependencies. |
aws-amplify | 4.3.46 | AWS Amplify is a JavaScript library for Frontend and mobile developers building cloud-enabled applications. |
aws-sdk | 2.1692.0 | AWS SDK for JavaScript |
axe-core | 4.10.2 | Accessibility engine for automated Web UI testing |
axios | 1.7.8 | Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js |
azure-storage-blob | 12.26.0 | Microsoft Azure Storage SDK for JavaScript - Blob |
bPopup | 0.11.0 | bPopup is a lightweight jQuery modal popup plugin. It doesn't create or style your popup but provides you with all the logic like centering, modal overlay, events and more. It gives you a lot of opportunities to customize so it will fit your needs. |
babel-core | 6.1.19 | A compiler for writing next generation JavaScript |
babel-polyfill | 7.12.1 | Provides polyfills necessary for a full ES2015+ environment |
babel-standalone | 7.26.4 | Standalone build of Babel for use in non-Node.js environments. Similar to the (now deprecacted) babel-browser |
babelfish | 2.0.0 | i18n with human friendly syntax |
babili-standalone | 0.0.10 | Standalone build of Babili (babel-minify) for use in non-Node.js environments |
babylonjs | 7.43.0 | Babylon.js is a JavaScript 3D engine based on webgl. |
backbone-associations | 0.6.2 | Create object hierarchies with Backbone models. Respond to hierarchy changes using regular Backbone events |
backbone-forms | 0.14.1 | A flexible, customisable form framework for Backbone.JS applications. |
backbone-localstorage.js | 2.0.2 | A simple module to replace Backbone.sync with localStorage-based persistence. Models are given GUIDS, and saved into a JSON object. Simple as that. |
backbone-pageable | 1.4.8 | A pageable Backbone.Collection superset. Supports server-side/client-side/infinite pagination and sorting. |
backbone-react-component | 1.0.0 | Backbone.React.Component is a wrapper for React.Component and brings all the power of Facebook's React to Backbone.js |
backbone-relational | 0.10.0 | Get and set relations (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one) for Backbone models |
backbone-super | 1.0.4 | A convenient super method for the popular JavaScript library, Backbone.js. |
backbone-tastypie | 0.2 | A small compatibility layer to make backbone.js and django-tastypie work together happily. |
backbone.babysitter | 1.0.0 | Manage child views in a Backbone.View |
backbone.collectionView | 3.0.0 | Easily render backbone.js collections with support for automatic selection of models in response to clicks, reordering models via drag and drop, and more. |
backbone.epoxy | 1.3.1 | Elegant data binding for Backbone.js |
backbone.eventbinder | 0.1.0 | Manage your Backbone event bindings better |
backbone.fetch-cache | 1.1.2 | Caches calls to Backbone.[Model | Collection].fetch |
backbone.js | 1.6.0 | Give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events. |
backbone.layoutmanager | 1.0.0 | A layout and template manager for Backbone.js applications. |
backbone.marionette | 4.1.3 | Make your Backbone.js apps dance! |
backbone.modal | 1.1.5 | A plugin for Backbone.js that simplifies creating modals for your application. |
backbone.modelbinder | 1.1.1 | Simple, flexible and powerful Model-View binding for Backbone. |
backbone.obscura | 0.1.6 | A read-only proxy of a Backbone.Collection that can easily be filtered, sorted, and paginated. |
backbone.paginator | 2.0.8 | A pageable Backbone.Collection superset. Supports server-side/client-side/infinite pagination and sorting. |
backbone.projections | 1.0.0 | Various projections for Backbone.Collection |
backbone.radio | 2.0.0 | Messaging patterns for Backbone applications. |
backbone.ribs | 0.2.2 | Deep get/set, bindings and computed model attributes for Backbone. |
backbone.routefilter | 0.2.0 | Before and after filters for Backbone.Router. |
backbone.stickit | 0.9.2 | Model binding in Backbone style. |
backbone.syphon | 0.8.0 | Serialize a Backbone.View in to a JavaScript object |
backbone.validation | 0.11.5 | A validation plugin for Backbone.js that validates both your model as well as form input. |
backbone.wreqr | 1.4.0 | A Simple Service Bus For Backbone and Backbone.Marionette |
backgrid.js | 0.3.8 | Backgrid.js is a set of components for building semantic and easily stylable data grid widgets with Backbone. |
background-blur | 0.1.3 | Cross browser blurring of images |
background-check | 1.2.2 | Automatically switch to a darker or a lighter version of an element depending on the brightness of images behind it. |
backpack.css | 3.0.0 | A lightweight and somewhat opinionated CSS foundation that is best suited to applications |
bacon.js | 3.0.19 | A small functional reactive programming lib for JavaScript. |
baffle.js | 0.3.6 | A tiny javascript library for obfuscating and revealing text in DOM elements. |
bagjs | 3.0.0 | JS / CSS / resources loader with cache in IndexedDB/Websql/localStorage + key/value storage |
baguettebox.js | 1.12.0 | Simple and easy to use lightbox script written in pure JavaScript |
balance-text | 3.3.1 | Plugin for implementing balancing of text across lines in a web page |
balloon-css | 1.2.0 | Simple tooltips made of pure CSS |
balupton-jquery-history | 1.5.0-final | Super-seeded by github.com/balupton/history.js - jQuery History allows you to easily track changes of the pages state by tracking URL Hashes. Supports changes triggered by bookmarks and back & forward buttons, as well as cross browser support. |
baobab | 2.6.1 | JavaScript persistent data tree with cursors. |
barba.js | 1.0.0 | Barba.js it's a small, flexible and dependency free library that helps you creating fluid and smooth transition between your website's pages. |
baremetrics-calendar | 1.0.14 | The Baremetrics date range picker is a simplified solution for selecting both date ranges and single dates all from a single calender view. There aren't a billion options but the code is pretty basic and modular so feel free to edit however to meet your own needs. |
barman | 0.4.2 | A small library to brew JavaScript objects. |
barn | 0.2.3 | Fast, atomic persistent storage layer on top of localstorage |
base | 5.2.0 | A Rock Solid, Responsive CSS Framework built to work on all devices big, small and in-between. |
base32 | 0.0.7 | Base32 encoding and decoding |
baseguide | 4.2.0 | Lightweight and robust CSS framework for prototyping and production code. |
basicLightbox | 5.0.4 | The lightest lightbox ever made |
basicModal | 3.3.9 | Easy-to-use modal window for your website or webapp |
basics | 1.3.3 | A lightweight, drop-in stylesheet for intelligent defaults. |
basicscroll | 3.0.4 | Standalone parallax scrolling for mobile and desktop with CSS variables |
basil.js | 0.4.11 | The missing Javascript smart persistant layer |
basis.js | 1.11.1 | JavaScript framework to build single-page applications |
basket.js | 0.5.2 | A script and resource loader for caching & loading scripts with localStorage |
basscss | 8.1.0 | Low-level CSS toolkit |
batman.js | 0.16.0 | The best client side framework for Rails developers. |
bchaddrjs | 0.5.2 | Bitcoin Cash general purpose address translation. |
bcryptjs | 2.4.3 | Optimized bcrypt in plain JavaScript with zero dependencies. Compatible to 'bcrypt'. |
bean | 1.0.15 | A small, fast, framework-agnostic event manager |
beepjs | 0.0.1 | Makes browser beep. |
beeplay | 0.0.5 | Write A Song In JavaScript |
behaviortree | 2.0.5 | A JavaScript implementation of Behavior Trees. They are useful for implementing AIs. For Browsers and NodeJS. |
bell-ui | 0.33.0 | UI component library for yox.js |
benchmark | 2.1.4 | A benchmarking library that supports high-resolution timers & returns statistically significant results. |
bespoke.js | 1.1.0 | DIY Presentation Micro-Framework |
better-ajv-errors | 1.2.0 | JSON Schema validation for Human |
better-dateinput-polyfill | 3.3.1 | input[type=date] polyfill for better-dom |
better-scroll | 2.5.1 | inspired by iscroll, and it has a better scroll perfermance |
between.js | 0.1.2 | Lightweight ES6 JavaScript tweening engine |
bf-solid | 2.11.2 | Solid CSS Styling |
big-integer | 1.6.52 | An arbitrary length integer library for Javascript |
big.js | 6.2.2 | A small, fast, easy-to-use library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic |
bigdecimal | 0.6.1 | Arbitrary-precision BigInteger and BigDecimal real numbers: Apache Harmony's implementation |
bigfishtv-turret | 5.2.1 | A responsive frontend framework build with Less to normalize styles for default HTML elements |
bigfoot | 2.1.4 | A jQuery plugin for creating exceptional HTML footnotes. |
bignumber.js | 9.1.2 | A library for arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic |
bigpicture | 2.6.3 | Lightweight image and video viewer, supports youtube / vimeo |
bigslide.js | 0.12.0 | A tiny slide panel navigation jQuery plugin with big dreams |
bigtext | 1.0.1 | Calculates the font-size and word-spacing needed to match a line of text to a specific width. (jQuery plugin) |
bilderrahmen | 1.0.1 | Lightweight vanilla-JS image lightbox crafted with CSS3 and inline SVG icons for modern browsers |
billboard.js | 3.14.3 | Re-usable easy interface JavaScript chart library, based on D3 v4+ |
bitcoinjs-lib | 0.2.0-1 | Client-side Bitcoin JavaScript library |
bitset.js | 5.1.0 | A performance optimized infinite bit vector library |
bizcharts | 4.1.23 | bizcharts |
bla | 1.9.2 | Easy way to create your own API methods for server and client sides |
blackbaud-skyux | 1.24.0 | Sky UX provides an HTML, CSS and JavaScript framework to implement Blackbaud's design patterns. |
blanket.js | 1.1.4 | seamless js code coverage |
blaze | 5.0.0 | Open Source CSS Framework |
blazy | 1.8.2 | A lightweight pure JavaScript script for lazy loading and multi-serving images. |
blendui | 0.0.4 | A Hybrid Javascript Framework For Mobile WebApp |
blissfuljs | 1.0.6 | Lightweight helper library for modern browsers. |
blob-polyfill | 9.0.20240710 | Blob.js implements the W3C Blob interface in browsers that do not natively support it. |
blob-util | 2.0.2 | Utilities for working with Blob objects in the browser |
blockadblock | 3.2.1 | Detects ad blockers (AdBlock, ...) |
blockly | 11.2.0 | Blockly is a library for building visual programming editors. |
bluebird | 3.7.2 | Full featured Promises/A+ implementation with exceptionally good performance |
blueimp-JavaScript-Templates | 3.20.0 | 1KB lightweight, fast & powerful JavaScript templating engine with zero dependencies. Compatible with server-side environments like Node.js, module loaders like RequireJS, Browserify or webpack and all web browsers. |
blueimp-file-upload | 10.32.0 | File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server-side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads. |
blueimp-gallery | 3.4.0 | blueimp Gallery is a touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image and video gallery, carousel and lightbox, optimized for both mobile and desktop web browsers. It features swipe, mouse and keyboard navigation, transition effects, slideshow functionality, fullscreen support and on-demand content loading and can be extended to display additional content types. |
blueimp-load-image | 5.16.0 | JavaScript Load Image is a library to load images provided as File or Blob objects or via URL. It returns an optionally scaled and/or cropped HTML img or canvas element. It also provides a method to parse image meta data to extract Exif tags and thumbnails and to restore the complete image header after resizing. |
blueimp-md5 | 2.19.0 | JavaScript MD5 implementation. |
blueprint | 2.1.5 | A sleek and simple interface for building powerful Javascript classes |
blueprintjs-core | 5.16.2 | A React UI toolkit for the web. |
boardgame-io | 0.50.2 | library for turn-based games |
boba.js | 1.0.3 | A small, easily extensible JavaScript library that makes working with Google Analytics easier. |
body-scroll-lock | 3.1.5 | Enables body scroll locking (for iOS Mobile and Tablet, Android, desktop Safari/Chrome/Firefox) without breaking scrolling of a target element (eg. modal/lightbox/flyouts/nav-menus) |
bodymovin | 5.12.2 | After Effects plugin for exporting animations to SVG + JavaScript or canvas + JavaScript |
boexfi | 1.0.0 | Some sample files used in the implementation of BoxOpi website. |
bokeh | 3.6.1 | Interactive, novel data visualization |
bonsai | 0.4.5 | Bonsai runtime and node server |
bonzo | 2.0.0 | Library agnostic, extensible DOM utility |
booking-js | 2.9.13 | Make a beautiful embeddable booking widget in minutes |
boosted | 5.3.3 | Orange Boosted with Bootstrap is a framework library accessible, ergonomic and Orange branded based on Bootstrap v4.3.1. |
bootbox.js | 6.0.0 | Wrappers for JavaScript alert(), confirm() and other flexible dialogs using the Bootstrap framework |
bootcards | 1.1.2 | A cards-based UI framework for mobile and desktop apps, built on top of Bootstrap |
bootflat | 2.0.4 | BOOTFLAT is an open source Flat UI KIT based on Bootstrap 3.2.0 CSS framework. It provides a faster, easier and less repetitive way for web developers to create elegant web apps. |
bootpag | 1.0.7 | bootpag - dynamic pagination jQuery plugin. Works well with bootstrap or standalone. |
bootstrap | 5.3.3 | The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. |
bootstrap-3-typeahead | 4.0.2 | Bootstrap 3 Typeahead: The typeahead autocomplete plugin for Twitter's Bootstrap 2 ready to use with Bootstrap 3. |
bootstrap-address-form | 1.0.0 | Responsive Address Form with Bootstrap 5. Templates include basic examples, use of cards, use of photos & more. |
bootstrap-autohidingnavbar | 4.0.0 | An extension for Bootstrap's fixed navbar which hides the navbar while the page is scrolling downwards and shows it the other way. The plugin is able to show/hide the navbar programmatically as well. |
bootstrap-avatars | 1.0.4 | Responsive Avatars built with Bootstrap 5. Various templates like a circle avatar, square, inside the navbar, carousel, as a testimonial, profile and many more. |
bootstrap-calendar | 0.2.5 | Bootstrap full view calendar |
bootstrap-chat | 1.0.2 | Responsive Chat built with Bootstrap 5. Many variants of the chat UI - mobile app, messages box, desktop widget and more. |
bootstrap-checkbox | 2.0.0 | A checkbox component based on Bootstrap framework |
bootstrap-colorpicker | 3.4.0 | Modular color picker plugin for Twitter Bootstrap |
bootstrap-combobox | 1.2.0 | A combobox plugin that works with twitter bootstrap |
bootstrap-comments | 1.0.0 | Responsive Comment Box built with the Bootstrap 5. Comment with avatar, nested comments, comment with reply, comment section, comment template, unread comments, comment form. |
bootstrap-comparison-table | 1.0.0 | Comparison table built with Bootstrap 5. Various examples like comparison table on pricing page, comparison card and many more. |
bootstrap-confirmation | 1.0.7 | Confirmation plugin compatible with Twitter Bootstrap 3 extending Popover |
bootstrap-confirmation2 | 4.2.1 | Bootstrap plugin for on-place confirm boxes using Popover |
bootstrap-contextmenu | 0.3.4 | Context-menu extension for the Bootstrap framework |
bootstrap-cookie-alert | 1.2.2 | A simple, good looking cookie alert built for Bootstrap 4. No dependencies required. |
bootstrap-credit-card-form | 1.0.0 | Responsive Credit Card Form built with the latest Bootstrap 5. Component to be used in eCommerce projects and checkout pages. |
bootstrap-dark-mode | 1.0.2 | Responsive Dark Mode theme built with Bootstrap 5 with Dark Mode toggle button that switches between dark and light themes. |
bootstrap-datepaginator | 1.1.0 | Date Paginator for Twitter Bootstrap |
bootstrap-datepicker | 1.10.0 | A datepicker for Bootstrap forked from Stefan Petre's (of eyecon.ro), improvements by eternicode |
bootstrap-daterangepicker | 3.0.5 | Date range picker component for Bootstrap |
bootstrap-datetimepicker | 6.7.13 | A robust and powerful date/time picker component. For usage, installation and demos see Project Site on GitHub |
bootstrap-drawer | 1.0.6 | A Bootstrap add-on to create drawer (off-canvas) styled navigation |
bootstrap-dropdown-hover | 4.2.0 | Open Bootstrap dropdown menus on mouse hover, the proper way. Compatible with Bootstrap 3 & 4. |
bootstrap-dropdown-on-hover | 1.0.0 | Responsive Dropdown on hover built with Bootstrap 5. Example of how to make dropdown expand when you hover over it. |
bootstrap-fileinput | 5.5.4 | An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 3.x with file preview, multiple selection, ajax uploads, and more features. |
bootstrap-filestyle | 2.1.0 | Bootstrap FileStyle is a quick and simple plugin to help style your form's file upload inputs. |
bootstrap-formhelpers | 2.3.0 | A collection of jQuery plugins for Bootstrap. |
bootstrap-growl | 1.0.0 | Pretty simple jQuery plugin that turns standard Bootstrap alerts into hovering 'Growl-like' notifications. |
bootstrap-horizon | 1.0.1 | Boostrap 3 rows with inline, horizontally scrolling columns |
bootstrap-hover-dropdown | 2.2.1 | An unofficial Bootstrap plugin to enable Bootstrap dropdowns to activate on hover and provide a nice user experience. |
bootstrap-iconpicker | 1.10.0 | A simple iconpicker for Bootstrap 3.x |
bootstrap-icons | 1.11.3 | Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap |
bootstrap-invoice | 1.0.0 | Invoices Templates built with Bootstrap 5. Various examples like Simple invoice, company invoice, invoice with images and many more. |
bootstrap-jumbotron | 1.0.0 | Responsive Jumbotron built with Bootstrap 5. Examples of classic hero component, with background image, with navbar and many other combinations. |
bootstrap-lightbox | 0.7.0 | A simple lightbox plugin based on the bootstrap modal plugin. |
bootstrap-login-form | 1.0.0 | Responsive Login form built with Bootstrap 5. Lot of templates of signup forms and predefined form pages - various design, styles and functionalities. |
bootstrap-logo | 1.0.1 | Responsive Logo built with Bootstrap 5. Navbar with logo, logo centered in Navbar, logo above the navbar, logo carousel & more. |
bootstrap-magnify | 0.3.0 | Small bootstrap js plugin to enhance porte-folios and image galleries. |
bootstrap-markdown | 2.10.0 | A bootstrap plugin for markdown editing |
bootstrap-markdown-editor | 2.0.2 | Markdown editor for Bootstrap with preview, image upload support, shortcuts and other features. |
bootstrap-material-datetimepicker | 2.7.1 | Datepicker for bootstrap-material |
bootstrap-material-design | 4.0.2 | Material Design for Bootstrap 3 |
bootstrap-material-design-icons | 2.2.0 | Google Material Design Icons For Using With Bootstrap |
bootstrap-max-width | 1.0.1 | Responsive Max Width built with Bootstrap 5. Learn how to make a container or an element max width within its parent. |
bootstrap-maxlength | 1.10.0 | An visual feedback indicator for the MaxLength attribute |
bootstrap-media-object | 1.0.0 | Responsive Media objects built with the latest Bootstrap 5. Dedicated for highly repetitive components like blog comments, tweets, and the like. |
bootstrap-mega-menu | 1.0.0 | Responsive Mega Menu built with Bootstrap 5. Examples of dropdown on click and on hover. Templates with grid, images, links, lists and more. |
bootstrap-modal | 2.2.6 | Extends the default Bootstrap Modal class. |
bootstrap-modal-backdrop | 1.0.1 | Backdrop options for a responsive popup with Bootstrap 5. Prevent close on click outside with static backdrop, remove backdrop, enable interactivity & more. |
bootstrap-modal-methods | 1.0.1 | Methods for responsive Popup with Bootstrap 5. Show, hide / close or toggle a modal with JavaScript or via data attributes. |
bootstrap-modal-size | 1.0.1 | Responsive popup window sizing with Bootstrap 5. Modal width, modal height, fullscreen modal, large modal with lg & xl modal classes and more. |
bootstrap-multiselect | 1.1.2 | JQuery multiselect plugin based on Twitter Bootstrap. |
bootstrap-multiselects | 1.0.1 | Responsive Multiselects built with the latest Bootstrap 5. Unlike a normal select, multiselect allows the user to select multiple options at once. |
bootstrap-news-feed | 1.0.0 | Responsive News Feed built with the latest Bootstrap 5. Enhance your project with a variety of social sections such as news feed, comments, and post cards. |
bootstrap-notify | 0.2.0 | Bootstrap alert system made better. |
bootstrap-offcanvas | 1.0.0 | Hidden sidebar built with the latest Bootstrap 5, perfect for use in the form of additional navigation, for example in ecommerce projects or dashboards. |
bootstrap-padding | 1.0.1 | Responsive Padding styles and classes for Bootstrap 5. Examples of padding left, right, top, bottom, between columns and rows, grid padding, RTL support & more. |
bootstrap-page-transitions | 1.0.0 | Stunning collection of Page transitions built with the newest Bootstrap 5. Transitions on scroll, animations on click, fading animations. |
bootstrap-payment-forms | 1.0.0 | Responsive Payment Forms built with the latest Bootstrap 5. Credit card, PayPal, Stripe, eCommerce checkout and many more examples. |
bootstrap-popup | 1.0.1 | Responsive Popup built with Bootstrap 5. Examples include modal popup, popup box, notification message popup, alert popup, lightbox popup & popup form. |
bootstrap-product-cards | 1.0.0 | Responsive Product Cards built with the latest Bootstrap 5. Lots of examples of different designs for eCommerce components. |
bootstrap-profiles | 1.0.0 | Responsive Profiles built with Bootstrap 5. Lots of templates such as card profile, user profile, profile form, with followers, avatars, comments, stats, social media and many more. |
bootstrap-progressbar | 0.9.0 | progressbar interactions for twitter bootstrap 2 & 3 |
bootstrap-quotes | 1.0.0 | Responsive Quotes built with the latest Bootstrap 5, HTML & CSS. Free for personal & commercial use. |
bootstrap-rating | 1.5.0 | A small jQuery plugin that turns an input field into a highly customizable rating component |
bootstrap-rating-input | 0.4.0 | A Lightweight Bootstrap Rating Input |
bootstrap-rtl | 3.4.0 | Right-to-left (RTL) theme for Boostrap 3.x |
bootstrap-select | 1.13.18 | Bootstrap-select is a jQuery plugin that overhauls select elements to improve their appearance and expand their functionality. |
bootstrap-shopping-carts | 1.0.0 | Responsive Shopping Carts built with Bootstrap 5. Multiple examples of various designs and functionalities. Ready to use pages and templates. |
bootstrap-show-password | 1.1.2 | Show/hide password plugin for twitter bootstrap. |
bootstrap-side-navbar | 1.0.0 | The side navigation component built wit the latest Bootstrap 5 provides an easy way to navigate through your website. |
bootstrap-sidebar | 0.2.2 | a sidebar plugin for bootstrap 3 |
bootstrap-sidebars | 1.0.0 | Sidebar is an additional navigation component that provides extensive support and a clear way for navigating through complex websites with hundreds of links and subpages. |
bootstrap-slider | 11.0.2 | Slider view component for Twitter Bootstrap. |
bootstrap-sliders | 1.0.1 | Responsive Sliders built with Bootstrap 5. Range slider bar with label or a carousel image slider? No matter what you are looking for, we've got you covered. |
bootstrap-social | 5.1.1 | Social Buttons for Bootstrap |
bootstrap-square-buttons | 1.0.0 | Responsive Square Buttons built with Bootstrap 5. Black, disabled, full-width outline, social, block square buttons examples. |
bootstrap-star-rating | 4.1.2 | A simple yet powerful JQuery star rating plugin for Bootstrap. |
bootstrap-submenu | 3.0.1 | Bootstrap Sub-Menus |
bootstrap-sweetalert | 1.0.1 | A beautiful 'replacement' for JavaScript's alert |
bootstrap-switch | 3.3.5 | Turn checkboxes and radio buttons into toggle switches. |
bootstrap-table | 1.24.0 | An extended table to the integration with some of the most widely used CSS frameworks. (Supports Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Bulma, Material Design, Foundation) |
bootstrap-tagsinput | 0.8.0 | jQuery plugin providing a Twitter Bootstrap user interface for managing tags. |
bootstrap-testimonial-slider | 1.0.0 | Responsive examples of testimonial sliders. This custom component is a combination of Bootstrap Carousel and Testimonials. |
bootstrap-testimonials | 1.0.0 | Responsive Testimonials / Reviews built with Bootstrap 5. Testimonials slider & carousel, testimonials with star ratings, with gradients & many more examples. |
bootstrap-textarea | 1.0.0 | Responsive textarea built with Bootstrap 5. How to change size, height, width and style. Examples of comments, contact form, checkout and chat. |
bootstrap-timeline | 1.0.0 | Horizontal and vertical examples of responsive Timelines built with the latest Bootstrap 5. Easy to use and customize. |
bootstrap-timepicker | 0.5.2 | Timepicker widget for Twitter Bootstrap |
bootstrap-to-do-list | 1.0.0 | Responsive To Do Lists built with the latest Bootstrap 5. Various variants of design and functionality. |
bootstrap-toaster | 5.1.0 | Robust, plug & play generator for Bootstrap toasts. |
bootstrap-toggle | 2.2.2 | Bootstrap Toggle is a highly flexible Bootstrap plugin that converts checkboxes into toggles |
bootstrap-tokenfield | 0.12.0 | Advanced tagging/tokenizing plugin for input fields with a focus on keyboard and copy-paste support. |
bootstrap-touchspin | 4.7.3 | A mobile and touch friendly input spinner component for Bootstrap 3. |
bootstrap-tour | 0.12.0 | Quick and easy way to build your product tours with Bootstrap Popovers. |
bootstrap-treeview | 1.2.0 | Tree View for Twitter Bootstrap |
bootstrap-ui-datetime-picker | 2.6.4 | AngularJs directive to use a date and/or time picker as a dropdown from an input |
bootstrap-v4-rtl | 4.6.2-1 | The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. |
bootstrap-validator | 0.5.3 | The best jQuery plugin to validate form fields. Designed to use with Bootstrap 3 |
bootstrap-video-carousel | 1.0.0 | Example of responsive bootstrap carousel with videos instead of images built with the Bootstrap 5. |
bootstrap-vue | 2.23.1 | Quickly integrate Bootstrap 4 components with Vue.js |
bootstrap-waitingfor | 1.2.9 | Waiting for dialog with progress bar for Bootstrap |
bootstrap-weather | 1.0.0 | Responsive Weather templates built with the latest Bootstrap 5. Examples of UI with icons, cards, real data from API, interactive animated backgrounds. |
bootstrap-without-jquery | 0.6.1 | Lightweight script to replace jQuery for simple interactions when using Twitter Bootstrap. |
bootstrap-year-calendar | 1.1.1 | A fully customizable year calendar widget, for Bootstrap! |
bootstrap.native | 5.1.2 | Native Javascript for Bootstrap 3, the sweetest Javascript library without jQuery. |
bootstrap3-contact-form | 1.4.1 | A simple bootstrap 3 contact form using Google's reCAPTCHA. Submitted messages are sent to a specified email address using SMTP with support for SSL or TLS transport. |
bootstrap3-dialog | 1.35.4 | Make use of Bootstrap Modal more monkey-friendly. |
bootstrap3-wysiwyg | 0.3.3 | Bootstrap 3 compatible wysiwyg editor |
bootstrap4-duallistbox | 4.0.2 | A responsive dual listbox widget optimized for Twitter Bootstrap. It works on all modern browsers and on touch devices. |
bootstrap4-toggle | 3.6.1 | Bootstrap 4 Toggle is a bootstrap 4 plugin that converts checkboxes into toggles. |
bootswatch | 5.3.3 | Bootswatch is a collection of themes for Bootstrap. |
bottlejs | 2.0.1 | A powerful dependency injection micro container |
bottleneck | 2.19.4 | Async rate limiter |
botui | 0.3.9 | A JS library to build the UI for your bot |
bounce.js | 0.8.2 | Bounce.js is a tool and JS library for generating beautiful CSS3 powered keyframe animations. |
bowser | 2.11.0 | A small, fast and rich-API browser/platform/engine detector for both browser and node. |
boxicons | 2.1.4 | High Quality Web Icons |
brain | 0.6.3 | Neural network library |
brain.js | 2.0.0-beta.24 | Neural networks in JavaScript |
brand-colors | 2.1.1 | A collection of branding colors of all the major companies. |
breezejs | 1.7.1 | BreezeJS is a JavaScript library for managing data in data rich-client HTML/JS applications. Core features include client-side querying, caching, change-tracking, validation, batch saves. |
bricklayer | 0.4.3 | Lightweight cascading grid layout library |
bricks.js | 1.8.0 | A blazing fast masonry layout generator for fixed width elements. |
britecharts | 3.0.0 | D3.js based Modular Charting Library by Eventbrite |
broadcastchannel-polyfill | 1.0.1 | Polyfill for BroadcastChannel for Safari, old Chrome and Opera |
browser-deeplink | 1.0.1 | Redirect mobile website users to your native iOS and/or Android app |
browser-image-compression | 2.0.2 | Compress images in the browser |
browser-logos | 75.0.1 | Collection of high resolution web browser logos with transparent backgrounds |
brython | 3.13.0 | Python 3 in the browser |
bs-custom-file-input | 1.3.4 | A little plugin for Bootstrap 4 custom file input |
bs5-lightbox | 1.8.3 | A pure JS lightbox gallery plugin for Bootstrap 5 based on the modal and carousel plugins |
bsjs | 0.3.0 | bsJS is a fast and concise declarative type JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. |
bttn.css | 0.2.4 | Awesome buttons for awesome projects! |
bttrlazyloading | 1.0.8 | BttrLazyLoading |
bubbly-bg | 1.0.0 | Lightweight and beautiful bubbly backgrounds |
buckets | 1.98.2 | Buckets is a complete, fully tested and documented data structure library written in pure JavaScript. |
bucky | 0.2.8 | Collect performance data from the client and node |
buefy | 0.9.29 | Lightweight UI components for Vue.js based on Bulma |
bulma | 1.0.3 | Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox |
bulma-helpers | 0.4.3 | Library with missing Functional / Atomic CSS classes for Bulma framework. |
bulma-prefers-dark | 0.1.0-beta.1 | Bulma extension to add prefers-color-scheme dark support |
bulma-toast | 2.4.4 | Bulma's pure JavaScript extension to display toasts. Basically a Bulma's notification implemented as a toast plugin. |
bulma-tooltip | 1.2.0 | Display a tooltip attached to any kind of element, in different position. |
bulmaswatch | 0.8.1 | Themes for Bulma |
burger | 2.0.2 | Burger is a minimal hamburger menu with fullscreen navigation. |
busuanzi | 2.3.0 | 仅仅只是一个 不蒜子 计数器的 JS Mirror。 |
butterfly-extsrc | 1.1.4 | The external resource of hexo-theme-butterfly |
buy-button-js | 2.4.0 | BuyButton.js is a highly customizable UI library for adding ecommerce functionality to any website. |
buzz | 1.2.1 | Buzz, a Javascript HTML5 Audio library |
bwip-js | 4.5.1 | Barcode generator supporting over 90 types and standards. |
bxslider | 4.2.17 | Touch enabled jQuery plugin for creating responsive carousels and sliders. |
bytemd | 1.21.0 | Hackable Markdown Editor and Viewer |
c3 | 0.7.20 | D3-based reusable chart library |
c3-angular | 1.4.0 | An angularjs directive to integrate c3.js within your angularjs project. |
cache.adderall | 1.0.0 | An impatient version of cache.addAll() |
cachep2p | 0.1.6 | The Peer to Peer Cache for the Masses |
caf | 15.0.1 | Cancelable Async Flows: a wrapper to treat generators as cancelable async functions |
caiuss | 1.4.14 | A Minimalist and Civilized CSS framework. |
cal-heatmap | 3.6.2 | Cal-Heatmap is a javascript module to create calendar heatmap to visualize time series data |
calendar-heatmap | 0.4.1 | A d3.js heatmap representing time series data. Inspired by Github's contribution chart |
camanjs | 4.1.2 | Javascript (Ca)nvas (Man)ipulation for NodeJS and the browser |
can.js | 6.6.3 | MIT-licensed, client-side, JavaScript framework that makes building rich web applications easy. |
cannon.js | 0.6.2 | A lightweight 3D physics engine written in JavaScript. |
canvas-confetti | 1.9.3 | on-demand confetti gun |
canvas-nest.js | 2.0.4 | A nest backgroud of website draw on canvas use javascript, do not depend on jQuery. Less then 2kb. |
canvasXpress | 24.8.1 | A package to create visualizations in CanvasXpress |
canvasjs | 1.7.0 | CanvasJS is an easy to use HTML5 & JavaScript Charting library built on Canvas element. |
canvaskit-wasm | 0.39.1 | A WASM version of Skia's Canvas API |
canvg | 3.0.10 | Javascript SVG parser and renderer on Canvas |
canvid | 1.6.0 | canvid is a tiny library for playback of relatively short videos on canvas elements. |
carbon-charts | 1.22.11 | Carbon Charts component library |
carbon-components | 11.66.1 | The Carbon Design System is IBM’s open-source design system for products and experiences. |
card | 2.5.4 | Card lets you add an interactive, CSS3 credit card animation to your credit card form to help your users through the process. |
cardkit | 3.0.0 | A simple, powerful and fully configurable image editor for web browsers and servers. Optional UI included. |
caret | 1.3.7 | Manipulate the caret's position in a text box or content-editable element. |
carrierjs | 2.5.2 | Carrier JS is promise based http client for browsers. It is used to interact with servers with ultimate caching feature. |
carto.js | 4.2.2 | CARTO.js is a JavaScript library to create custom location intelligence applications that leverage the power of CARTO. It is the library that powers Builder and it is part of the Engine ecosystem. |
cascade-framework | 1.5.0 | CSS framework that puts back the C in CSS |
cash | 8.1.5 | An absurdly small jQuery alternative for modern browsers. |
castjs | 5.3.0 | |
casualjs | 0.1.2 | A HTML5 Canvas Framework (ActionScript3.0 like). |
catiline | 2.9.3 | Multi proccessing with workers in the browser. |
caver-js | 1.12.2 | caver-js is a JavaScript API library that allows developers to interact with a Klaytn node |
cc-icons | 1.2.1 | CSS framework for Creative Commons logo |
ccxt | 4.4.46 | A JavaScript / TypeScript / Python / C# / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 130+ exchanges |
cell | 1.2.0 | A self-constructing web app framework powered by a self-driving DOM |
cellx | 2.0.1 | Ultra-fast implementation of reactivity for javascript |
centrifuge | 5.2.2 | Centrifuge and Centrifugo client for NodeJS and browser |
cep-promise | 4.4.1 | Busca por CEP integrado diretamente aos serviços dos Correios e ViaCEP |
cesium | 1.125.0 | CesiumJS is a JavaScript library for creating 3D globes and 2D maps in a web browser without a plugin. |
cf-media-manager | 0.0.29 | User interfaces to interact with Cloudflare media files like Cloudflare Images, Cloudflare Stream or R2 |
chai | 5.1.2 | BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic. |
chainloading | 1.1.1 | Simplifies deferred or function dependencies via chaining |
chainvas | 2.1 | A tiny, modular library that can add chaining to any API that isn’t naturally chainable, like the Canvas API, the DOM and more. |
chance | 1.1.12 | Chance - Utility library to generate anything random |
chaplin | 0.11.3 | An Application Architecture Using Backbone.js |
chardin.js | 0.1.3 | Simple overlay instructions for your apps. |
chart.piecelabel.js | 0.15.0 | Chart.js plugin to display labels on pie, doughnut and polar area chart. |
chartist | 0.11.4 | Simple, responsive charts |
chartist-plugin-legend | 0.6.2 | Legend plugin for Chartist.js. |
chartist-plugin-tooltip | 0.0.11 | Tooltip plugin for Chartist.js. |
chartjs-adapter-date-fns | 3.0.0 | This adapter allows the use of date-fns with Chart.js. |
chartjs-adapter-luxon | 1.3.1 | Chart.js adapter to use Luxon for time functionalities |
chartjs-adapter-moment | 1.0.1 | Chart.js adapter to use Moment.js for time functionalities |
chartjs-chart-box-and-violin-plot | 4.0.0 | Chart.js module for charting boxplots |
chartjs-plugin-annotation | 3.1.0 | Annotations for Chart.js |
chartjs-plugin-colorschemes | 0.4.0 | Predefined color schemes for Chart.js |
chartjs-plugin-datalabels | 2.2.0 | Chart.js plugin to display labels on data elements |
chartjs-plugin-doughnutlabel | 2.0.3 | Chart.js plugin for doughnut chart to display lines of text in the center |
chartjs-plugin-hierarchical | 4.4.4 | Chart.js module for hierarchical categories |
chartjs-plugin-streaming | 2.0.0 | Chart.js plugin for live streaming data |
chartjs-plugin-zoom | 2.2.0 | Simple HTML5 charts using the canvas element. |
chartkick | 2.3.0 | Create beautiful JavaScript charts with minimal code |
chatgpt.js | 3.5.0 | Client-side JavaScript library for ChatGPT. |
chatui-core | 2.4.2 | The React library for Chatbot UI |
checkbox.css | 1.1.3 | Tiny set of CSS3 animations for your input checkboxes. |
checklist-model | 1.0.0 | AngularJS directive for list of checkboxes |
cheerio | 1.0.0 | Tiny, fast, and elegant implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server |
cheet.js | 0.3.3 | easy easter eggs (konami code, etc) for your site |
chess.js | 0.13.4 | A Javascript chess library for chess move generation/validation, piece placement/movement, and check/checkmate/draw detection |
chessboard-js | 1.0.0 | JavaScript chessboard widget |
chessground | 9.1.1 | Chessground is a free/libre open source chess UI developed for lichess.org. It targets modern browsers, as well as mobile development using Cordova. |
cheval | 2.0.0 | Copy to the clipboard using JavaScript without writing JS. |
chibi | 3.0.9 | A tiny JavaScript micro-library |
chillout | 5.0.0 | Reduce CPU usage by non-blocking async loop and psychologically speed up in JavaScript. |
chimee | 0.12.0 | a video-player aims to bring wonderful experience on browser |
chirashi | 6.5.0 | Minimalist DOM and events manager focused on performances |
chiron-sans-hk | 2.046 | 昭源黑體:現代筆形風格,平衡標準字形和印刷體慣用筆形的免費開源黑體字型 |
chiron-sans-hk-pro | 1.011 | Chiron Sans HK + Source Sans 3 = Chiron Sans HK Pro |
chocolat | 1.1.3 | Responsive jQuery Lightbox Plugin |
choices.js | 11.0.3 | A vanilla JS customisable text input/select box plugin |
choo | 7.1.0 | A 4kb framework for creating sturdy frontend applications |
chosen | 1.8.7 | Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes select boxes user-friendly. It is currently available in both jQuery and Prototype flavors. |
chroma-js | 2.4.2 | JavaScript library for color conversions |
chromatism | 3.0.0 | A simple set of utility functions for colours. |
chrome-bootstrap | 1.5.0 | Reusable Chrome settings UI |
chrome-frame | 1.0.3 | Google Chrome Frame is an open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer. |
chrono | 1.0.5 | Format dates in JavaScript |
chrono-node | 1.4.3 | A natural language date parser in Javascript |
chronoline | 0.1.6 | chronoline.js is a library for making a chronology timeline out of events on a horizontal timescale. |
cignium-hypermedia-client | 1.35.0 | Hypermedia renderer for Cignium's hypermedia api. |
cinnamon.js | 1.0.6 | Cinnamon.js takes some of the pain out of naming things. It’s a script that allows users to find links, images, and other content by their synonyms, using the browser’s built-in Find function. |
circles | 0.0.6 | Lightweight JavaScript library that generates circular graphs in SVG. Now with animation. |
circliful | 2.0.17 | jQuery circle statitic plugin |
circular-progress | 0.2.3 | A JavaScript circular progress widget, dependency-free and configurable. |
citation-js | 0.7.16 | Citation.js converts formats like BibTeX, Wikidata JSON and ContentMine JSON to CSL-JSON to convert to other formats like APA, Vancouver and back to BibTeX. |
ckan | 0.2.3 | A Javascript client library for CKAN designed for both the browser and NodeJS. |
ckeditor | 4.25.0 | The development version of CKEditor - JavaScript WYSIWYG web text editor. |
ckeditor5 | 44.1.0 | The development environment of CKEditor 5 – the best browser-based rich text editor. |
clamp-js | 0.7.0 | Clamps (ie. cuts off) an HTML element's content by adding ellipsis to it if the content inside is too long. |
clank | 0.3.6 | Clank: open source prototyping framework for mobile apps |
clappr | 0.4.7 | An extensible media player for the web |
clappr-chromecast-plugin | 0.1.1 | Chromecast support for Clappr |
clarinet | 0.12.6 | SAX based evented streaming JSON parser in JavaScript (browser and node) |
clarity-icons | 0.10.28 | Custom Element Icons for Clarity |
clarity-ui | 0.10.28 | CSS for Clarity |
classie | 1.0.1 | class helper functions |
classlist | 1.2.20180112 | Cross-browser full element.classList implementation. |
classnames | 2.5.2 | A simple utility for conditionally joining classNames together |
cldr-json | 43.1.0 | JSON Data from the Unicode CLDR Project |
cldrjs | 0.5.5 | Simple CLDR traverser |
cleanslate | 0.10.1 | Extreme CSS reset stylesheet |
cleave.js | 1.6.0 | JavaScript library for formatting input text content when you are typing |
clickspark.js | 1.16.0 | ClickSpark.js is a javascript utility that adds beautiful particle effects to your javascript events. Add image-files as single particles and configure where and when a particle fountain should be fired. |
clientside-haml-js | 5.4 | Haml compiler for client side javascript and coffeescript view templates |
clientworker | 2.8.1 | A simple, globally hijacked, easily customizable, Service Worker-based front-end worker |
clipboard-polyfill | 4.1.1 | A polyfill for the asynchronous clipboard API |
clipboard.js | 2.0.11 | Modern copy to clipboard. No Flash. Just 2kb |
clmtrackr | 1.1.2 | clmtrackr is a javascript library for fitting facial models to faces in videos or images. |
clndr | 1.5.1 | A jQuery calendar plugin that uses HTML templates. |
clockpicker | 0.0.7 | A clock-style timepicker for Bootstrap (or jQuery) |
clockwork-browser | 1.1.2 | Clockwork client-side metrics collection and toolbar. |
clone | 1.0.4 | deep cloning of objects and arrays |
cloudinary-core | 2.13.1 | Cloudinary Client Side JS library. Cloudinary streamlines your web application’s image manipulation needs. Cloudinary's cloud-based servers automate image uploading, resizing, cropping, optimizing, sprite generation and more. |
cloudinary-jquery | 2.13.1 | Cloudinary Client Side JS library. Cloudinary streamlines your web application’s image manipulation needs. Cloudinary's cloud-based servers automate image uploading, resizing, cropping, optimizing, sprite generation and more. |
cloudinary-jquery-file-upload | 2.13.1 | Cloudinary Client Side JS library. Cloudinary streamlines your web application’s image manipulation needs. Cloudinary's cloud-based servers automate image uploading, resizing, cropping, optimizing, sprite generation and more. Cloudinary's jQuery File Upload plugin allows direct uploading from the browser to the cloud and dynamic cloud-based image transformations and effects. |
cloudinary-video-player | 2.3.0 | Cloudinary Video Player |
clusterize.js | 0.19.0 | Tiny vanilla JS plugin to display large data sets easily |
cnblogs-theme | 2.2.18 | theme for cnblogs |
co | 4.1.0 | generator async control flow goodness |
codeflask | 1.4.1 | A micro code-editor for awesome web pages |
codemirror | 6.65.7 | In-browser code editing made bearable |
codex | 1.19.1 | Codex design system for Wikimedia |
codex-design-tokens | 1.19.1 | design tokens of the Codex design system for Wikimedia |
codex-icons | 1.19.1 | icons of the Codex design system for Wikimedia |
coffee-script | 2.7.0 | Unfancy JavaScript |
coin-slider | 1.0.0 | jQuery Image Slider with Unique Effects |
collageplus | 0.3.3 | An image grid gallery plugin for jQuery. |
collect.js | 4.36.1 | Convenient and dependency free wrapper for working with arrays and objects. |
collections | 5.1.13 | data structures with idiomatic JavaScript collection interfaces |
colofilter.css | 1.0.0 | Duotone filters made with CSS |
color-hash | 2.0.2 | Generate color based on the given string (using HSL color space and BKDRHash). |
color-js | 1.0.1 | A color management API for JavaScript |
color-name-list | 11.2.0 | long list of color names |
color-scheme | 1.0.1 | Generate pleasant color schemes |
color-thief | 2.6.0 | Get the dominant color or color palette from an image. |
colorify.js | 1.0.3 | The simple, customizable, tiny javascript color extractor. |
colors | 3.0.0 | Better default colors for the web. A collection of skin classes for faster prototyping and nicer looking sites. |
colors.css | 3.0.0 | Better default colors for the web. A collection of skin classes for faster prototyping and nicer looking sites. |
colresizable | 1.6.0 | jQuery plugin to resize table columns |
commandz | 0.1.2 | ⌘Z undo and redo commands. Add commands history support to your web app. |
commonmark | 0.29.3 | a strongly specified, highly compatible variant of Markdown |
completer | 0.1.3 | A jQuery auto complete plugin. |
componentjs | 1.6.4 | Powerful run-time Component System for structuring HTML5-based Rich Clients |
compressorjs | 1.2.1 | JavaScript image compressor. |
concent | 2.21.9 | Build-in dependency collection, a predictable、zero-cost-use、progressive、high performance's react develop framework |
concrete.css | 3.0.0 | A simple and to the point classless CSS stylesheet |
concretejs | 3.0.5 | Concrete is a lightweight Html5 Canvas framework that enables hit detection, layer support, pixel ratio management, exports, and downloads. |
condition | 1.2.0 | Advanced condition library |
conditional-field | 1.0.2 | Javascript component that shows and hides page elements based on form field values |
conditionizr.js | 4.1.0 | Detecting front-end environments and conditionally loading assets |
confidencejs | 1.2.0 | A light-weight JavaScript library to help you make sense of your A/B test results. |
console-polyfill | 0.3.0 | Browser console polyfill. Makes it safe to do console.log()-s etc always. |
console.js | 1.0.0 | A sane way to interface with your browser console and use the latest features. |
constrained-editor-plugin | 1.3.0 | A Plugin which adds restrictions to the model of monaco-editor, so that only some parts of the code are editable and rest will become read-only |
constraintjs | 0.9.7 | Constraint library for JavaScript |
convnetjs | 0.3.0 | Deep Learning in Javascript. Train Convolutional Neural Networks (or ordinary ones) in your browser. |
cookie-banner | 1.2.2 | Javascript based cookie-info banner for complying with EU cookie law. |
cookie.js | 1.4.1 | A tiny JavaScript library that simplifies cookies. |
cookieconsent | 3.1.1 | Osano cookie consent tool. |
cookieconsent2 | 3.1.1 | Silktide's cookie consent tool. |
cookiejar | 0.5.1 | JavaScript code to store data as JSON strings in cookies. It uses Prototype.js 1.5.1 (http://prototypejs.org) or later. Apache Software licensed |
cookies-monster | 0.1.4 | Simplified HTML, CSS, JS EU Cookie Law |
cookiesjs | 3.0.3 | Intuitive cookie manipulation library |
coordinates-picker | 1.0.0 | This module allows you to show location of the address on map, and store it’s coordinates it in distinct field with custom format. |
core-js | 3.40.0 | Standard library |
core.css | 3.0.0 | A lightweight foundation for building responsive websites. |
corejs-typeahead | 1.3.4 | fast and fully-featured autocomplete library |
corysimmons-selectivizr2 | 1.0.9 | Selectivizr maintained. |
cosmicjs | 5.0.5 | The official client module for Cosmic JS. This module helps you easily add dynamic content to your website or application. |
countable | 3.0.1 | Countable is a JavaScript library to add live paragraph-, word- and character-counting to an HTML element. |
countdown | 2.6.0 | A simple JavaScript API for producing an accurate, intuitive description of the timespan between two Date instances. |
counterup2 | 2.0.2 | Counter-Up2 is a lightweight module that counts up to a targeted number when the number becomes visible. |
countly-sdk-web | 24.11.3 | Countly Web SDK |
country-region-dropdown-menu | 2.4.1 | A dropdown menu created with javascript that allows user to implement country-region dropdown list effortlessly. |
country-region-selector | 1.0.0 | A simple, configurable JS library that add a country dropdown that automatically updates a corresponding region dropdown in your forms. |
country-select-js | 2.1.1 | A jQuery plugin for selecting a country |
countup.js | 2.8.0 | Animates a numerical value by counting to it |
coverflow | 3.0.2 | A jQuery UI powered coverflow component that takes advantage of CSS3 features |
covervid | 1.0 | Make your HTML5 video behave like a background cover image with this lightweight Javascript plugin / jQuery extension |
covjson-reader | 0.16.3 | A reader for CoverageJSON files. |
cplayer | 3.2.1 | A beautiful and clean WEB Music Player by HTML5. |
crafty | 0.9.0 | Crafty is a modern component and event based framework for javascript games that targets DOM and canvas. |
crayons | 4.2.0 | Crayons for Developer Platform |
crc-32 | 1.2.2 | Pure-JS CRC-32 |
create-react-class | 15.7.0 | Legacy API for creating React components. |
creativecommons-vocabulary | 2020.11.3 | A cohesive design system to unite the web facing Creative Commons |
crel | 4.2.1 | A small, simple, and fast DOM creation utility |
crocks | 0.12.4 | A collection of well known Algebraic Datatypes for your utter enjoyment. |
croner | 8.1.2 | Trigger functions and/or evaluate cron expressions in JavaScript. No dependencies. Most features. All environments. |
cronstrue | 2.52.0 | Parses a cron expression and outputs a human readable description of the cron schedule. For example, given the expression '*/5 * * * *' it will output 'Every 5 minutes'. |
cropit | 0.5.1 | Customizable crop and zoom. |
cropper | 4.1.0 | A simple jQuery image cropping plugin. |
cropperjs | 1.6.2 | JavaScript image cropper. |
croppic | 1.0.3 | The image cropping jquery plugin that will satisfy your needs and much more |
croppie | 2.6.5 | A simple javascript image cropper |
crossfilter | 1.3.12 | Fast multidimensional filtering for coordinated views. |
crossfilter2 | 1.5.4 | Fast multidimensional filtering for coordinated views. |
crossroads | 0.12.2 | Flexible router which can be used in multiple environments |
crosstab | 0.2.12 | A utility library for cross-tab communication using localStorage. |
crunch | 1.2.3 | Fast arbitraty-precision integer arithmetic library. Used for large-number calculations including finding large prime numbers, performing modular exponentiation and other arithmetic operations. |
cryptico | 0.0.1343522940 | An easy-to-use encryption system utilizing RSA and AES for javascript. |
crypto-js | 4.2.0 | JavaScript library of crypto standards. |
css-animations.js | 0.1.0 | A library to work with CSS3 keyframe animations from javascript |
css-doodle | 0.41.0 | A web component for drawing patterns with css. |
css-element-queries | 1.2.3 | CSS-Element-Queries Polyfill. proof-of-concept for high-speed element dimension/media queries in valid css. |
css-layout | 1.1.1 | Reimplementation of CSS layout using pure JavaScript |
css-loader | 3.3.3 | Simple loaders for your web applications using only one div and pure CSS ♥. |
css-sans | 1.0.0 | CSS SANS is the font created by CSS, the programming language for web designing and typesetting. |
css-scope-inline | 0.1.1 | Lightweight CSS scoping for inline styles without a build step |
css-selector-generator | 3.6.9 | JavaScript object that creates unique CSS selector for given element. |
css-social-buttons | 1.4.0 | Zocial CSS social buttons. |
css-spinning-spinners | 1.1.1 | A collection of zero element loading spinners, animated by CSS only |
css-vars-ponyfill | 2.4.9 | Client-side support for CSS custom properties (aka "CSS variables") in legacy and modern browsers |
css3-animate-it | 1.0.3 | CSS3/jQuery plugin to animate elements as they come into view |
css3finalize | 4.1.0 | Automatically add vendor prefixes |
css3pie | 2.0beta1 | CSS3 PIE JavaScript edition. Enables rendering of common CSS3 decoration properties in Internet Explorer 6-9. |
cssco | 1.0.0 | Photographic filters made with CSS, inpsired by VSCO and CSSgram. |
cssesc | 3.0.0 | A JavaScript library for escaping CSS strings and identifiers while generating the shortest possible ASCII-only output. |
cssgram | 0.1.12 | Instagram filter library in Sass and CSS. |
csshake | 1.7.0 | Some CSS classes to move your DOM! |
csslint | 1.0.5 | Automated linting of Cascading Stylesheets |
cssobj | 1.3.6 | Runtime CSS manager, Turn CSS into dynamic JS module, Stylesheet CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in CSSOM, Solve common problems of CSS-in-JS, name space (local) class names |
csspin | 1.1.4 | CSS Spinners and Loaders - Modular, Customizable and Single HTML Element Code |
cssuseragent | 2.1.31 | CssUserAgent: user-agent specific CSS support |
cssx | 5.2.1 | CSS in JavaScript |
cta.js | 0.3.2 | A light-weight performant library to animate your 'action-to-effect' paths |
cubism | 1.6.0 | A JavaScript library for time series visualization. |
cufon | 1.09i | Fast text replacement with canvas and VML - no Flash or images required. |
cuid | 1.3.8 | Collision-resistant ids optimized for horizontal scaling and performance. For node and browsers. |
curl | 0.8.13 | curl.js is small, fast, extensible module loader that handles AMD, CommonJS Modules/1.1, CSS, HTML/text, and legacy scripts. |
currency-flags | 3.4.0 | Flags for currency codes. |
currencyformatter.js | 2.2.0 | A super simple currency formatting library |
custom-elements | 1.6.0 | HTML Custom Elements Polyfill |
custom-elements-builder | 1.0.3 | custom-element-builder is just a set of builders, natively scalable and designed for FRP. |
custombox | 4.0.3 | Modal dialog effects with transitions CSS3 |
custommarkup | 1.1.12 | A better way to use HTML |
cutestrap | 1.3.1 | A sassy, opinionated CSS Framework. A tiny alternative to Bootstrap. |
cutjs | 0.5.0 | 2D HTML5 JavaScript library for cross-platform game development |
cuttr | 1.4.3 | Cuttr is a javascript / jQuery plugin that truncates multi-line text content with multiple truncation methods and custom ellipsis. |
cyclejs-core | 7.0.0 | A fully reactive JavaScript framework for Human-Computer Interaction |
cyclejs-dom | 10.1.0 | The standard DOM Driver for Cycle.js, based on virtual-dom, and other helpers |
cytoscape | 3.30.4 | Graph theory (a.k.a. network) library for analysis and visualisation |
cytoscape-panzoom | 2.5.3 | Panzoom extension for Cytoscape.js |
cytoscape-popper | 4.0.1 | A Cytoscape.js extension for Popper.js |
d3 | 7.9.0 | A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG. |
d3-annotation | 2.5.1 | Use d3-annotation with built-in annotation types, or extend it to make custom annotations. It is made for d3-v4 in SVG. |
d3-array | 1.2.2 | Array manipulation, ordering, searching, summarizing, etc. |
d3-axis | 2.1.0 | Displays automatic reference lines for scales. |
d3-brush | 2.1.0 | Select a one- or two-dimensional region using the mouse or touch. |
d3-chord | 3.0.0 | Visualize relationships or network flow with an aesthetically-pleasing circular layout. |
d3-cloud | 1.2.7 | Generate word clouds in JavaScript. |
d3-collection | 1.0.7 | Handy data structures for elements keyed by string. |
d3-color | 1.2.1 | Color spaces! RGB, HSL, Cubehelix, Lab and HCL (Lch). |
d3-composite-projections | 1.3.2 | Like the AlbersUsa projection, adds several d3 projections to show the countries that are far from the mainland close to it. |
d3-dispatch | 3.0.0 | Register named callbacks and call them with arguments. |
d3-drag | 2.0.0 | Drag and drop SVG, HTML or Canvas using mouse or touch input. |
d3-dsv | 3.0.0 | A parser and formatter for delimiter-separated values, such as CSV and TSV |
d3-ease | 3.0.0 | Easing functions for smooth animation. |
d3-force | 2.1.1 | Force-directed graph layout using velocity Verlet integration. |
d3-format | 1.3.0 | Format numbers for human consumption. |
d3-geo | 1.9.1 | Shapes and calculators for spherical coordinates. |
d3-geo-projection | 3.0.0 | Extended geographic projections for D3.js. |
d3-graphviz | 5.6.0 | Graphviz DOT rendering and animated transitions for D3 |
d3-hexbin | 0.2.2 | Group two-dimensional points into hexagonal bins. |
d3-hierarchy | 1.1.5 | Layout algorithms for visualizing hierarchical data. |
d3-interpolate | 3.0.0 | Interpolate numbers, colors, strings, arrays, objects, whatever! |
d3-legend | 2.25.6 | A legend component for d3. Given a d3.scale it can create either a color legend, size legend, or symbol legend. |
d3-path | 1.0.5 | Serialize Canvas path commands to SVG. |
d3-polygon | 3.0.0 | Operations for two-dimensional polygons. |
d3-quadtree | 3.0.0 | Two-dimensional recursive spatial subdivision. |
d3-queue | 3.0.7 | Evaluate asynchronous tasks with configurable concurrency. |
d3-random | 3.0.0 | Generate random numbers from various distributions. |
d3-request | 1.0.6 | A convenient alternative to XMLHttpRequest. |
d3-sankey | 0.12.3 | Visualize flow between nodes in a directed acyclic network. |
d3-scale | 1.0.7 | Encodings that map abstract data to visual representation. |
d3-selection | 2.0.0 | Data-driven DOM manipulation: select elements and join them to data. |
d3-shape | 1.2.0 | Graphical primitives for visualization, such as lines and areas. |
d3-time | 1.0.8 | A calculator for humanity’s peculiar conventions of time. |
d3-time-format | 2.1.1 | A JavaScript time formatter and parser inspired by strftime and strptime. |
d3-timer | 3.0.0 | An efficient queue capable of managing thousands of concurrent animations. |
d3-tip | 0.9.1 | Tooltips for d3 svg visualizations |
d3-transform | 1.0.4 | addon to d3.js that wraps SVG transforms into an API |
d3-transition | 3.0.0 | Animated transitions for D3 selections. |
d3-voronoi | 1.1.2 | Compute the Voronoi diagram of a set of two-dimensional points. |
d3-zoom | 2.0.0 | Pan and zoom SVG, HTML or Canvas using mouse or touch input. |
d3.chart | 0.3.0 | A framework for creating reusable charts with D3.js |
d3fc | 11.0.0 | A collection of components that make it easy to build interactive charts with D3 |
d3kit | 3.2.0 | A kit of tools to speed D3 related project development. |
d3kit-timeline | 2.0.1 | A timeline component based on d3kit and labella.js |
d3plus | 2.1.3 | Data visualization made easy. A javascript library that extends the popular D3.js to enable fast and beautiful visualizations. |
dagre | 0.8.5 | Graph layout for JavaScript |
dagre-d3 | 0.6.4 | A D3-based renderer for Dagre |
daisyui | 4.12.23 | Tailwind CSS Components |
dancer.js | 0.4.0 | dancer.js is a high-level audio API, usable with the Web Audio API, Mozilla's Audio Data API and flash fallback, designed to make sweet visualizations. |
danialfarid-angular-file-upload | 12.2.13 | An AngularJS directive for file upload using HTML5 with FileAPI polyfill for unsupported browsers |
danielgindi-jquery-backstretch | 2.1.15 | A simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any page or element. |
darkreader | 4.9.96 | Dark mode for every website |
darkroomjs | 2.0.1 | Extensible image editing tool via HTML canvas |
darktooltip | 0.4.0 | A simple customizable tooltip with confirm option and effects |
dash-core-components | 2.14.3 | Core component suite for Dash |
dash-html-components | 2.0.20 | Vanilla HTML components for Dash |
dash-renderer | 1.21.1 | render dash components in react |
dash-shaka-playback | 2.0.8 | clappr dash playback based on shaka player |
dash-table | 5.2.13 | Dash table |
dashjs | 4.7.4 | A reference client implementation for the playback of MPEG DASH via Javascript and compliant browsers. |
dat-gui | 0.7.9 | A lightweight graphical user interface for changing variables in JavaScript. |
data-api-client | 1.3.1 | A lightweight wrapper that simplifies working with the Amazon Aurora Serverless Data API |
data-layer-helper | 0.1.0 | This library provides the ability to process messages passed onto a dataLayer queue. |
data.js | 0.3.0 | data.js is a datacenter with notifications. I call the data that can speak. It aim to make coding easier and make a better world. |
datacomb | 1.2.1 | An interactive tool for exploring large, tabular datasets. |
datalib | 1.9.3 | JavaScript utilites for loading, summarizing and working with data. |
datalist-polyfill | 1.25.1 | A minimal and dependency-free vanilla JavaScript datalist polyfill. Supports all standard's functionality as well as mimics other browsers behavior. |
datamaps | 0.5.9 | datamaps with d3.js |
datatable | 2.0.2 | Datatable is a smart javascript plugin allowing you to easily create dynamic 'datatables' (with pagination, filtering and sorting) for better management of big quantity of data. |
datatables | 1.10.21 | DataTables enhances HTML tables with the ability to sort, filter and page the data in the table very easily. It provides a comprehensive API and set of configuration options, allowing you to consume data from virtually any data source. |
datatables-buttons | 3.2.0 | Buttons for DataTables |
datatables-colvis | 1.1.2 | ColVis adds a button to the toolbars around DataTables which gives the end user of the table the ability to dynamically change the visibility of the columns in the table |
datatables-fixedheader | 4.0.1 | The FixedHeader plug-in will freeze in place the header, footer and left and/or right most columns in a DataTable, ensuring that title information will remain always visible. |
datatables-plugins | 2.1.7 | Various small plug-ins for DataTables including feature, ordering, search and internationalisation plug-ins. |
datatables-responsive | 3.0.3 | Responsive for DataTables |
datatables-tabletools | 2.1.5 | TableTools is a plug-in for the DataTables HTML table enhancer, which adds a highly customisable button toolbar to a DataTable. |
datatables.net | 2.2.1 | DataTables for jQuery |
datatables.net-autofill | 2.7.0 | AutoFill for DataTables |
datatables.net-autofill-bs | 2.7.0 | AutoFill for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-autofill-bs4 | 2.7.0 | AutoFill for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 4](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-bs | 2.2.1 | DataTables for jQuery with styling for [Bootstrap 3](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-bs4 | 3.2.2 | DataTables for jQuery with styling for [Bootstrap 4](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-bs5 | 2.2.1 | DataTables for jQuery with styling for [Bootstrap 5](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-buttons | 3.2.0 | Buttons for DataTables |
datatables.net-buttons-bs | 3.2.0 | Buttons for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 3](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-buttons-bs4 | 3.2.0 | Buttons for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 4](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-buttons-bs5 | 3.2.0 | Buttons for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 5](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-buttons-dt | 3.2.0 | Buttons for DataTables |
datatables.net-buttons-se | 3.2.0 | Buttons for DataTables with styling for [Semantic UI](http://semantic-ui.com/) |
datatables.net-buttons-zf | 3.2.0 | Buttons for DataTables with styling for [Zurb Foundation](http://foundation.zurb.com/) |
datatables.net-colreorder | 2.0.4 | ColReorder for DataTables |
datatables.net-colreorder-bs | 2.0.4 | ColReorder for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 3](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-colreorder-bs4 | 2.0.4 | ColReorder for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 4](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-colreorder-bs5 | 2.0.4 | ColReorder for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 5](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-colreorder-dt | 2.0.4 | ColReorder for DataTables |
datatables.net-dt | 2.2.1 | DataTables for jQuery |
datatables.net-editor | 2.3.1 | DataTables Editor |
datatables.net-editor-bs4 | 2.2.0 | DataTables Editor - Bootstrap 4 integration |
datatables.net-editor-bs5 | 2.2.0 | DataTables Editor - Bootstrap 5 integration |
datatables.net-fixedcolumns | 5.0.4 | FixedColumns for DataTables |
datatables.net-fixedcolumns-bs | 5.0.4 | FixedColumns for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 3](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-fixedcolumns-bs4 | 5.0.4 | FixedColumns for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 4](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-fixedcolumns-bs5 | 5.0.4 | FixedColumns for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 5](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-fixedcolumns-dt | 5.0.4 | FixedColumns for DataTables |
datatables.net-fixedheader | 4.0.1 | FixedHeader for DataTables |
datatables.net-fixedheader-bs | 4.0.1 | FixedHeader for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 3](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-fixedheader-bs4 | 4.0.1 | FixedHeader for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 4](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-fixedheader-bs5 | 4.0.1 | FixedHeader for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 5](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-fixedheader-dt | 4.0.1 | FixedHeader for DataTables |
datatables.net-jqui | 2.2.1 | DataTables for jQuery with styling for [jQuery UI](http://jqueryui.com/) |
datatables.net-keytable | 2.12.1 | KeyTable for DataTables |
datatables.net-keytable-bs | 2.12.1 | KeyTable for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 3](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-keytable-bs4 | 2.12.1 | KeyTable for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 4](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-keytable-bs5 | 2.12.1 | KeyTable for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 5](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-keytable-dt | 2.12.1 | KeyTable for DataTables |
datatables.net-responsive | 3.0.3 | Responsive for DataTables |
datatables.net-responsive-bs | 3.0.3 | Responsive for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 3](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-responsive-bs4 | 3.0.3 | Responsive for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 4](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-responsive-bs5 | 3.0.3 | Responsive for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 5](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-responsive-dt | 3.0.3 | Responsive for DataTables |
datatables.net-rowgroup | 1.5.1 | RowGroup for DataTables |
datatables.net-rowgroup-bs | 1.5.1 | RowGroup for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 3](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-rowgroup-bs4 | 1.5.1 | RowGroup for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 4](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-rowgroup-bs5 | 1.5.1 | RowGroup for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 5](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-rowgroup-dt | 1.5.1 | RowGroup for DataTables |
datatables.net-rowreorder | 1.5.0 | RowReorder for DataTables |
datatables.net-rowreorder-bs | 1.5.0 | RowReorder for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 3](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-rowreorder-bs4 | 1.5.0 | RowReorder for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 4](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-rowreorder-bs5 | 1.5.0 | RowReorder for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 5](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-rowreorder-dt | 1.5.0 | RowReorder for DataTables |
datatables.net-scroller | 2.4.3 | Scroller for DataTables |
datatables.net-scroller-bs | 2.4.3 | Scroller for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 3](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-scroller-bs4 | 2.4.3 | Scroller for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 4](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-scroller-bs5 | 2.4.3 | Scroller for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 5](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-scroller-dt | 2.4.3 | Scroller for DataTables |
datatables.net-scroller-jqui | 2.4.3 | Scroller for DataTables with styling for [jQuery UI](http://jqueryui.com/) |
datatables.net-se | 2.2.1 | DataTables for jQuery with styling for [Semantic UI](http://semantic-ui.com/) |
datatables.net-searchpanes | 2.3.3 | SearchPanes for DataTables |
datatables.net-searchpanes-bs | 2.3.3 | SearchPanes for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.3/) |
datatables.net-searchpanes-bs4 | 2.3.3 | SearchPanes for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-searchpanes-bs5 | 2.3.3 | SearchPanes for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-select | 3.0.0 | Select provides table item selection capabilities - rows, columns and cells can be selected individually or collectively. Complex selection operations such as operating system style selection (ctrl/cmd and shift click) for multiple rows can be enabled with a single option for a DataTable. |
datatables.net-select-bs | 3.0.0 | Select for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 3](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-select-bs4 | 3.0.0 | Select for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 4](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-select-bs5 | 3.0.0 | Select for DataTables with styling for [Bootstrap 5](http://getbootstrap.com/) |
datatables.net-select-dt | 3.0.0 | Select for DataTables |
datatables.net-zf | 2.2.1 | DataTables for jQuery with styling for [Zurb Foundation](http://foundation.zurb.com/) |
date-fns | 4.1.0 | Modern JavaScript date utility library |
datedreamer | 0.3.6 | An easy to use lightweight javascript calendar library. |
datedropper | 2.0 | datedropper is a jQuery datepicker plugin |
datejs | 1.0 | Datejs is an open source JavaScript Date library for parsing, formatting and processing. |
datepair.js | 0.4.17 | A javascript plugin for intelligently selecting date and time ranges inspired by Google Calendar. |
datepick | 5.1.1 | This plugin attaches a popup calendar to your input fields or shows an inline calendar for selecting individual dates or date ranges. |
datepicker | 1.0.10 | A simple jQuery datepicker plugin. |
davis.js | 0.9.5 | Davis.js is a small JavaScript library using HTML5 history.pushState that allows simple Sinatra style routing for your JavaScript apps. |
dayjs | 1.11.13 | 2KB immutable date library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API |
dc | 4.2.7 | A multi-dimensional charting library built to work natively with crossfilter and rendered using d3.js |
dd_belatedpng | 0.0.8 | Allows the use of transparent PNGs in images and CSS backgrounds in IE6. |
deb.js | 0.0.2 | Minimalistic JavaScript library for debugging in the browser |
decimal.js | 10.4.3 | An arbitrary-precision Decimal type for JavaScript. |
deck.js | 1.1.0 | Modern HTML Presentations |
deep-diff | 1.0.2 | Javascript utility for calculating deep difference, capturing changes, and applying changes across objects; for nodejs and the browser. |
deeplearn | 0.5.1 | Hardware-accelerated JavaScript library for machine intelligence |
deepstream-client | 7.0.4 | the javascript client for deepstream.io |
deepstream.io-client-js | 2.3.4 | the javascript client for deepstream.io |
defiant.js | 2.2.8 | Search JSON structures plus smart templating with XSLT and XPath. |
dependent-dropdown | 1.4.9 | A multi level dependent dropdown JQuery plugin that allows nested dependencies. |
depot | 0.1.6 | depot.js is a namespaced localStorage wrapper with a simple API. |
descope-access-key-management-widget | 0.3.6 | Descope Access Key Management Widget |
descope-audit-management-widget | 0.2.10 | Descope Audit Management Widget |
descope-role-management-widget | 0.2.10 | Descope Role Management Widget |
descope-user-management-widget | 0.6.4 | Descope User Management Widget |
descope-user-profile-widget | 0.2.6 | Descope User Profile Widget |
design-system | 2.25.3 | Salesforce Lightning Design System |
detect_swipe | 2.1.4 | A jQuery plugin to detect swipes on touch devices. |
detectizr | 2.2.0 | Detectizr is a Modernizr extension to detect device, browser, operating system and screen. |
dev-timer | 0.4.0 | Super interval timer that can handle multiple timers simulteanously. |
devexpress-diagram | 2.2.15 | DevExpress Diagram Control |
devexpress-gantt | 4.1.56 | DevExpress Gantt Control |
devextreme | 24.2.3 | HTML5 JavaScript Component Suite for Responsive Web Development |
devextreme-aspnet-data | 5.0.0 | DevExtreme data layer extension for ASP.NET |
devextreme-dist | 24.2.3 | HTML5 JavaScript Component Suite for Responsive Web Development |
devextreme-quill | 1.7.1 | Core of the DevExtreme HtmlEditor |
devextreme-showdown | 1.0.1 | Javascript Markdown to HTML converter |
device.js | 0.10.1 | Device.js makes it easy to write conditional CSS _and/or_ JavaScript based on device operating system (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, Firefox OS, MeeGo, AppleTV, etc), orientation (Portrait vs. Landscape), and type (Tablet vs. Mobile). |
devicon | 2.16.0 | Programming related icons collection |
devicons | 1.8.0 | An iconic font made for developers |
devtools-detector | 2.0.22 | devtools-detector |
dexie | 4.0.10 | A Minimalistic Wrapper for IndexedDB |
df-number-format | 2.1.6 | Easily format numbers for display use. Replace numbers inline in a document, or return a formatted number for other uses. Even enables seamless number formatting in input fields as-you-type. Currency formatting is easy too—simply add a currency placeholder in the label of your form element, and set the appropriate format. |
dflow | 0.43.0 | is a minimal Dataflow programming engine |
dialog-polyfill | 0.5.6 | Polyfill for the dialog element |
diff-dom | 5.1.4 | A diff for DOM elements, as client-side JavaScript code. Gets all modifications, insertions and removals between two DOM fragments. |
diff-match-patch | 1.0.5 | The Diff Match and Patch libraries offer robust algorithms to perform the operations required for synchronizing plain text. |
diff2html | 2.12.2 | Fast Diff to colorized HTML |
diff_match_patch | 20121119 | The Diff Match and Patch libraries offer robust algorithms to perform the operations required for synchronizing plain text. |
dimple | 2.3.0 | An object-oriented charting API for d3 |
dinero.js | 1.9.1 | An immutable library to create, calculate and format monetary values. |
dinqyjs | 1.1.0 | A tiny but powerful Javascript library for working with collections. No bells and whistles and unwanted bloat, just the things you really need. |
dio | 9.1.0 | Dio is a lightweight (~7kb) feature rich Virtual DOM framework |
discuss | 1.2.9 | 一款简单,安全,免费的评论系统 | A simple, safe, free comment system |
disqusjs | 3.0.2 | Alternative DISQUS - Render comments components from Disqus API |
distpicker | 2.0.8 | A simple jQuery plugin for picking provinces, cities and districts of China. |
diva.js | 6.0.1 | Diva.js is a JavaScript document image viewer designed to present multi-page documents at high resolutions. |
django.js | 0.8.1 | Django.js provides tools for JavaScript development with Django. |
dna.js | 1.9.5 | An uncomplicated user interface library |
docsearch-css | 3.8.2 | Styles for DocSearch. |
docsearch-js | 3.8.2 | JavaScript package for DocSearch, the best search experience for docs. |
docsearch.js | 2.6.3 | Add an autocomplete dropdown to your documentation |
docsify | 4.13.1 | A magical documentation generator. |
docsify-copy-code | 3.0.0 | A docsify plugin that copies a markdown code block to your clipboard |
docsify-darklight-theme | 3.2.0 | Enables dark and light mode for docsify sites with switch |
docsify-sidebarfooter | 5.0.7 | Add a footer notice for Docsify.js |
document-register-element | 1.14.10 | A stand-alone working lightweight version of the W3C Custom Elements specification |
documentup | 0.1.1 | Pretty documentation generator for Github projects with proper Readme. |
docute | 4.23.3 | Effortlessly documentation done right. |
docxtemplater | 3.56.0 | .docx generator working with templates and data (like Mustache) |
dojo | 1.17.3 | Dojo saves you time, delivers powerful performance, and scales with your development process. It’s the toolkit experienced developers turn to for building superior desktop and mobile web experiences. |
dollar.js | 1.5.1 | A jQuery-compatible and non-All-in-One library which is more "Zepto" than Zepto.js |
dom-to-image | 2.6.0 | Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG |
dom-to-image-more | 3.5.0 | Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG |
dom4 | 2.1.6 | a fully tested and covered polyfill for new DOM Level 4 entries |
domainr-search-box | 0.0.31 | Domainr instant search box for your site |
domplotter | 1.3.1 | Minimalistic Virtual DOM implementation with support for animated transitions. |
dompurify | 3.2.3 | DOMPurify is a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. It's written in JavaScript and works in all modern browsers (Safari, Opera (15+), Internet Explorer (10+), Firefox and Chrome - as well as almost anything else using Blink or WebKit). DOMPurify is written by security people who have vast background in web attacks and XSS. Fear not. |
domready | 1.0.8 | modern domready |
domtastic | 0.15.11 | Small, fast, and modular DOM and event library for modern browsers. |
dont-go | 1.1.1 | Client-side library to change the title and/or favicon of the page when it is inactive |
doofinder | 5.13.4 | Javascript Library for Doofinder Search API |
doony | 2.1 | UI Improvements for Jenkins |
dot | 1.1.3 | Concise and fast javascript templating compatible with nodejs and other javascript environments |
downloadjs | 1.4.8 | file downloading using client-side javascript |
dplayer | 1.27.1 | Wow, such a lovely HTML5 danmaku video player |
draft-js | 0.11.7 | A React framework for building text editors. |
dragdealer | 0.9.9 | Drag-based JavaScript component, embracing endless UI solutions |
draggabilly | 3.0.0 | make that shiz draggable |
draggable | 1.0.1 | The JavaScript Drag & Drop library your grandparents warned you about. |
dragonbones | 2.4.1 | The Open Source 2D skeleton animation solution |
dragscroll | 0.0.8 | Tiny library for drag-n-drop scrolling style |
dragselect | 3.1.1 | Easy JavaScript library for selecting and moving elements. With no dependencies. Drag-Select & Drag-And-Drop. |
dragula | 3.7.3 | Drag and drop so simple it hurts |
drawer | 3.2.2 | Flexible drawer menu using jQuery, iScroll and CSS. |
drawingboard.js | 0.4.6 | A canvas based drawing app that you can integrate easily on your website |
drift-zoom | 1.5.1 | Easily add "zoom on hover" functionality to your site's images. Lightweight, no-dependency JavaScript. |
dripicons | 2.0.0 | A completely free vector line-icon font by Amit Jakhu |
driver-dom | 2.2.2 | DOM driver for Rax. |
driver.js | 1.3.1 | A light-weight, no-dependency, vanilla JavaScript library to drive the user's focus across the page |
droparea | 1.1.1 | jQuery plugin for HTML5 drag-and-drop (images and files). |
dropbox.js | 10.34.0 | Client library for the Dropbox API |
dropdown.js | 0.0.2dev | Finally a dropdown plugin that transforms select inputs in nice dropdowns and does not drive you crazy. |
dropzone | 5.9.3 | Handles drag and drop of files for you. |
dsbridge | 3.1.4 | Javascript Initialization code of DSBridge |
duckdb-wasm | 1.29.0 | DuckDB powered by WebAssembly |
dustjs-helpers | 1.7.4 | Helpers for dustjs-linkedin |
dustjs-linkedin | 3.0.1 | Asynchronous templates for the browser and server (LinkedIn fork) |
dygraph | 2.2.1 | dygraphs is a fast, flexible open source JavaScript charting library. |
dynamics.js | 1.1.5 | Javascript library to create physics-related animations |
eModal | 1.2.69 | Easy Modal for bootstrap, is a simple way to create modal dialogs using javaScript. |
easy-autocomplete | 1.3.5 | EasyAutocomplete is a jQuery autocomplete plugin. Easy to create autocomplete dropdown list for text input fields |
easy-countdown | 2.2.0 | Simple, lightweight and easy to use countdown plugin |
easy-pie-chart | 2.1.6 | Lightweight plugin to render simple, animated and retina optimized pie charts |
easy-toggle-state | 1.16.0 | A tiny JavaScript library to easily toggle the state of any HTML element in any contexts, and create UI components in no time. |
easyXDM | 2.4.20 | A javascript library providing cross-browser, cross-site messaging/method invocation. |
easyinvoice | 3.0.47 | Easily create beautiful pdf invoices. |
echarts | 5.6.0 | A powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser |
echarts-gl | 2.0.8 | Extension pack of ECharts providing 3D plots and globe visualization |
echarts-wordcloud | 2.1.0 | ECharts wordcloud extension based on wordcloud2.js |
eddy | 0.7.0 | Event Driven JS |
editor-md | 1.5.0 | Open source online markdown editor. |
editor.js | 2.26.5 | Editor.js — Native JS, based on API and Open Source |
ef.js | 0.17.4 | (maybe) An elegant HTML template engine & basic framework |
egg.js | 1.0 | A simple javascript library to add easter eggs to web pages. |
egjs | 2.0.0 | Set of UI interactions, effects and utilities components library. |
egjs-agent | 2.4.4 | Extracts browser and operating system information from the user agent string. |
egjs-axes | 3.9.1 | A module used to change the information of user action entered by various input devices such as touch screen or mouse into the logical virtual coordinates. You can easily create a UI that responds to user actions. |
egjs-component | 3.0.5 | A base class utility that manages events and options in modules. |
egjs-flicking | 4.12.0 | Simple module to implement flicking carousel interaction. |
egjs-infinitegrid | 4.12.0 | iA module used to arrange card elements including content infinitely on a grid layout. With this module, you can implement a grid-pattern user interface composed of different card elements whose sizes vary. It guarantees performance by maintaining the number of DOMs the module is handling under any circumstance |
egjs-jquery-pauseresume | 2.0.1 | Pauses and resumes animation executed by the jQuery animate() method |
egjs-jquery-transform | 2.0.0 | A method extended from the jQuery animate() method. It supports CSS transform property and 3D acceleration. |
egjs-persist | 2.6.0 | Provide cache interface to handle persisted data among history navigation. |
egjs-rotate | 2.1.0 | Tiny custom rotate event binder |
egjs-visible | 2.4.0 | A class that checks if an element is visible in the base element or viewport. |
ejs | Embedded JavaScript templates | |
ekko-lightbox | 5.3.0 | A lightbox gallery plugin for Bootstrap 3 based on the modal plugin |
elasticlunr | 0.9.6 | Lightweight full-text search engine in Javascript for browser search and offline search. |
elasticsearch | 16.7.1 | The official low-level Elasticsearch client for Node.js and the browser. |
eldarion-ajax | 0.16.0 | a library for adding declarative ajax functionality to your website |
element-plus | 2.9.1 | A Vue.js 3.0 UI Library made by Element team |
element-plus-icons-vue | 2.3.1 | Vue components of Element Plus Icons collection. |
element-ui | 2.15.14 | A Component Library for Vue.js. |
elemental | 0.5.3 | React UI Framework |
elevatezoom | 2.2.3 | A jQuery image zoom plugin, with tints, easing and gallery integration. |
elevator.js | 1.0.1 | Elevator.js fixes those awkward "scroll to top" moments the old fashioned way. |
elfinder | 2.1.65 | Open-source file manager for web, written in JavaScript using jQuery and jQuery UI. |
elliptic | 6.6.1 | EC cryptography |
elm-runtime | | The runtime for the Elm language. |
email-autocomplete | 0.1.3 | jQuery plugin that displays in-place autocomplete suggestions for email input fields. |
embed-box | 2.0.3 | Simple install guidance for CMS plugins |
embed-js | 5.0.4 | A JavaScript plugin that analyses the string and embeds emojis, media, tweets, code and services. |
embedly-jquery | 3.1.2 | This library allows you to easily embed objects on any page. |
embedo | 1.14.0 | A simple, fast, lightweight and standalone social media content embed plugin for web |
ember-auth | 9.0.7 | Authentication framework for ember.js. |
ember-charts | 3.0.1 | A powerful and easy to use charting library for Ember.js. |
ember-computed-reverse | 0.1.0 | A computed property macro for ember.js that returns a reversed array without allocating a new array on each replace action |
ember-data-django-rest-adapter | 0.13.1 | An ember-data adapter for django web applications powered by the django-rest-framework |
ember-data-model-fragments | 2.1.3 | Ember Data addon to support nested JSON documents |
ember-data.js | 2.18.3 | A data layer for your Ember applications. |
ember-dialog | 3.0.0 | Allows you to create modal windows |
ember-i18n | 5.3.0 | Internationalization for Ember |
ember-localstorage-adapter | 0.3.1 | Store your Ember application data in LocalStorage. |
ember-resource.js | 2.3.10 | A simple library to connect your Ember.js application to JSON backends. |
ember-simple-auth | 0.8.0 | A lightweight library for implementing authentication/authorization with Ember.js applications. |
ember.js | 6.1.0 | Ember is a JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications that eliminates boilerplate and provides a standard application architecture. |
emberFire | 2.0.10 | The officially supported Ember binding for Firebase |
embla-carousel | 3.0.13 | Extensible bare bones carousels for the web |
emblem | 0.12.0 | Templating language targeting Handlebars with default Ember.js conventions |
emergence.js | 1.1.2 | Detect element visibility in the browser |
emmet | 2.4.11 | Emmet — the essential toolkit for web-developers |
emoji-awesome | 0.0.2 | Cross platform, easy to use, no-javascript solution for the emoji awesomeness |
emoji-datasource | 15.1.2 | Emoji data and images |
emoji-datasource-apple | 15.1.2 | Emoji data and images - apple |
emoji-datasource-facebook | 15.1.2 | Emoji data and images - facebook |
emoji-datasource-google | 15.1.2 | Emoji data and images - google |
emoji-datasource-messenger | 4.1.0 | Emoji data and images - messenger |
emoji-datasource-twitter | 15.1.2 | Emoji data and images - twitter |
emoji-js | 3.8.1 | A JS Emoji conversion library |
emoji-picker | 1.3.0 | Add a slick emoji selector to input fields and textareas on your website. |
emoji-toolkit | 9.0.1 | JoyPixels is a complete set of emoji designed for the web. The emoji-toolkit includes libraries to easily convert unicode characters to shortnames (:smile:) and shortnames to JoyPixels emoji images. PNG formats provided for the emoji images. |
emoji-translate | 1.0.2 | A library that translates english words to emoji |
emojify.js | 1.1.0 | A Javascript module to convert emoji keywords to images. |
emojione | 4.5.0 | Emoji One is a complete set of emojis designed for the web. It includes libraries to easily convert unicode characters to shortnames (:smile:) and shortnames to our custom emoji images. PNG and SVG formats provided for the emoji images. |
emojionearea | 3.4.2 | EmojiOne Area is a small jQuery plugin that allows you to transform any html element into simple WYSIWYG editor with ability to use Emojione icons. The end result is a secure text/plain in which the image icons will be replaced with their Unicode analogues. |
emotion-core | 11.0.0 | Simple styling in React. |
encoding-japanese | 2.2.0 | Converts character encoding. |
engine.io-client | 3.5.4 | Client for the realtime Engine |
enjoyhint | 4.0.1 | Web-tool that provides the simplest way to create interactive tutorials and hints. |
enquire.js | 2.1.6 | Awesome Media Queries in JavaScript |
entypo | 2.0 | Entypo is a set of 250+ carefully crafted pictograms |
eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker | 4.17.49 | A date/time picker component designed to work with Bootstrap 3 and Momentjs. For usage, installation and demos see Project Site on GitHub |
epiceditor | 0.2.2 | An Embeddable Markdown Editor |
epijs | 2.2.0 | A toolset for analyzing and creating epidemiological models |
epitome | 0.3.0 | Epitome, an MVP framework built on top of MooTools |
epoch | 0.8.4 | A general purpose real-time charting library for building beautiful, smooth, and high performance visualizations. |
epub.js | 0.2.15 | Render ePub documents in the browser, across many devices |
eqcss | 1.9.2 | EQCSS is a polyfill that introduces Element Queries, Scoped CSS, selectors for parent, next, and previous elements to all browsers IE8 and up |
equalize.js | 1.0.2 | The jQuery plugin for equalizing the height or width of your elements |
equalizecss | 1.3.0 | css-grid built on the properties of flexboxes |
equalizer.js | 1.01 | A vanilla JavaScript plugin for equalizing the height of elements |
erc725.js | 0.27.2 | Library to interact with ERC725 smart contracts and encode/decode ERC725Y data keys. |
eruda | 3.4.1 | Console for Mobile Browsers |
es-class | 2.0.0 | A future proof, backward compatible, JavaScript class utility. |
es-fetch-api | 1.1.9 | Very very very powerful, extensible http client for both node.js and browser. |
es5-shim | 4.6.7 | ECMAScript 5 compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines |
es6-promise | 4.2.8 | A lightweight library that provides tools for organizing asynchronous code |
es6-promise-pool | 2.5.0 | Runs Promises in a pool that limits their concurrency. |
es6-shim | 0.35.8 | ECMAScript 6 (Harmony) compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines |
es6-tween | 5.5.11 | ES6 implementation of amazing tween.js |
es7-shim | 6.0.0 | ECMAScript 7 compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines |
esprima | 4.0.0 | ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis |
esri-leaflet | 3.1.0 | Leaflet plugins for consuming ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Server services. |
esri-leaflet-geocoder | 3.1.5 | Esri Geocoding utility and search plugin for Leaflet. |
esri-leaflet-related | 3.0.0 | A Leaflet plugin that allows users to query related tables. |
esri-leaflet-renderers | 3.0.1 | esri-leaflet plugin for rendering |
ethers | 6.13.5 | Umbrella package for most common Ethers libraries. |
etp | 2.0.7-94 | Javascript bindings for Energistics Transport Protocol (ETP) |
europa | 6.0.0 | Library for converting HTML into valid Markdown |
evaporate | 2.1.4 | Javascript library for browser to S3 multipart resumable uploads |
eve.js | 0.8.4 | A JavaScript meta-framework for scoped event delegation. |
event-drops | 1.3.0 | A time based / event series interactive visualization using d3.js. Use drag and zoom to navigate in time. |
event-source-polyfill | 0.0.9 | A polyfill for http://www.w3.org/TR/eventsource/ |
eventable | 1.0.5 | The events part of Backbone |
eventemitter3 | 5.0.1 | EventEmitter3 focuses on performance while maintaining a Node.js AND browser compatible interface. |
eventmaster | 2.0.0 | A simple, compact and consistent implementation that provides both Promise/Deferred/Flow pattern and Event/Notify/Observer/PubSub pattern |
eventproxy | 1.0.0 | An implementation of task/event based asynchronous pattern. |
eventsource-polyfill | 0.9.6 | A browser polyfill for W3C EventSource (http://www.w3.org/TR/eventsource/) |
evil-icons | 1.10.1 | Evil Icons is a set of SVG icons designed extensively for using in modern web projects |
evil.js | 42 | A JavaScript library for thwarting hotlinkers. |
excalibur | 0.24.5 | Excalibur.js is a simple JavaScript game engine with TypeScript bindings for making 2D games in HTML5 Canvas. Our mission is to make web game development as simple as possible. |
excel-builder | 2.0.3 | An easy way of building Excel files with javascript |
excel-formula | 1.5.0 | Methods to beautify an excel formula and convert it to JavaScript or C# |
exceljs | 4.4.0 | Excel Workbook Manager - Read and Write xlsx and csv Files. |
exif-js | 2.3.0 | JavaScript library for reading EXIF image metadata |
exome | 2.6.2 | Proxy based store manager for deeply nested states |
expect | 1.20.2 | Write better assertions |
expect.js | 0.3.1 | BDD style assertions for node and the browser. |
expr-eval | 2.0.2 | Mathematical expression evaluator |
expressive-annotations-validate | 2.7.0 | Client-side component of ExpressiveAnnotations |
ext-core | 3.1.0 | Ext JS is the developer's choice for building powerful desktop web applications using JavaScript and web standards. |
extjs | 6.2.0 | Ext JS is the developer's choice for building powerful desktop web applications using JavaScript and web standards. |
fabric.js | 5.3.1 | Object model for HTML5 canvas, and SVG-to-canvas parser. Backed by jsdom and node-canvas. |
facebook-nodejs-business-sdk | 21.0.5 | SDK for the Facebook Ads API in Javascript and Node.js |
facebox | 1.3 | Facebook-style lightbox, built in jQuery |
fakeLoader.js | 1.1.0 | fakeLoader.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you create an animated spinner with a fullscreen loading mask to simulate the page preloading effect. |
falcor | 2.3.2 | A JavaScript library for efficient data fetching. |
fallback | 1.1.9 | JavaScript library for dynamically loading CSS and JS files. Also provides the ability to load multiple files from a CDN with multiple fallback options and shimming! http://fallback.io/ |
fancyInput | 1.2.0 | Makes typing in input fields fun with CSS3 effects |
fancyapps-ui | 5.0.36 | JavaScript UI Component Library |
fancybox | 3.5.7 | Touch enabled, responsive and fully customizable jQuery lightbox script |
fast-json-patch | 3.1.1 | Fast implementation of JSON-Patch (RFC-6902) with duplex (observe changes) capabilities |
fast-xml-parser | 4.5.1 | Parse XML to JS/JSON very fast without C/C++ based libraries |
fastclick | 1.0.6 | Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs. |
fastdom | 1.0.12 | Eliminates layout thrashing by batching DOM read/write operations |
fastify | 5.2.1 | Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js |
fastselect | 0.7.3 | A lightweight browser plugin for enhanced select elements based on jQuery. Enables fast and sensible UI upgrade of select element with features like option searching and remote dataset loading. |
fasy | 9.0.2 | FP iterator helpers that are async/generator aware |
fatcow-icons | 20130425 | 3500 Free "Farm-Fresh Web Icons" by FatCow Web Hosting |
favico.js | 0.3.10 | Favico.js is a library to manipulate the favicon, adding alert badges, render images or videos. |
faviconx | 1.0.1 | A tiny javascript library that makes progress bars out of the favicon placeholders. |
fbbk-json | 1.1.1 | Parse JSON-Object string (not normalized JSON string) into JSON object. |
fdaciuk-ajax | 3.0.4 | Ajax module in Vanilla JS |
feather-icons | 4.29.2 | Simply beautiful open source icons |
featherlight | 1.7.13 | Featherlight is a very lightweight jQuery lightbox plugin. It's simple yet flexible and easy to use. Featherlight has minimal css and uses no inline styles, everything is name-spaced, it's completely customizable via configuration object and offers image, ajax and iframe support out of the box. Featherlights small footprint weights less than 4kB – in total. |
feathers | 5.0.31 | A framework for real-time applications and REST API with JavaScript and TypeScript |
feature.js | 1.1.3 | Feature.js is a fast, simple and lightweight browser feature detection library. It has no dependencies and weighs only 1kb minified and gzipped. |
fecha | 2.3.3 | Date formatting and parsing |
feedback.js | 2012.10.17 | Feedback form with screenshot |
feedbackplus | 1.6.0 | Screenshotting and screenshot editing for your feedback forms with JavaScript. |
fermata | 0.11.1 | Succinct native REST client, for client-side web apps and node.js. Turns URLs into magic JavaScript objects. Supports JSON, CouchDB, OAuth 1.0a, form uploads and more! |
fetch | 3.6.20 | A window.fetch JavaScript polyfill. |
fetch-jsonp | 1.3.0 | Fetch JSONP like a boss using Fetch API |
fetchival | 0.3.2 | Makes JSON requests with fetch easier |
ffmpeg | 0.12.15 | A pure Webassembly / Javascript port of FFmpeg. |
ffmpeg-core | 0.12.10 | A pure Webassembly / Javascript port of FFmpeg. |
ffxiv-overlay-api | 4.8.0 | Build your own modern FFXIV overlay with npm & TypeScript support. |
fg-appendaround | 1.1.0 | A pattern for responsive markup |
fg-snapper | 3.4.0 | A CSS Snap-Points based carousel (and lightweight polyfill) |
fiber | 1.0.5 | Lightweight JavaScript inheritance library |
field-kit | 2.1.0 | Utilities to effectively manage text entry on the web. |
file-upload-with-preview | 6.1.2 | A simple file-upload utility that shows a preview of the uploaded image. Written in pure JavaScript. No dependencies. Works well with Bootstrap 4 or without a framework. |
file-uploader | 5.16.2 | Multiple file upload plugin with progress-bar, drag-and-drop. |
filepond | 4.32.6 | FilePond, Where files go to stretch their bits. |
filesize | 9.0.11 | JavaScript library to generate a human readable String describing the file size |
filter.js | 1.5.2 | A javascript library for filtering json object and rendering html |
filterizr | 2.2.4 | Filterizr is a jQuery plugin that sorts, shuffles, searches and applies stunning filters over responsive galleries using CSS3 transitions and custom CSS effects |
findAndReplaceDOMText | 0.4.6 | findAndReplaceDOMText: DOM find/replace utility |
fingerprintjs | 0.5.3 | Fast browser fingerprint library. By default uses Murmur hashing and returns a 32bit integer number. |
fingerprintjs2 | 2.1.5 | The library is renamed to @fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs. Check the link below to get updates. |
firacode | 6.2.0 | Fira Code: monospaced font with programming ligatures |
firebase | 11.1.0 | Firebase JavaScript library for web and Node.js |
firebug-lite | 1.4.0 | Firebug Lite is a powerful console logging, modifying and inspecting tool. |
firmin | 1.0.0 | A JavaScript animation library based on CSS transforms and transitions. |
fitty | 2.4.2 | Snugly resizes text to fit its parent container |
fitvids | 1.2.0 | A lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds. |
fixed-data-table | 0.6.5 | A React table component designed to allow presenting thousands of rows of data. |
fixed-header-table | 1.3.0 | The jQuery fixedHeaderTable plugin |
fixed-sticky | 0.1.7 | A position: sticky polyfill that works with filamentgroup/fixed-fixed for a safer position:fixed fallback. |
fixto | 0.5.0 | A jQuery plugin for custom sticky positioning |
flag-icon-css | 7.2.3 | This package has been renamed to flag-icons |
flag-icons | 7.2.3 | :flags: A collection of all country flags in SVG — plus the CSS for easier integration |
flagstrap | 1.0 | A lightwieght jQuery plugin for creating Bootstrap 3 compatible country select boxes with flags. |
flat-ui | 2.3.0 | Flat UI Free is a beautiful theme for Bootstrap. We have redesigned many of its components to look flat in every pixel |
flatpickr | 4.6.13 | A lightweight, powerful datetimepicker |
flex-layout-attribute | 1.0.3 | HTML layout helper based on CSS flexbox specification. |
flexMenu | 1.6.2 | FlexMenu lets you create menu bars that automatically collapse into a drop-down to fit the space available. |
flexboxgrid | 6.3.1 | Grid based off of CSS3 flexbox specification |
flexibility | 2.0.1 | Use Flexbox while supporting older Internet Explorers |
flexiblegs-css | 5.6.0 | Flexible Grid System CSS |
flexie | 1.0.3 | Cross-browser support for the CSS3 Flexible Box Model. |
flexisel | 2.2.2 | A responsive carousel jQuery plugin |
flexnav | 1.3.3 | A jQuery plugin for responsive menus |
flexslider | 2.7.2 | An awesome, fully responsive jQuery slider toolkit. |
flickity | 3.0.0 | Touch, responsive, flickable galleries |
flickr-justified-gallery | 2.2.0 | Flickr's justified images gallery |
flight | 1.1.4 | An event-driven web framework, from Twitter |
flipCounter | 1.2 | Uses valid markup and an image sprite to render an analogue clock / odometer effect. Clock image is easily customizable, default options can be easily overriden, can be easily animated and extended with jQuery.easing plugin, gracefully degrades if Javascript is not available. |
flipclock | 0.10.7 | FlipClock.js is a proper abstract object oriented clock and counter library with a realistic flip effect. |
flipcountdown | 3.0.5 | jQuery Clock,Timer or Counter plugin in retro flip-count down style. The plugin can display the time and number, including floating point. |
float-label-css | 1.0.2 | Bulletproof CSS-only implementation of Float Label pattern with automatic fallback for ANY non-supporting browser. |
floating.js | 2.7.3 | Float a number of things up on a page (hearts, flowers, ...) |
floatlabels.js | 1.0.0 | floatlabels.js follows the famous Float Label Pattern. Built on jQuery. |
floatthead | 2.2.5 | fixed table header plugin that works |
flocks.js | 1.6.1 | Simpler state management for React.js |
flot | 4.2.6 | Attractive Javascript plotting for jQuery |
flot.tooltip | 0.9.0 | easy-to-use tooltips for Flot charts |
flow.js | 2.14.1 | Flow.js library implements html5 file upload and provides multiple simultaneous, stable, fault tolerant and resumable uploads. |
flowbite | 2.5.2 | The most popular library of interactive components built with Tailwind CSS |
flowchart | 1.18.0 | Draws simple SVG flow chart diagrams from textual representation of the diagram |
flowplayer | 7.2.7 | The HTML5 video player for the web |
flubber | 0.4.2 | Best-guess methods for smoothly interpolating and animating between shapes. |
fluentui-react | 8.122.3 | Reusable React components for building web experiences. |
fluidbox | 2.0.5 | Replicating Medium's beautiful, minimalist lightbox module |
fluidvids.js | 2.4.1 | Raw JavaScript fluid videos |
flux | 4.0.4 | An application architecture based on a unidirectional data flow |
fluxify | 0.2.3 | The simplest flux implementation |
flv.js | 1.6.2 | HTML5 FLV Player |
flying-pages | 2.1.2 | Load inner pages instantly, intelligently! |
focusable | 1.0.0 | Set focus on DOM element adding overlay to the rest of the page |
foggy | 1.1.1 | jQuery plugin for blurring page elements |
folktale | 2.3.1 | A suite of libraries for generic functional programming in JavaScript that allows you to write elegant modular applications with fewer bugs and more reuse. |
fomantic-ui | 2.9.3 | Community fork of the popular Semantic-UI framework |
font-awesome | 6.7.2 | The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit |
font-awesome-animation | 1.1.0 | Simple animations using some CSS3 I found on the web. Best used on glyphicons like |
font-linux | 0.9 | Font-linux is an icon font containing logos of popular linux distributions for inclusion in websites. |
font-logos | 1.3.0 | An icon font providing popular linux distros' logos |
font-mfizz | 2.4.1 | Font Mfizz - Vector Icons for Technology and Software Geeks |
fontawesome-iconpicker | 3.2.0 | Font Awesome Icon Picker plugin for Twitter Bootstrap |
fontfaceobserver | 2.3.0 | Detect if web fonts are available |
fonticonpicker | 2.0.0 | An icon picker built on top of font icons and jQuery |
fontisto | 3.0.4 | Fontisto gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized: size, color, drop shadow and anything that can be done with the power of CSS. |
foonav | 0.0.6 | FooNav.js - Simple Navigation Plugin |
force-js | 0.1.3 | The easy way to scroll and animate your page |
foreach | 2.0.6 | foreach component + npm package |
forerunnerdb | 2.0.24 | A NoSQL document store database for browsers and Node.js. |
forge | 1.3.1 | JavaScript implementations of network transports, cryptography, ciphers, PKI, message digests, and various utilities. |
fork-awesome | 1.2.0 | A fork of the iconic font and CSS framework |
formatter.js | 0.0.0 | Format user input to match a specified pattern |
formbuilder | 0.2.1 | Graphical form builder for the web. |
formjs | 1.1.1 | A classic form styling with ease |
formstone | 1.4.22 | Library of modular front end components. |
formsy-react | 0.19.5 | A form input builder and validator for React JS |
formulajs | 1.0.8 | JavaScript implementation of most Microsoft Excel formula functions |
formvalidation | 0.6.2-dev | The best jQuery plugin to validate form fields. Support Bootstrap, Foundation, Pure, SemanticUI, UIKit and custom frameworks |
fotorama | 4.6.4 | A simple, stunning, powerful jQuery gallery. |
foundation | 6.9.0 | The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. |
foundation-datepicker | 1.5.6 | Foundation datepicker jQuery plugin |
foundation-emails | 2.4.0 | A framework for responsive emails made by ZURB |
foundation-essential | 6.2.2 | The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. |
foundicons | 3.0.0 | A custom collection of 283 icons that are stored in a handy web font. |
fpo | 6.1.11 | FP library for JavaScript. Supports named-argument style methods. |
fpsmeter | 0.3.1 | Sexy, fast, and themable FPS meter. |
framework7 | 5.7.14 | Full Featured Mobile HTML Framework For Building iOS & Android Apps |
frappe-charts | 1.6.2 | Simple, responsive, modern SVG Charts with zero dependencies |
frappe-gantt | 1.0.0 | A simple, modern, interactive gantt library for the web |
free-jqgrid | 4.15.5 | grid as jQuery plugin - fork of jqGrid before licensing change |
freewall | 1.0.5 | Amazing grid layout. |
freezer-js | 0.14.1 | A tree data structure that is always updated from the root, making easier to think in a reactive way. |
froala-design-blocks | 2.0.1 | An amazing collection of over 170 ready to use responsive design blocks based on Bootstrap. |
froala-editor | 4.4.0 | A beautiful jQuery WYSIWYG HTML rich text editor. High performance and modern design make it easy to use for developers and loved by users. |
frontpress | 1.0.8 | Full front-end AngularJS template for WordPress Rest API. |
frozen-moment | 0.4.0 | Immutability for Moment.js. Freeze moments so that mutation methods return copies instead of altering the original timestamp. |
frzr | 0.22.7 | Turboboosted 2 KB view library |
fs-tpp-api | 2.4.8 | FirstSpirit Third-Party-Preview API |
fslightbox | 3.4.2 | Modern and easy plugin for displaying images and videos in clean overlaying box. Display single source or create beautiful gallery with powerful lightbox. |
fsvs | 1.2.2 | Full Screen Vertical Scroll |
ftscroller | 0.7.0 | FTScroller is a cross-browser Javascript/CSS library to allow touch, mouse or scrollwheel scrolling within specified elements, with pagination, snapping and bouncing support. |
fuckadblock | 3.2.1 | Detects ad blockers (AdBlock, ...) |
fuels | 0.97.2 | Fuel TS SDK |
fuelux | 3.17.2 | Base Fuel UX styles and controls |
fukol-grids | 0.1.0 | A tiny, automatic, breakpoint free, 'element query' based grid system. |
fullPage.js | 4.0.31 | Create beautiful fullscreen snap scrolling websites |
fullcalendar | 6.1.15 | Full-sized drag & drop event calendar |
fullcalendar-scheduler | 4.2.0 | A premium add-on to FullCalendar for displaying events and resources |
fullview | 1.1.2 | Create fullscreen scrolling websites |
function-plot | 1.25.1 | A simple 2d function plotter powered by d3 |
furtive | 2.3.0 | A forward-thinking, CSS micro-framework. Minimal by design. |
fuse.js | 7.0.0 | Lightweight fuzzy-search |
fusioncharts | 4.1.2 | FusionCharts JavaScript charting framework |
fuzzyset.js | 1.0.5 | A fuzzy string set for JavaScript |
fuzzysort | 3.1.0 | Fast SublimeText-like fuzzy search for JavaScript |
g2plot | 2.4.32 | An interactive and responsive charting library |
g9 | 1.0.16 | automatically interactive graphics |
ga-lite | 2.1.0 | Small, cacheable subset of Google Analytics JS client |
galleria | 1.6.1 | The JavaScript Image Gallery. |
galleriffic | 2.0.1 | A jQuery plugin for rendering rich, fast-performing photo galleries. |
garlic.js | 1.4.2 | Automatically persist your forms' text and select field values locally, until the form is submitted. |
gas | 1.11.0 | Google Analytics on Steroids |
gator | 1.2.4 | Event delegation in javascript |
gauge.js | 1.3.9 | 100% native and cool looking animated JavaScript/CoffeScript gauge |
gd-sprest | 8.7.6 | A JavaScript library to interact with the SharePoint REST API. |
gd-sprest-bs | 10.13.9 | A JavaScript library to interact with the SharePoint REST API including Bootstrap components. |
gemini-testing-sql-js | 2.0.0 | SQLite library with support for opening and writing databases, prepared statements, and more. This SQLite library is in pure javascript (compiled with emscripten). |
gemma | 1.1.0 | A lightweight CSS library |
generate-ip | 2.4.4 | Randomly generate, format, and validate IPv4/IPv6 addresses. |
generate-pw | 1.5.11 | Randomly generate, strengthen, and validate cryptographically-secure passwords. |
genericons | 3.1 | Genericons are vector icons embedded in a webfont designed to be clean and simple keeping with a generic aesthetic. Use for instant HiDPI or to easily change colors on the fly. |
gentelella | 1.4.0 | Gentellela Admin is a free to use Bootstrap admin template |
geo-location-javascript | 0.4.8 | JavaScript geo location framework for the mobile web. |
geocomplete | 1.7.0 | An advanced jQuery plugin that wraps the Google Maps API's [Geocoding](https://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/geocoding.html) and [Places Autocomplete](https://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/places.html#places_autocomplete) services. You simply provide an input that lets you search for locations with a nice autocomplete dropdown. Optionally add a container to show an interactive map and a form that will be populated with the address details. |
geoext | 1.1 | GeoExt brings together the geospatial know how of OpenLayers with the user interface savvy of Ext JS to help you build powerful desktop style GIS apps on the web with JavaScript. |
geojs | 1.14.0 | JavaScript Geo visualization and Analysis Library |
geojson | 0.5.0 | Turn your geo data into GeoJSON |
geojson2svg | 2.0.1 | Converts geojson to svg/path string given svg viewport size and maps extent. |
geolocator | 2.1.5 | A utility for getting geo-location information via HTML5 and IP look-ups, geocoding, address look-ups, distance and durations, timezone information and more... |
geomicons-open | 2.0.0 | Open Source Icons for the Web |
geopattern | 1.2.3 | Generate beautiful SVG patterns |
geostats | 2.1.0 | Geostats is a standalone JavaScript library for statistical classification. |
getmdl-select | 2.0.1 | select for material-design-lite |
gettext.js | 2.0.2 | gettext.js is a lightweight (3k minified!) yet complete and accurate GNU gettext port for node and the browser. Manage your i18n translations the right way in your javascript projects. |
gh.js | 3.2.0 | Tiny GitHub API wrapper for server and client. |
gibberish-aes | 1.0.0 | A lightweight Javascript Libray for OpenSSL compatible AES CBC encryption. |
gibon | 0.4.1 | Functional client-side router in ~570 bytes, built on HTML5 History API |
gif.js | 0.2.0 | JavaScript GIF encoding library |
gifffer | 1.5.0 | JavaScript library that prevents the autoplaying of the animated Gifs |
gifshot | 0.4.5 | JavaScript library that can create animated gifs from video streams (e.g. webcam), existing videos (e.g. mp4), or existing images |
gijgo | 1.9.14 | Gijgo is a set of free open source javascript controls distributed under MIT License. All widgets are high performance, built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library with built-in support for Bootstrap, Material Design and Font Awesome. They are designed to saves you time and scales with your development process. |
gillie | 0.2.1 | JavaScript MVC Microframework |
gist-embed | 2.7.1 | Ultra powered gist embedding for your website |
gitalk | 1.8.0 | Gitalk is a modern comment component based on Github Issue and Preact. |
gitgraph.js | 1.15.2 | A JavaScript library to draw pretty git graphs in the browser |
github-api | 3.4.0 | A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. |
github-buttons | 2.29.1 | GitHub Buttons |
github-calendar | 2.3.4 | Embed your GitHub contributions calendar anywhere. |
github-fork-ribbon-css | 0.2.3 | A CSS-only, resolution-independent 'Fork me on GitHub' ribbon. |
github-markdown-css | 5.8.1 | The minimal amount of CSS to replicate the GitHub Markdown style |
github-org-members.js | 1.2.11 | A JavaScript library for fetching and rendering in HTML the members of a GitHub organization. |
github-repo-widget | e23d85ab8f | GitHub jQuery Repo Widget will build you a beautiful widget that displays the status of your GitHub repo. |
gitment | 0.0.3 | A comment system based on GitHub Issues |
gitter-sidecar | 1.3.3 | An embeddable Gitter client. |
gl-matrix | 3.4.2 | Javascript Matrix and Vector library for High Performance WebGL apps |
glamor | 2.20.40 | inline css for component systems |
glamorous | 5.0.0 | React component styling solved |
glider-js | 1.7.9 | A fast, lightweight carousel alternative |
glightbox | 3.3.0 | Pure Javascript lightbox |
gliojs | 0.0.7 | Detects if the mouse of a user leaves the viewport / document borders of your website — and when this happens, trigger your callback |
globalize | 1.7.0 | A JavaScript library for internationalization and localization that leverage the official Unicode CLDR JSON data. |
gmail-js | 1.1.16 | JavaScript API for Gmail (useful for chrome extensions) |
gmap3 | 7.2.0 | jQuery plugin to generate Google Maps |
gmaps-marker-clusterer | 1.2.2 | The library creates and manages per-zoom-level clusters for large amounts of markers. Google API v3. |
gmaps.js | 0.4.25 | the easiest way to use Google Maps |
gmaps4rails | 2.1.2 | Enables easy Google map + overlays creation |
goalProgress | 1.0 | Animated progress bar using jQuery to show how close you are to reaching your goal. |
godlike.css | 3.8.0 | CSS for layout standardization and usability of web applications |
gojs | 3.0.16 | Interactive diagrams, charts, and graphs, such as trees, flowcharts, orgcharts, UML, BPMN, or business diagrams |
golden-layout | 2.6.0 | A multi-screen javascript Layout manager |
goodshare.js | 6.1.5 | Useful jQuery plugin that will help your website visitors share a link on social networks and microblogs or mobile messengers. Easy to install and configuring on any of your website! |
google-closure-library | 20230802.0.0 | Google's common JavaScript library |
google-libphonenumber | 3.2.40 | The up-to-date and reliable Google's libphonenumber package for node.js for parsing, formatting, and validating international phone numbers. |
google-palette | 1.1.1 | Script for generating colour palettes for use with graphs, charts and cartography. |
googlemaps-js-api-loader | 1.16.8 | Wrapper for the loading of Google Maps JavaScript API script in the browser |
gorillascript | 0.9.10 | GorillaScript is a compile-to-JavaScript language designed to empower the user while attempting to prevent some common errors. |
gotem | 0.0.3 | Copy to clipboard for modern browsers in less than 1kb. |
gpu.js | 1.10.4 | GPU Accelerated JavaScript |
grade-js | 1.0.10 | This JavaScript library produces complimentary gradients generated from the top 2 dominant colours in supplied images |
graingert-wow | 1.2.2 | Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page. |
granim | 2.0.0 | Create fluid and interactive gradients animations with this small js library. |
grapesjs | 0.22.4 | Free and Open Source Web Builder Framework |
graphael | 0.5.1 | gRaphael's goal is to help you create stunning charts on your website. It is based on Raphaël graphics library. |
graphdracula | 1.3.0 | JavaScript Graph Layouting and Drawing |
graphics-element | 6.3.0 | A custom HTML |
graphicsjs | 1.4.4 | A lightweight Javascript graphics library with the intuitive API, based on SVG/VML technology |
graphiql | 3.8.3 | An graphical interactive in-browser GraphQL IDE. |
graphiql-explorer | 0.9.0 | Interactive explorer plugin for GraphiQL. |
graphlib | 3.0.1 | A directed and undirected multi-graph library |
graphology | 0.25.4 | A robust and multipurpose Graph object for JavaScript. |
grd | 1.4.0 | A CSS grid framework using Flexbox. |
gremlins.js | 0.1.0 | A monkey testing library written in JavaScript, for Node.js and the browser. Use it to check the robustness of web applications by unleashing a horde of undisciplined gremlins. |
gridder | 1.4.2 | A jQuery plugin that displays a thumbnail grid expanding preview similar to the effect seen on Google Images. |
griddle-react | 1.13.1 | Griddle - A fast and flexible grid component for React. |
gridforms | 1.0.10 | Data entry can be beautiful |
gridifier | 2.0.3 | Async responsive HTML grids |
gridjs | 6.2.0 | Grid.js is a Free and open-source HTML table plugin written in TypeScript. It works with most JavaScript frameworks, including React, Angular, Vue and VanillaJs. |
gridlex | 2.7.1 | Just a Flexbox Grid System |
gridly | 1.5.0 | The minimal (~157 bytes) grid system for modern browsers. |
gridmest | 1.1.0 | a CSS grid system |
gridstack.js | 11.2.0 | gridstack.js is a jQuery plugin for widget layout |
grommet | 2.43.0 | The most advanced UX framework for enterprise applications. |
grommet-index | 1.1.3 | Grommet UI and example server for searching, filtering, and displaying mass quantities of items. |
gsap | 3.12.5 | GSAP is a JavaScript library for building high-performance animations that work in **every** major browser. Animate CSS, SVG, canvas, React, Vue, WebGL, colors, strings, motion paths, generic objects...anything JavaScript can touch! No other library delivers such advanced sequencing, reliability, and tight control while solving real-world problems on millions of sites. GSAP works around countless browser inconsistencies; your animations **just work**. At its core, GSAP is a high-speed property manipulator, updating values over time with extreme accuracy. It's up to 20x faster than jQuery! See https://greensock.com/why-gsap/ for what makes GSAP so special. |
gss-engine | 2.0.0 | GSS styling engine |
guards | 1.5.1 | Guard your forms with class (or any other selector). |
gulp | 3.8.5 | The streaming build system |
gumby | 2.6.4 | A Flexible, Responsive CSS Framework. |
gumshoe | 5.1.1 | A simple, framework-agnostic scrollspy script. |
gun | 0.2020.1240 | A realtime, decentralized, offline-first, graph data synchronization engine. |
gyrejs | 0.6.5 | Experimental data fetching and state library geared towards ReactJS |
h3-js | 4.1.0 | Pure-Javascript version of the H3 library, a hexagon-based geographic grid system |
h5Validate | 0.9.0 | HTML5 form validation |
hack | 0.8.1 | Dead simple CSS framework. |
hack-font | 3.3.0 | A typeface designed for source code |
hallo.js | 1.1.1 | Simple rich text editor |
hamburgers | 1.2.1 | Collection of tasty CSS-animated hamburger icons. Includes Sass files (modular and customizable), so cook up your own hamburger. |
hammer-time | 1.1.0 | A fast click based on the touch-action css property |
hammer.js | 2.0.8 | A javascript library for multi-touch gestures |
hamsterjs | 1.1.3 | A standalone javascript library for cross-browser mouse wheel support. |
hanabi | 0.4.0 | Highlight any code, in a colorful way. |
handjs | 1.3.11 | Hand.js is a polyfill for pointer events. |
handlebars.js | 4.7.8 | Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration |
handsontable | 15.0.0 | Spreadsheet-like data grid editor that provides copy/paste functionality compatible with Excel/Google Docs |
hasher | 1.2.0 | Hasher is a set of JavaScript functions to control browser history for rich-media websites and applications |
hashgrid | 6 | A little tool that inserts a layout grid in web pages, allows you to hold it in place, and toggle between displaying it in the foreground or background. |
hashids | 2.3.0 | Generate YouTube-like ids from numbers. Use Hashids when you do not want to expose your database ids to the user. |
hasplayer.js | 1.15.1 | Http Adaptive Streaming javascript player based on HTML5 premium extensions (MSE/EME) |
hazzik-jquery.livequery | 1.3.6 | Live Query utilizes the power of jQuery selectors by firing callbacks for matched elements auto-magically, even after the page has been loaded and the DOM updated. |
hchs-vue-charts | 1.2.8 | Base on Vue2.0 wrapper for ChartJs. |
he | 1.2.0 | A robust HTML entities encoder/decoder with full Unicode support. |
headhesive | 1.2.4 | An on-demand sticky header |
headjs | 1.0.3 | HeadJS: Responsive Design, Feature Detections & Asset Loading. The only script in your |
headroom | 0.12.0 | Give your page some headroom. Hide your header until you need it |
heapbox | 0.9.4 | Customizable replacement for html select (not only) with events, callbacks, themes and much more. |
heatcanvas | 1.2.3 | Simple heatmap api based on HTML5 canvas. |
heatmap.js | 2.0.2 | Dynamic JavaScript Heatmaps for the Web |
heic2any | 0.0.4 | Converting HEIC/HEIF to PNG/JPEG/GIF in the browser |
helium-css | 1.1 | javascript tool to scan your site and show unused CSS |
hellojs | 1.20.0 | A clientside Javascript library for standardizing requests to OAuth2 web services (and OAuth1 - with a shim) |
heti | 0.9.5 | 赫蹏是专为中文内容展示设计的排版样式增强。它基于通行的中文排版规范而来,可以为网站的读者带来更好的文章阅读体验。 |
hexo-generator-searchdb | 1.4.1 | Seach data generator plugin for Hexo. |
hexo-theme-anzhiyu | 1.6.14 | A Simple and Card UI Design theme for Hexo |
hexo-theme-butterfly | 5.2.2 | A Simple and Card UI Design theme for Hexo |
hexo-theme-keep | 4.2.5 | A simple and elegant theme for Hexo. |
hexo-theme-next | 8.22.0 | Elegant and powerful theme for Hexo. |
hexo-theme-redefine | 2.8.1 | Redefine your writing in Hexo Theme Redefine |
hexo-theme-solitude | 3.0.0 | A beautiful, powerful, and efficient Hexo theme developed by the Efu |
hexo-theme-volantis | 5.8.0 | Elegant and powerful theme for Hexo. |
hexoplusplus | 0.0.5 | A Serverless Hexo Back DashBoard |
hey-sven | 1.0.2 | String length must be greater than or equal to 1 |
hi-sven | 1.29.0 | Say hi to Sven |
hi-sven-git | 1.29.0 | Say hi to Sven |
hideseek | 0.8.0 | A simple, yet customizable live search jQuery plugin. |
hideseek-mod | 0.8.5 | A simple, yet customizable live search jQuery plugin. |
hideshowpassword | 2.2.0 | Easily reveal or hide password field contents via JavaScript or a nifty inner toggle button. Supports touch quite nicely! |
highchartTable | 2.0.0 | This jQuery plugin provides a simple way to convert HTML data tables to Highcharts graphs. |
highcharts | 12.1.2 | Highcharts is a charting library written in pure JavaScript, offering an easy way of adding interactive charts to your web site or web application. Highcharts currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie and scatter chart types. Highcharts is NOT free for commercial use. See the license here: http://highcharts.com/license |
highcharts-export-csv | 1.4.5 | Highcharts plugin to export the chart data to CSV, XLS or HTML table |
highcharts-ng | 1.2.1 | AngularJS directive for Highcharts |
highland | 2.13.5 | The high-level streams library for Node.js and the browser |
highlight.js | 11.11.1 | Syntax highlighting with language auto-detection. |
highlighter.js | 1.0.0 | Highlighter.js is a tiny (pure javascript) library to allow you to navigate, select and highlight DOM elements. |
highlightjs-line-numbers.js | 2.9.0 | Highlight.js line numbers plugin. |
highmaps | 6.0.3 | Highmaps is Highcharts for geo maps. Mainly choropleth maps where the color intensity relates to some value of a geographic area, but Highmaps also supports different features like lines (roads, rivers etc.) and points (cities, points of interest) and more. Highmaps comes in two flavors, either as a standalone JavaScript file, or as a plugin for Highcharts. Highmaps is NOT free for commercial use. See the license and pricing here: http://shop.highsoft.com/highmaps.html |
highstock | 6.0.3 | Highstock lets you create stock or general timeline charts in pure JavaScript, including sophisticated navigation options like a small navigator series, preset date ranges, date picker, scrolling and panning. Highstock is NOT free for commercial use. See the license here: http://shop.highsoft.com/highstock.html |
hinclude | 0.9.5 | Declarative client-side inclusion for the Web |
hint.css | 3.0.0 | A tooltip library in CSS for your lovely websites. |
history | 5.3.0 | A minimal, functional history implementation for JavaScript |
history.js | 1.8 | History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History/State APIs (pushState, replaceState, onPopState) in all browsers. Including continued support for data, titles, replaceState. Supports jQuery, MooTools and Prototype. For HTML5 browsers this means that you can modify the URL directly, without needing to use hashes anymore. For HTML4 browsers it will revert back to using the old onhashchange functionality. |
hiw-api | 5.2.0 | The HIW JavaScript API is designed to allow developers to access data stored within the HIW more easily, using JavaScript. By using the HIW JavaScript API, developers won't have to write much of the boilerplate code required to make calls to the HIW's RESTful Service, and it also provides helpful information, such as code-completion, as developers work with the HIW JavaScript API. |
hls.js | 1.5.18 | JavaScript HLS client using MediaSourceExtension |
hogan.js | 3.0.2 | A mustache compiler. |
hola-video.js | 5.10.2-27 | An HTML5 and Flash video player with a common API and skin for both. This is modified version to support HolaCDN. |
hola_player | 1.1.4 | An HTML5 and Flash video player with a common API and skin for both. |
holder | 2.9.8 | Holder uses SVG to render image placeholders entirely in browser. |
holmes.js | 1.17.3 | Fast and easy searching inside a page. |
hopscotch | 0.3.1 | A framework to make it easy for developers to add product tours to their pages. |
horsey | 4.2.2 | Progressive and customizable autocomplete component |
hover.css | 2.3.1 | A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to call to actions, buttons, logos, featured images and so on. |
howler | 2.2.4 | Javascript audio library for the modern web. |
hprose-html5 | 2.0.36 | Hprose is a High Performance Remote Object Service Engine. It is a modern, lightweight, cross-language, cross-platform, object-oriented, high performance, remote dynamic communication middleware. It is not only easy to use, but powerful. You just need a little time to learn, then you can use it to easily construct cross language cross platform distributed application system. |
hrjs | 1.5.7 | Tiny JavaScript plugin for gighlighting and replacing text in the dom |
htm | 3.1.1 | The Tagged Template syntax for Virtual DOM. Only browser-compatible syntax. |
html-gl | 0.3.1 | Get as many FPS as you need by rendering HTML/CSS in WebGL |
html-inspector | 0.8.2 | HTML Inspector is a code quality tool to help you and your team write better markup. It's written in JavaScript and runs in the browser, so testing your HTML has never been easier. |
html-midi-player | 1.5.0 | MIDI file player and visualizer web components |
html-minifier | 4.0.0 | Highly configurable, well-tested, JavaScript-based HTML minifier. |
html-reporter | 10.13.0 | Plugin for hermione which is intended to aggregate the results of tests running into html report |
html-to-image | 1.11.11 | Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG. |
html.js | 0.12.1 | An intuitive, extensible way to work directly with the DOM. |
html2canvas | 1.4.1 | Screenshots with JavaScript |
html2pdf.js | 0.10.2 | Client-side HTML-to-PDF rendering using pure JS |
html5-device-mockups | 3.2.1 | HTML5 mockups of popular devices, to showcase your portfolio and spice up your website. |
html5-history-api | 4.2.10 | HTML5 History API expansion for browsers not supporting pushState, replaceState |
html5-qrcode | 2.3.8 | a cross platform HTML5 QR Code scanner |
html5media | 1.2.0 | html5media enables |
html5shiv | 3.7.3 | html5shiv is an HTML5 JavaScript shim for IE to recognise and style the HTML5 elements |
html5sortable | 0.14.0 | Lightweight jQuery plugin to create sortable lists and grids using native HTML5 drag and drop API. |
html5tooltipsjs | 1.7.3 | Tooltips with smooth 3D animation. |
htmx | 2.0.4 | high power tools for html |
http-client | 4.3.1 | Compose HTTP clients using JavaScript's fetch API |
http-request-mock | 1.6.13 | Intercept & mock http requests issued by XMLHttpRequest, fetch, nodejs https/http module, axios, jquery, superagent, ky, node-fetch, request, got or any other request libraries by intercepting XMLHttpRequest, fetch and nodejs native requests in low level. |
human | 3.3.4 | Human: AI-powered 3D Face Detection, Face Description & Recognition, Body Pose Tracking, Hand & Finger Tracking, Iris Analysis, Age & Gender & Emotion Prediction & Gesture Recognition |
humane-js | 3.2.2 | A simple, modern, browser notification system |
humanize-duration | 3.32.1 | Convert millisecond durations to English and many other languages. |
humanize-plus | 1.8.2 | A simple utility library for making the web more humane. |
huntjs | 5.0.0 | Minimal library to observe nodes entering and leaving the viewport |
husl | 6.0.4 | Human-friendly HSL |
hydna | 1.0.1 | A multi-transport Hydna client library with support for WebSockets, Flash and Comet |
hydra.js | 3.11.0 | Framework that gives you the tools to write your application using modules or widgets and make easy to work with them. |
hyperHtml | 2.34.2 | A Fast & Light Virtual DOM Alternative |
hyperapp | 2.0.22 | The tiny framework for building hypertext applications |
hyperform | 0.12.1 | Capture form validation back from the browser |
hyperjump-json-schema | 1.10.0 | A JSON Schema validator with support for custom keywords, vocabularies, and dialects |
hyperscript | 0.9.11 | An easy & approachable language for modern web front-ends |
hyphenopoly | 6.0.0 | Hyphenation for node and Polyfill for client-side hyphenation. |
i18next | 24.2.1 | i18next is a full-featured i18n javascript library for translating your web application. |
i18next-browser-languagedetector | 8.0.2 | language detector used in browser environment for i18next |
i18next-http-backend | 3.0.1 | Backend layer for i18next using browsers XHR or fetch api |
i18next-localstorage-cache | 1.1.1 | caching layer for i18next using browsers localStorage |
i18next-locize-backend | 3.1.3 | This is a simple i18next backend to be used for locize service. It will load resources from locize server using xhr. |
i18next-xhr-backend | 3.2.2 | Backend layer for i18next using browsers XHR |
i3d3 | 0.9.1 | D3-based plotting and histogramming library |
iCheck | 1.0.3 | Highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons (jQuery and Zepto). Features: identical inputs across different browsers and devices (both desktop and mobile), touch devices support (iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Amazon Kindle), keyboard accessible inputs (Tab, Spacebar, Arrow up/down and other shortcuts), screenreader accessible inputs — (ARIA attributes for VoiceOver and others), customization freedom (use any HTML and CSS to style inputs or try 6 Retina-ready skins), lightweight size (1 kb gzipped). Provides 32 options to customize checkboxes and radio buttons, 11 callbacks to handle changes, 9 methods to make changes programmatically. Saves changes to original inputs, works carefully with any selectors. |
iDevice.js | 2.1.0 | Discover which iOS devices are used on your site |
iGrowl | 3.0.3 | A lightweight jQuery plugin that generates growl-like notifications with an emphasis on icons. |
iNotify | 1.1.0 | JS achieve the browser title flashing , scrolling, voice prompts , chrome notice. |
iScroll | 5.2.0 | Smooth scrolling for the web |
iamdustan-smoothscroll | 0.4.3 | Polyfill for smooth scroll behavior |
ical.js | 1.5.0 | Javascript parser for ics (rfc5545) and vcard (rfc6350) data |
ice | 3.7.100 | Ice is a comprehensive RPC framework with support for C++, .NET, Java, Python, JavaScript and more. |
icepick | 2.4.0 | Utilities for treating frozen JavaScript objects as persistent immutable collections. |
icheck-bootstrap | 3.0.1 | Pure css checkboxes and radio buttons for Twitter Bootstrap. |
iconate | 0.3.1 | A light-weight library to animate your font-awesome like icons |
iconify | 3.1.1 | Unified SVG framework with over 70,000 icons to choose from |
icono | 1.3.0 | Pure CSS Icons |
iconoir | 7.10.0 | A Simple and Definitive Open-Source Icons Library |
idb-keyval | 6.2.1 | A super-simple-small keyval store built on top of IndexedDB |
idbwrapper | 1.7.2 | A cross-browser wrapper for IndexedDB |
ideal-image-slider | 1.5.1 | Quite simply the ideal Image Slider in vanilla JS. |
identicon.js | 2.3.3 | GitHub-style identicons in JS with no server-side processing. |
ie-love | 0.0.3 | Combo polyfill for IE8 and below. |
ie8 | 0.8.1 | some damn DOM fix for this damned browser |
ieBetter.js | 1.0.3 | make ie browser like a morden browser main for ie6~ie8 |
iframe-resizer | 5.0.1 | Keep same and cross domain iFrames sized to their content with support for window/content resizing, and multiple iFrames. |
ifvisible | 2.0.10 | Crossbrowser & lightweight way to check if user is looking at the page or interacting with it. (wrapper around HTML5 visibility api) |
ikki | 0.2.0 | The extention toolkit for Riot.js |
ilyabirman-likely | 3.2.0 | The social sharing buttons that aren’t shabby |
image-map-resizer | 1.0.10 | Make the HTML image map responsive, so the map scales with the image |
image-picker | 0.3.1 | Image Picker is a simple jQuery plugin that transforms a select element into a more user friendly graphical interface. |
image-select | 2.0 | Image Select is an extension of Chosen, a jQuery plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It provides image support for Single and Multi select HTML tags |
imagehover.css | 2.0.0 | A Scaleable & Light Image Hover CSS Library |
imagemapster | 1.9.2 | jQuery plugin that activates areas in HTML imagemaps with support for highlighting, selecting, tooltips, resizing and more |
imager.js | 0.5.1 | Imager.js is an alternative solution to the issue of how to handle responsive image loading, created by developers at BBC News. |
imageviewer | 1.1.0 | A simple jQuery image viewing plugin. |
imagine.js | 0.1.0 | Lightweight HTML5 Canvas library |
imask | 7.6.1 | vanilla javascript input mask |
imgLiquid | 0.9.944 | A jQuery Plugin to resize images to fit in a container. |
imgareaselect | 0.9.10 | ImgAreaSelect is a plugin for selecting a rectangular area of an image. It allows web developers to easily implement image cropping functionality, as well as other user interface features (such as photo notes). |
imgcache.js | 2.1.1 | JS library based on the File API to cache images for offline recovery (target: cordova/phonegap & chrome) |
imgix-core-js | 2.3.2 | Common boilerplate for all imgix JavaScript-based functionality. |
imgix.js | 4.0.1 | imgix.js is a dependency-free JavaScript library that allows you to easily use the imgix API to make images on your site or app responsive to device size and pixel density. imgix.js allows for intuitive use of imgix features such as text formatting, color palette extraction, color adjustments, effects, and watermarking. imgix.js requires an imgix account to use your own images. Sign up at imgix.com |
immer | 10.1.1 | Create your next immutable state by mutating the current one |
immstruct | 2.0.0 | Immutable data structure for top-to-bottom properties in component based libraries like React |
immutable | 5.0.3 | Immutable Data Collections |
impetus | 0.8.8 | Add momentum to anything. It's like iScroll, except not for scrolling. Supports mouse and touch events. |
impress.js | 0.5.3 | It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com |
incremental-dom | 0.7.0 | An in-place virtual DOM library |
infamous | 21.2.0 | A famo.us UI library. |
infect | 0.4.6 | Infect.js is a simple way to add the magic of dependency injection to any web project, regardless of the framework on which you choose to write your application. It's infectiously simple! |
inferno | 8.2.3 | An extremely fast, isomorphic JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces |
inferno-compat | 8.2.3 | Provides a compatibility with React codebases |
inferno-component | 7.4.11 | Provides ES2015 stateful components (with lifecycle events) to Inferno |
inferno-create-class | 8.2.3 | Provides a helper to create Inferno Components without needing ES2015 |
inferno-create-element | 8.2.3 | Provides methods to create Inferno VNodes |
inferno-devtools | 7.4.11 | Provides support for React's Dev Tools for Inferno |
inferno-hyperscript | 8.2.3 | Bridging hyperscript to InfernoJS |
inferno-mobx | 8.2.3 | Official Inferno bindings for Mobx |
inferno-redux | 8.2.3 | Official Inferno bindings for Redux |
inferno-router | 8.2.3 | Provides routing functionality for Inferno |
inferno-server | 8.2.3 | Provides methods to render HTML strings from Inferno elements |
inferno-shared | 8.2.3 | Helpers functions for Inferno |
inferno-test-utils | 8.2.3 | Suite of utilities for testing Inferno applications |
inferno-vnode-flags | 8.2.3 | Provides an enum of all possible VNode Flags used when calling Inferno.createVNode |
infieldLabel | 1.1.0 | A jQuery plugin that creates a compact, text-over-input, form layout while using semabtic HTML and preserving usability and accessibility. |
infinite-ajax-scroll | 3.1.0 | Turn your existing pagination into infinite scrolling pages with ease |
infinite-tree | 1.18.0 | A browser-ready tree library that can efficiently display a large amount of data using infinite scrolling. |
infinity | 0.2.2 | A UITableView for the web. |
infusion | 4.7.1 | Infusion is an application framework for developing flexible stuff with JavaScript |
inheritance-js | 0.4.12 | Simple, lightweight extensions and helpers that make inheritance in JS a breeze, all with pure JavaScript, no extra libraries needed |
ink | 3.1.10 | SAPO InK - Interface Toolkit |
inobounce | 0.2.1 | Stop your iOS webapp from bouncing around when scrolling |
input-autogrow | 1.1.1 | Autogrow plugin for inputs |
inputmask | 4.0.9 | Inputmask is a javascript library which creates an input mask. Inputmask can run against vanilla javascript, jQuery and jqlite. |
inputmask-multi | 1.2.0 | Inputmask Multi is a plugin which allows to select a mask of input basing on the beginning of entered data (such as an international phone number) |
insightjs | 1.4.0 | InsightJS is a data aggregation and vizualization library for quickly analyzing datasets in Javascript. |
inspire-tree | 7.0.11 | Inspired JavaScript Tree UI Component |
instafeed.js | 1.4.1 | A simple Instagram javascript plugin for your website. |
instafetch.js | 1.5.0 | A 6KB JavaScript plugin for the Instagram API (without jQuery). |
instagram-lite | 3.0.0 | A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin used to display a user's Instagram photos. |
instant.page | 5.2.0 | Make your site’s pages instant in 1 minute and improve your conversion rate by 1% |
instantclick | 3.1.0 | A Javascript library that preloads pages making use of pjax. |
instantsearch.js | 4.75.7 | instantsearch.js is a library of widgets to build high performance instant search experiences using Algolia |
instascan | 1.0.0 | Webcam-driven QR code scanner. |
intense-images | 1.0.7 | A simple library to view large images up close using simple mouse interaction, and the full screen. |
inter-ui | 4.1.0 | Font files for the Inter font family. |
interact.js | 1.10.27 | Drag and drop, resizing and multi-touch gestures with inertia and snapping for modern browsers (and also IE9+) |
interactive-data-display | 1.5.38 | A JavaScript visualization library for dynamic data |
intercom.js | 0.1.4 | A client-side cross-window message broadcast library built on top of the HTML5 localStorage API. |
intercooler-js | 1.2.4 | Making AJAX as easy as anchor tags |
interpolate.js | 1.1.0 | Map an Object against a template String |
intl | 1.2.5 | Polyfill the ECMA-402 Intl API (except collation) |
intl-messageformat | 9.0.2 | Formats ICU Message strings with number, date, plural, and select placeholders to create localized messages. |
intl-tel-input | 25.2.1 | A JavaScript plugin for entering and validating international telephone numbers |
intro.js | 7.2.0 | Better introductions for websites and features with a step-by-step guide for your projects |
intween | 1.0.0-beta.7 | The Interactive Tweening Library |
ion-rangeslider | 2.3.1 | Cool, comfortable and easily customizable range slider with many options and skin support |
ion-sound | 3.0.7 | JavaScript plugin for playing sounds and music in web |
ion-tree-list | 0.0.11 | Ionic directive for displaying nested list items. |
ion.calendar | 2.0.2 | jQuery-calendar and datepicker, based on powerful library to work with time - Moment.js |
ion.checkradio | 2.0.0 | jQuery plugin for styling checkboxes and radio-buttons. With skin support |
ionic | 1.3.2 | Advanced HTML5 Mobile App Framework. |
ionic-filter-bar | 1.1.1 | A filter directive UI for Ionic apps that animates over the header bar |
ionic-framework | 2.0.0-beta.2 | An advanced HTML5 mobile app framework built on Angular2 |
ionicons | 7.4.0 | The premium icon font for Ionic Framework |
ipaddr.js | 2.2.0 | A library for manipulating IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in JavaScript. |
ipfs | 0.66.1 | JavaScript implementation of the IPFS specification |
iphone-inline-video | 2.2.2 | Make videos playable inline on the iPhone (prevents automatic full screen) |
iris-ws | 11.1.1 | Client side library for the Websocket package used in the golang web framework called IRIS. |
is-in-viewport | 3.0.4 | An ultra-light jQuery plugin that tells you if an element is in the viewport but with a twist. |
is_js | 0.9.0 | micro check library |
ismobilejs | 1.1.0 | A simple JS library that detects mobile devices. |
isomer | 0.2.6 | A simple isometric graphics library for HTML5 canvas |
isomorphic-fetch | 3.0.0 | Isomorphic WHATWG Fetch API, for Node & Browserify |
isomorphic-git | 0.78.5 | A pure JavaScript implementation of git for node and browsers! |
isotope-packery | 2.0.1 | packery layout mode for Isotope |
ityped | 1.0.3 | Dead simple animated typing, with no dependencies. |
iview | 3.5.4 | A high quality UI components Library with Vue.js |
iviewer | 0.7.11 | jQuery.iviewer is an jQuery UI widget responsible for image view control with zoom control and a possibility to move image in area by the mouse. |
ixjs | 1.0.6 | Library for composing asynchronous and event-based operations in JavaScript |
izimodal | 1.6.1 | Elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight modal plugin with jQuery. |
izitoast | 1.4.0 | Elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight notification plugin with no dependencies. |
jBox | 1.3.3 | jBox is a powerful and flexible jQuery plugin, taking care of all your popup windows, tooltips, notices and more. |
jGravity | 0.8.0 | jQuery plugin to bring gravity to your site. |
jInvertScroll | 0.8.3 | jQuery plugin horizontal parallax scrolling. |
jQRangeSlider | 5.8.3 | A javascript slider selector that supports dates |
jQuery-Flip | 1.1.2 | jQuery Plugin - 3d Flip Content |
jQuery-Geolocation | 1.0.50 | jQuery plugin which acts as a simplification of the W3C Geolocation API |
jQuery-JSONP | 2.4.0 | jQuery-JSONP is a compact, yet feature-packed, alternative solution to jQuery's implementation of JSONP. |
jQuery-Knob | 1.2.13 | Nice, downward compatible, touchable, jQuery dial |
jQuery-Paging | 1.2.0 | Probably the most advanced jQuery pagination plugin. |
jQuery-QueryBuilder | 3.0.0 | jQuery plugin for user friendly query/filter creator |
jQuery-Validation-Engine | 2.6.4 | jQuery validation engine is a Javascript plugin aimed at the validation of form fields in the browser (IE 6-8, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera 10). The plugin provides visually appealing prompts that grab user attention on the subject matter. |
jQuery-flexImages | 1.0.1 | A lightweight jQuery plugin for creating fluid galleries as seen on Flickr and Google Images. |
jQuery-formBuilder | 3.19.13 | A jQuery plugin for drag and drop form building |
jQuery-linkify | 4.2.0 | Intelligent link recognition, made easy |
jQuery-rwdImageMaps | 1.6 | Allows image maps to be used in a responsive design by recalculating the area coordinates to match the actual image size on load and window.resize |
jQuery-slimScroll | 1.3.8 | slimScroll is a small jQuery plugin that transforms any div into a scrollable area. slimScroll doesn't occupy any visual space as it only appears on a user initiated mouse-over. |
jQuery-ui-Slider-Pips | 1.11.5 | A plugin to add little "pips" to the jQuery UI Slider widget |
jQuery-viewport-checker | 1.8.8 | Little script that detects if an element is in the viewport and adds a class to it. |
jQuery-webcam | 1.0.0 | A webcam wrapper plugin for jQuery. |
jQuery.BgSwitcher | 0.4.3 | Switch the background image with using effect. |
jQuery.BlackAndWhite | 0.3.8 | This plug-in can easily convert any colored image (in an html page) into a B&W greyscale image. |
jQuery.Gantt | 1.1.0 | jQuery Gantt Chart is a simple chart that implements gantt functionality as a jQuery component. |
jQuery.Marquee | 1.6.1 | jQuery plugin to scroll the text like the old traditional marquee http://aamirafridi.com/jquery/jquery-marquee-plugin — Edit |
jQuery.YoutubeBackground | 1.0.5 | A wrapper for the Youtube API - Great for fullscreen background videos or just regular videos. |
jQuery.dotdotdot | 4.1.0 | A jQuery plugin for advanced cross-browser ellipsis on multiple line content. |
jQuery.highlightRegex | 0.1.2 | Regular-expression highlighter for jQuery |
jQuery.mmenu | 9.3.0 | The best jQuery plugin for app look-alike on- and off-canvas menus with sliding submenus for your website and webapp. |
jQuery.my | 1.2.14 | A lightweight jQuery plugin for complex two-way data binding in real time. |
jQuery.print | 1.6.2 | Easy to use, Element Printing Plugin for jQuery, for printing specific parts of a page |
jQuery.scrollSpeed | 1.0.2 | Extension for custom scrolling speed and easing |
jQuery.serializeObject | 2.0.3 | A jQuery plugin to turn form data into JSON |
jQuery.x18n | 1.1.3 | The jQuery adapter for the x18n internationalisation library. |
jQueryFormStyler | 2.0.2 | Jquery plugin for styling HTML form elements |
jReject | 1.1.5 | jReject is a simple tool for rejecting specific browsers in a nice modal window |
jRespond | 1.0.0 | jRespond is a simple way to globally manage javascript on responsive websites. |
jScrollPane | 2.2.2 | jScrollPane - cross browser styleable scrollbars with jQuery and CSS |
jSignature | 2.1.3 | jQuery plugin for handling digital signatures |
jStorage | 0.4.12 | Simple local storage wrapper to save data on the browser side, supporting * all major browsers - IE6+, Firefox2+, Safari4+, Chrome4+ and Opera 10.5+ |
jade | 1.11.0 | A clean, whitespace-sensitive template language for writing HTML |
jarallax | 2.2.1 | jQuery background parallax plugin. High performance (translate3d) with fallback (background-position) for old browsers. |
jasmine | 5.5.0 | Official packaging of Jasmine's core files for use by Node.js projects. |
jasmine-ajax | 4.0.0 | A library for faking Ajax responses in your Jasmine suite |
jasmine-marbles | 0.9.2 | Marble testing helpers for RxJS and Jasmine |
jasny-bootstrap | 4.0.0 | Additional features and components for Bootstrap |
javascript-astar | 0.4.1 | astar search algorithm in JavaScript |
javascript-canvas-to-blob | 3.29.0 | JavaScript Canvas to Blob is a function to convert canvas elements into Blob objects. |
javascript-debug | 0.4 | A simple wrapper for console.log |
javascript-detect-element-resize | 0.5.3 | A Cross-Browser, Event-based, Element Resize Detection |
javascript-hooker | 0.2.3 | Monkey-patch (hook) functions for debugging and stuff. |
javascript-state-machine | 3.1.0 | A finite state machine library |
javascript.util | 0.12.12 | javascript.util is a port of selected parts of java.util to JavaScript which main purpose is to ease porting Java code to JavaScript. |
jblocks | 1.2.2 | A tiny JavaScript library helps to create UI components |
jbone | 1.2.1 | Library for DOM manipulation |
jcalculator | 1403955268 | Awesome jQuery plugin for calculator inputs |
jcanvas | 23.0.0 | jCanvas brings jQuery's powerful syntax and capability to the HTML5 canvas. Quickly create canvas-based apps that can utilize layers, animations, events, and much more. jCanvas works on all modern browsers and platforms, including iOS and Android. |
jcarousel | 0.3.9 | Riding carousels with jQuery |
jcf | 1.2.3 | This script allows smooth cross-browser customization of form elements with CSS |
jclic.js | 2.1.23 | HTML5 player for JClic activities |
jed | 1.1.1 | Gettext Style i18n for Modern JavaScript Apps |
jeditable.js | 2.0.19 | jQuery edit in place plugin. Extendable via plugin architecture. Plugins for plugin. Really. |
jets | 0.14.1 | Native CSS search engine |
jexcel | 4.6.1 | jQuery plugin for embed a excel-like spreadsheet in your apps or website. |
jic | 2.0.2 | Javascript Image Compressor using HTML5 Canvas & File API that allows you to compress your jpeg & png images before uploading to the server (100% client-side and no extra libraries required!) |
jimp | 0.22.12 | An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript (i.e. zero external or native dependencies). |
jinplace | 1.2.1 | A jQuery plugin for in place editing on a page, primarly controlled by HTML markup. |
jinq | 1.6.1 | jinqJs provides you the ability to query, update and delete javaScript arrays using SQL like syntaxes and LINQ like expressions. |
jit | 2.0.2 | JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit - Create Interactive Data Visualizations for the Web. |
jmespath | 0.16.0 | JMESPath implementation in JavaScript |
jmpress | 0.4.5 | A jQuery plugin to build a website on the infinite canvas. |
jo | 0.4.1 | Jo is a thin (~12K) candy shell for PhoneGap apps. It's an HTML5 mobile app framework which provides UI widgets, a flexible event model, a wrapper for sound, and a light data layer. |
jodit | 4.2.47 | Jodit is awesome and usefully wysiwyg editor with filebrowser |
jointjs | 3.7.7 | JavaScript diagramming library |
joopl | 2.3.0 | Object-oriented programming for JavaScript on the Web and anywhere! |
jos-animation | 0.9.2 | An animation library package to instantly add beautiful/professional looking animation to your website |
jose | 5.9.6 | 'JSON Web Almost Everything' - JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS for Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, and other Web-interoperable runtimes |
joyride | 2.1.0 | Joyride is an easy to configure jQuery site tour wizard. |
jplayer | 2.9.2 | The jQuery HTML5 Audio / Video Library. Allows you to create a media player with a consistent interface and experience across all browsers. |
jplist | 5.2.0 | jPList - jQuery Data Grid Controls is a flexible jQuery plugin for sorting, pagination and filtering of any HTML structure (DIVs, UL/LI, tables, etc) |
jq-console | 2.7.7 | Feature complete web terminal |
jqBootstrapValidation | 1.3.7 | A JQuery validation plugin for bootstrap forms. |
jqModal | 1.4.2 | jqModal helps you display modals, popups, and notices. It is flexible and tiny, and provides a general-purpose base for all your windowing needs. |
jqPlot | 1.0.9 | jqPlot is a plotting and charting plugin for the jQuery Javascript framework. jqPlot produces beautiful line, bar and pie charts with many features. |
jqcloud | 1.0.3 | jQCloud is a jQuery plugin that builds neat and pure HTML + CSS word clouds and tag clouds that are actually shaped like a cloud. |
jqgrid | 5.8.8 | jqGrid is an Ajax-enabled JavaScript control that provides solutions for representing and manipulating tabular data on the web. |
jqlouds | 0.2.3 | jQlouds |
jqplugin | 1.0.2 | A jQuery plugin that extends the jQuery.browser object to allow simple and easy browser plugin detection |
jqtree | 1.8.10 | Tree widget for jQuery |
jquery | 3.7.1 | JavaScript library for DOM operations |
jquery-advanced-news-ticker | 1.0.1 | A powerful, flexible and animated vertical news ticker plugin for JQuery. |
jquery-ajax-localstorage-cache | 2.0.1 | Store ajax responses using the browser's local storage, or any Storage-interface compatible object. |
jquery-ajax-unobtrusive | 3.2.6 | Add-on to jQuery Ajax to enable unobtrusive options in data-* attributes |
jquery-ajaxQueue | 0.1.1 | A simple queue for ajax requests |
jquery-ajaxchimp | 1.3.0 | Ajaxify your mailchimp form. |
jquery-ajaxtransport-xdomainrequest | 1.0.4 | Implements automatic Cross Origin Resource Sharing support using the XDomainRequest object for IE8 and IE9 when using the ajax function in jQuery 1.5+. |
jquery-ajaxy | 1.6.1 | jQuery Ajaxy aims at solving complicated AJAX Paradigms by providing you with a easy managed solution to bind into page state (URL Hash) changes, AJAX form submits, and support AJAX links. |
jquery-animateNumber | 0.0.14 | jQuery animate number plugin |
jquery-appear | 0.1 | jQuery plugin to call a function when an element appears |
jquery-autocomplete | 1.0.7 | An extremely lightweight completion suggester plugin for jQuery. |
jquery-autotab | 1.9.2 | A jQuery plugin that provides auto-tabbing and filtering on text fields in a form |
jquery-awesome-cursor | 0.3.1 | jQuery plugin for using FontAwesome icons as custom CSS cursors |
jquery-backstretch | 2.1.18 | A simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any page or element. |
jquery-balloon-js | 1.1.2 | jQuery plugin to add balloon tips to elements |
jquery-bar-rating | 1.2.2 | Minimal, light-weight jQuery ratings. |
jquery-bgiframe | 3.0.1 | A jQuery plugin that helps ease the pain when having to deal with IE z-index issues. |
jquery-boilerplate | 4.1.0 | A jump-start for jQuery plugins development. |
jquery-bootgrid | 1.3.1 | Nice, sleek and intuitive. A grid control especially designed for bootstrap. |
jquery-bootpag | 1.0.4 | bootpag - dynamic pagination jQuery plugin. Works well with bootstrap or standalone. |
jquery-bracket | 0.11.1 | Library for organizing single and double elimination tournaments |
jquery-browser | 0.1.0 | A jQuery plugin for browser detection. |
jquery-cascading-dropdown | 1.2.9 | A simple and lighweight jQuery plugin for creating cascading dropdowns. |
jquery-chained | 1.0.1 | Simple chained selects. You can choose from two different versions. Normal version uses uses classnames of select options to decide content of child select. It does not make any external AJAX(J) queries. Remote version makes external query and builds the child select from returned JSON response. |
jquery-circle-progress | 1.2.2 | Plugin to draw animated circular progress bars |
jquery-color | 2.1.2 | jQuery plugin for color manipulation and animation support. |
jquery-compat | 3.0.0-alpha1 | JavaScript library for DOM operations |
jquery-confirm | 3.3.4 | A jQuery plugin that provides great set of features like, Auto-close, Ajax-loading, background-dismiss, themes and more. |
jquery-contextify | 1.0.8 | A lightweight jQuery plugin for creating Bootstrap powered context menus. |
jquery-contextmenu | 2.9.2 | Management facility for context menus. Developed for a large number of triggering objects. HTML5 Polyfill |
jquery-cookie | 1.4.1 | A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for reading, writing and deleting cookies. |
jquery-cookiebar | 1.0.5 | jQuery CookieBar Plugin |
jquery-countdown | 2.1.0 | Countdown for jQuery. |
jquery-countto | 1.2.0 | A jQuery plugin that will count up (or down) to a target number at a specified speed. |
jquery-creditcardvalidator | 1.2.0 | Detect and validate credit card numbers. |
jquery-cropper | 1.0.1 | A jQuery plugin wrapper for Cropper.js. |
jquery-csv | 1.0.40 | A jQuery CSV parser plugin. Battle Tested | Optimized | 100% IETF RFC 4180 Complete |
jquery-data-remote | 1.2.1 | jQuery data-remote is a plugin that simplifies the common task of making api/remote requests and injecting the response to the page. Optionally leverages Handlebars.js for templating. |
jquery-date-range-picker | 0.21.1 | jQuery Date Range Picker is a jQuery plugin that allows user to select a date range. |
jquery-dateFormat | 1.0 | It's a jQuery Plugin to format Date outputs using JavaScript. |
jquery-datetimepicker | 2.5.20 | jQuery Plugin DateTimePicker it is DatePicker and TimePicker in one |
jquery-deparam | 0.5.3 | Inverse of jQuery's $.param method to convert a querystring into a javascript object |
jquery-details | 0.1.0 | This plugin polyfills / HTML elements and adds the appropriate ARIA annotations for optimal accessibility. |
jquery-domPath | 1.0.0 | A simple jQuery plugin for getting DOM Path of HTML elements |
jquery-dotimeout | 1.0 | jQuery doTimeout takes the work out of delayed code execution, including interval and timeout management, polling loops and debouncing. |
jquery-dropdown | 2.0.3 | Minimal dropdown as a jQuery plugin |
jquery-easing | 1.4.1 | A jQuery plugin from GSGD to give advanced easing options |
jquery-easy-loading | 1.3.0 | Easily add and manipulate loading states of any element on the page |
jquery-easy-ticker | 2.0.0 | jQuery Easy ticker plugin |
jquery-endless-scroll | 1.8.0 | Endless/infinite scrolling/pagination. |
jquery-expandable | 1.1.4 | A jQuery plugin that auto-expands textareas to fit the contents as a user types. |
jquery-expander | 1.7.0 | Expand and collapse HTML content |
jquery-extendext | 1.0.0 | jQuery.extend with configurable behaviour for arrays |
jquery-file-upload | 4.0.11 | jQuery Upload File plugin provides Multiple file Uploads with progress bar.Works with any server-side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads. |
jquery-flexdatalist | 2.3.0 | jQuery Datalist Autocomplete plugin |
jquery-fontpicker | 1.4.4 | A component to quickly choose fonts from Google Web Fonts, custom fonts you (the web developer) provide, as well as system fonts. |
jquery-footable | 3.1.6 | jQuery plugin to make HTML tables responsive |
jquery-form-serializer | 1.2.0 | Serialize forms to JSON objects in a friendly way. |
jquery-form-validator | 2.3.79 | With this feature rich jQuery plugin it becomes easy to validate user input while keeping your HTML markup clean from javascript code. Even though this plugin has a wide range of validation functions it's designed to require as little bandwidth as possible. This is achieved by grouping together validation functions in "modules", making it possible for the programmer to load only those functions that's needed to validate a particular form. |
jquery-fracs | 1.0.2 | determine the visible fractions of an HTML element |
jquery-fullscreen-plugin | 1.1.5 | This jQuery plugin provides a simple to use mechanism to control the new fullscreen mode of modern browsers. Currently only newer Webkit-based browsers (Like Chrome) and Firefox provide this new fullscreen feature. |
jquery-gamequery | 0.7.0 | gameQuery is a jQuery plug-in to help make javascript game development easier by adding some simple game-related classes |
jquery-handsontable | 0.10.2 | Spreadsheet-like data grid editor that provides copy/paste functionality compatible with Excel/Google Docs |
jquery-hashchange | 1.3 | This jQuery plugin enables very basic bookmarkable #hash history via a cross-browser window.onhashchange event. |
jquery-highlighttextarea | 3.1.3 | Allows highlighting words and sentences in textareas |
jquery-history | 1.9 | jQuery history plugin helps you to support back/forward buttons and bookmarks in your javascript applications. |
jquery-i18next | 1.2.1 | i18next plugin for jquery usage |
jquery-idletimer | 1.0.0 | provides you a way to monitor user activity with a page. |
jquery-image-upload | 1.2.0 | A jQuery plugin that adds controls to the selected jQuery elements with a simple call. |
jquery-impromptu | 6.2.3 | An extension to help provide a more pleasant way to spontaneously prompt a user for input. |
jquery-infinitescroll | 4.0.1 | Infinite Scroll is a JavaScript plugin that automatically adds the next page, saving users from a full page load. |
jquery-instagram | 0.3.1 | Instagram jQuery plugin |
jquery-jcrop | 0.9.15 | Jcrop is the quick and easy way to add image cropping functionality to your web application. |
jquery-jgrowl | 1.5.1 | jGrowl is a jQuery plugin that raises unobtrusive messages within the browser, similar to the way that OS X's Growl Framework works. The idea is simple, deliver notifications to the end user in a noticeable way that doesn't obstruct the work flow and yet keeps the user informed. |
jquery-jkit | 1.1.8 | A very easy to use, cross platform, jQuery based UI toolkit, that's still small in size, has the features you need, and doesn't get in your way of doing things! |
jquery-json | 2.6.0 | jQuery plugin for serialising to and parsing from JSON. |
jquery-json-editor | 1.1.0 | A jQuery library for editing JSON data. |
jquery-jsonview | 1.2.3 | jQuery plugin for display pretty JSON. |
jquery-lang-js | 3.0.0 | i18n Automatically deploy and switch multi-language HTML pages without reloading the page. |
jquery-layout | 1.4.3 | jQuery plugin for layout management (jQuery version of extJS border-layout). |
jquery-lazyload-any | 0.3.1 | A jQuery plugin provides a lazyload function for images, iframe or anything. |
jquery-loading-overlay | 2.1.7 | A flexible loading overlay jQuery Plugin |
jquery-localScroll | 2.0.0 | Animated anchor navigation made easy with jQuery |
jquery-localize | 0.1.0 | A jQuery plugin that makes it easy to i18n your static web site. |
jquery-locationpicker | 0.1.12 | This plug-in allows to easily find and select a location on the Google map. Along with a single point selection, it allows to choose an area by providing its center and the radius. All the data can be saved to any HTML input element automatically as well as be processed by Javascript (callback support). The other feature of the plug-in is automatic address resolver which allows to get address line from the selected latitude and longitude. The plug-in also supports searching by address typed into the bound input element which uses auto-complete feature from Google API to make the search process easier. In this case the marker will be automatically positioned on the map after successful address resolution. |
jquery-mapael | 2.2.0 | jQuery Mapael is a jQuery plugin based on raphael.js that allows you to display dynamic vector maps. |
jquery-maskmoney | 3.0.2 | jQuery plugin to mask data entry in the input text in the form of money (currency) |
jquery-migrate | 3.5.2 | Migrate older jQuery code to jQuery 1.9+ |
jquery-minicolors | 2.3.6 | jQuery MiniColors Plugin |
jquery-mobile | 1.4.5 | Touch-Optimized Web Framework for Smartphones & Tablets |
jquery-mobile-datebox | 1.1.1 | Plugin to provide a framework agnostic Date and Time Picker (jQuery Mobile & Bootstrap currently supported) |
jquery-mockjax | 2.6.1 | The jQuery Mockjax Plugin provides a simple and extremely flexible interface for mocking or simulating ajax requests and responses. |
jquery-modal | 0.9.2 | The simplest possible modal for jQuery |
jquery-mosaic | 0.15.2 | A free plugin for jQuery to build responsive mosaics of images or any other content fitted to match heights in multiple rows while maintaining aspect ratios. |
jquery-mousewheel | 3.1.13 | A jQuery plugin that adds cross-browser mouse wheel support. |
jquery-nearest | 1.4.0 | Find the elements in a page that are closest to a particular point or element, based on pixel dimensions |
jquery-nice-select | 1.1.0 | A lightweight jQuery plugin that replaces native select elements with customizable dropdowns. |
jquery-nivoslider | 3.2 | Described as 'The world's most awesome jQuery slider' Nivo Slider is a jQuery plugin that makes displaying your gallery of images a beautiful experience, by using amazing transition effects ranging from slicing and sliding to fading and folding. |
jquery-noty | 3.1.4 | noty is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog. Each notification is added to a queue. (Optional) |
jquery-nstslider | 1.0.13 | Fully customizable with CSS, Single/Double handles, Touch-enabled, IE 7+ Compatibility, Custom Digit Rounding, Non linear step increments! |
jquery-once | 2.3.0 | Act on jQuery elements only once. |
jquery-one-page-nav | 3.0.0 | A lightweight jQuery plugin for the navigation on one-page sites. Adds smooth scrolling when clicking on the navigation and automatically selects the correct navigation items as you are scrolling through the different sections. |
jquery-orgchart | 1.0.0 | A small jQuery plugin that generates a hierarchical organisational chart from a regular HTML nested unordered list. |
jquery-outside-events | 1.1 | With jQuery outside events you can bind to an event that will be triggered only when a specific 'originating' event occurs outside the element in question. |
jquery-overlaps | 1.2.3 | A jQuery plugin that detects if one or more elements are overlapping. |
jquery-overscroll | 1.7.7 | Overscroll is a jQuery Plugin and polyfill for mobile safari's overflow-scrolling style. It is intended for use on desktop browsers, with the latest version of jQuery. |
jquery-parallax | 1.1.3 | jQuery Parallax is a script that simulates the parallax effect as seen on nikebetterworld.com. |
jquery-placeholder | 2.3.1 | A jQuery plugin that enables HTML5 placeholder behavior for browsers that aren’t trying hard enough yet |
jquery-popup-overlay | 2.1.5 | Lightweight modal popup overlay for jquery |
jquery-powertip | 1.2.0 | A jQuery plugin that creates hover tooltips. |
jquery-price-format | 2.2.0 | jQuery Price Format plugin is useful to format input text fields or any HTML element as prices. |
jquery-prompt21 | 1.1.1 | A minimalist jQuery prompt plugin for the 21st Century. |
jquery-replace-text | 1.1.0 | jQuery replaceText will replace text in specified elements. Note that only text content will be modified, leaving all tags and attributes untouched. |
jquery-requestAnimationFrame | 0.2.1 | Replaces the standard jQuery timer loop with requestAnimationFrame where supported. Requires jQuery 1.8 |
jquery-resize | 1.1 | A resize event for ALL your jQueries! |
jquery-rss | 4.3.0 | An easy-to-use rss plugin for jquery with templating. |
jquery-scroll-lock | 3.1.3 | Locks mouse wheel scroll inside container, preventing it from propagating to parent element |
jquery-scrollTo | 2.1.3 | Lightweight, cross-browser and highly customizable animated scrolling with jQuery |
jquery-scrolldepth | 1.2.0 | A jQuery plugin to track page scroll depth |
jquery-scrollintoview | 1.8 | jQuery scrollintoview() plugin and :scrollable selector filter |
jquery-scrollpanel | 1.1.1 | a simple vertical scrollpanel |
jquery-scrollto | 1.4.6 | Smooth Scrolling to any jQuery/DOM Element |
jquery-searcher | 0.3.0 | Connects any list-like data with an input for searching. |
jquery-serialize-object | 2.5.0 | serialize form fields into an object or JSON |
jquery-sheetrock | 1.2.0 | Quickly connect to, query, and lazy-load data from Google Spreadsheets. |
jquery-sidebar | 3.3.2 | A stupid simple sidebar jQuery plugin. |
jquery-simplyscroll | 2.1.1 | A jQuery plugin for scrolling a set of images/elements |
jquery-simulate | 1.1.1 | jQuery plugin for simulating browser mouse and keyboard events |
jquery-smart-web-app-banner | 1.5 | Add this small script to your site & invite your visitors to save your site to their home screen alongside the rest of their apps! |
jquery-smooth-scroll | 2.2.0 | Automatically make same-page links scroll smoothly |
jquery-smoove | 0.2.11 | A simple jQuery plugin for sexy scrolling effects using CSS3 transitions and transforms. |
jquery-sortable | 0.9.13 | jquery plugin for sortable, nestable lists |
jquery-sortablejs | 1.6.1 | A jQuery binding for SortableJS |
jquery-sparklines | 2.1.2 | This jQuery plugin generates sparklines (small inline charts) directly in the browser using data supplied either inline in the HTML, or via javascript |
jquery-spellcheck | 0.2 | A jQuery plugin that adds spellcheck support to inputs using the Google spell checker API. |
jquery-spellchecker | 0.2.3 | A lightweight jQuery plugin that can check the spelling of text within a form field or DOM tree. |
jquery-steps | 1.1.0 | A powerful jQuery wizard plugin that supports accessibility and HTML5 |
jquery-storage-api | 1.9.4 | jQuery Storage API is a plugin that simplify access to storages (HTML5) & cookies, add namespace storage functionality and provide compatiblity for old browsers with cookies! |
jquery-tagsinput | 1.3.6 | jQuery Tags Input Plugin |
jquery-te | 1.4.0 | jQuery Text Editor is a lightweight WYSIWYG text editor built with jQuery. |
jquery-teletype-plugin | 0.1.6 | Teletype is a jQuery plugin that types out text, and then optionally deletes it, replicating human interaction. |
jquery-textext | 1.3.0 | TextExt plugin for jquery |
jquery-throttle-debounce | 1.1 | jQuery throttle / debounce allows you to rate-limit your functions in multiple useful ways. |
jquery-timeago | 1.6.7 | jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. "4 minutes ago" or "about 1 day ago"). |
jquery-timepicker | 1.14.1 | A jQuery timepicker plugin inspired by Google Calendar. It supports both mouse and keyboard navigation. |
jquery-tiny-pubsub | 0.7.0 | A really, really, REALLY tiny pub/sub implementation for jQuery. |
jquery-toast-plugin | 1.3.2 | Highly customizable jquery plugin to show toast messages |
jquery-toggles | 2.0.4 | Toggles is a lightweight jQuery plugin that creates easily-styleable toggle buttons. |
jquery-tokeninput | 1.7.0 | A jQuery Tokenizing Autocomplete Text Entry |
jquery-tools | 1.2.7 | jQuery Tools is a collection of the most important user-interface components for modern websites. Used by large sites all over the world. |
jquery-touch-events | 2.0.3 | Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs. |
jquery-treegrid | 0.2.0 | jQuery TreeGrid plugin |
jquery-treetable | 3.2.0 | jQuery plugin for displaying a tree structure in a (HTML) table, i.e. a directory structure or a nested list. |
jquery-tubeplayer | 2.1.0 | A jQuery wrapper around the YouTube Player API. |
jquery-twinkle | 0.10.0 | get the visitor's attention |
jquery-typeahead | 2.11.2 | jQuery plugin that provides Typeahead (autocomplete) Search preview from Json object(s) via same domain Ajax request or cross domain Jsonp and offers data compression inside Local Storage. The plugin is built with a lot of options and callbacks to allow customization. |
jquery-ui-bootstrap | 0.5pre | A Bootstrap-themed kickstart for jQuery UI widgets |
jquery-ui-map | 3.0-rc1 | Google Map version 3 plugin for jQuery and jQM |
jquery-ui-multidatespicker | 1.6.6 | Extension to the jQuery UI Calendar allowing multiple selections |
jquery-ui-multiselect-widget | 3.0.1 | MultiSelect progessively enhances an ordinary multiple select control into elegant drop down list of checkboxes, stylable with ThemeRoller. |
jquery-ui-timepicker-addon | 1.6.3 | The timepicker addon adds a timepicker to jQuery UI Datepicker, thus the datepicker and slider components (jQueryUI) are required for using any of these. In addition all datepicker options are still available through the timepicker addon. |
jquery-ujs | 1.2.3 | Ruby on Rails unobtrusive scripting adapter for jQuery |
jquery-url-parser | 2.3.1 | utility to parse urls and provide easy access to their attributes (such as the protocol, host, port etc) |
jquery-validate | 1.21.0 | Client-side form validation made easy |
jquery-validation-unobtrusive | 4.0.0 | Add-on to jQuery Validation to enable unobtrusive validation options in data-* attributes. |
jquery-visibility | 1.0.11 | Page visibility shim for jQuery. |
jquery-visible | 1.2.0 | Quickly check if an element is within the browsers visible viewport, regardless of scroll position. If a user can see this element, the function will return true. |
jquery-watch | 1.21.0 | This small jQuery plug-in allows you to monitor changes to any DOM element's CSS styles, attributes or properties and fires a callback in response to any change in the monitored styles or attributes. |
jquery-weui | 1.2.1 | UI lib for build hybrid wechat web app |
jquery-xmlrpc | 0.4.3 | Interact with remote XML-RPC services using AJAX |
jquery-xpath | 0.3.1 | jQuery plugin for querying XML and HTML documents with XPath 2.0 |
jquery-zoom | 1.7.21 | Enlarge images on click or mouseover. |
jquery.AreYouSure | 1.9.0 | A light-weight jQuery "dirty forms" Plugin - it monitors HTML forms and alerts users to unsaved changes if they attempt to close the browser or navigate away from the page. (Are you sure?) |
jquery.SPServices | 2014.02 | SPServices is a jQuery library which abstracts SharePoint's Web Services and makes them easier to use. It also includes functions which use the various Web Service operations to provide more useful (and cool) capabilities. It works entirely client side and requires no server install. |
jquery.activity-indicator | 1.0.0 | A jQuery plugin that renders a translucent activity indicator (spinner) using SVG or VML. |
jquery.actual | 1.0.19 | Older version of jQuery has trouble finding the width/height of invisible DOM elements. With element or its parent element has css property 'display' set to 'none'. `$('.hidden').width();` will return 0 instead of the actual width; This plugin simply fix it. |
jquery.adaptive-backgrounds | 1.0.3 | A simple jQuery plugin to extract the dominant color of an image and apply it to the background of its parent element. |
jquery.address | 1.6 | The jQuery Address plugin provides powerful deep linking capabilities and allows the creation of unique virtual addresses that can point to a website section or an application state. It enables a number of important capabilities including bookmarking in a browser or social website sending links via email or instant messenger, finding specific content using the major search engines and utilizing browser history and reload buttons. |
jquery.age | 1.2.4 | Age is a jQuery plugin that formats and tracks dates and times as human readable text. |
jquery.allowed-chars | 1.0.4 | jQuery plugin to restrict users for typing only allowed chars for specified element |
jquery.alphanum | 1.0.24 | Restrict what characters that may be entered into text fields. Supports alphanumeric, alphabetic or numeric. Easy to use. Fully customisable. Cross Browser compatible. |
jquery.appear | 0.4.1 | It implements a custom 'appear'/'disappear' events which are fired when an element became visible/invisible in the browser view port. |
jquery.atmosphere | 2.1.2 | A browser-side jQuery plugin for the Atmosphere |
jquery.avgrund | 1.3.3 | Avgrund is a jquery plugin for modal boxes and popups. It uses new concept showing depth between popup and page. It works in all modern browsers and gracefully degrade in those that do not support CSS transitions and transformations |
jquery.ba-bbq | 1.2.1 | jQuery BBQ leverages the HTML5 hashchange event to allow simple, yet powerful bookmarkable #hash history. In addition, jQuery BBQ provides a full .deparam() method, along with both hash state management, and fragment / query string parse and merge utility methods |
jquery.basictable | 1.1.0 | Basic Table jQuery plugin for simple responsive tables. |
jquery.blockUI | 2.70 | Simulate synchronous ajax by blocking - not locking - the UI. This plugin lets you block user interaction with the page or with a specific element on the page. Also great at displaying modal dialogs. |
jquery.bootstrapvalidator | 0.5.3 | The best jQuery plugin to validate form fields. Designed to use with Bootstrap 3 |
jquery.businessHours | 1.0.1 | jQuery plugin allows you to easy show & manage business hours |
jquery.caroufredsel | 6.2.1 | jQuery.carouFredSel is a plugin that turns any kind of HTML element into a carousel. |
jquery.collapsible | 1.2 | This plugin enables site owners to control multiple collapsible panels by auto opening any defaults specified, and keeping those opened/closed by users as they left them while browsing your site. |
jquery.colorbox | 1.6.4 | jQuery lightbox and modal window plugin. |
jquery.complexify.js | 0.5.1 | JavaScript library for inform users of password strength |
jquery.cookieBar | 0.1.0 | A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a notification bar that is dismissable and dismiss is saved by cookie. Perfect for implementing the new eu cookielaw! |
jquery.countdown | 2.2.0 | The Final Countdown for jQuery |
jquery.customSelect | 0.5.1 | Custom Select Box CSS Style Plugin |
jquery.cycle | 3.0.3 | Cycle is an easy-to-use slideshow plugin that provides many options and effects for creating beautiful slideshows. |
jquery.cycle2 | 2.1.6 | The successor to Cycle. Cycle2 is a mobile and desktop friendly slideshow built around ease-of-use with a declarative API. It supports responsive designs, dynamic slideshow manipulation, swipe events, and lots of options! |
jquery.devbridge-autocomplete | 1.4.11 | Autocomplete provides suggestions while you type into the text field. |
jquery.dirtyforms | 2.0.0 | Dirty Forms is a jQuery plugin to help prevent users from losing data when editing forms. |
jquery.dirtyforms.dialogs.blockui | 2.0.0 | Dirty Forms is a jQuery plugin to help prevent users from losing data when editing forms. |
jquery.dirtyforms.dialogs.bootstrap | 2.0.0 | Dirty Forms is a jQuery plugin to help prevent users from losing data when editing forms. |
jquery.dirtyforms.dialogs.facebox | 2.0.0 | Dirty Forms is a jQuery plugin to help prevent users from losing data when editing forms. |
jquery.dirtyforms.dialogs.jquery-ui | 2.0.0 | Dirty Forms is a jQuery plugin to help prevent users from losing data when editing forms. |
jquery.dirtyforms.dialogs.pnotify | 2.0.0 | Dirty Forms is a jQuery plugin to help prevent users from losing data when editing forms. |
jquery.dirtyforms.helpers.alwaysdirty | 2.0.0 | Dirty Forms is a jQuery plugin to help prevent users from losing data when editing forms. |
jquery.dirtyforms.helpers.ckeditor | 2.0.0 | Dirty Forms is a jQuery plugin to help prevent users from losing data when editing forms. |
jquery.dirtyforms.helpers.tinymce | 2.0.0 | Dirty Forms is a jQuery plugin to help prevent users from losing data when editing forms. |
jquery.downCount | 1.0.0 | Simple countdown plugin that accounts for timezone |
jquery.dropotron | 1.4.3 | Adds multilevel dropdown menus to jQuery. |
jquery.easytabs | 3.2.0 | EasyTabs is a lightweight jQuery plugin to provide full tab functionality, while leaving the styling up to you. |
jquery.event.move | 2.0.1 | jQuery special events movestart, move and moveend for tracking touch and mouse moves, throttled to browser animation frames, and exposing information about distance and velocity of fingers. |
jquery.event.swipe | 0.5.4 | jQuery special events for the gestures swipeleft, swiperight, swipeup and swipedown. |
jquery.fancytree | 2.38.4 | Fancytree is a JavaScript tree view plugin for jQuery with support for persistence, keyboard, checkboxes, drag'n'drop, and lazy loading. |
jquery.fileDownload | 1.4.2 | jQuery.fileDownload plugin |
jquery.finderselect | 0.6.0 | Add File Explorer selecting functions to any element |
jquery.finger | 0.1.6 | jQuery Finger unifies click and touch events by removing the 300ms delay on touch devices. It also provide a common set of events to handle basic gestures such as drag and pinch. Small (< 1kb gzipped), it is focused on performance, is well tested and ... also supports jQuery delegated events. |
jquery.flipster | 1.1.6 | Responsive coverfpsterlow-style carousel plugin for jQuery |
jquery.form | 4.3.0 | The jQuery Form Plugin allows you to easily and unobtrusively upgrade HTML forms to use AJAX. |
jquery.formalize | 1.2 | teach your forms some manners |
jquery.formset | 1.2.2 | Helps create more usable Django formsets by adding and removing forms on the client-side. |
jquery.googlemap | 1.5.1 | A jQuery Plugin allows you to easely manipulate the Google Map API. You are now able to create maps, add some markers and create routes. |
jquery.gray | 1.7.0 | Make an image gray in all browsers |
jquery.gridster | 0.5.6 | a drag-and-drop multi-column jQuery grid plugin |
jquery.hashcash.io | 0.0.2 | jQuery Hashcash.io plugin |
jquery.hotkeys | 0.2.0 | **jQuery Hotkeys** is a plug-in that lets you easily add and remove handlers for keyboard events anywhere in your code supporting almost any key combination. |
jquery.hoverintent | 1.10.2 | hoverIntent is a plug-in that attempts to determine the user's intent... like a crystal ball, only with mouse movement! It is similar to jQuery's hover method. However, instead of calling the handlerIn function immediately, hoverIntent waits until the user's mouse slows down enough before making the call. |
jquery.html5loader | 1.8.0 | jQuery.html5Loader can preload images, html5 video and audio sources, css, scripts and text files. This plugin needs a JSON file to get the files that must be preloaded (you can use also use a javascript object as well), and it provides an easy API to give you the the amount of file loaded in percentage. |
jquery.i18n | 1.0.9 | jQuery.i18n is a jQuery based Javascript internationalization library. It helps you to internationalize your web applications easily. |
jquery.iframe-transport | 1.0.1 | jQuery plugin that implements an iframe transport so that ajax calls support the uploading of files using standard HTML file input fields |
jquery.iframetracker | 2.0.0 | jQuery Plugin to track click on iframes (like Google Adsense or Facebook Like button). |
jquery.imagesloaded | 5.0.0 | You images done yet or what? |
jquery.ime | 0.3.0 | jQuery based internationalization library |
jquery.inputmask | 5.0.9 | Inputmask is a javascript library which creates an input mask. Inputmask can run against vanilla javascript, jQuery and jqlite. |
jquery.instagramFeed | 3.0.4 | Instagram Feed without access token. Not using the Instagram API |
jquery.inview | 1.0.0 | Remy Sharp's jQuery plugin adds a bindable 'inview' event for detecting when an element is scrolled into view. |
jquery.is.js | 0.2.1 | Check your data against regular expressions or known keywords. |
jquery.isotope | 3.0.6 | Filter and sort magical layouts |
jquery.json2html | 1.2.0 | json2html - HTML Templating using JSON2HTML |
jquery.lazy | 1.7.11 | Lazy is a fast, feature-rich and lightweight delayed content loading plugin for jQuery. It's designed to speed up page loading times and decrease traffic to your users by only loading the content in view. |
jquery.lazyload | 1.9.1 | Lazyload images with jQuery |
jquery.lazyloadxt | 1.1.0 | Lazy Load XT is mobile-oriented, fast and extensible jQuery plugin for lazy loading of images, videos and other media with built-in support of jQueryMobile framework. It improves performance of website by loading visible media elements only, and elements below the fold are loaded after page scroll. The plugin has many options, supports callbacks and special lazy events, that allows to have different loading effects (e.g. fade in and spinner effects). Examples of plugin and its addons include ajax, background images, infinite scroll, horizontal scroll, iframe-based widgets (YouTube, Vimeo, Google Maps Engine Lite, Facebook recommend button, Google+ profile), html5 video, responsive images with retina support (srcset and picture polyfills), social widgets (embedded tweet, Twitter share button, Google Plus badge and share button, Facebook like and recommend buttons, Facebook post comments), load all images before print, etc. Tested in IE 6-11, Chrome 1-31, Firefox 1.5-27.0, Safari 3-7, Opera 10.6-18.0, iOS 5-7, Android 2.3-4.4, and WP8. Requires jQuery 1.7+, Zepto 1.0+, or DOMtastic 0.7.2+. |
jquery.lifestream | 0.5.6-pre | jQuery plugin to show a stream of your online activity. |
jquery.liveurl | 1.2.2 | jQuery plugin to get an url preview like the facebook attachment |
jquery.loadtemplate | 1.5.10 | jQuery plugin for loading and using templates. The plugin is designed to be simple yet powerful, and supports loading templates from within the page, or using AJAX to load html files. |
jquery.markitup | 1.1.15 | markItUp! is a JavaScript plugin built on the jQuery library. It allows you to turn any textarea into a markup editor. Html, Textile, Wiki Syntax, Markdown, BBcode or even your own Markup system can be easily implemented. |
jquery.mask | 1.14.16 | A jQuery Plugin to make masks on form fields and html elements. |
jquery.maskedinput | 1.4.1 | jQuery Masked Input Plugin |
jquery.matchHeight | 0.7.2 | a responsive equal heights plugin for jQuery |
jquery.mb.YTPlayer | 3.3.9 | This plugin let you play any public YouTube video as background of your page. It can also be used as a customized player in page. |
jquery.mb.bgndgallery | 1.9.5 | This plugin let you create a flexible photo gallery that you can use also as background of your site. |
jquery.meiomask | 1.1.14 | A jquery plugin for masking text inputs. |
jquery.mobilephonenumber | 1.0.7 | A general purpose library for validating and formatting mobile phone numbers. |
jquery.mosaicflow | 0.2.5 | Pinterest like responsive image or HTML grid for jQuery that doesn’t suck |
jquery.nanoscroller | 0.8.7 | A jQuery plugin that offers a simplistic way of implementing Lion OS scrollbars. |
jquery.nicescroll | 3.7.6 | Nicescroll is a jquery plugin, for nice customizabled scrollbars with a very similar ios/mobile style. It supports DIVs, IFrames and document page (body) scrollbars. Compatible with Firefox 4+, Chrome 5+, Safari 4+ (win/mac), Opera 10+, IE 6+ (all A-grade browsers). Compatible with iOS devices as iPad, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, and many many mobile and touch devices. |
jquery.notification | 1.0.2 | Webkit Notification plugin. That makes your life easear. |
jquery.ns-autogrow | 1.1.6 | Automatically adjust textarea height based on user input. Non-sucking version. |
jquery.panzoom | 4.0.0 | A jQuery plugin to pan and/or zoom elements using CSS3 |
jquery.payment | 3.0.0 | A general purpose library for building credit card forms, validating inputs and formatting numbers. |
jquery.pep | 0.4.0 | Kinetic drag for mobile & desktop |
jquery.percentageloader | 0.1.0 | A tiny jQuery plugin for displaying progress in a visual and engaging way |
jquery.perfect-scrollbar | 1.5.6 | Minimalistic but perfect custom scrollbar plugin |
jquery.photocols | 1.0.3 | Photocols: A photo navigation for jQuery |
jquery.pin | 1.0.1 | Pin any element within a container |
jquery.pjax | 2.0.1 | pjax is a jQuery plugin that uses ajax and pushState to deliver a fast browsing experience with real permalinks, page titles, and a working back button. |
jquery.poptrox | 2.5.0 | A lightbox gallery plugin for jQuery. |
jquery.postcodify | 3.5.1 | Postcodify is a jQuery plugin and server-side API for searching South Korean street addresses and postal codes. |
jquery.qrcode | 1.0 | A jquery plugin for a pure browser qrcode generation. |
jquery.quicksearch | 2.4.0 | A jQuery plugin for searching through tables, lists, etc quickly |
jquery.rateit | 1.1.6 | Rating plugin for jQuery. |
jquery.repeater | 1.2.1 | repeatable form input interface |
jquery.rest | 1.0.2 | A jQuery plugin for easy consumption of RESTful APIs |
jquery.ripples | 0.6.2 | Add a water ripple effect to your background using WebGL. |
jquery.scregal | 1.3 | Full Screen Gallery to make Your gallery better. |
jquery.scroll4ever | 1.0.0 | jQuery infinite scroll plugin |
jquery.scrollbar | 0.2.11 | Cross-browser CSS customizable scrollbar |
jquery.scrollex | 0.2.1 | Nifty scroll events for jQuery. |
jquery.scrollfire | 1.4.0 | Allows useful callbacks to be fired upon elements scrolling into and out of view from both the top and bottom of the viewport/window. |
jquery.selectbox | 1.2.0 | A styleable replacement for SELECT elements. |
jquery.selectboxit | 3.8.0 | A jQuery plugin that progressively enhances an HTML Select Box into a single option dropdown list. The dropdown list can be optionally styled with jQuery ThemeRoller and optionally animated with jQueryUI show/hide effects. |
jquery.selection | 1.0.1 | selection text/caret operation - jQuery pulgin | 選択範囲のテキスト操作 / キャレット操作 |
jquery.serialScroll | 1.3.2 | Animated scrolling of series with jQuery |
jquery.serializeJSON | 3.2.1 | jQuery or Zepto plugin to serialize a form into a JavaScript Object, using the same format as the default Ruby on Rails request params |
jquery.shapeshift | 2.0.0 | jQuery plugin which creates a column based grid system that allows drag and drop even between multiple containers. |
jquery.simpleWeather | 3.1.0 | A simple jQuery plugin to display current weather data for any location and doesn't get in your way. Handcrafted with ♥ from Austin, Texas by James Fleeting. |
jquery.smartbanner | 1.0.0 | Smart Banners are feature in iOS 6+ to promote App Store apps on your website. This jQuery plugin brings this feature to older iOS versions and Android devices. |
jquery.smartmenus | 1.2.1 | Advanced jQuery website menu plugin. Mobile first, responsive and accessible list-based website menus that work on all devices. |
jquery.socialshareprivacy | 1.6 | 2 Klicks fuer mehr Datenschutz |
jquery.spritely | 0.6.8 | Create dynamic characters and background animations. |
jquery.sticky | 1.0.4 | Sticky is a jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to make any element on your page always stay visible. |
jquery.sumoselect | 3.4.9 | A jQuery plugin that progressively enhances an HTML Select Box into a Single/Multiple option dropdown list |
jquery.superlabels | 2.0.3 | Give your forms a helping of awesome! |
jquery.swipebox | 1.4.4 | A touchable jQuery lightbox. |
jquery.tablesorter | 2.32.0 | tablesorter (FORK) is a jQuery plugin for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD and TBODY tags into a sortable table without page refreshes. tablesorter can successfully parse and sort many types of data including linked data in a cell. |
jquery.tabslet.js | 1.7.3 | Yet another jQuery plugin for tabs, lightweight, easy to use and with some extra features. |
jquery.terminal | 2.44.1 | jQuery Terminal Emulator is a plugin for creating command line interpreters in your applications. |
jquery.textcomplete | 1.8.5 | Introduce autocompleting power to textareas, like GitHub comment forms have. |
jquery.threedubmedia | 2.2 | A jquery special event plugin that makes the task of adding complex drag and drop interactions, to any element, simple and powerful. |
jquery.tipsy | 1.0.3 | Facebook-style tooltip plugin for jQuery |
jquery.tiptip | 1.3 | Intelligent ToolTip jQuery Plugin |
jquery.tocify | 1.9.0 | A jQuery plugin that creates a dynamic table of contents |
jquery.touch | 1.1.0 | Adds touch gesture events to jQuery |
jquery.touchswipe | 1.6.19 | A jquery plugin to be used on touch devices such as iPad, iPhone, Android etc, to react to swipe gestures. |
jquery.transit | 0.9.12 | Smooth CSS3 transitions and transformations for jQuery. |
jquery.turbolinks | 2.1.0 | jQuery plugin for drop-in fix binded events problem caused by Turbolinks |
jquery.ui-contextmenu | 1.18.1 | Turn a jQuery UI Menu widget into a contextmenu. |
jquery.waitforimages | 2.4.0 | Provides callbacks for image loading events |
jquery.webticker | 3.0.0 | JQuery Web Ticker |
jquery.wookmark | 2.2.0 | Javascript plugin for laying out elements of varying heights in a column-based grid. It also contains support for filtering and sorting items. A lot of examples are included showing how to use all the available options. |
jquery_lazyload | 1.9.7 | Lazyload images with jQuery |
jquerykeyframes | 0.0.9 | jQuery-Keyframes allows dynamic generation of CSS3 keyframes with callback events and other niceness. |
jquerymobile-router | 0.93 | jQuery Mobile router is a plugin for jQuery Mobile to enhance the framework with a client side router/controller that works with jQuery Mobile events |
jqueryui | 1.14.1 | A curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. |
jqueryui-touch-punch | 0.2.3 | A small hack that enables the use of touch events on sites using the jQuery UI user interface library. |
jqvmap | 1.5.1 | jQuery Vector Map Library |
jqwidgets | 20.0.0 | jQWidgets is an advanced jQuery, Angular, React, ASP .NET MVC, Custom Elements and HTML5 UI framework. |
jrumble | 1.3.0 | jRumble is a jQuery plugin that rumbles, vibrates, shakes, and rotates any element you choose. It's great to use as a hover effect or a way to direct attention to an element. |
js-beautify | 1.15.1 | beautifier.io for node |
js-bson | 2.0.8 | A bson parser for node.js and the browser |
js-combinatorics | 2.1.2 | Simple combinatorics like power set, combination, and permutation in JavaScript |
js-cookie | 3.0.5 | A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling cookies |
js-data | 3.0.11 | Robust, framework-agnostic in-memory data store. |
js-data-angular | 3.2.4 | Angular wrapper for js-data. |
js-data-firebase | 3.2.1 | Firebase adapter for js-data. |
js-data-http | 3.0.1 | HTTP adapter for js-data. |
js-data-localforage | 2.1.1 | localforage adapter for js-data. |
js-data-localstorage | 2.3.2 | localStorage adapter for js-data. |
js-joda | 1.11.0 | a date and time library for javascript |
js-jose | 0.2.2 | Library to encrypt and decrypt data in JSON Web Encryption (JWE) format and to sign data in JSON Web Signature (JWS) format. Leverages Browser's native web crypto API. |
js-marker-clusterer | 1.0.0 | The library creates and manages per-zoom-level clusters for large amounts of markers. Google API v3. |
js-nacl | 1.4.0 | Emscripten-compiled Javascript version of NaCl, the Networking and Cryptography library. |
js-objectdetect | 1.0.0 | computer vision in your browser - javascript real-time object detection |
js-polyfills | 0.1.43 | Collection of Web polyfills. |
js-pytorch | 0.7.2 | Deep Learning JavaScript library with PyTorch's syntax, and GPU acceleration. |
js-quantities | 1.8.0 | JavaScript library for quantity calculation and unit conversion |
js-scrypt | 1.2.0 | Emscripten-compiled scrypt, a Password-Based Key Derivation Function from Colin Percival. |
js-sequence-diagrams | 2.0.0 | Generates UML sequence diagrams from simple text |
js-sha1 | 0.7.0 | A simple SHA1 hash function for JavaScript supports UTF-8 encoding. |
js-sha256 | 0.11.0 | A simple SHA-256 / SHA-224 hash function for JavaScript supports UTF-8 encoding. |
js-sha3 | 0.9.3 | A simple SHA-3 / Keccak / Shake hash function for JavaScript supports UTF-8 encoding. |
js-sha512 | 0.9.0 | This is a simple SHA-512, SHA-384, SHA-512/224, SHA-512/256 hash functions for JavaScript supports UTF-8 encoding. |
js-signals | 1.0.0 | Custom Event/Messaging System |
js-skeleton | 3.6.3 | Rendering lists made as easy as pushing to an array |
js-url | 2.6.2 | A simple, lightweight url parser for JavaScript (~1.7 Kb minified, ~0.7Kb gzipped). |
js-xss | 0.3.3 | Sanitize untrusted HTML (to prevent XSS) with a configuration specified by a Whitelist |
js-yaml | 4.1.0 | YAML 1.2 parser and serializer |
jsPlumb | 6.2.10 | Visual connectivity for webapps |
jsSHA | 3.3.1 | jsSHA is a JavaScript implementation of the entire family of SHA hashes as defined in FIPS 180-2 (SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512) as well as HMAC |
jsSocials | 1.5.0 | jsSocials - jQuery Social Network Sharing Plugin |
jsbarcode | 3.11.6 | JsBarcode is a simple and powerfull way to create different types of 1d barcodes. |
jscanify | 1.2.0 | Open-source Javascript mobile document scanner. |
jschannel | 1.0.0-git-commit1-8c4f7eb | JSChannel is a small JavaScript abstraction layer on top of HTML5 cross-document messaging. It builds rich messaging semantics out of window.postMessage(). |
jschardet | 3.2.0 | Character encoding auto-detection in JavaScript (port of python's chardet) |
jscolor | 2.5.2 | jscolor is a web color picker component that aims to be super easy both for developers to install and end users to use. |
jscroll | 2.4.1 | jQuery plugin for infinite scrolling / auto-paging. |
jsdiff | 7.0.0 | A javascript text diff implementation. |
jsel | 1.1.6 | DOM 3 XPath implementation for JavaScript objects. |
jsencrypt | 3.3.2 | A Javascript library to perform OpenSSL RSA Encryption, Decryption, and Key Generation. |
jsface | 2.4.9 | Small, fast, elegant, powerful, and cross platform JavaScript OOP library. Support main, singleton, super call, private, mixins, plugins, AOP and more. |
jsfeat | 0.0.8 | JavaScript Computer Vision library |
jsfile | 0.1.17 | JavaScript library for working with files in browser |
jsforce | 1.11.1 | Salesforce API Library for JavaScript |
jsfx | 1.2.0 | Package for sound effect generation. |
jsgradient | 1.0.0 | Simple JavaScript package for developers to generate gradient colors. It generates list of colors between 2 colors as hex code. |
jsgrid | 1.5.3 | Lightweight data grid jQuery plugin. It supports basic grid operations like inserting, filtering, editing, deleting, paging and sorting. Although jsGrid is tunable and allows to customize appearance and components. |
jshashes | 1.0.8 | A fast and independent hashing library pure JavaScript implemented (ES3 compliant) for both server and client side (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, RIPEMD, HMAC and Base64) |
jshint | 2.13.6 | Static analysis tool for JavaScript |
jslint | 2024.11.24 | JSLint, The JavaScript Code Quality and Coverage Tool |
jslite | 1.1.12 | JSLite is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely jQuery-compatible API. If you use jQuery, you already know how to use JSLite. |
jsmediatags | 3.9.5 | Media Tags Reader (ID3, MP4) |
jsmpeg | 0.2 | MPEG1 Video Decoder in JavaScript |
jsnes | 1.2.1 | A JavaScript NES emulator |
jsnetworkx | 0.3.4 | A graph processing and visualization library for JavaScript (port of NetworkX for Python). |
jsnlog | 2.30.0 | Simple logging package. Use on client and/or server. On the client, sends logs to the server and stores them in your existing server side logs. On the server, log to console or use Winston transports. Ideal for logging exceptions, AJAX timeouts. |
json-editor | 2.15.2 | JSON Schema based editor |
json-fn | 1.1.1 | javascript plugin to stringify, parse and clone javascript objects with Functions, RegExp and Date. |
json-formatter | 0.7.0 | Angular Publishable Directive Boilerplate |
json-forms | 1.6.3 | Brutusin json-forms is a JSON Schema to HTML form generator, supporting dynamic subschemas (on the fly resolution). Extensible and customizable library with zero dependencies. Bootstrap add-ons provided |
json-mask | 2.0.0 | Tiny language and engine for selecting specific parts of a JS object, hiding the rest. |
json-schema-faker | 0.4.7 | JSON-Schema + Faker |
json2 | 20160511 | This file creates a global JSON object containing two methods: stringify and parse. |
json2csv | 5.0.7 | Convert JSON to CSV |
json2html | 3.2.2 | json2html - HTML Templating using JSON2HTML |
json3 | 3.3.3 | A modern JSON implementation compatible with nearly all JavaScript platforms. |
json5 | 2.2.3 | JSON for the ES5 era. |
jsondiffpatch | 0.5.0 | Diff & Patch for Javascript objects |
jsoneditor | 10.1.2 | A web-based tool to view, edit, format, and validate JSON |
jsonform | 2.2.5 | Client-side JavaScript library that generates HTML forms from structured data models expressed using a JSON schema, possibly completed by a form layout description. |
jsonld | 8.3.3 | A JSON-LD Processor and API implementation in JavaScript. |
jsonlint | 1.6.0 | Validate JSON |
jsonpath | 1.1.1 | Query JavaScript objects with JSONPath expressions. Robust / safe JSONPath engine for Node.js. |
jsonwebtoken | 9.0.2 | JSON Web Token implementation (symmetric and asymmetric) |
jspanel3 | 3.11.3 | A jQuery Plugin to create highly configurable multifunctional floating panels |
jspdf | 2.5.1 | PDF Document creation from JavaScript |
jspdf-autotable | 3.8.4 | Generate PDF tables with jsPDF |
jsrender | 1.0.15 | Best-of-breed templating in browser or on Node.js (with Express 4, Hapi and Browserify integration) |
jsrsasign | 11.1.0 | opensource free pure JavaScript cryptographic library supports RSA/RSAPSS/ECDSA/DSA signing/validation, ASN.1, PKCS#1/5/8 private/public key, X.509 certificate, CRL, CMS SignedData, TimeStamp and CAdES and JSON Web Signature(JWS)/Token(JWT)/Key(JWK). |
jss | 10.10.0 | Composable and reusable style sheets. |
jssip | 3.1.2 | the Javascript SIP library |
jssor-slider | 28.0.0 | Responsive jQuery Image Slider/Slideshow/Carousel/Gallery/Banner |
jstat | 1.9.6 | Statistical Library for JavaScript |
jstimezonedetect | 1.0.7 | This script gives you the zone info key representing your device's time zone setting. The return value is an IANA zone info key (aka the Olson time zone database). |
jstree | 3.3.17 | jQuery tree plugin |
jstreegrid | 3.10.2 | grid plugin for jstree |
jstreemap | 1.28.2 | Library of associative containers; it implements TreeMap, TreeSet, TreeMultiMap and TreeMultiSet classes |
jsts | 2.12.1 | A JavaScript library of spatial predicates and functions for processing geometry |
jsuites | 5.8.3 | jSuites is a collection of lightweight common required javascript plugins and web components. It is composed of fully responsive vanilla plugins to help you bring the best user experience to your projects, independent of the platform. |
jsurl | 2.3.4 | Lightweight URL manipulation with JavaScript. |
jsvectormap | 1.6.0 | A lightweight Javascript library for creating interactive maps |
jsviews | 1.0.15 | Next-generation MVVM and MVP framework - built on top of JsRender templates. Bringing templates to life... |
jsxgraph | 1.10.1 | A JavaScript library for interactive geometry, function plotting, visualization |
jszip | 3.10.1 | Create, read and edit .zip files with Javascript http://stuartk.com/jszip |
jszip-utils | 0.1.0 | A collection of cross-browser utilities to go along with JSZip. |
juicer | 0.6.15 | a high-performance lightweight javascript template engine |
juliamono | 0.059 | A monospaced font with reasonable Unicode support |
jump.js | 1.0.2 | A small, modern, dependency-free smooth scrolling library. |
just-animate | 2.6.2 | Web Animation library |
just-safe-get | 4.2.0 | get value at property, don't throw if parent is undefined |
justgage | 1.7.0 | JustGage is a handy JavaScript plugin for generating and animating nice & clean gauges. It is based on Raphaël library for vector drawing, so it’s completely resolution independent and self-adjusting. |
justifiedGallery | 3.8.1 | This is a JQuery plugin that allows you to create an high quality justified gallery of images. Fill all the spaces! |
jvectormap | 2.0.5 | jQuery plugin for embedding vector maps with reach API and methods for data visualization to the web-pages. |
jwerty | 0.3.2 | Awesome handling of keyboard events |
jxon | 1.6.1 | A complete, bidirectional, JXON library |
kartograph-js | 0.8.7 | JavaScript library for SVG mapping |
keen-js | 6.0.0 | Keen IO JavaScript SDK |
kefir | 3.8.0 | Reactive Programming library for JavaScript inspired by Bacon.js and RxJS with focus on high performance and low memory usage |
kendo-ui-core | 2014.1.416 | Kendo UI is everything you need to build sites and apps with HTML5 & JavaScript & Kendo UI Core is the free and open-source version of Kendo UI that provides access to the web's best UI widgets and key framework features essential for developing great experiences for the web and mobile. |
keras-js | 0.3.0 | Run Keras models (tensorflow backend) in the browser, with GPU support. |
kerning.js | 0.2 | Take control of your web typography. |
keyboardjs | 2.7.0 | A library for binding to keys and key combos without the pain of key codes and key combo conflicts. |
keydrown | 1.2.8 | A JavaScript key state handler for web apps |
keymage | 1.1.3 | Javascript keyboard bindings handler with support for key chords |
keymaster | 1.6.1 | library for defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts |
keypress | 2.1.5 | a robust keyboard input capturing Javascript utility focused on input for games. For details and documentation, please visit http://dmauro.github.io/Keypress/ |
kibo | 1.1.0 | A simple JavaScript library for handling keyboard events. |
kineticjs | 5.2.0 | KineticJS is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that enables high performance animations, transitions, node nesting, layering, filtering, caching, event handling for desktop and mobile applications, and much more. |
kiss.animate | 0.1.2 | KISS.Animate is plugin for sliding animations based on JQuery and the best code structure practices with simple api |
kissui.scrollanim | 0.3.0 | CSS3 scroll animation library |
kiwi | 0.2.1 | Simple, modular, fast and lightweight template engine, based on jQuery templates syntax. |
kiwi.js | 1.2.1 | Kiwi.js is a Javascript/Typescript library for creating HTML5 games. |
klass | 1.4.1 | Class provider with classical inheritance interface |
knockback | 1.2.3 | Knockback.js provides Knockout.js magic for Backbone.js Models and Collections |
knockback-core-stack | 0.17.2 | Knockback.js provides Knockout.js magic for Backbone.js Models and Collections |
knockout | 3.5.1 | Knockout makes it easier to create rich, responsive UIs with JavaScript |
knockout-bootstrap | 0.2.1 | Knockout Bindings for Bootstrap Widgets |
knockout-delegated-events | 0.6.1 | A simple and flexible plugin to do declarative event delegation in Knockout.js |
knockout-dragdrop | 2.6.1 | A drag and drop binding for Knockout |
knockout-es5 | 0.4.6 | Knockout.js meets ECMAScript 5 properties |
knockout-jqueryui | 2.2.4 | knockout binding handlers for jQuery UI |
knockout-kendo | 0.10.0 | # Note Kendo UI Labs projects are experimental and largely built and supported by the community. As such Telerik does not provide official support for any of the Kendo UI Labs projects via Telerik support agreements. We do encourage you to open an issue |
knockout-paging | 0.4.0 | Adds an extender to Knockout to add paging functionality to observable arrays. |
knockout-postbox | 0.6.1 | A small library that uses Knockout's native pub/sub capabilities to facilitate decoupled communication between separate view models or components. |
knockout-pre-rendered | 0.11.0 | Knockout pre-rendered |
knockout-sortable | 1.2.0 | A Knockout.js binding to connect observableArrays with jQuery UI sortable functionality |
knockout-validation | 2.0.4 | A KnockoutJS Plugin for model and property validation |
knockout.mapping | 2.4.1 | Object mapping plugin for Knockout |
knockstrap | 1.4.1 | Knockout bindings to Twitter Bootstrap 3 |
knuth-shuffle | 1.0.8 | The Fisher-Yates (aka Knuth) shuffle for Browser and Node.js |
konamimojisplosion | 0.5.2 | Connects konami-code-js to emojisplosion for a glorious easter egg. |
kontra | 10.0.2 | Kontra HTML5 game development library |
konva | 9.0.0 | Konva is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that enables high performance animations, transitions, node nesting, layering, filtering, caching, event handling for desktop and mobile applications, and much more. |
kotlin | 1.9.25 | Standard Library for Kotlin Applications |
koto | 0.4.2 | A d3 chart framework written in ES6 |
kronos.js | 0.7.2 | JavaScript client for Kronos |
kube | 6.5.2 | Kube is a minimalistic Web framework for professional developers and designers. |
kule.lazy | 4.1.0 | Kule CSS Lazy, Do less, but changeable. |
kurento-client | 6.18.0 | Media API for the Kurento Web SDK |
kute.js | 2.2.4 | A minimal Native Javascript animation engine. |
kwargsjs | 1.0.1 | Smart argument management for javascript |
ky | 0.27.0 | Tiny and elegant HTTP client based on the browser Fetch API |
l20n | 1.0.2 | A client side localization library from Mozilla |
label.css | 0.1.1 | Just a simply easy way to label each element you want! |
labelauty | 1.1.4 | A lightweight and beautiful jQuery plugin for radio and checkbox inputs. |
labella | 1.1.4 | May the force label you. |
labjs | 2.0.3 | LABjs (Loading And Blocking JavaScript) is an open-source (MIT license) project supported by Getify Solutions. The core purpose of LABjs is to be an all-purpose, on-demand JavaScript loader, capable of loading any JavaScript resource, from any location, into any page, at any time. Loading your scripts with LABjs reduces resource blocking during page-load, which is an easy and effective way to optimize your site's performance. |
ladda-bootstrap | 0.9.4 | Buttons with built-in loading indicators, effectively bridging the gap between action and feedback. |
lamb | 0.61.1 | A lightweight, and docile, JavaScript library to help embracing functional programming. |
lamejs | 1.2.1 | Pure JavaScript MP3 Encoder |
laravel-echo | 1.17.1 | Laravel Echo library for beautiful Pusher and Socket.IO integration |
later | 1.2.0 | Determine later (or previous) occurrences of recurring schedules |
lato-font | 3.0.0 | Distribution repository for Lato font |
lave | 1.1.10 | eval in reverse: stringifying all the stuff that JSON.stringify won't |
lawnchair | 0.6.4 | simple json storage |
layer | 3.5.1 | Cross-end web layer tool |
layui | 2.9.21 | Classic modular front-end component library |
layx | 2.5.4 | Layx 新一代Web弹窗组件。 |
layzr.js | 2.2.2 | A small, fast, modern, and dependency-free library for lazy loading. |
lazy.js | 0.5.1 | Like Underscore, but lazier |
lazyad-loader | 1.1.11 | Deliver synchronous ads asynchronously with RWD support without modifying the ad code. |
lazyload | 2.0.3 | Tiny, dependency-free async JavaScript and CSS loader.lo |
lazyloadjs | 3.2.2 | Image lazy loading |
lazysizes | 5.3.2 | High performance (jankfree) lazy loader for images (including responsive images), iframes and scripts (widgets). |
lazyyt | 0.3.4 | A jQuery plugin to lazy load those darn slow Youtube iframe videos |
le_js | 0.0.3 | Javascript library for Logentries.com |
leader-line | 1.0.7 | Draw a leader line in your web page. |
leaflet | 1.9.4 | JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps |
leaflet-ajax | 2.1.0 | AJAX and JSONP in Leaflet |
leaflet-contextmenu | 1.4.0 | A context menu for Leaflet |
leaflet-dvf | 0.3.1 | The Leaflet Data Visualization Framework (DVF) is an extension to the Leaflet JavaScript mapping library. The primary goal of the framework is to simplify data visualization and thematic mapping using Leaflet - making it easier to turn raw data into compelling maps. |
leaflet-editable | 1.3.0 | Make geometries editable in Leaflet |
leaflet-extra-markers | 1.2.2 | Custom Markers for Leaflet JS based on Awesome Markers |
leaflet-geocoder-mapzen | 1.9.4 | Leaflet plugin to search (geocode) using Mapzen Search or your own hosted version of the Pelias Geocoder API. |
leaflet-geosearch | 4.0.0 | Adds support for address lookup (a.k.a. geocoding / geoseaching) to Leaflet. |
leaflet-gpx | 2.1.2 | GPX layer, targeted at sporting activities by providing access to information such as distance, moving time, pace, elevation, heart rate, etc. |
leaflet-groupedlayercontrol | 0.6.1 | A Leaflet layer control with support for grouping overlays together |
leaflet-hash | 0.2.1 | linkable location hashes for leaflet |
leaflet-locatecontrol | 0.83.1 | A useful control to geolocate the user with many options. Official Leaflet and MapBox plugin. |
leaflet-minimap | 3.6.1 | A plugin for Leaflet that provides a minimap in the corner of the map view. |
leaflet-omnivore | 0.3.4 | a geospatial format parser for Leaflet |
leaflet-plugins | 3.4.0 | Miscellaneous plugins for Leaflet library for services that need to display route information and need satellite imagery from different providers |
leaflet-polylinedecorator | 1.5.1 | A plug-in for the JS map library Leaflet, allowing to define patterns (like dashes, arrows, icons, etc.) on Polylines. |
leaflet-providers | 1.13.0 | An extension to Leaflet that contains configurations for various free tile providers. |
leaflet-realtime | 2.2.0 | Show realtime updated GeoJSON in Leaflet |
leaflet-routing-machine | 3.2.12 | Routing for Leaflet |
leaflet-search | 4.0.0 | Leaflet Control for searching markers/features by attribute on map or remote searching in jsonp/ajax |
leaflet-tilelayer-geojson | 1.0.2 | Leaflet plugin to render GeoJSON data over tile layer |
leaflet-vector-layers | 1.6.0 | Allows to easily create vector layers from a number of geo web services, such as ArcGIS Server, Arc2Earth, GeoIQ, CartoDB and GIS Cloud. |
leaflet.AnimatedMarker | 1.0.0 | This is a Leaflet plugin for animating a marker along a polyline. |
leaflet.draw | 1.0.4 | Vector drawing plugin for Leaflet |
leaflet.freedraw | 2.0.1 | Zoopla inspired freehand polygon creation using Leaflet.js. |
leaflet.fullscreen | 3.0.2 | Simple plugin for Leaflet that adds fullscreen button to your maps. |
leaflet.heat | 0.2.0 | A tiny and fast Leaflet heatmap plugin. |
leaflet.markercluster | 1.5.3 | Provides Beautiful Animated Marker Clustering functionality for Leaflet |
leaflet.pm | 2.2.0 | A Leaflet Plugin For Editing Geometry Layers in Leaflet 1.0 |
leaflet.toolbar.js | 0.3.0 | Flexible, extensible toolbars for Leaflet maps. |
leapjs | 1.1.0 | JavaScript client for the Leap Motion Controller |
legofy | 0.1.13 | Legofy your images with retina support using SVG. |
legojs | 1.0.0 | Lego JS |
lemonade | 2.5 | lemonade |
less.js | 4.2.1 | Leaner CSS |
lethargy | 1.0.9 | Distinguish between scroll events initiated by the user, and those by inertial scrolling |
lets-plot | 4.5.2 | An open source library for statistical plotting. |
letterfx | 1.0.2 | A jQuery plugin to apply animated visual effects to text - letters, words & custom patterns. |
lettering.js | 0.7.0 | A lightweight, easy to use Javascript injector for radical Web Typography |
levenshtein | 1.0.5 | Javascript implementation of the L-diggity. |
lg-autoplay | 1.2.1 | Autoplay module for lightgallery. |
lg-fullscreen | 1.2.1 | Fullscreen module for lightgallery. |
lg-hash | 1.0.4 | History(Hash) module for lightgallery. |
lg-pager | 1.0.2 | Video module for lightgallery. |
lg-share | 1.2.1 | Social media share module for lightgallery. |
lg-thumbnail | 1.2.1 | Thumbnail module for lightgallery. |
lg-video | 1.4.0 | Video module for lightgallery. |
lg-zoom | 1.3.0 | Zoom module for lightgallery. |
libass-wasm | 4.1.0 | libass Subtitle Renderer and Parser library for browsers |
libil | 0.1.2 | Libil is a JavaScript library to process string for Bahasa Walikan. It supports Yogyakarta and Malang Style |
libphonenumber | 8.13.52 | Google's common Java, C++ and JavaScript library for parsing, formatting, and validating international phone numbers. |
libphonenumber-js | 1.11.17 | A simpler (and smaller) rewrite of Google Android's popular libphonenumber library |
libsodium-wrappers | 0.5.4 | The Sodium cryptographic library compiled to pure JavaScript (wrappers) |
lie | 3.3.0 | A basic but performant promise implementation |
light7 | 0.4.3 | Build mobile apps with simple HTML, CSS, and JS components. |
lightbox2 | 2.11.5 | Lightbox is small javascript library used to overlay images on top of the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers. |
lightcase | 2.5.0 | The smart and flexible Lightbox Plugin. |
lightgallery | 2.8.1 | A lightweight, customizable, modular, responsive, lightbox gallery plugin for jQuery. |
lightgallery-js | 1.4.0 | Full featured lightbox gallery. Zero dependencies |
lightslider | 1.1.6 | jQuery lightSlider is a lightweight responsive content slider - carousel with animated thumbnails navigation |
limonte-sweetalert2 | 11.15.10 | A beautiful, responsive, customizable and accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes, supported fork of sweetalert |
line-awesome | 1.3.0 | Line Awesome by Icon8. A drop-in replacement for Font Awesome. |
line-chart | 2.0.28 | Awesome charts for AngularJS. |
link-styler | 1.0.7 | JavaScript package that simplifies the task of identifying links within text and applying custom styling by automatically replacing them with tags. |
linkurious.js | 1.5.1 | A Javascript toolkit to speed up the development of graph visualization and interaction applications. |
linq.js | 4.0.3 | linq.js - LINQ for JavaScript. Implements all .NET 4.0 LINQ to Objects methods and many extra methods (inspiration from Rx, Achiral, Haskell, Ruby, etc...) |
liquidjs | 10.20.1 | A simple, expressive, safe and Shopify compatible template engine in pure JavaScript. |
list.fuzzysearch.js | 0.1.0 | A fuzzy search plugin for List.js |
list.js | 2.3.1 | The perfect library for adding search, sort, filters and flexibility to tables, lists and various HTML elements. Built to be invisible and work on existing HTML |
list.pagination.js | 0.1.1 | A pagination plugin for List.js |
lit-grid-layout | 1.1.15 | A Grid Layout for Lit Element |
lite-youtube-embed | 0.3.3 | A faster youtube embed. |
litegraph.js | 0.7.18 | A library in Javascript to create graphs in the browser similar to Unreal Blueprints. Nodes can be programmed easily and it includes an editor to construct and tests the graphs. |
litepicker | 2.0.12 | Date range picker - lightweight, no dependencies |
lity | 2.4.1 | Lightweight responsive lightbox. |
livekit-client | 2.7.5 | LiveKit Javascript/Typescript SDK, connects to a self- or cloud-hosted LiveKit server, you can quickly build applications like interactive live streaming or video calls with just a few lines of code. |
livequery | 1.1.1 | A jQuery plugin that helps with dynamic DOMs. |
livereload-js | 4.0.2 | LiveReload JS client - auto reload browser on changes |
livescript | 1.6.1 | LiveScript is a language which compiles to JavaScript. It has a straightforward mapping to JavaScript and allows you to write expressive code devoid of repetitive boilerplate. While LiveScript adds many features to assist in functional style programming, it also has many improvements for object oriented and imperative programming. |
livestamp | 1.1.2 | A simple, unobtrusive jQuery plugin that provides auto-updating timeago text to your timestamped HTML elements using Moment.js |
livingston-css3-mediaqueries-js | 1.0.0 | Write your media queries like you would for browsers with native support. |
loStorage.js | 2.0.3 | Client-side storage the way it should be – using the HTML5 localStorage API. |
load-awesome | 1.1.0 | An awesome collection of — Pure CSS — Loaders and Spinners |
load.js | 1316434407 | Lazy loading of javascript |
loadCSS | 3.1.0 | A function for loading CSS asynchronously |
loadermest.js | 2.0.30 | a new CSS loader system |
loaders.css | 0.1.2 | Loading animations in pure css |
loading-attribute-polyfill | 1.5.4 | Fast and lightweight dependency-free vanilla JavaScript polyfill for native lazy loading / the awesome loading='lazy'-attribute. |
loadjs | 4.3.0 | Tiny async loader for modern browsers |
lobipanel | 1.0.6 | jQuery plugin for bootstrap panels. It extends panels with several common and useful functions. |
localStorage | 2.0.1 | A localStorage polyfill, that enables persistent storage of data in every browser. |
localforage | 1.10.0 | Offline storage, improved. |
lockr | 0.8.5 | Lockr is an extremely lightweight library (<2kb when minified), designed to facilitate how you interact with localStorage. |
lodash-compat | 3.10.2 | The compatibility build of lodash.js |
lodash-fp | 0.10.4 | lodash with more functional fun. |
lodash.js | 4.17.21 | A utility library delivering consistency, customization, performance, & extras. |
log4javascript | 1.4.9 | log4javascript is a JavaScript logging framework based on the Java logging framework log4j |
logdown | 3.3.1 | Debug utility with markdown support that runs on browser and server |
logerr | 1.2.0 | Provides JavaScript errors in readable format. Also allows developers to log exceptions remotely by sending a post reqest. |
loglevel | 1.9.2 | Minimal lightweight logging for JavaScript, adding reliable log level methods to any available console.log methods |
logline | 1.1.4 | frontend logger with multiple stores. |
logtail-browser | 0.5.2 | Logtail browser logger by Better Stack |
lokijs | 1.5.12 | Fast document oriented javascript in-memory database |
lory.js | 2.5.3 | Touch enabled minimalistic slider written in vanilla JavaScript. |
lottie-player | 2.0.12 | Lottie animation and Telegram Sticker player web components. |
lottie-web | 5.12.2 | After Effects plugin for exporting animations to SVG + JavaScript or canvas + JavaScript |
lovefield | 2.1.12 | Lovefield - A relational database for web apps |
lowdb | 1.0.0 | JSON database for Node and the browser powered by lodash API |
lozad.js | 1.16.0 | A light-weight JS library to lazy load any HTML element such as images, ads, videos etc. |
lrsjng.jquery-qrcode | 0.18.0 | generate QR codes dynamically |
lscache | 1.3.2 | A simple library that emulates memcache functions using HTML5 localStorage |
luminateExtend | 1.9.0 | A JavaScript library for use with the Luminate Online product suite and API. |
luminous-lightbox | 2.4.0 | A simple, lightweight, no-dependencies JavaScript image lightbox. |
lumx | 1.9.11 | The first responsive front-end framework based on AngularJS & Google Material Design specifications |
lunar-javascript | 1.6.13 | lunar is a calendar library for Solar and Chinese Lunar. |
lunr.js | 2.3.9 | Simple full-text search in your browser. |
luxon | 3.5.0 | Immutable date wrapper |
lxgw-wenkai-screen-web | 1.501.0 | Web font package for LXGW WenKai Screen |
lxgw-wenkai-screen-webfont | 1.7.0 | webfont package for the LXGW WenKai Screen typeface |
lxgw-wenkai-web | 1.501.0 | Web font package for LXGW WenKai |
lxgw-wenkai-webfont | 1.7.0 | webfont package for the LXGW WenKai typeface |
lz-string | 1.5.0 | LZ-based compression algorithm |
lzutf8 | 0.6.3 | A high-performance string compression library |
m3u8-parser | 7.2.0 | m3u8 parser |
m8tro-bootstrap | 3.3.7 | Bootstrap theme inspired by Windows Modern UI (aka Metro) |
mach | 1.3.8 | HTTP for JavaScript |
machina.js | 4.0.2 | A library for creating powerful and flexible finite state machines. Loosely inspired by Erlang/OTP's gen_fsm behavior. |
machineboy2045-angular-selectize2 | 3.0.1 | This is an Angular.js directive for Brian Reavis's selectize jQuery plugin. It supports all of Selectize's features |
macy | 2.5.1 | Macy is a lightweight, dependency free, masonry layout library |
magic | 1.1.0 | CSS3 Animations with special effects |
magic-grid | 3.4.7 | Super lightweight javascript library for dynamic grid layouts. |
magicsuggest | 2.1.7 | MagicSuggest is a multiple selection auto suggest combo box for Bootstrap 3. |
magnific-popup.js | 1.2.0 | Lightbox and modal dialog plugin. Can display inline HTML, iframes (YouTube video, Vimeo, Google Maps), or an image gallery. Animation effects are added with CSS3 transitions. For jQuery or Zepto. |
magnify | 2.3.3 | A lightweight jQuery magnifying glass zoom plugin. |
mailcheck | 1.1.2 | A standalone module that suggests a right domain when your users misspell it in an email address. |
mailgo | 0.12.2 | a different mailto: and another tel: |
mailgun.js | 5.0.3 | A javascript sdk for Mailgun built with webpack, babel & es6. This can be used in node or in the browser*. |
mainloop.js | 1.0.4 | A well-constructed JavaScript main loop useful for games and other animated applications. |
malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin | 3.1.5 | Highly customizable custom scrollbar jQuery plugin, featuring vertical/horizontal scrollbars, scrolling momentum, mouse-wheel, keyboard and touch support user defined callbacks etc. |
mammoth | 1.9.0 | Convert Word documents from docx to simple HTML and Markdown |
mapbox-gl | 3.9.2 | A WebGL interactive maps library |
mapbox-gl-directions | 4.3.1 | A mapboxgl plugin for the Mapbox Directions API |
mapbox-gl-draw | 1.5.0 | A drawing component for Mapbox GL JS |
mapbox-gl-export | 2.0.2 | This module adds control which can export PDF and images. |
mapbox-gl-leaflet | 0.0.16 | binding from mapbox gl to the leaflet api |
mapbox-gl-legend | 1.2.6 | This module adds legend control which is able to create legend panel from mapbox style to mapbox-gl |
mapbox-gl-style-switcher | 1.0.11 | Mapbox GL JS Style Switcher |
mapbox-polyline | 1.2.1 | Polyline encoding and decoding |
mapbox.js | 3.3.1 | Mapbox plugin for Leaflet |
mapcreator-api | 3.3.3 | Mapcreator JavaScript API |
maphilight | 1.4.2 | a plugin that adds visual hilights to image maps |
maplace-js | 0.2.10 | Google Maps jQuery plugin and markers helper |
maple.js | 1.5.0 | Maple is a seamless module that allows you to organise your React project in terms of webcomponents |
maplibre-gl | 5.0.0 | A WebGL interactive maps library |
maptalks | 1.0.3 | A light JavaScript library to create integrated 2D/3D maps. |
maquette | 4.0.2 | Minimalistic Virtual DOM implementation with support for animated transitions. |
marginotes | 0.1.0 | Quick, cool margin notes with jQuery |
marionette | 5.0.0-alpha.2 | The Composite Javascript Framework |
mark.js | 8.11.1 | A keyword highlighter for search terms or regular expressions |
markdown-it | 13.0.2 | Markdown-it - modern pluggable markdown parser. |
markdown-it-emoji | 3.0.0 | Emoji plugin for markdown-it markdown parser. |
markdown-it-footnote | 4.0.0 | Footnotes for markdown-it markdown parser. |
markdown.js | 0.5.0 | A sensible Markdown parser for javascript |
marked | 15.0.6 | A markdown parser built for speed |
marked-base-url | 1.1.6 | marked base url |
marked-gfm-heading-id | 4.1.1 | marked GFM heading ids |
marked-highlight | 2.2.1 | marked highlight |
marked-mangle | 1.1.10 | marked mangle extension |
marked-smartypants | 1.1.9 | marked extension for smartypants |
marker-animate-unobtrusive | 0.2.9 | Unobtrusive Google Maps animated marker |
markerclustererplus | 2.1.4 | The library creates and manages per-zoom-level clusters for large amounts of markers. |
marqueefy | 1.0.3 | Marqueefy is a custom Marquee component used to create horizontal or vertical scrolling content. |
marvinj | 1.0 | Javascript Image Processing Framework based on Marvin Framework |
marx | 4.0.0 | The stylish CSS reset. |
marzipano | 0.10.2 | A 360° media viewer for the modern web |
masonry | 4.2.2 | Cascading grid layout library |
matchmedia-ng | 1.0.8 | matchmedia wrapper for AngularJS |
material-colors | 1.2.6 | Colors of Google's Material Design made available to coders |
material-components-web | 14.0.0 | Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for the web |
material-datetime-picker | 2.4.0 | A Vanilla JS Material Design date/time picker component |
material-design-iconic-font | 2.2.0 | Material Design Iconic Font and CSS toolkit |
material-design-icons | 4.0.0 | Material Design icons by Google |
material-design-lite | 1.3.0 | Material Design Components in CSS, JS and HTML |
material-kit | 3.0.3 | A Badass Bootstrap UI Kit based on Material Design |
material-scrolltop | 2.0.1 | Lightweight, Material Design inspired plugin for scrolling on top of the html page (with jQuery) |
material-ui | 4.12.4 | React components that implement Google's Material Design. |
materialize | 1.0.0 | Builds Materialize distribution packages |
materialize-autocomplete | 1.0.7 | Materialize-css styled autocomplete |
materialstyle | 3.1.1 | Material Style is a Material Design UI library based on Bootstrap. |
mathjax | 3.2.2 | MathJax is an open source JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all browsers. |
mathjax-mhchem | 3.3.2 | mhchem extension for MathJax |
mathjs | 14.0.1 | Math.js is an extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js. It features a flexible expression parser and offers an integrated solution to work with numbers, big numbers, complex numbers, units, and matrices. |
mathquill | 0.9.1 | Easily type math in your webapp |
matreshka | 2.3.1 | Event-driven JavaScript framework |
matter-js | 0.20.0 | a 2D rigid body physics engine for the web |
mavo | 0.3.2 | Create web applications with HTML and CSS |
md-data-table | 2.2.0 | Angular material table. Complete implementation of google material design based on angular material components. |
md5-wasm | 2.0.0 | Asynchronous MD5 calculator, employing WebAssembly for larger files |
mdb-ui-kit | 8.1.0 | Material Design for Bootstrap (MDB) is a powerful Material Design UI KIT for most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework - Bootstrap. |
mdbootstrap | 4.20.0 | Material Design for Bootstrap (MDB) is a powerful Material Design UI KIT for most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework - Bootstrap. |
mdui | 2.1.3 | Web components Library that implement Google's Material Design. |
mediaelement | 7.0.7 | HTML5 audio and video players in pure HTML and CSS. MediaElementPlayer.js uses the same HTML/CSS for all players. |
mediaelement-plugins | 5.0.0 | Plugins for MediaElement Player |
medium-editor | 5.23.3 | Medium.com WYSIWYG editor clone. |
medium-editor-custom-html | 1.1.0 | Insert custom HTML using a new button in the Medium Editor toolbar |
medium-editor-insert-plugin | 2.5.1 | jQuery insert plugin for Medium editor |
medium-zoom | 1.1.0 | A JavaScript library for zooming images like Medium |
melonjs | 1.0.1 | MelonJS Game Engine |
memoizejs | 0.1.1 | A faster JavaScript memoizer |
ment.io | 0.9.23 | Mentions for Angular |
meny | 1.4.0 | A three dimensional and space effecient menu |
mercury | 14.2.0 | A truly modular frontend framework |
merge-images | 2.0.0 | Easily compose images together without messing around with canvas |
mergely | 5.3.6 | A javascript UI for diff/merge |
merger | 0.28.6 | |
mermaid | 11.4.1 | Markdownish syntax for generating flowcharts, sequence diagrams, class diagrams and gantt charts. |
meshki | 3.0.0 | Meshki: A Black-Colored, Responsive Boilerplate for UI Development |
messageformat | 2.3.0 | PluralFormat and SelectFormat Message and i18n Tool - A JavaScript Implemenation of the ICU standards. |
messenger | 1.5.0 | Client-side growl-like notifications with actions and auto-retry. |
meting | 2.0.1 | Wow, such a beautiful html5 music player (with Meting API) |
metisMenu | 3.0.7 | A jQuery menu plugin |
metrics-graphics | 2.15.6 | A library optimized for concise, principled data graphics and layouts |
metro | 4.5.7 | The front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile projects on the web in Windows Metro Style. |
meyer-reset | 2.0 | Eric Meyer CSS reset |
mhayes-twentytwenty | 1.0.0 | Visual diff plugin to compare images |
microbejs | 0.5.2 | microbe.js - A modular JS library for DOM manipulation, and more |
microdiff | 1.5.0 | A fast, zero dependency object and array comparison library. Significantly faster than most other deep comparison libraries and has full TypeScript support. |
microevent | 1.0.0 | event emitter micro library (works in node+browser) |
micromarkdown | 0.3.4 | converts markdown to html |
micromodal | 0.4.10 | Tiny javascript library for creating accessible modal dialogs |
micromustache | 8.0.1 | A faster and smaller subimplementation of the {{mustache}} template engine for JavaScript |
microplugin | 0.0.3 | A lightweight plugin / dependency system for javascript libraries. |
microsoft-signalr | 8.0.7 | ASP.NET Core SignalR is an open-source library that simplifies adding real-time web functionality to apps. Real-time web functionality enables server-side code to push content to clients instantly. This client can also be used with the Azure SignalR Service for enabling serverless real-time experiences. |
midi.js | 0.3.0 | Library to assist in creating HTML5 MIDI apps. |
midnight.js | 1.1.2 | A jQuery plugin to switch fixed headers on the fly |
milligram | 1.4.1 | A minimalist CSS framework. |
milojs | 1.6.1 | Browser/nodejs reactive programming and data driven DOM manipulation with modular components. |
min | 1.5.0 | The world's smallest CSS framework - only 995 bytes. |
min.js | 0.1.0 | A super tiny JavaScript library to execute simple DOM querying and hooking event listeners. Aims to return the raw DOM node for you to manipulate directly, using HTML5 (et al) tech like element.classList or element.innerHTML, etc. |
mindb | 0.2.2 | Database on JavaScript |
mini-meteor | 1.0.1 | Select Client-side components of MeteorJS |
mini-tokyo-3d | 3.6.0 | A real-time 3D digital map of Tokyo's public transport system |
mini.css | 3.0.1 | A minimal, responsive, style-agnostic CSS toolkit. |
miniTip | 1.5.3 | Ultra lightweight jQuery tooltip plugin. |
minicart | 3.0.6 | The Mini Cart is a great way to improve your PayPal shopping cart integration. |
minifill | 0.0.4 | A minimal polyfill with most essential stuff |
minigrid | 3.1.0 | Minimal 2kb zero dependency cascading grid layout |
minimap | 1.0.0 | A preview of full web page |
minireset.css | 0.0.6 | A tiny modern CSS reset |
minitranslate | 1.2.0 | A lightweight way to change words into other words. |
mint-ui | 2.2.13 | Mobile UI elements for vue.js |
mirrorx | 1.1.3 | A React framework with minimal API and zero boilerplate. |
mistic100-Bootstrap-Confirmation | 4.2.0 | Bootstrap plugin for on-place confirm boxes using Popover |
mithril | 2.2.12 | A framework for building brilliant applications |
mixitup | 3.3.1 | A CSS3 and jQuery Filter & Sort Plugin |
mmenu-js | 9.3.0 | The best javascript plugin for app look-alike on- and off-canvas menus with sliding submenus for your website and webapp. |
mnist | 1.1.0 | The goal of this library is to provide an easy-to-use way for training and testing MNIST digits for neural networks (either in the browser or node.js). |
mo | 1.7.3 | A collection of OzJS core modules that form a library called "Mo" |
mo-js | 1.7.1 | motion graphics toolbelt for the web |
mobi.css | 3.1.1 | A lightweight, flexible css framework that focus on mobile. |
mobile-angular-ui | 1.3.4 | Mobile Angular UI |
mobile-detect | 1.4.5 | Device detection (phone, tablet, desktop, mobile grade, os, versions) |
mobilebone | 2.8.1 | Bone main for mobile web APP with a sigle page mode. |
mobilizejs | 0.9 | A HTML5 and Javascript framework to transform websites to mobile sites. |
mobx | 6.13.5 | Simple, scalable state management. |
mobx-react | 9.2.0 | React bindings for MobX. Create fully reactive components. |
mobx-react-lite | 4.1.0 | Lightweight React bindings for MobX based on React 16.8+ and Hooks |
mocha | 11.1.0 | simple, flexible, fun test framework |
mockstate | 0.0.7 | A centralized state management for Javascript applications, made easy. |
model-viewer | 4.0.0 | google 3d model viewer |
modern-normalize | 3.0.1 | Normalize browsers' default style |
modernizr | 2.8.3 | Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser. |
modestmaps | 3.3.5 | A display and interaction library for tile-based maps. |
mogl | 0.3.0 | MOGL is a lightweight & high performance MObile webGL library. |
mojio-js | 3.5.2 | Mojio javascript REST client. |
moment-business-days | 1.2.0 | MomentJS plugin to use business days |
moment-duration-format | 2.3.2 | A moment.js plugin for formatting durations. |
moment-range | 4.0.2 | Fancy date ranges for Moment.js |
moment-recur | 1.0.7 | A momentjs plugin for matching and generating recurring dates. |
moment-timer | 1.3.0 | A moment.js plugin for timers setInterval & setTimeout. |
moment-timezone | 0.5.46 | Parse and display moments in any timezone. |
moment.js | 2.30.1 | Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates |
monaco-editor | 0.52.2 | A browser based code editor |
monet | 0.9.3 | Monadic types library for JavaScript |
money.js | 0.1.3 | JavaScript currency conversion library. |
monio | 0.53.0 | The most powerful IO monad implementation in JS, possibly in any language! |
monkberry | 4.0.8 | Monkberry is a JavaScript library for building web user interfaces |
monkberry-standalone | 4.0.8 | Standalone build of Monkberry for use in browsers. |
moonjs | 0.11.0 | A minimal, blazing fast UI library. |
mootable-hashmap | 1.0.7 | Full featured, fast, HAMT based HashMaps |
mootools | 1.6.0 | MooTools is a compact, modular, Object-Oriented JavaScript framework designed for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developer. |
mootools-more | 1.6.0 | MooTools is a compact, modular, Object-Oriented JavaScript framework designed for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developer. |
mori | 0.3.2 | Persistent Data Structures for JavaScript |
morpheus | 0.7.2 | A Brilliant Animator |
morris.js | 0.5.1 | Easy, pretty charts |
most | 1.9.0 | Monadic streams for Ultra-high performance reactive programming |
motajs | 0.18.0 | JavaScript library that aims to allow the developer to easily build web applications. |
motio | 2.2.2 | Small JavaScript library for sprite based animations and panning |
motion-ui | 2.0.8 | Sass library for creating transitions and animations. |
motion.js | 0.3.0 | MotionJs is an easy to use, cross-browser CSS3 library for creating animations in web. |
mouse0270-bootstrap-notify | 3.1.3 | This is a simple plugin that turns standard Bootstrap alerts into "Growl-like" notifications. |
mousetrap | 1.6.5 | Simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts |
move.js | 0.5.0 | CSS3 backed JavaScript animation framework |
moveTo | 1.8.2 | A lightweight scroll animation javascript library without any dependency. |
moveable | 0.53.0 | Moveable is Draggable, Resizable, Scalable, Rotatable, Warpable, Pinchable, Groupable, Snappable. |
moviedb | 0.2.12 | Library for interacting with themoviedb.com API |
mqtt | 5.10.3 | A library for the MQTT protocol |
msgpack-lite | 0.1.26 | Fast Pure JavaScript MessagePack Encoder and Decoder |
msgpack5 | 6.0.2 | A msgpack v5 implementation for node.js and the browser, with extension points |
msl-client-browser | 1.1.0 | Browser Client for MSL (Mock Service Layer) |
msngr | 7.0.0 | An asynchronous messaging library, written in JavaScript, for node and browser use |
mu | 0.3.1 | The μ framework is just 1 kb. Inspired by the motherfuckingwebsite.com, using μ css framework is simple as fuck. |
mui | 3.7.1 | The most high-performance front-end framework for developing mobile apps |
muicss | 0.10.3 | Lightweight CSS framework based on Google's Material Design guidelines |
multi-level-push-menu | 2.1.4 | Cross-browser compatible jQuery plug-in allowing endless nesting of navigation elements. |
multi-select | 0.9.12 | This is a user-friendlier drop-in replacement for the standard |
multi.js | 0.5.3 | A user-friendly replacement for select boxes with multiple attribute enabled |
multiple-select | 1.2.3 | Multiple select is a jQuery plugin to select multiple elements with checkboxes :). |
multiple.js | 0.0.1 | Sharing background across multiple elements using CSS |
multiscroll.js | 0.2.3 | A simple plugin to create split scrolling websites with two vertical scrolling panels. |
multiselect | 2.5.6 | jQuery multiselect plugin with two sides |
murmurhash3js | 3.0.1 | A javascript implementation of MurmurHash3's x86 hashing algorithms.(Browser&Server) |
muse-ui | 3.0.2 | material design ui for vue2 |
musicmetadata | 2.0.2 | Streaming music metadata parser for node and the browser. |
mustache.js | 4.2.0 | Logic-less {{mustache}} templates with JavaScript |
muuri | 0.9.5 | Responsive, sortable, filterable and draggable layouts |
mux.js | 7.1.0 | A collection of lightweight utilities for inspecting and manipulating video container formats. |
mvp.css | 1.17.0 | A minimalist stylesheet for HTML elements |
mvw-injection | 0.3.0 | Dependency Injection module for MV-Whatever patterns! |
mycolorway-simple-hotkeys | 1.0.3 | Simple hotkeys for tower.im |
myforce-angularjs-dropdown-multiselect | 1.10.2 | This directive gives you a Bootstrap Dropdown with the power of AngularJS directives. |
myscript | 4.3.0 | The JavaScript library for the MyScript Cloud recognition service |
naive-ui | 2.40.4 | A Vue 3 Component Library. Fairly Complete, Theme Customizable, Uses TypeScript, Fast |
najaxjs | 1.1.0 | Ajax simple library. You can use ajax easily and customize request & response behaviors. |
nanoajax | 0.4.3 | A small ajax lib |
nanobar | 0.4.2 | Very lightweight js progress bars (for browsers) |
nanogallery | 5.10.3 | image gallery simplified - jQuery plugin |
nanogallery2 | 3.0.5 | a modern photo / video gallery and lightbox |
nanoid | 5.0.9 | A tiny (108 bytes), secure URL-friendly unique string ID generator |
native-promise-only | 0.8.1 | Native Promise Only: A polyfill for native ES6 Promises **only**, nothing else. |
natsort | 2.0.3 | Javascript natural sort algorithm with unicode support. |
navigo | 8.11.1 | A simple vanilla JavaScript router with a fallback for older browsers |
ndarray | 1.0.19 | Multidimensional Arrays |
nearest-color | 0.4.4 | Find the nearest color |
neataptic | 1.4.7 | Architecture-free neural network library with genetic algorithm implementations |
nedb | 1.8.0 | File-based embedded data store for node.js |
neo-async | 2.6.1 | Neo-Async is thought to be used as a drop-in replacement for Async, it almost fully covers its functionality and runs faster |
nes | 10.0.2 | WebSocket adapter plugin for hapi routes |
nes.css | 2.3.0 | NES.css is NES-style CSS Framework. |
nestable2 | 1.6.0 | Drag & drop hierarchical list with mouse and touch compatibility |
nestedSortable | 2.0.0 | NestedSortable is a jQuery plugin that extends jQuery Sortable UI functionalities to nested lists. |
network-js | 2.1.0 | Make accurate network measures in JavaScript |
next-theme-pjax | 0.6.0 | Easily enable fast AJAX navigation on any website (using pushState + XHR) |
ng-bootstrap | 10.0.0 | Angular powered Bootstrap |
ng-browser-info | 0.1.6 | ngBrowserInfo is an AngularJS service that gives you a collection of methods for knowing more about your client browser. |
ng-bs-daterangepicker | 0.0.6 | AngularJS directive for bootstrap-daterangepicker |
ng-ckeditor | 0.2.1 | CKEditor + AngularJS |
ng-clip | 0.2.6 | Copy to clipboard using AngularJS |
ng-context-menu | 1.0.2 | An AngularJS directive to display a context menu when a right-click event is triggered |
ng-cordova | 0.1.27-alpha | Cordova with AngularJS Goodness |
ng-csv | 0.3.6 | Simple directive that turns arrays and objects into downloadable CSV files |
ng-currency | 1.2.9 | Directive that works in conjunction with currency filter. |
ng-device-detector | 5.1.4 | Uses user-agent to set css classes or directly usable via JS. |
ng-dialog | 1.4.0 | Modal dialogs and popups provider for Angular.js applications |
ng-droplet | 0.7.1 | Angular.js HTML5 file uploading with drag & drop and image/file preview. |
ng-dropzone | 2.0.2 | AngularJS directive for Dropzone, an easy to use drag'n'drop file upload library. |
ng-embed | 2.2.0 | An AngularJS filter to convert text into emoticons. |
ng-fittext | 4.2.3 | An AngularJS directive for inflating web type |
ng-flow | 2.7.8 | Flow.js html5 file upload extension on angular.js framework |
ng-grid | 2.0.11 | A data grid for Angular |
ng-i18next | 1.0.4 | AngularJS provider, filter and directive for i18next (i18next by Jan Mühlemann) |
ng-idle | 1.3.2 | Directives and services for responding to idle users in AngularJS |
ng-img-crop | 0.3.2 | Image crop directive for AngularJS |
ng-inline-edit | 0.7.0 | Simple inline editing for HTML elements |
ng-jsoneditor | 1.0.0 | Angular version of the insanely cool jsoneditor |
ng-knob | 0.1.3 | Angular.js Knob directive |
ng-meta | 1.0.3 | Meta tags support for AngularJS single page applications (SPA) |
ng-notify | 0.8.0 | A simple, lightweight module for displaying notifications in your AngularJS app. |
ng-parallax | 1.1.3 | An easy way to utilize parllax scrolling in Angular apps. |
ng-pdfviewer | 0.2.1 | AngularJS PDF viewer directive using pdf.js. |
ng-prettyjson | 0.2.0 | AngularJS directive for json pretty output (colors / indent / editor) |
ng-quill | 4.5.3 | Angular directive for rich text editor Quill |
ng-showdown | 1.1.0 | Official Showdown integration with AngularJS |
ng-slider | 2.2.6 | AngularJS directive slider control. |
ng-sortable | 1.3.8 | Angular Library for Drag and Drop, supports Sortable and Draggable. |
ng-table | 3.1.0 | Simple table with sorting and filtering on AngularJS |
ng-tags-input | 3.2.0 | Tags input directive for AngularJS |
ng-tasty | 0.6.1 | A lightweight, flexible, and tasty collection of reusable UI components for AngularJS. |
ng-toast | 2.0.0 | Angular provider for toast notifications |
ng-token-auth | 0.0.30 | Token based authentication system for angular js. Includes support for oauth2 authentication using Facebook, Github, and Google. |
ng-wig | 3.1.1 | Small AngularJS WYSIWYG editor component |
ng.ckeditor | 2.1.0 | Angular Module for rendering the CKEditor |
ng2-bootstrap | 1.6.2 | angular2 native bootstrap components |
ng2-formly | 2.0.0-beta.14 | angular2-formly is an Angular 2 module which has a Components to help customize and render JavaScript/JSON configured forms. The formly-form Component and the FormlyConfig service are very powerful and bring unmatched maintainability to your application's |
ngAnalytics | 1.1.2 | Angular directive for Google Analytics Embed API |
ngCart | 1.0.0 | Really simple shopping cart for AngularJS |
ngDraggable | 0.1.11 | Drag and drop module for Angular JS with support for touch devices. |
ngHandsontable | 0.13.2 | AngularJS directive for Handsontable |
ngInfiniteScroll | 1.3.4 | Infinite scrolling for AngularJS |
ngMask | 3.1.1 | Best ngMask |
ngOfficeUiFabric | 0.16.1 | Angular directives for Microsoft's Office UI Fabric. |
ngStorage | 0.3.11 | localStorage and sessionStorage done right for AngularJS. |
ngclipboard | 2.0.0 | Angularjs directive for clipboard.js |
ngl | 2.4.0 | Scalable molecular graphics for the web |
ngmodeloptions | 1.0.1 | ngModelOptions for AngularJS 1.2 |
ngn-chassis-components | 1.0.5 | NGN Chassis Web Components |
ngprogress | 1.1.3 | slim, site-wide progressbar for AngularJS |
ngreact | 0.5.2 | Use React Components in Angular |
nice-validator | 1.1.5 | Simple, smart and pleasant verification solution. |
nightly.js | 2.0.1 | A zero dependency javascript library that enables the night mode in your website easily |
ninjaui | 1.0.1 | the jQuery plugin for lethal interaction |
nipplejs | 0.10.2 | A virtual joystick for touch capable interfaces |
nivo-lightbox | 1.3.1 | A simple, flexible, responsive, retina-ready jQuery lightbox plugin |
nlp_compromise | 6.5.5 | natural language processing in the browser |
noUiSlider | 15.8.1 | noUiSlider is a lightweight, ARIA-accessible JavaScript range slider with multi-touch and keyboard support. |
nod | 2.0.12 | Frontend input validation |
node-open | 10.1.0 | Open stuff like URLs, files, executables. Cross-platform. |
node-polyglot | 2.6.0 | Give your JavaScript the ability to speak many languages. |
node-rules | 9.1.1 | Business Rules Engine for JavaScript |
node-snackbar | 0.1.16 | Notifications inspired by Google Material Design |
node-uuid | 1.4.8 | Rigorous implementation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs. |
node-vibrant | 3.1.6 | Extract prominent colors from an image. Supports both node and browser environment. |
node-waves | 0.7.6 | Click effect insipired by Google Material Design |
noisy | 1.2 | Adds random noise to the background of a given element. |
nomnoml | 1.7.0 | The sassy UML renderer that generates diagrams from text |
normalize | 8.0.1 | Normalize.css as a node packaged module |
normalize-opentype.css | 0.2.4 | Adds OpenType features—ligatures, kerning, and more—to Normalize.css. |
nosleep | 0.12.0 | Prevent display sleep on all Android and iOS browsers |
noti.js | 1.0.2 | NOTE: there won't be updates on CDNJS any longer. Please download it from Github instead! |
notie | 4.3.1 | notie - a clean and simple notification, input, and selection suite for javascript, with no dependencies |
notificon | 1.0.4 | favicon notifications and alerts |
notifxi | 0.2.2 | A queued notification class for javascript that utilizes Bootstrap and jQuery. |
notify | 0.4.2 | A simple, versatile notification library |
notify.js | 3.0.0 | A handy wrapper for the Web Notifications API |
noty | 3.1.4 | Noty is a library that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog. Each notification is added to a queue. (Optional) |
notyf | 3.10.0 | A dead simple, responsive, a11y, dependency-free, vanilla JavaScript toast library. |
nprogress | 0.2.0 | Simple slim progress bars |
ns-popover | 0.6.8 | A popover directive for angularJs |
nuclear-js | 1.4.0 | Immutable, reactive Flux architecture. UI Agnostic. |
numbered | 1.1.0 | Stringify any number into words, and parse number strings back to a number |
numbers.js | 0.7.0 | Advanced Mathematics Library for JavaScript |
numbro | 2.0.5 | Format and manipulate numbers. |
numeral.js | 2.0.6 | Format and manipulate numbers. |
numeric | 1.2.6 | Numerical analysis in javascript |
numjs | 0.16.1 | Like NumPy, in JavaScript |
numl | 1.1.3 | An open-source Library of Web Components and a Runtime CSS Framework for rapidly building UI that follows your Design System. |
nunjucks | 3.2.4 | A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (jinja2 inspired) |
nutui | 4.3.13 | 京东风格的轻量级移动端 Vue2、Vue3 组件库(支持小程序开发) |
nvd3 | 1.8.6 | A reusable charting library written in d3.js |
nviewjs | 1.0.3 | View template engine. |
nwmatcher | 1.4.2 | A CSS3-compliant JavaScript selector engine. |
oauth-io | 0.6.2 | OAuth that just works |
oauth4webapi | 3.1.4 | OAuth 2 / OpenID Connect for JavaScript Runtimes |
obelisk.js | 1.2.2 | JavaScript Library for Building Pixel Isometric Element with HTML5 Canvas |
object-fit | 0.4.2 | Polyfill for the CSS object-fit property to fit images into containers |
object-fit-images | 3.2.4 | Polyfill object-fit and object-position on images on IE9, IE10, IE11, Edge, Safari, ... |
object-observe | 0.2.6 | Object.observe polyfill based on ES7 spec |
object-path | 0.11.8 | Access deep object properties using a path |
oboe.js | 2.1.5 | Oboe.js reads json, giving you the objects as they are found without waiting for the stream to finish |
ocanvas | 2.10.1 | oCanvas is a JavaScript library that makes development with HTML5 canvas easy, by using an object-based approach. |
oclazyload | 1.1.0 | Load modules on demand (lazy load) with angularJS |
octicons | 8.5.0 | GitHub's icon font |
odometer.js | 0.4.8 | Transition numbers with ease |
offline-js | 0.7.19 | Automatically detect when a browser is offline |
ofilterjs | 1.0.7 | OfilterJs is a data object filter processor for Javascript, which provides simpler, more convenient and more efficient data operations for development. |
oidc-client | 1.11.5 | OpenID Connect (OIDC) & OAuth2 client library |
oidc-client-ts | 3.1.0 | OpenID Connect (OIDC) & OAuth2 client library |
oimo | 1.0.9 | JavaScript 3D physics engine. |
oj | 0.2.1 | A unified templating language for the people. Thirsty people. |
oj.AceEditor | 0.0.6 | Ace Editor plugin for OJ |
oj.GitHubButton | 0.0.2 | GitHub buttons plugin for OJ |
oj.JSFiddle | 0.0.1 | JSFiddle plugin for OJ |
oj.TwitterButton | 0.0.4 | Twitter button plugin for OJ |
oj.VimeoVideo | 0.0.6 | Vimeo Video plugin for OJ |
oj.YouTubeVideo | 0.0.1 | YouTube video plugin for OJ |
oj.markdown | 0.2.10 | Markdown plugin for oj |
oj.mustache | 0.7.2 | Mustache plugin for OJ |
okayNav | 2.0.4 | Progressively responsive jQuery navigation |
ol3 | 4.6.5 | Build tools and sources for developing OpenLayers based mapping applications |
omi | 7.7.4 | Front End Cross-Frameworks Framework. |
omniscient | 4.2.0 | A library providing an abstraction for React components for passing the same data structure through the entire component flow using cursors and immutable data structures. |
onecolor | 4.1.0 | Javascript color object with implicit color space conversions. Supports RGB, HSV, HSL and CMYK with alpha channel. |
onepage-scroll | 1.3.1 | Create an Apple-like one page scroller website (iPhone 5S website) with One Page Scroll plugin |
onfire.js | 2.0.0 | onfire.js is a simple events dispatcher subscribe / publish library. aysnc, simple and usefull. |
onnxruntime-web | 1.20.1 | A Javascript library for running ONNX models on browsers |
onsen | 2.12.8 | HTML5 Mobile Framework & UI Components |
oojs | 7.0.1 | Power for object oriented JavaScript libraries. |
oojs-ui | 0.51.4 | User interface classes built on the OOjs framework. |
opal | 0.3.43 | Ruby runtime and core library for javascript. |
opal-jquery | 0.0.8 | jQuery for Opal |
opal-parser | 0.3.43 | Ruby runtime and core library for javascript. |
open-color | 1.9.1 | Open color scheme for web UI |
open-iconic | 1.1.1 | An open source icon set with marks in SVG, sprite, webfont and raster format |
open-weather | 2.0.0 | A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin used to display the current weather of any city using the free OpenWeatherMap API. |
openajax-hub | 2.0.7 | The central feature of the OpenAjax Hub is its publish/subscribe event manager (the "pub/sub manager"), which enables loose assembly and integration of Ajax components. With the pub/sub manager, one Ajax component can publish (i.e., broadcast) an event to which other Ajax components can subscribe, thereby allowing these components to communicate with each other through the Hub, which acts as an intermediary message bus. |
openfl | 9.4.1 | A fast, productive library for 2D cross-platform development. |
openlayers | 10.3.1 | OpenLayers is a JavaScript library for building map applications on the web. |
openlocationcode | 1.0.4 | Library to convert between lat/lng and OLC codes |
openpgp | 4.10.10 | OpenPGP.js is a Javascript implementation of the OpenPGP protocol. This is defined in RFC 4880. |
openplayerjs | 2.14.7 | Lightweight HTML5 video/audio player with smooth controls and ability to play VAST/VPAID/VMAP ads. |
openseadragon | 5.0.1 | Provides a smooth, zoomable user interface for HTML/Javascript. |
openshare | 1.4.11 | Social sharing for developers |
opentip | 2.4.6 | Free opensource tooltip class. |
opentype.js | 1.3.4 | OpenType font parser |
openwebicons | 1.6.3 | OpenWeb Icons |
operative | 0.4.6 | Operative: Inline Web-Worker Helper |
oppia | 0.0.3 | Oppia is a tool for creating interactive online educational activities that give immediate, personalized feedback to learners. |
optimal-select | 4.0.1 | Get efficient & robust CSS selectors for HTML elements |
optimizely | 5.3.4 | JavaScript SDK for Optimizely Feature Experimentation and Optimizely Full Stack (legacy) |
opus-recorder | 8.0.5 | A library for recording opus encoded audio |
orb | 1.0.9 | Pivot table javascript library |
orgchart | 5.0.0 | Simple and direct organization chart(tree-like hierarchy) plugin based on pure DOM and jQuery. |
orgchart-webcomponents | 0.0.1 | It's a simple and direct organization chart plugin. Anytime you want a tree-like chart, you can turn to OrgChart. Edit |
origamijs | 0.5.1 | HTML5 Canvas for Humans |
ornajs | 3.3.7 | OrnaJS is a tool for creation Atomic CSS. Orna lightweight, clear and easy. It works with jQuery. |
ot.js | 0.0.15 | Collaborative editing using operational transformation |
otpauth | 9.3.6 | One Time Password (HOTP/TOTP) library for Node.js, Deno and browsers. |
ouibounce | 0.0.12 | Show some HTML before visitors leave your site. |
outdated-browser | 1.1.5 | A time saving tool for developers. It detects outdated browsers and advises users to upgrade to a new version. |
outdated-browser-rework | 3.0.1 | Detects outdated browsers and asks users to upgrade to a new version. Handles mobile devices! |
overlayscrollbars | 2.10.1 | A javascript scrollbar plugin which hides the native scrollbars and provides custom styleable overlay scrollbars, but keeps the native functionality and feeling. |
overpass | 3.0.5 | Overpass open source web font family |
overthrow | 0.7.0 | An overflow:auto polyfill for responsive design. |
owl-carousel | 1.3.3 | OWL Carousel is a touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive carousel sliders. |
owo | 1.0.2 | Lovely Emoticon and Emoji Keyboard for textarea or input |
oz.js | 2.6.4 | A microkernel for modular javascript, a toolchain for modern front-end, a micro-framework for growable WebApp |
p2.js | 0.7.1 | A JavaScript 2D physics engine. |
p5.js | 1.11.2 | p5.js is a client-side JS platform that empowers artists, designers, students, and anyone to learn to code and express themselves creatively on the web. It is based on the core principles of Processing. |
p5play | 3.26.3 | p5play is for creating interactive art and games with the Box2D physics engine. |
pablo | 0.4.0 | A tool for creating interactive SVG drawings and animations for the web. |
pace | 1.2.4 | Automatically add a progress bar to your site. |
packery | 2.1.2 | bin-packing layout library |
page-accelerator | 0.1.1 | A very light solution to load web pages faster. |
page.js | 1.11.6 | Tiny client-side router |
pagePiling.js | 1.5.6 | Create a scrolling pile of sections |
pageable | 0.6.8 | Create full page scrolling web pages. No jQuery. |
pagedown | 1.0 | PageDown is the JavaScript Markdown previewer used on Stack Overflow and the rest of the Stack Exchange network. It includes a Markdown-to-HTML converter and an in-page Markdown editor with live preview. |
pagex | 3.0.0 | A super simple front-end page manager |
paginationjs | 2.6.0 | A jQuery plugin to provide simple yet fully customisable pagination |
paho-mqtt | 1.1.0 | The Eclipse Paho JavaScript Library for Web-browsers, using WebSockets. |
pako | 2.1.0 | zlib port to javascript - fast, modularized, with browser support |
pangu | 4.0.7 | Paranoid text spacing for good readability, to automatically insert whitespace between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and half-width characters (alphabetical letters, numerical digits and symbols). |
pannellum | 2.5.6 | Pannellum is a lightweight, free, and open source panorama viewer for the web. |
paper-css | 0.4.1 | Paper CSS for happy printing |
paper.js | 0.12.18 | The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting |
papier | 1.3.1 | Just another CSS library |
paradeiser | 0.4.5 | Paradeiser is an easy to use menu for mobile views |
parallax | 3.1.0 | Parallax Engine that reacts to the orientation of a smart device. |
parallax.js | 1.5.0 | Simple parallax scrolling effect inspired by spotify.com implemented as a jQuery plugin |
parallaxify | 0.0.2 | parallaxify is a jQuery plugin that adds parallax effects to elements and backgrounds based on gyroscope sensor or mouse input |
parchment | 3.0.0 | A document model for rich text editors |
parcoords | 0.7.0 | Parallel Coordinates: A visual toolkit for multidimensional detectives |
paroller.js | 1.4.7 | Parallax scrolling jQuery plugin |
parse | 5.3.0 | The Parse JavaScript SDK |
parsimmon | 1.18.1 | A monadic LL(infinity) parser combinator library |
parsley.js | 2.9.2 | Validate your forms, frontend, without writing a single line of javascript! |
particle-api-js | 11.1.2 | Particle API Client |
particles.js | 2.0.0 | A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles |
particlesjs | 2.2.3 | A lightweight and dependency-free javascript plugin for particle backgrounds. |
paste.js | 0.0.21 | read image/text data from clipboard (cross-browser) |
path.js | 0.8.4 | PathJS is a lightweight, client-side routing library that allows you to create 'single page' applications using Hashbangs and/or HTML5 pushState. |
patternfly | 3.59.5 | This reference implementation of PatternFly is based on [Bootstrap v3](http://getbootstrap.com/). Think of PatternFly as a "skinned" version of Bootstrap with additional components and customizations. |
patternfly-bootstrap-treeview | 2.1.10 | Tree View for Twitter Bootstrap |
patternomaly | 1.3.2 | Easily generate patterns for use in data graphics |
paver | 1.3.4 | A minimal panorama/image viewer replicating the effect seen in Facebook Pages app. |
pavilion | 2.0.3 | A simple, unopinionated CSS framework, ready for the future. |
paymentfont | 1.2.5 | PaymentFont |
paypaljsbuttons | 2.0.1 | JavaScript integration for PayPal's buttons |
pdf-lib | 1.17.1 | Create and modify PDF files with JavaScript |
pdf.js | 4.10.38 | PDF Reader in JavaScript |
pdfmake | 0.2.12 | Client/server side PDF printing in pure JavaScript |
pdfobject | 2.3.0 | An open-source standards-friendly JavaScript utility for embedding PDF files into HTML documents |
peaks.js | 0.26.0 | Frontend app for displaying audio waveforms |
peerjs | 1.5.4 | PeerJS client |
pegasus | 0.3.5 | Load data while still loading other scripts, works with jQuery, Backbone, Angular... |
pegjs | 0.9.0 | Parser generator for JavaScript |
peity | 3.3.0 | Peity (sounds like deity) is a simple jQuery plugin that converts an element's content into a simple mini `svg` pie, line or bar chart. |
pell | 1.0.6 | pell - the simplest and smallest WYSIWYG text editor for web, with no dependencies |
peppermint | 1.4.0 | Responsive touch-enabled slider. Tiny, supports mouse and all sorts of touch, library agnostic. |
perfbar | 0.2.1 | Tracking performance metrics never been easier |
perfect-scrollbar | 1.5.6 | Minimalistic but perfect custom scrollbar plugin |
perfundo | 4.0.4 | a pure CSS lightbox |
perliedman-leaflet-control-geocoder | 3.1.0 | Extendable geocoder with builtin support for Nominatim, Bing, Google, Mapbox, Photon, What3Words, MapQuest, Mapzen, HERE |
persian.js | 0.4.0 | Persian language localization. |
petite-vue | 0.4.1 | 5kb subset of Vue optimized for progressive enhancement |
phaser | 3.87.0 | A fast, free and fun HTML5 Game Framework for Desktop and Mobile web browsers. |
phaser-ce | 2.20.1 | Phaser CE (Community Edition) is a fast, free and fun HTML5 Game Framework for Desktop and Mobile web browsers. |
phery.js | 2.7.4 | The bridge from jQuery to PHP, and vice-versa through AJAX. |
photo-editor | 1.2.0 | A photo editing application based on the Cropper.js |
photobox | 1.9.2 | A lightweight CSS3 image gallery plugin for jQuery that is pretty to look and and easy to use. |
photon | 0.1.2-alpha | UI toolkit for building desktop apps with Electron. |
photoset-grid | 1.0.1 | jQuery plugin to arrange images into a flexible grid |
photoswipe | 5.4.4 | JavaScript gallery |
photoswipe-deep-zoom-plugin | 1.1.2 | A plugin that adds tile-based zoom support to PhotoSwipe. Supports Deepzoom and Zoomify tile formats. |
photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin | 1.2.7 | A caption plugin for PhotoSwipe v5+ that smartly positions it aside or below the image. |
phylotree | 2.0.1 | Interactive viewer of phylogenetic trees |
pica | 9.0.1 | High quality image resize in browser. |
pickadate.js | 3.6.4 | The mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight jQuery date & time input picker. |
pickout | 2.0.1 | Cool efect for field select on form |
picnic | 7.1.0 | A lighweight CSS library with nice defaults and many plugins to kickstart your projects |
picocss | 2.0.6 | Minimal CSS Framework for semantic HTML |
picomodal | 3.0.0 | A small, self-contained JavaScript modal library |
picturefill | 3.0.3 | A responsive image polyfill. |
pie-chart | 1.0.0 | Awesome pie charts for AngularJS |
piecon | 0.5.0 | Dynamic pie charts in your favicon |
piexifjs | 1.0.6 | Read and write exif. |
pikaday | 1.8.2 | A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker — lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS |
pileup | 0.7.0 | JavaScript track viewer |
pills | 1.0.1 | A simple, responsive, and tiny CSS grid for humans. |
pinia | 2.3.0 | Intuitive, type safe and flexible Store for Vue |
pinyin | 3.1.0 | |
pinyin-pro | 3.26.0 | 汉字转拼音库。获取中文拼音、韵母、声母、声调、首字母,支持拼音匹配 |
pipes-core | 0.8.4 | Basic utilities for web streams |
pivottable | 2.23.0 | Javascript Pivot Table (aka Pivot Grid, Pivot Chart, Cross-Tab) implementation with drag'n'drop |
piwik | 5.2.1 | Piwik is a free web analytics tool that provides you with detailed reports on your website's visitors, your marketing campaigns and much more. Piwik is an open source alternative to Google Analytics, available in 45 languages, and has been downloaded more than 1 million times! |
pixelmatch | 6.0.0 | The smallest and fastest pixel-level image comparison library. |
pixi-filters | 1.0.8 | Optional display filters to work with Pixi.js |
pixi-particles | 4.3.1 | Particle emitter for Pixi.js |
pixi.js | 8.6.6 | Pixi.js is a fast lightweight 2D library that works across all devices. |
pizza | 0.2.1 | Pizza is a responsive Pie chart based on the Snap SVG framework from Adobe. It focuses on easy integration via HTML markup and CSS instead of JavaScript objects, although you can pass JavaScript objects to Pizza as well. |
pizzicato | 0.6.4 | A web-audio library to simplify using and manipulating sounds. |
pjax | 0.2.8 | Easily enable fast AJAX navigation on any website (using pushState + XHR) |
placeholder-loading | 0.7.0 | Simple and flexible, css only, content placeholder loading animation. |
placeholder-shiv | 0.2 | A tiny polyfill for the placeholder attribute. Requires Prototype.js or jQuery |
placeholder.js | 3.1.0 | Image placeholder uses CANVAS to render image placeholders entirely in browser. |
placeholders | 4.0.1 | A JavaScript polyfill for the HTML5 placeholder attribute |
places.js | 1.19.0 | |
plaid | 9.0.0 | A node.js client for the Plaid API |
planck-js | 1.3.0 | 2D JavaScript physics engine for cross-platform HTML5 game development |
planout | 5.3.0 | PlanOut is a framework and programming language for online field experimentation |
plastiq | 1.33.0 | A fast, feature rich and simple framework for building dynamic browser applications. |
plates | 0.4.11 | Unobtrusive templating for the flatiron framework |
platform | 1.3.6 | A platform detection library that works on nearly all JavaScript platforms. |
playcanvas | 2.3.3 | PlayCanvas WebGL game engine |
playlyfe-js-sdk | 1.0.1 | Playlyfe Javascript SDK for browser-based apps |
playlyfe-odysseus | 0.5.6 | Parse and build stories out of Playlyfe Events. |
please-wait | 0.0.5 | Display a nice loading screen while your app loads |
pleasejs | 0.4.2 | JS library to generate random pleasing colors/color schemes |
plotly.js | 2.35.3 | The open source javascript graphing library that powers plotly |
plottable.js | 3.13.0 | A modular charting library built on D3 |
plupload | 3.1.5 | Plupload is a JavaScript API for dealing with file uploads it supports features like multiple file selection, file type filtering, request chunking, client side image scaling and it uses different runtimes to achieve this such as HTML 5, Silverlight and Flash. |
pluralize | 8.0.0 | Pluralize and singularize any word |
plyr | 3.7.8 | A simple, accessible and customizable HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo media player |
pnnl-buildingid | 1.0.3 | Unique Building Identification (UBID) for JavaScript |
pnotify | 5.1.2 | PNotify is a JavaScript notification plugin, developed by SciActive. It is designed to provide an unparalleled level of flexibility, while still being very easy to implement and use. |
pnp-common | 1.3.11 | pnp - provides shared functionality across all pnp libraries |
pnp-config-store | 1.3.11 | pnp - provides a way to manage configuration within your application |
pnp-graph | 1.3.11 | pnp - provides functionality to query the Microsoft Graph |
pnp-logging | 1.3.11 | pnp - light-weight, subscribable logging framework |
pnp-odata | 1.3.11 | pnp - provides shared odata functionality and base classes |
pnp-pnpjs | 2.15.0 | pnp - rollup library of core functionality (mimics sp-pnp-js) |
pnp-sp | 1.3.11 | pnp - provides a fluent api for working with SharePoint REST |
pnp-sp-addinhelpers | 1.3.11 | pnp - provides functionality for working within SharePoint add-ins |
pnp-sp-clientsvc | 1.3.11 | pnp - provides functionality for working within SharePoint add-ins |
pnp-sp-taxonomy | 1.3.11 | pnp - provides functionality for working within SharePoint add-ins |
pocketbase | 0.25.0 | PocketBase JavaScript SDK |
politespace | 1.0.2 | Politely add spaces to input values to increase readability (credit card numbers, phone numbers, etc). |
polljs | 0.3.0 | PollJS is a lightweight wrapper for the JavaScript Interval and Timer methods. |
polyavatar | 0.8.0 | Simple plugin to generate polygonal avatars with customization options. |
polyglot | 2.2 | Allows you to easily switch between the languages supported by your website. |
polyglot.js | 2.2.2 | Give your JavaScript the ability to speak many languages. |
polylabel | 2.0.1 | A JS library for finding optimal label position inside a polygon |
polymaps | 2.5.1 | A free JavaScript library for making dynamic, interactive maps in modern web browsers. |
polymer | 3.5.2 | The Polymer library makes it easy to create your own web components. Give your element some markup and properties, and then use it on a site. Polymer provides features like dynamic templates and data binding to reduce the amount of boilerplate you need to |
polythene | 1.7.4 | Modular implementation of Material Design for Mithril. |
popmotion | 11.0.5 | The JavaScript motion engine. Handles animation, physics, and input tracking. |
popper.js | 2.11.8 | A kickass library to manage your poppers |
portal | 1.1.1 | Portal client for Node.js |
porthole | 1.0.0 | A proxy to safely communicate to cross-domain iframes in JavaScript. |
poshytip | 1.2 | jQuery Plugin for Stylish Tooltips |
post-robot | 10.0.46 | Simple postMessage based server. |
postal.js | 2.0.6 | Pub/Sub library providing wildcard subscriptions, complex message handling, etc. Works server and client-side. |
postgrest-client | 1.1.2 | Advanced client for the PostgREST API |
postscribe | 2.0.8 | Asynchronously write javascript, even with document.write. |
pouchdb | 9.0.0 | PouchDB is a pocket-sized database. |
powerbi-client | 2.23.7 | JavaScript library for embedding Power BI into your apps. Provides service which makes it easy to embed different types of components and an object model which allows easy interaction with these components such as changing pages, applying filters, and res |
pqGrid | 3.5.1 | Data grid inspired by MS Excel, provides sorting, filtering, paging, grouping, nesting, rows and cell selections, frozen rows, frozen columns, Add, delete, update, search, can display HTML, JSON, Array, XML, inline editing, validations, virtual rendering, virtual scrolling, cross browser, cross platform, Themeroller ready with 24 ready to use themes. |
preact | 10.25.4 | Fast 3kb React alternative with the same ES6 API. Components & Virtual DOM. |
preact-compat | 3.19.0 | A React compatibility layer for Preact |
preact-custom-element | 4.3.0 | Wrap your component up as a custom element |
preact-router | 4.1.2 | Connect your components up to that address bar. |
preconditions | 5.3.0 | A preconditions package based on Google's Preconditions library |
prefixfree | 1.0.7 | A script that lets you use only unprefixed CSS properties everywhere. It works behind the scenes, adding the current browser’s prefix to any CSS code, only when it’s needed. |
prelodr | 2.1.1 | A simple Material preloader inspired in Google Inbox |
pressure | 2.2.0 | Pressure is a lightweight JavaScript library for both Force Touch and 3D Touch through a single API. |
pretendard | 1.3.9 | 어느 플랫폼에서든 사용할 수 있는 system-ui 대체 글꼴 |
pretendard-gov | 1.3.9 | A system-ui alternative font for all cross-platform |
pretendard-jp | 1.3.9 | A system-ui alternative font for all cross-platform |
pretendard-std | 1.3.9 | A system-ui alternative font for all cross-platform |
prettier | 3.4.2 | Prettier is an opinionated code formatter |
prettify | r298 | A Javascript module and CSS file that allows syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an html page. |
pretty-checkbox | 3.0.3 | A pure CSS library to beautify checkbox and radio buttons |
prettyCheckable | 2.1.2 | prettyCheckable jQuery Plugin |
prettyPhoto | 3.1.6 | prettyPhoto is a jQuery based lightbox clone. Not only does it support images, it also add support for videos, flash, YouTube, iFrames. It’s a full blown media lightbox. The setup is easy and quick, plus the script is compatible in every major browser. |
prettycron | 0.11.0 | Display cron runspecs in human-readable format |
prettydate | 0.1.0 | A jQuery date prettify plugin. |
prettydiff | 2.2.8 | Language aware code comparison tool for several web based languages. It also beautifies, minifies, and a few other things. |
primeflex | 3.3.1 | PrimeFlex is a lightweight responsive CSS utility library to accompany Prime UI libraries and static webpages as well. |
primeicons | 7.0.0 | Font Icon Library for Prime UI Libraries |
primeng | 17.18.15 | PrimeNG is a collection of rich UI components for Angular 2 |
primer-markdown | 4.1.0-alpha.df004242 | GitHub stylesheets for rendering markdown. |
primereact | 10.9.1 | PrimeReact is a rich set of open source UI Components for React. |
primeui | 4.1.15 | PrimeUI PrimeUI is a collection of rich javascript widgets and web components based on jQuery UI API |
primevue | 4.2.5 | Next Generation Vue UI Component Library |
primish | 0.3.9 | A portable Class implementation in javascript, forked from MooTools Prime |
print-js | 1.6.0 | A tiny javascript library to help printing from the web. |
printThis | 1.15.0 | Printing plug-in for jQuery |
prism | 9000.0.1 | Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting. A spin-off project from Dabblet. |
prism-themes | 1.9.0 | Additional themes for the Prism syntax highlighting library. |
probtn | 1.0.1 | Profit Button is an interactive element - floating button - that can be integrated to any mobile app or a web site. Include surveys and apps to your existing applications easily. |
processing.js | 1.6.6 | A port of the Processing visualization language to JavaScript. |
progress.js | 0.1.0 | Themeable HTML5 progress bar library |
progressStep | 1.0.3 | Dynamically renders a progress bar with numbered steps. |
progressbar.js | 1.1.1 | Responsive and slick progress bars with animated SVG paths |
progressively | 1.2.5 | A JavaScript library to load images progressively |
proj4js | 2.15.0 | Proj4js is a JavaScript library to transform point coordinates from one coordinate system to another, including datum transformations. |
proj4leaflet | 1.0.2 | Smooth Proj4js integration with Leaflet |
promise-polyfill | 8.3.0 | Lightweight promise polyfill. A+ compliant |
promiz | 1.0.6 | A proper compact promise (promises/A+ spec compliant) library. |
prop-types | 15.8.1 | Runtime type checking for React props and similar objects. |
propel | 3.3.1 | Differentiable Programming in JavaScript |
prostyle | 1.2.0 | If you love the Greensock Animation Platform (GSAP) then you'll love ProStyle, too. ProStyle extends GSAP letting you craft timeline animations using an expressive, declarative JSON syntax. Plus, it has custom controllers and extensions. Want a trackbar controller? Just add one line of JSON. It automatically resizes to fit the display, too. Craft Rich Animations with Ease™ |
proteic | 0.0.30 | Streaming and static data visualization for the modern web |
protobufjs | 7.4.0 | protobuf.js is a pure JavaScript implementation with TypeScript support for node.js and the browser. |
proton-engine | 6.0.3 | Proton is a simple and powerful javascript particle animation engine. |
proton-web-sdk | 4.2.19 | The blockchain that interacts with fiat. |
protonet-jquery.inview | 1.1.2 | Element 'inview' Event Plugin |
prototype | 1.7.3 | Prototype is a JavaScript Framework that aims to ease development of dynamic web applications. |
protovis | 3.3.1 | A visualization toolkit for JavaScript using SVG. |
proxy-polyfill | 0.3.2 | Polyfill for the Proxy object |
prunecluster | 2.1.0 | Fast and realtime marker clustering for Leaflet |
psd.js | 3.4.0 | A general purpose Photoshop file parser. |
psl | 1.15.0 | Domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List |
pts | 0.12.9 | A library for visualization and creative-coding |
pubnub | 3.7.7 | PubNub, a new kind of Cloud-Hosted Broadcasting Service for Mass Communication. |
pubsub-js | 1.9.5 | Dependency free publish/subscribe library |
pulltorefreshjs | 0.1.22 | Pull To Refresh |
punycode | 2.3.1 | A robust Punycode converter that fully complies to RFC 3492 and RFC 5891, and works on nearly all JavaScript platforms. |
pure | 3.0.0 | Pure is a ridiculously tiny CSS library you can use to start any web project. |
pure.js | 2.83 | PURE Unobtrusive Rendering Engine, keep your HTML clean of any logic |
purl | 2.3.1 | A JS utility for for parsing URLs and extracting information out of them. |
push.js | 1.0.12 | A compact, cross-browser solution for Javascript desktop notifications |
pusher | 8.3.0 | Pusher JavaScript library for the browser |
pusher-angular | 1.0.0 | Angular library for using Pusher |
pushy | 1.4.0 | Pushy is a responsive off-canvas navigation menu using CSS transforms & transitions |
pwacompat | 2.0.17 | library to bring Web App Manifest contents to non-compliant browsers |
pwnjs | 1.1.0 | A Javascript library for browser exploitation |
pwstrength-bootstrap | 3.1.3 | jQuery plugin for Twitter Bootstrap that provides rulesets for visualy displaying the quality of a users typed in password. |
pym | 1.3.2 | Resize an iframe responsively depending on the height of its content and the width of its container. |
pyodide | 0.27.0 | The Pyodide JavaScript package |
q.js | 1.5.1 | A library for promises (CommonJS/Promises/A,B,D) |
qartjs | 1.2.0 | qart.js merge picture and QR code. |
qcobjects | 2.4.55 | QCObjects a Quickcorp Objects Library - Cross Browser Javascript Framework for MVC Patterns |
qiniu-js | 3.4.2 | Javascript SDK for Qiniu Resource (Cloud) Storage AP |
qoopido.demand | 8.0.2 | Promise like module loader using XHR requests and localStorage caching to dynamically load JavaScript and CSS + dynamic dependency resolution + support for custom handlers |
qoopido.js | 3.7.4 | Modular library of dry, extendable and AMD compatible JavaScript modules |
qoopido.nucleus | 3.2.15 | Lightweight, atomic and modular JavaScript utility library that strongly encourages the creation and usage of small yet flexible, reusable and easily maintainable modules. |
qooxdoo | 5.0 | Universal JavaScript Framework |
qr-scanner | 1.4.2 | A javascript QR scanner library |
qrcode | 1.5.1 | QRCode / 2d Barcode api with both server side and client side support using canvas |
qrcode-generator | 1.4.4 | QR Code Generator implementation in JavaScript. |
qrcodejs | 1.0.0 | QRCode.js is javascript library for making QRCode |
qrious | 4.0.2 | Library for QR code generation using canvas |
qs | 6.13.1 | A querystring parser that supports nesting and arrays, with a depth limit |
qtip2 | 3.0.3 | Introducing... qTip2. The second generation of the advanced qTip plugin for the ever popular jQuery framework. |
quagga | 0.12.1 | An advanced barcode-scanner written in JavaScript |
quantumui | 1.2.0 | The most powerful ANGULARJS and Bootstrap CSS based UI components make developer life easy. |
quasar-framework | 0.17.20 | Simultaneously build desktop/mobile SPA websites & phone/tablet apps with VueJS |
query-result | 1.0.4 | Rethinking the $ |
query-string | 9.1.1 | Parse and stringify URL query strings |
queue-async | 1.2.0 | A little helper for asynchronous JavaScript. |
quickblox | 2.19.2 | JavaScript SDK of QuickBlox cloud backend platform. |
quicklink | 2.3.0 | Faster subsequent page-loads by prefetching in-viewport links during idle time |
quicksound.js | 0.5.2 | A very simple JavaScript sound library using WebAudio and a fallback to Flash. |
quill | 2.0.2 | Cross browser rich text editor |
quill-vuejs | 0.0.14 | Quill editor component for Vue |
quixote | 1.0.1 | CSS unit and integration testing |
qunit | 2.23.1 | An easy-to-use JavaScript Unit Testing framework. |
quo.js | 2.3.6 | Micro #JavaScript Library for Mobile Devices. |
qwerty-hancock | 0.10.0 | An interactive HTML plugin-free keyboard for your web audio project. |
qwery | 4.0.0 | blazing fast CSS3 query selector engine |
qwest | 4.5.0 | Ajax library with XHR2, promises and request limit |
r2d3 | 0.2.0 | Raphael Rendered, Data Driven Documents |
ractive | 1.4.4 | Next-generation DOM manipulation |
ractive-require | 0.6.12 | Require Ractive views on demand in Package by Feature way |
ractive.js | 0.3.7 | Next-generation DOM manipulation |
radash | 12.1.0 | Functional utility library - modern, simple, typed, powerful |
radialIndicator | 2.0.0 | A simple and light weight circular indicator / progressbar plugin. |
radio | 0.2.0 | A small dependency-free publish/subscribe (pub/sub) javascript library |
radiobox.css | 1.0.1 | Tiny set of CSS3 animations for your radio inputs. |
radium | 0.26.2 | A set of tools to manage inline styles on React elements |
railroad-diagrams | 1.0.0 | A small JS+SVG library for drawing railroad syntax diagrams. |
rainbow | 2.1.7 | Simple library for code syntax highlighting |
rainyday.js | 0.1.2 | Simulating raindrops falling on a window |
rambda | 9.4.1 | Lightweight alternative to Ramda |
rambdax | 11.3.0 | Lightweight alternative to Ramda - extended version |
ramda | 0.30.1 | A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers. |
ramda-adjunct | 5.1.0 | Ramda Adjunct is the most popular and most comprehensive set of utilities for use with Ramda, providing a variety of useful, well tested functions with excellent documentation. |
ramjet.js | 0.5.0 | Transform DOM elements into each another with smooth transitions |
random-code | 2.2.1 | Generates a random code. |
random-js | 2.0.0 | A mathematically correct random number generator library for JavaScript. |
randomcolor | 0.6.1 | For generating attractive random colors |
range.js | 1.1.0 | JavaScript's missing range function. |
rangeslider.js | 2.3.3 | Simple, small and fast JavaScript/jQuery polyfill for the HTML5 slider element |
rangy | 1.3.2 | A cross-browser DOM range and selection library |
rantjs | 1.0.6 | A procedural text generator for JavaScript |
raphael | 2.3.0 | JavaScript Vector Library |
rapidoc | 9.3.8 | Custom Element for Open-API spec viewing |
rapidoid | 5.4.1 | A pack of several JQuery and Angular plugins, Rapidoid extras and other JavaScript libraries that work well together, included by default in the Rapidoid web application framework. |
rasterizehtml | 1.3.1 | Renders HTML into the browser's canvas. |
ratchet | 2.0.2 | Build mobile apps with simple HTML, CSS, and JS components. |
rateYo | 2.3.4 | A simple and flexible star rating plugin |
raty | 3.1.1 | jQuery Raty - A Star Rating Plugin |
raven.js | 3.26.2 | JavaScript client for the Sentry realtime event logging and aggregation platform. |
rax | 1.2.3 | A universal React-compatible render engine. |
re-tree | 0.1.7 | JavaScript Extended regular expression engine - client side, server side and 'angular side' ready. |
react | 19.0.0 | React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. |
react-ace | 13.0.0 | A react component for Ace Editor |
react-autocomplete | 1.8.1 | Accessible, extensible, Autocomplete for React.js |
react-autosuggest | 10.0.4 | WAI-ARIA compliant React autosuggest component |
react-big-calendar | 1.17.1 | Calendar! with events |
react-block-ui | 1.3.6 | Block UI for react |
react-bootstrap | 2.10.7 | Bootstrap 3 components built with React |
react-bootstrap-select | 0.14.0 | A custom |
react-bootstrap-table | 4.3.1 | It's a react table for bootstrap |
react-bootstrap-typeahead | 6.3.3 | React-based typeahead using the Bootstrap theme |
react-card-flip | 1.2.3 | React component for card flipping animation. |
react-chartjs | 1.2.0 | react charting components using the chartjs lib |
react-chartjs-2 | 5.3.0 | React wrapper for Chart.js |
react-chartkick | 0.5.4 | Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of React |
react-codes-input | 2.2.3 | A react component for PIN, verify code and passcode entering. |
react-contextmenu | 2.14.0 | Context Menu implemented in React |
react-cookie | 0.4.9 | Load and save cookies within your React application |
react-custom-flag-select | 3.1.0 | A react component for custom flag (country code) select. |
react-data-grid | 6.1.0 | Data grid for React |
react-date-picker | 11.0.0 | A carefully crafted date picker for React |
react-datepicker | 7.6.0 | A simple and reusable datepicker component for React |
react-dates | 21.8.0 | A responsive and accessible date range picker component built with React |
react-datetime | 3.3.1 | A lightweight but complete datetime picker React.js component. |
react-day-picker | 7.4.10 | Flexible date picker component for React |
react-diagrams | 7.0.4 | a super simple, no-nonsense diagramming library written in react that just works |
react-disqus-thread | 0.4.0 | React Disqus thread component |
react-dnd | 16.0.1 | Drag and Drop for React |
react-dom | 19.0.0 | The entry point of the DOM-related rendering paths. It is intended to be paired with the isomorphic React, which is shipped as react to npm. |
react-dropzone | 14.3.5 | Simple HTML5 drag-drop zone with React.js |
react-extras | 3.0.1 | Useful components and utilities for working with React |
react-fast-compare | 3.2.2 | Fastest deep equal comparison for React. Great for React.memo & shouldComponentUpdate. Also really fast general-purpose deep comparison. |
react-faux-dom | 4.5.0 | DOM like data structure to be mutated by D3 et al, then rendered to React elements |
react-flip-move | 3.0.5 | Effortless animation between DOM changes (eg. list reordering) using the FLIP technique. |
react-flip-toolkit | 7.2.4 | Configurable FLIP animation helpers for React |
react-flow-renderer | 10.3.17 | Highly customizable library for building an interactive node-based UI, workflow editor, flow chart or static diagram |
react-foundation-apps | 0.6.1 | 'React port of foundation-apps' |
react-geosuggest | 2.14.1 | A React autosuggest for the Google Maps Places API. |
react-grid-layout | 1.5.0 | A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React. |
react-helmet | 6.1.0 | A document head manager for React |
react-highcharts | 16.1.0 | React wrapper for highcharts |
react-hooks-global-state | 2.1.0 | Simple global state for React with Hooks API |
react-if | 4.1.5 | |
react-image-crop | 11.0.7 | A responsive image cropping tool for React |
react-imgix | 9.10.0 | React Component for displaying an image from imgix |
react-inlinesvg | 0.8.0 | An SVG loader for React |
react-inputs-validation | 4.9.10 | A react component for form inputs validation. |
react-instantsearch | 6.8.3 | ⚡ Lightning-fast search for React and React Native apps, by Algolia |
react-instantsearch-theme-algolia | 4.5.2 | Algolia theme for React InstantSearch |
react-intl | 1.2.2 | Internationalize React apps declaratively. This library provides React components and an API to format dates, numbers, and string messages, including pluralization. |
react-ios-switch | 0.1.19 | React switch component |
react-is | 19.0.0 | Brand checking of React Elements. |
react-json-tree | 0.15.2 | React JSON Viewer Component, Extracted from redux-devtools |
react-jsonschema-form | 1.8.1 | A simple React component capable of building HTML forms out of a JSON schema. |
react-leaflet | 2.8.0 | React components for Leaflet maps |
react-localstorage | 1.0.0 | A mixin for automatically synchronizing a component's state with localStorage. |
react-markdown | 4.3.1 | Renders Markdown as React components |
react-markdown-editor-lite | 1.3.4 | A light-weight Markdown editor of React component |
react-mdl | 2.1.0 | React Components for Material Design Lite |
react-minimal-datetime-range | 2.1.0 | A react component for date time range picker. |
react-modal | 3.16.3 | Accessible modal dialog component for React.JS |
react-motion | 0.5.2 | A spring that solves your animation problems. |
react-motion-ui-pack | 0.10.3 | Addon component wrappers for common UI transitions. |
react-move | 6.5.0 | Beautiful, data-driven animations for React. |
react-native-elements | 1.1.0 | React Native Elements & UI Toolkit |
react-native-web | 0.19.13 | React Native for Web |
react-nvd3 | 0.5.7 | React nvd3 reusable graph components. |
react-picky-date-time | 2.0.9 | A react component for date time picker. |
react-plotlyjs | 0.4.4 | ReactJS / PlotlyJS integration. Draw plotly graphs in your react app. |
react-popper | 2.3.0 | React wrapper around PopperJS. |
react-quill | 1.3.5 | The Quill rich-text editor as a React component. |
react-redux | 9.2.0 | Official React bindings for Redux |
react-redux-form | 1.16.14 | Create Forms Easily with React and Redux |
react-relay | 0.10.0 | A framework for building data-driven React applications. |
react-router | 6.28.1 | A complete routing library for React.js |
react-router-bootstrap | 0.25.0 | Integration between React Router and React-Bootstrap |
react-router-dom | 6.28.1 | DOM bindings for React Router |
react-router-redux | 4.0.8 | Ruthlessly simple bindings to keep react-router and redux in sync |
react-select | 5.9.0 | A Select control built with and for ReactJS |
react-semantify | 0.6.0 | Integrate Semantic-ui with react components. |
react-slick | 0.30.3 | React port of slick carousel |
react-sortable-hoc | 1.11.0 | Set of higher-order components to turn any list into a sortable, touch-friendly, animated list |
react-spring | 9.1.2 | A set of spring-physics based animation primitives |
react-stripe-js | 3.1.1 | React components for Stripe.js and Elements. |
react-swipe | 6.0.4 | Brad Birdsall's Swipe.js, as a React component |
react-table | 6.11.5 | A fast, lightweight, opinionated table and datagrid built on React |
react-textarea-autosize | 8.5.7 | textarea component for React which grows with content |
react-three-renderer | 3.2.4 | Render into a three.js canvas using React. |
react-timeago | 7.2.0 | A simple Time-Ago component for ReactJs |
react-tinymce | 0.7.0 | React TinyMCE component |
react-toolbox | 1.3.4 | A set of React components implementing Google's Material Design specification with the power of CSS Modules. |
react-transition-group | 4.4.5 | A react component toolset for managing animations |
react-trend | 1.2.5 | react-trend React component |
react-uwp | 1.2.31 | UWP Design & Fluent Design UiKit by React |
react-virtualized | 9.22.5 | React components for efficiently rendering large, scrollable lists and tabular data |
react-widgets | 4.6.1 | An à la carte set of polished, extensible, and accessible inputs built for React |
reactable | 0.14.1 | Fast, flexible, simple data tables in React |
reacthttp | 1.0.0 | An universal http module for react |
reactive-coffee | 2.3.1 | A lightweight CoffeeScript library/DSL for reactive programming and for declaratively building scalable web UIs. |
reactive-elements | 0.9.0 | Allows to use React.js component as custom element |
reactstrap | 9.1.6 | React Bootstrap 4 components |
readability | 0.5.0 | A standalone version of the readability library used for Firefox Reader View. |
reading-time | 2.0.0 | A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin used to display an estimated time to read some text. |
readremaining.js | 1.0.1 | A jQuery plugin that allows you to show the user, how long will take to read the article taking in consideration the speed in which he is scrolling. |
ready.js | 0.1.2 | Takes the pain out of writing conditional initialisation code |
recharts | 2.15.0 | React charts |
recompose | 0.30.0 | A React utility belt for function components and higher-order components |
reconnecting-websocket | 1.0.0 | A small JavaScript library that decorates the WebSocket API to provide a WebSocket connection that will automatically reconnect if the connection is dropped. |
recorderjs | 0.1.0 | A plugin for recording/exporting the output of Web Audio API nodes |
redom | 4.1.5 | RE:DOM – Tiny UI library |
reductio | 1.0.0 | Reductio: Crossfilter groupings |
redux | 5.0.1 | Predictable state container for JavaScript apps |
redux-form | 8.3.10 | A higher order component decorator for forms using Redux and React |
redux-form-material-ui | 4.3.4 | An adapter between Redux Form and Material UI components |
redux-little-router | 15.1.1 | A barebones routing solution for Redux applications. |
redux-logger | 4.0.0 | Logger for Redux |
redux-persist | 6.0.0 | persist and rehydrate redux stores |
redux-promise-middleware | 6.2.0 | Redux middleware for handling promises and optimistic updates |
redux-router | 2.1.2 | Redux bindings for React Router — keep your router state inside your Redux Store. |
redux-saga | 1.3.0 | Saga middleware for Redux to handle Side Effects |
redux-search | 2.5.0 | Redux bindings for client-side search |
redux-thunk | 3.1.0 | Thunk middleware for Redux. |
reel.js | 1.3.0 | `img` tag enhancement for 360° object movies, vistas and panoramas |
reflect-metadata | 0.2.2 | Polyfill for Metadata Reflection API |
reflex-grid | 2.0.8 | responsive flexbox grid with inline-block legacy support |
reflux | 6.4.1 | A simple library for uni-directional dataflow application architecture inspired by ReactJS Flux |
reframe.js | 4.0.2 | Reframe.js: responsive iframes for embedded content |
regl | 2.1.1 | regl is a fast functional WebGL framework. |
regression | 2.0.1 | Javascript least squares data fitting methods |
rellax | 1.12.1 | Lightweight, vanilla javascript parallax library |
rem | 1.3.4 | A polyfill to parse CSS links and rewrite pixel equivalents into head for non supporting browsers |
remark | 0.14.0 | A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool |
remarkable | 2.0.1 | Markdown parser, done right. 100% Commonmark support, extensions, syntax plugins, high speed - all in one. |
remixicon | 4.6.0 | Remix Icon is a set of open source neutral style system symbols elaborately crafted for designers and developers. All of the icons are free to use for both personal and commercial. |
remodal | 1.1.1 | Responsive, lightweight, fast, synchronized with CSS animations, fully customizable modal window plugin with declarative configuration and hash tracking. |
remoteStorage | 0.14.0 | JavaScript library for integrating remoteStorage |
repo.js | 5c0eae0f1b | Repo.js is a jQuery plugin that lets you easily embed a Github repo onto your site. |
request | 2.88.2 | Simplified HTTP request client. |
request-promise | 4.2.6 | The simplified HTTP request client 'request' with Promise support. Powered by Bluebird. |
require-cs | 0.5.0 | An AMD loader plugin for CoffeeScript |
require-css | 0.1.10 | A RequireJS CSS loader plugin to allow CSS requires and optimization |
require-domReady | 2.0.1 | An AMD loader plugin for detecting DOM ready |
require-i18n | 2.0.6 | An AMD loader plugin for loading internationalization/localization string resources. |
require-jquery | 0.25.0 | Require.js merged with jQuery for loader goodness! |
require-text | 2.0.12 | An AMD loader plugin for loading text resources. |
require.js | 2.3.7 | RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and Node |
requirejs-async | 0.1.1 | RequireJS plugin for async dependency load like JSONP and Google Maps |
requirejs-handlebars | 0.0.2 | RequireJS Handlebars template plugin |
requirejs-mustache | 0.0.2 | A RequireJS/AMD loader plugin for Mustache.js micro-templates |
requirejs-plugins | 1.0.3 | Small set of plugins for RequireJS. Some plugins may also work on other AMD loaders. |
requirejs-tpl | 0.0.2 | RequireJS UnderscoreJS template plugin |
reqwest | 2.0.5 | A wrapper for asynchronous http requests |
reselect | 5.1.1 | Selectors for Redux. |
reseter.css | 2.0.0 | Reset All CSS By Browsers With Reseter.css. And Make Web Look Same Across All Browsers |
respond.js | 1.4.2 | min/max-width media query polyfill |
response.js | 0.10.1 | Response is an experimental jQuery/Ender/Zepto plugin that gives web designers tools for building responsive websites. It can dynamically swap content based on breakpoints and data attributes. |
responsive | 1.0.5 | This plugin add responsive functionality to JavaScript Charts and Maps |
responsive-carousel | 1.5.8 | A jQuery-based script for responsive carousels that work with mouse, touch, and keyboard |
responsive-elements | 1.0.2 | Responsive elements makes it possible for any element to adapt and respond to the area they occupy. It's a tiny javascript library that you can drop into your projects today. |
responsive-nav.js | 1.0.39 | Responsive Nav JS plugin |
responsive-tabs | 1.6.3 | jQuery plugin that provides responsive tab functionality. The tabs transform to an accordion when it reaches a CSS breakpoint. |
responsive-video-background | 1.2.0 | For generating attractive random colors |
responsiveCarousel | 1.2.2 | Simple and friendly responsive carousel plugin for jQuery. This library accept any type of content, single or multiple visible elements and multiple galleries in one page. Also, you can navigate with swipe (using hammer.js) and keyboard arrows by default, customice autoRotate options and more! |
rest.js | 15.2.6 | GitHub REST API client for Node.js |
restangular | 1.6.0 | Restful Resources service for AngularJS apps |
restful.js | 0.9.6 | A pure JS client for interacting with server-side RESTful resources. Think Restangular without Angular. |
restyle | 0.7.0 | a JS to CSS transformer |
resumable.js | 1.1.0 | A JavaScript library for providing multiple simultaneous, stable, fault-tolerant and resumable/restartable uploads via the HTML5 File API. |
retina.js | 2.1.3 | Retina.js is an open source script that makes it easy to serve high-resolution images to devices with retina displays. |
reveal.js | 5.1.0 | The HTML Presentation Framework |
ribbon.js | 1.0.2 | only 1kb javascript gist to generate a ribbon in your website with HTML5 canvas. |
rickshaw | 1.7.1 | JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs |
riloadr | 1.5.3 | A cross-browser framework-independent responsive images loader |
rimg | 2.1.0 | Rimg supports responsive websites to provide a way to optimize images (like CMS-content) in a simple and performant way. Pure Javascript, no server-side code and 2 lines of code (library + definition). |
ring.js | 2.2.4 | Ring.js - JavaScript Class System with Multiple Inheritance |
riot | 9.4.4 | A React-like user interface micro-library |
riotux | 2.1.1 | Simple Event Controller for Riot.js, inspired in Flux Pattern. |
rison | 0.1.1 | URI friendly encoding for JSON structures |
rita | 3.1.3 | RiTa: a toolkit for generative writing and natural language |
rivescript | 2.2.1 | RiveScript is a scripting language for chatterbots, making it easy to write trigger/response pairs for building up a bot's intelligence. |
rivets | 0.9.6 | Declarative data binding + templating solution. |
rlite-router | 2.0.3 | A tiny, fast client-side router |
roll | 0.1.2 | A simple library to track scroll movements. |
roll-call | 0.7.1 | Roll Call is a completely free |
rollbar.js | 2.26.4 | Error tracking and logging from JS to Rollbar |
rollup | 2.79.2 | Next-generation ES module bundler |
rome | 3.0.2 | Customizable date (and time) picker. Opt-in UI, no jQuery! |
roslibjs | 1.1.0 | The standard ROS Javascript Library |
rot.js | 0.6.0 | A roguelike toolkit in JavaScript |
rough-notation | 0.5.1 | Create and animate hand-drawn annotations on a web page |
rough.js | 3.1.0 | Create graphics using HTML Canvas or SVG with a hand-drawn, sketchy, appearance. |
roundSlider | 1.6.1 | A free jQuery plugin |
roundabout | 2.4.2 | Easily convert unordered lists & other nested HTML structures into entertaining, interactive, turntable-like areas. |
route-recognizer | 0.3.4 | A lightweight JavaScript library that matches paths against registered routes. |
routie | 0.3.2 | a tiny javascript hash router |
rowgrid.js | 1.1.0 | A small, lightweight JavaScript plugin for placing items in straight row |
rpg-awesome | 0.2.0 | A fantasy themed font and CSS toolkit. |
rrssb | 1.14.0 | Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons |
rssi | 0.0.7 | Ruby-like simple string interpolation |
rsuite | 5.76.2 | A suite of react components |
rsvp | 4.8.5 | A lightweight library that provides tools for organizing asynchronous code |
ruffle-rs | 0.1.0-nightly.2024.9.13 | Putting Flash back on the web. Ruffle will polyfill all Flash content and replace it with the Ruffle flash player. |
rusha | 0.8.13 | A high-performance pure-javascript SHA1 implementation suitable for large binary data. |
rwdgrid | 2 | rwdgrid is just another Grid system based on popular 960grid, which is responsive and ranges from mobile, tablet, laptops and wide screen displays. |
rx-angular | 1.1.3 | Library for bridging between RxJS and AngularJS. |
rx-player | 3.33.4 | Canal+ HTML5 Video Player |
rxdb | 16.0.0 | A realtime Database for the Web |
rxjs | 7.8.1 | A reactive programming library for JavaScript |
rxjs-dom | 7.0.3 | Library for using DOM elements as well as Ajax requests |
rxjs-jquery | 1.1.6 | Library for composing asynchronous and event-based operations in JavaScript extending the jQuery library |
ryejs | 0.1.3 | A lightweight browser library |
rythm.js | 2.2.6 | A javascript library that makes your page dance. |
s3colors | 1.0 | Easy to use CSS Colors in your project with simple class you can colorize your text or background with the class of color name. |
sails.io.js | 1.2.1 | Javascript SDK for communicating w/ a Sails server via WebSockets/socket.io. |
sakana-widget | 2.7.0 | Add the Sakana! Widget to your own web page! | 把石蒜模拟器添加到你自己的网页内! |
salesforce-canvas | 27.0 | An open source javascript sdk to build a seamless end-user experience inside of salesforce.com. |
salvattore | 1.0.9 | A jQuery Masonry alternative with CSS-driven configuration |
sammy.js | 0.7.6 | Sammy is a RESTful Evented JavaScript framework built on top of jQuery |
san | 3.15.1 | A Flexible JavaScript Component Framework |
sanctuary | 3.1.0 | Refuge from unsafe JavaScript |
sanitize-html | 1.27.5 | Clean up user-submitted HTML, preserving whitelisted elements and whitelisted attributes on a per-element basis |
sanitize.css | 2.0.0 | Minimal CSS normalization library |
sass.js | 0.11.1 | Sass.js is a convenience API for the JavaScript libsass (compiled with Emscripten) |
sat | 0.9.0 | Library for performing 2D collision detection |
satellite.js | 5.0.0 | SGP4/SDP4 calculation library |
satellizer | 0.15.4 | Token-based AngularJS Authentication |
save-svg-as-png | 1.4.17 | Convert a browser SVG to PNG or dataUri |
savvior | 0.6.1 | A Javascript multicolumn layout tool alternative to Masonry or Salvattore. |
sbt | | Social Business Toolkit minified&aggregated files |
scalar-api-reference | 1.25.101 | Generate beautiful API references from OpenAPI specs |
scaleapp | 0.4.3 | scaleApp is a JavaScript framework for scalable and maintainable One-Page-Applications |
scannerdetection | 1.2.0 | jQuery Scanner Detection is a small plugin to detect when user use a scanner (barcode, QR Code...) instead of a keyboard, and call specific callbacks. |
scatterjs | scatterjs-core@2.7.18 | Importable JavaScript library that allows web applications to directly interface with Scatter Desktop, Classic and Mobile. |
sceditor | 3.2.0 | A lightweight HTML and BBCode WYSIWYG editor. |
scenejs | 1.10.3 | Scene.js is JavaScript & CSS timeline-based animation library. |
schedulejs | 0.6.3 | Schedule tasks, meetings, appointments, etc |
scion | 5.0.4 | An implementation of SCXML in JavaScript. |
scittle | 0.6.22 | The Small Clojure Interpreter (SCI) exposed for usage in script tags |
sco.js | 1.0.2 | Javascript extensions for Twitter Bootstrap. Rewrites bootstrap tabs, collapse, modal, tooltip components for easier usage and provides more plugins for your coding pleasure |
screenfull.js | 5.2.0 | Simple wrapper for cross-browser usage of the JavaScript Fullscreen API |
scribbletune | 5.0.2 | Scribbletune is a JavaScript library that helps you construct musical ideas with JavaScript String & Array functions and export them as MIDI files. |
script.js | 2.5.9 | Asyncronous JavaScript loader and dependency manager |
scriptaculous | 1.9.0 | script.aculo.us provides you with easy-to-use, cross-browser user interface JavaScript libraries to make your web sites and web applications fly. |
scroll-lock | 2.1.5 | Cross-browser JavaScript library to disable scrolling page. |
scroll-scope | 0.1.0 | Small jQuery plugin to keep parent element still when scrolling an element to its boundary. |
scrollReveal.js | 4.0.9 | Easily reveal elements as they enter the viewport. |
scrollama | 3.2.0 | Lightweight scrollytelling library using IntersectionObserver |
scrolldir | 1.5.3 | Vertical scroll direction in CSS |
scrollgress | 2.0.0 | A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin used to display a progress bar at the top of the page that fills up as the user scrolls. |
scrollify | 1.0.21 | A jQuery plugin that assists scrolling and smoothly snaps to sections. |
scrollmonitor | 1.2.4 | A simple and fast API to monitor elements as you scroll |
scrollpoints | 0.4.0 | Scroll callbacks for DOM Elements |
scrollprogress | 3.0.2 | Small library that creates a progress bar that indicates how much you've scrolled on a website |
scrollup | 2.4.1 | A jQuery plugin to create a customisable 'Scroll to top' feature that will work with any website, with ease. |
scrypt-js | 3.0.1 | The scrypt password-based key derivation function with sync and cancellable async. |
seajs | 3.0.3 | A Module Loader for the Web |
seamless-immutable | 7.1.4 | Immutable data structures for JavaScript which are backwards-compatible with normal JS Arrays and Objects. |
searchinghost | 1.6.2 | A pure javascript, lightweight & in-browser full-text search plugin for Ghost (blog) |
seedrandom | 3.0.5 | Seeded random number generator for Javascript. |
segment-js | 1.1.2 | A little JavaScript class (without dependencies) to draw and animate SVG path strokes |
select-or-die | 0.1.8 | Yet another jQuery plugin to style/replace select elements. |
select2 | 4.0.13 | Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. |
select2-bootstrap-5-theme | 1.3.0 | [Select2](https://github.com/select2/select2) v4 theme for Bootstrap 5, inspired by [select2-bootstrap4-theme](https://github.com/ttskch/select2-bootstrap4-theme) **Works with Select2 v4.0 and v4.1** |
select2-bootstrap-css | 1.4.6 | simple css to make select2 widgets fit in with bootstrap |
select2-bootstrap-theme | 0.1.0-beta.10 | A theme for Select2 v4 and Bootstrap 3. |
selection-js | 2.1.1 | Simple, lightweight and modern library library for making visual DOM Selections. |
selectivizr | 1.0.2 | selectivizr is a JavaScript utility that emulates CSS3 pseudo-classes and attribute selectors in Internet Explorer 6-8. Simply include the script in your pages and selectivizr will do the rest. |
selectize.js | 0.15.2 | Selectize is a jQuery-based custom |
selecto | 1.26.3 | Selecto.js is a component that allows you to select elements in the drag area using the mouse or touch. |
semantic-ui | 2.5.0 | Semantic empowers designers and developers by creating a shared vocabulary for UI. |
semantic-ui-calendar | 0.0.8 | Calendar module for Semantic UI |
semantic-ui-react | 2.1.5 | The official Semantic-UI-React integration. |
sendbird | 3.1.33 | SendBird provides the chat API and SDK for your app enabling real-time communication among your users. |
sendbird-calls | 1.10.20 | Sendbird Calls is the latest addition to our product portfolio. It enables real-time calls between users within a Sendbird application. SDKs are provided for iOS, Android, and JavaScript. Using any one of these, developers can quickly integrate voice and video call functions into their own client apps, allowing users to make and receive web-based real-time voice and video calls on the Sendbird platform. |
sentient-lang | 0.0.0-beta.1 | Sentient Language Compiler and Runtime |
sentinel-js | 0.0.7 | JS library that detects new DOM nodes using CSS selectors |
sentry-browser | 6.19.7 | Official Sentry SDK for browsers |
sentry-tracing | 6.19.7 | Extensions for Sentry AM |
serializr | 3.0.3 | Serialize and deserialize complex object graphs to JSON |
set-iframe-height | 2.1.1 | cross-domain responsive iframes: automatically set iframe height to fit iframe content |
setImmediate | 1.0.5 | A shim for the setImmediate efficient script yielding API |
sevenSeg.js | 0.2.0 | sevenSeg.js is a jQueryUI plugin for creating vector-based (SVG) seven-segment displays. Bindings for Knockout included! |
shabnam-font | 5.0.1 | A Persian (Farsi) Font - فونت (قلم) فارسی شبنم |
shadydom | 1.11.0 | Shadow DOM polyfill |
shaka-player | 4.12.6 | DASH/EME video player library |
shards-ui | 3.0.0 | A free, modern and lightweight Bootstrap 4 UI toolkit for web makers. |
shards-vue | 1.0.7 | A free, beautiful and modern Vue.js UI kit based on the Shards UI kit. |
share-this | 1.3.1 | Medium-like text selection sharing without dependencies |
sharer.js | 0.5.2 | Create custom social share DOM elements. No dependencies. |
shariff | 1.26.2 | Shariff enables website users to share their favorite content without compromising their privacy. |
shave | 5.0.4 | Shave is a javascript plugin that truncates multi-line text within a html element based on set max height |
shell.js | 1.0.5 | A JavaScript and CSS library to create terminals |
shepherd | 1.8.1 | Guide your users through a tour of your app. |
shepherd.js | 14.3.0 | Guide your users through a tour of your app. |
shifty | 3.0.3 | A teeny tiny tweening engine in JavaScript. |
shine.js | 0.2.7 | A library for pretty shadows. |
shoelace-css | 1.0.0-beta9 | A back to the basics CSS starter kit. |
shoestring | 2.0.1 | A simple framework for organizing, creating, and using DOM-based utilities. |
shopify-buy | 0.7.1 | The JS Buy SDK is a lightweight library that allows you to build ecommerce into any website. It is based on Shopify's API and provides the ability to retrieve products and collections from your shop, add products to a cart, and checkout. |
shopify-cartjs | 1.1.0 | A Javascript library to power cart management for Shopify themes. |
shortid | 2.2.16 | Amazingly short non-sequential url-friendly unique id generator. |
should.js | 13.2.3 | test framework agnostic BDD-style assertions |
show-your-terms | 1.1.1 | Simple demos of your applications' terminal commands. |
showdown | 2.1.0 | A Markdown to HTML converter written in Javascript |
shower-core | 2.1.0 | Core for Shower HTML presentation engine |
shpjs | 6.1.0 | Convert a Shapefile to GeoJSON. Not many caveats. |
shred | 0.8.10 | Shred is an HTTP client library for browsers and node.js. Shred supports gzip, cookies, https, proxies, and redirects. |
side-comments | 0.0.1 | An interface component to give your site/app Medium.com style commenting. |
sidr | 2.2.1 | Sidr is a jQuery plugin for creating side menus and the easiest way for doing your menu responsive. |
sifter | 0.5.4 | A library for textually searching arrays and hashes of objects by property (or multiple properties). Designed specifically for autocomplete. |
sigma.js | 3.0.0 | A JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing. |
signalr.js | 2.4.3 | Incredibly simple real-time web for .NET http://signalr.net |
signature_pad | 5.0.4 | Library for drawing smooth signatures. |
signet | 0.4.8 | Display a unique seal in the developer console of your page. |
simditor | 2.3.28 | A simple online editor |
simple-ajax-uploader | 2.6.7 | A Javascript plugin for cross-browser Ajax file uploading. Supports drag and drop, CORS, and multiple file uploading with progress bars. Works in IE7-9, mobile, and all modern browsers. |
simple-datatables | 9.2.1 | DataTables but in TypeScript transpiled to Vanilla JS |
simple-gallery-js | 1.0.3 | Easy gallery upload. Native. Just 2kb gzipped. |
simple-hint | 3.0.0 | CSS-only tooltip packed with a variety of features. |
simple-icons | 14.1.0 | SVG icons for popular brands https://simpleicons.org |
simple-jekyll-search | 1.9.2 | Simple Jekyll site search using javascript and json |
simple-keyboard | 3.8.26 | On-screen Javascript Virtual Keyboard |
simple-line-icons | 2.5.5 | Simple and elegent line icons. |
simple-mind-map | 0.13.0 | 一个简单的web在线思维导图 |
simple-module | 3.0.3 | A base class for javascript modules. |
simple-parallax-js | 5.6.2 | simpleParallax is a simple JavaScript library that gives your website parallax animations on any images or videos |
simple-peer | 9.11.1 | Simple one-to-one WebRTC video/voice and data channels |
simple-scrollspy | 2.5.3 | Simple scrollspy javascript without jQuery, no dependencies. |
simple-slider | 1.0.1 | The 1kb JavaScript Carousel |
simple-statistics | 7.8.7 | Simple Statistics |
simple-text-rotator | 1.0.0 | Add a super simple rotating text to your website with little to no markup |
simple-uploader | 3.0.0 | A HTML5 upload component without UI |
simpleCookie | 1.0.1 | A small javascript utility to make handling cookies simple |
simplePagination.js | 1.6 | A simple jQuery pagination plugin, 3 CSS themes and Bootstrap support. |
simplebar | 6.3.0 | Custom scrollbars with native scroll, done simple, lightweight, easy to use and cross-browser. |
simplecartjs | 3.0.5 | A simple javascript shopping cart that easily integrates with your current website. |
simpledotcss | 2.3.3 | Simple.css is a CSS template that allows you to make a good looking website really quickly. |
simplelightbox | 2.14.3 | Touch-friendly image lightbox for mobile and desktop with jQuery |
simplemde | 1.11.2 | A simple, beautiful, and embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor. Features autosaving and spell checking. |
simplemodal | 1.4.4 | SimpleModal is a lightweight jQuery Plugin which provides a powerful interface for modal dialog development. |
simplestatemanager | 2.2.5 | SimpleStateManager ================== |
simpleui | 0.1.1 | A simple UI framework for building simple web projects. |
simplewebauthn-browser | 13.0.0 | SimpleWebAuthn for Browsers |
simplex-noise | 4.0.3 | simplex-noise is a fast simplex noise implementation in Javascript. Works in node and in the browser. |
single-spa | 6.0.3 | Multiple applications, one page |
sinon.js | 19.0.2 | JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks. |
sip.js | 0.20.0 | A SIP library for JavaScript |
sir-trevor-js | 0.8.2 | Rich content editing entirely re-imagined for the web |
sisyphus.js | 1.1.3 | Gmail-like client-side drafts and bit more. Plugin developed to save html forms data to LocalStorage to restore them after browser crashes, tabs closings and other disasters. |
sizzle | 2.3.10 | A pure-JavaScript, bottom-up CSS selector engine designed to be easily dropped in to a host library. |
sjcl | 1.0.8 | Stanford Javascript Crypto Library |
skel | 3.0.1 | Skel: A lightweight responsive framework for the www. |
skel-layers | 2.2.1 | Layers: A plugin for Skel that streamlines building stuff like off-canvas navigation, toolbars, modals, and other stuff. |
skeleton | 2.0.4 | Skeleton is a small collection of CSS files that can help you rapidly develop sites that look beautiful at any size, be it a 17 inch laptop screen or an iPhone. |
skeleton-framework | 1.1.1 | A simple responsive framework for mobile friendly development. |
sketch.js | 1.1 | Cross-Platform JavaScript Creative Coding Framework |
sketchpad | 0.1.0 | A simple sketchpad. |
skrollr | 0.6.30 | Stand-alone parallax scrolling library with zero dependencies. |
skycons | 1396634940 | A public domain library of animated weather icons rendered using javascript |
slabText | 2.3 | A jQuery plugin for producing big, bold & responsive headlines. |
slick-carousel | 1.8.1 | the last carousel you'll ever need |
slick-lightbox | 0.2.12 | A lightbox wrapper for Ken's amazing slick carousel |
slideReveal | 1.1.2 | Slide Reveal |
slidebars | 2.0.2 | Slidebars is a jQuery plugin for quickly and easily implementing app-style revealing menus and sidebars into your website. |
slideout | 1.0.1 | A touch slideout navigation menu for your mobile web apps. |
slider-pro | 1.6.2 | Responsive jQuery slider, featuring modular architecture, CSS3 animations, touch swipe, animated layers, retina, lazy loading and much more. |
slidesjs | 3.0 | SlidesJS is a responsive slideshow plug-in for jQuery (1.7.1+) with features like touch and CSS3 transitions. |
sliiide | 1.1.4 | The Easiest Way to Create a Sliding Nav Menu with jQuery |
slim-scroll | 1.3.3 | A javascript library for filtering json object and rendering html |
slim-select | 2.10.0 | Slim vanilla javascript select dropdown |
slim.js | 4.0.7 | Superpower Web Components |
slipjs | 2.1.1 | UI library for manipulating lists via swipe and drag gestures |
slippry | 1.4.0 | Responsive slider plugin for jQuery. Intrinsic trick to enable responsive resizing without js. |
smalot-bootstrap-datetimepicker | 2.4.4 | Both Date and Time picker widget based on twitter bootstrap |
smart-app-banner | 2.0.0 | Lightweight smart app banner with no jQuery (or any other framework) requirement. |
smart-table-scroll | 0.2.0 | Build scrollable tables w/ many(1MM) rows. |
smart-underline | 4.2.1 | Readable and beautiful underlines for every website. |
smartbanner.js | 1.25.0 | Customisable smart app banner for iOS and Android |
smartcrop | 2.0.5 | Content aware image cropping. |
smartquotes | 2.3.2 | Smart quotes are smart typography. |
smartwizard | 6.0.6 | jQuery Smart Wizard |
smokejs | 3.1.1 | Smoke form validation and components for Bootstrap |
smooth-scroll | 16.1.3 | Animate scrolling to anchor links |
smooth-scrollbar | 8.8.4 | Customize scrollbar in modern browsers with smooth scrolling experience. |
smoothState.js | 0.7.2 | Unobtrusive page transitions with jQuery. |
smoothie | 1.34.0 | Smoothie Charts: smooooooth JavaScript charts for realtime streaming data |
smoothscroll | 1.5.1 | Smooth scrolling experience for websites. This is the standalone version of SmoothScroll for individual websites and themes. Mouse wheel, keyboard and touchpad scrolling all supported. |
snabbdom | 0.7.4 | A virtual DOM library with focus on simplicity, modularity, powerful features and performance. |
snabbt.js | 0.6.4 | Fast animations with javascript and CSS-transforms |
snackbarjs | 1.1.0 | SnackbarJS is a lightweight and jQuery powered plugin made to work in Bootstrap style, just like the Bootstrap tooltips work. |
snap.js | 1.9.3 | |
snap.svg | 0.5.1 | JavaScript Vector Library |
snap.svg.zpd | 0.0.12 | A zoom/pan/drag plugin for Snap.svg |
snarkdown | 2.0.0 | Transform Markdown into HTML. |
snarl | 0.3.4 | Web Notifications based on Growl |
snazzy-info-window | 1.1.1 | Customizable info windows using the Google Maps JavaScript API. |
snoocore | 3.2.0 | A minimal and complete JavaScript driver for the Reddit API. |
snowplow | 2.18.2 | Snowplow is a data delivery platform that collects and operationalizes behavioral data, at scale. |
snowplow-ga-plugin | 0.1.0 | A Google Analytics plugin to send GA events to a Snowplow data collection pipeline. |
social-feed | 0.1.2 | A jQuery plugin that shows a user feed from the most popular social networks |
social-likes | 3.1.3 | Beautiful like buttons with counters for popular social networks. |
social-share-kit | 1.0.15 | Library of decent and good looking CSS/JavaScript social sharing icons, buttons and popups |
social-share.js | 1.0.16 | create social share buttons on your site. |
social-sharing | 1.7.2 | Social sharing links and buttons without the bloat |
socket.io | 4.8.1 | node.js realtime framework server |
socket.io-stream | 0.9.1 | stream for socket.io |
socketcluster-client | 16.0.1 | SocketCluster JavaScript client |
sockjs-client | 1.6.1 | SockJS-client is a browser JavaScript library that provides a WebSocket-like object. SockJS gives you a coherent, cross-browser, Javascript API which creates a low latency, full duplex, cross-domain communication channel between the browser and the web server. |
soga | 0.2.0 | Http Request Library for JavaScript Application |
sopa | 1.0 | Use this script on your site to protest censorship of the Internet. |
soroban-client | 1.0.1 | soroban-client is a library for working with the Soroban RPC server. |
sortable | 0.8.0 | The simplest, most elegant way to sort a table. |
soundmanager2 | V2.97a.20170601 | A JavaScript Sound API supporting MP3, MPEG4 and HTML5 audio + RTMP, providing reliable cross-browser/platform audio control in as little as 12 KB. |
soundplayer-widget | 0.4.2 | Lightweight embedded SoundCloud player widgets |
sourcebuster-js | 1.1.0 | Get sources of your site's visitors (utm / organic / referral / typein). |
soxx | 2.0.3 | The missing microlib for websocket communication in the browser |
sp-pnp-js | 3.0.10 | A reusable JavaScript library targeting SharePoint client-side development. |
spa.js | 2.0.6 | A webapp framework for routing control and view transitions |
space | 0.8.4 | A lightweight language for objects |
spacersjs | 1.0.6 | spacers is a JS library that supports multiple spacers for controlling padding/margin, linking functionality & much more! |
spark-md5 | 3.0.2 | Lightning fast normal and incremental md5 for javascript |
speakingurl | 14.0.1 | Generate a slug – transliteration with a lot of options |
spectragram | 2.0.0 | An easy jQuery plugin for Instagram API to fetch and display user, popular or tags photo feeds inside your web application or site. |
spectre.css | 0.5.9 | Spectre.css: a lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework. |
spectrum | 1.8.1 | Spectrum: the no hassle jQuery colorpicker |
spectrum-i18n | 1.3.0 | Spectrum: the no hassle jQuery colorpicker |
spellbook | 1.0.3 | Javascript tools and Class extensions |
spf | 2.4.0 | A lightweight JS framework for fast navigation and page updates from YouTube |
spin.js | 4.1.2 | An animated CSS3 loading spinner with VML fallback for IE. |
spinejs | 1.2.0 | MVC Library. |
spinkit | 2.0.1 | A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS |
splidejs | 4.1.4 | Splide is a lightweight, flexible and accessible slider/carousel. No dependencies, no Lighthouse errors. |
split.js | 1.6.5 | 2kb unopinionated utility for resizeable split views |
spoqa-han-sans | 3.2.1 | Spoqa Han Sans |
spotify-web-api-js | 1.5.2 | A client-side JS wrapper for the Spotify Web API |
springy | 2.8.0 | A force directed graph layout algorithm in JavaScript. |
sprint | 0.9.2 | A tiny, lightning fast jQuery-like library for modern browsers. |
sprintf | 1.1.3 | JavaScript sprintf implementation |
sprite-js | 0.1.1 | A very lightweight library to handle Sprites on HTML Canvas |
spritejs | 3.8.3 | A cross platform high-performance graphics system. |
spritespin | 4.0.10 | jQuery plugin for creating flipbook animations |
sqids | 0.3.0 | Generate YouTube-like ids from numbers. |
sql-formatter | 15.4.9 | Formats whitespaces in a SQL query to make it more readable |
sql.js | 1.12.0 | SQLite library with support for opening and writing databases, prepared statements, and more. This SQLite library is in pure javascript (compiled with emscripten). |
squel | 5.13.0 | SQL query string builder |
squire-rte | 1.11.3 | Squire is an HTML5 rich text editor, which provides powerful cross-browser normalisation, whilst being supremely lightweight and flexible. |
squishy | 1.0.1 | A jQuery plugin to size text such that it completely fills its container. |
ssi-modal | 1.0.28 | ssi-modal is the most flexible and powerful modal window. |
stackblur-canvas | 2.7.0 | Fast and almost Gaussian blur by Mario Klingemann |
stackicons | 1.0 | Icon font and Sass-based construction kit for Stackicons-Social, which supports multiple button shapes and a unique multi-color option in CSS for over 60 social brands. |
stacktable.js | 1.0.3 | jQuery plugin for stacking tables on small screens |
stacktrace.js | 2.0.2 | Framework-agnostic, micro-library for getting stack traces in all environments |
stage.js | 0.8.10 | 2D HTML5 JavaScript library for cross-platform game development |
stampit | 3.2.1 | Create objects from reusable, composable behaviors. |
stanford-slate-enhancements | 0.5 | Styles and JavaScript features created by Stanford University to be used on the Slate platform. |
stapes | 1.0.0 | The Javascript MVC microframework that does just enough. |
starability | 2.4.2 | Starability.css is an accessible rating system with cute animations on top. No JavaScript included. |
startbootstrap-agency | 5.2.2 | A one page HTML theme for agencies created by Start Bootstrap |
startbootstrap-clean-blog | 5.0.10 | A clean Bootstrap blog theme created by Start Bootstrap |
startbootstrap-creative | 5.1.8 | A one page HTML theme for creatives by Start Bootstrap |
startbootstrap-freelancer | 5.1.3 | A one page HTML theme for freelancers created by Start Bootstrap |
startbootstrap-grayscale | 5.0.9 | A multipurpose one page Bootstrap theme created by Start Bootstrap |
startbootstrap-landing-page | 5.0.9 | A responsive, Bootstrap landing page template created by Start Bootstrap |
startbootstrap-sb-admin | 5.1.1 | A one page app landing page HTML theme for Bootstrap. |
startbootstrap-sb-admin-2 | 4.1.4 | A free, open source, Bootstrap admin theme created by Start Bootstrap |
startbootstrap-stylish-portfolio | 5.0.9 | A stylish, one page, Bootstrap portfolio theme created by Start Bootstrap |
stately.js | 2.0.0 | Stately.js is a JavaScript based finite-state machine (FSM) engine for Node.js and the browser. |
statosio | 0.9 | Generate simple charts, in a fast and reliable way. |
stats.js | r17 | JavaScript Performance Monitor |
stellar-base | 13.0.1 | Low level stellar support library |
stellar-freighter-api | 4.0.0 | @stellar/freighter-api builds a wrapper around the messaging system used to interact with the Freighter web extension |
stellar-sdk | 13.1.0 | stellar-sdk is a library for working with the Stellar Horizon server. |
stellar.js | 0.6.2 | Parallax scrolling made easy. |
sticky-js | 1.3.0 | Sticky-js is a library for sticky elements written in vanilla javascript. With this library you can easily set sticky elements on your website. It's also responsive. |
sticky-kit | 1.1.3 | A jQuery plugin for creating smart sticky elements |
sticky-sidebar | 3.3.1 | A JavaScript plugin for making smart and high performance. |
sticky-table-headers | 0.1.24 | jQuery sticky table headers plugin |
stickyNavbar.js | 1.3.5 | Fancy sticky navigation jQuery plugin with smart anchor links highlighting |
stickybits | 3.7.11 | Stickybits is a lightweight alternative to position: sticky polyfills |
stickyfill | 2.1.0 | position: sticky polyfill |
stickyfloat | 7.5.0 | Makes it possible to have a fixed position element that is relative to it's parent. In other words, floats an element along while scrolling...but does this good. |
stockfish.js | 10.0.2 | The strong chess engine Stockfish with multi-variant support compiled to JavaScript and WebAssembly |
stomp.js | 2.3.3 | STOMP for JavaScript apps (Web browser & node.js) |
store.js | 2.0.12 | A localStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies or flash. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hood |
store2 | 2.14.4 | Better localStorage |
strapdown-topbar | 1.6.5 | a topbar modification for strapdown.js |
stretchy | 2.0.1 | Form element autosizing, the way it should be. |
string-fn | 2.10.2 | String manipulation library |
string-format | 1.0.0 | Adds a format method to String.prototype. Inspired by Python's str.format(). |
string-mask | 0.3.0 | A string formatter and validator based on masks |
string-saw | 0.0.46 | provides an easy way to string together match/replacement operations in an error-free manner |
string.js | 3.3.3 | string contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla JavaScript string such as escaping html, decoding html entities, stripping tags, etc. |
string_score | 0.1.22 | String Scoring Algorithm packaged for NodeJS |
stripe-js | 5.5.0 | Stripe's client-side JavaScript library. |
strman | 2.0.0 | A Javascript string manipulation library without npm dependences. |
stroll.js | 1.0 | CSS3 list scroll effects |
strophe.js | 1.2.16 | Strophe.js is an XMPP library for JavaScript |
stupidtable | 1.1.3 | A stupidly small and simple jQuery table sorter plugin |
style-forge | 2025.1.10 | Style-Forge: CSS framework with themes, utilities, flexbox, and grid for creating responsive websites. |
style-forge.base | 2025.1.10 | Style-Forge.Base: foundational CSS variables, base styles, typography, colors, utilities for consistent design. |
style-forge.colors | 2025.1.9 | Style-Forge.Colors: customizable color palettes for consistent, visually appealing web designs. |
style-forge.form | 2025.1.10 | Style-Forge.Form: versatile library for easy form creation, validation, styling, and submission in web apps. |
style-forge.helpers | 2025.1.10 | Style-Forge.Helpers: essential CSS helper classes for spacing, alignment, visibility, and more in web development. |
style-forge.patterns | 2025.1.8 | Style-Forge.Patterns - versatile CSS library with pre-defined classes for responsive, consistent user interfaces. |
style-forge.themes | 2025.1.8 | Style-Forge.Themes: powerful tool for managing and applying customizable themes in web applications. |
styled-components | 6.1.14 | Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress |
stylus | 0.32.1 | Robust, expressive, and feature-rich CSS superset |
subkit | 1.1.24 | Subkit library for the browser. |
submitter | 0.3.1 | A simple jQuery form submitting plugin. |
subtotal | 1.10.0 | Subtotal.js is a JavaScript plugin for PivotTable.js. It renders subtotals of rows and columns with the ability to expand and collapse rows. |
sugar | 2.0.6 | A Javascript library for working with native objects. |
summernote | 0.9.1 | Super simple WYSIWYG editor on Bootstrap |
suncalc | 1.9.0 | A tiny JavaScript library for calculating sun/moon positions and phases. |
superagent | 10.1.1 | elegant & feature rich browser / node HTTP with a fluent API |
superdom | 1.3.0 | Better and simpler DOM manipulation |
superfish | 1.7.10 | Superfish is a jQuery plugin that adds usability enhancements to multi-level drop-down menus. Fully supports touch devices and keyboard interaction. |
superplaceholder | 1.0.0 | Super charge your input placeholders |
superslides | 0.6.2 | A fullscreen, hardware accelerated slider for jQuery. |
surreal | 1.3.2 | A lightweight JavaScript library for creating and manipulating HTML in a fluent, jQuery-like way. |
survey-angular | 1.12.17 | survey.js is a JavaScript Survey Library. It is a modern way to add a survey to your website. It uses JSON for survey metadata and results. |
survey-jquery | 1.12.17 | survey.js is a JavaScript Survey Library. It is a modern way to add a survey to your website. It uses JSON for survey metadata and results. |
survey-knockout | 1.12.17 | survey.js is a JavaScript Survey Library. It is a modern way to add a survey to your website. It uses JSON for survey metadata and results. |
survey-react | 1.12.18 | survey.js is a JavaScript Survey Library. It is a modern way to add a survey to your website. It uses JSON for survey metadata and results. |
survey-vue | 1.12.17 | survey.js is a JavaScript Survey Library. It is a modern way to add a survey to your website. It uses JSON for survey metadata and results. |
svelte-range-slider-pips | 3.1.4 | Multi-Thumb, Accessible, Beautiful Range Slider with Pips |
svg-injector | 1.1.3 | Fast, caching, dynamic inline SVG DOM injection library |
svg.connectable.js | 2.0.1 | A JavaScript library for connecting SVG things. |
svg.draggy.js | 1.1.1 | A JavaScript library for dragging SVG things. |
svg.filter.js | 2.0.2 | A plugin for svg.js adding filter functionality |
svg.js | 3.2.4 | A lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG. |
svg.pan-zoom.js | 2.8.0 | A JavaScript library for panning and zooming SVG things. |
svg4everybody | 2.1.9 | Use external SVG spritemaps in any browser |
svgeezy | 1.0.0 | A simple JavaScript plugin which detects SVG images on your website, and automatically looks for a standard image fallback for those older, less capable browsers. |
svgxuse | 1.2.6 | A polyfill that fetches external SVGs referenced in use elements when the browser itself fails to do so. |
sw-toolbox | 3.6.1 | Service Worker Toolbox provides some simple helpers for use in creating your own service workers. |
swagger-ui | 5.18.2 | Swagger UI is a dependency-free collection of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API |
sweetalert | 2.1.2 | A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert" |
sweetalert2 | 11.15.10 | A beautiful, responsive, customizable and accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes, supported fork of sweetalert |
swfobject | 2.2 | SWFObject is an easy-to-use and standards-friendly method to embed Flash content, which utilizes one small JavaScript file |
swiftclick | 2.1.1 | Eliminates the 300ms click event delay on touch devices that support orientation change |
swig | 1.4.2 | A simple, powerful, and extendable templating engine for node.js and browsers, similar to Django, Jinja2, and Twig. |
swing | 4.3.0 | A swipeable cards interface. The swipe-left/swipe-right for yes/no input. As seen in apps like Jelly and Tinder. |
swipe | 2.0.0 | Swipe is a lightweight mobile slider with 1-to-1 touch movement. |
swipebox | 1.4.4 | A touchable jQuery lightbox |
swiped-events | 1.2.0 | A 0.7k script that adds swipe events to the DOM for touch enabled devices |
swipejs | 2.3.1 | Swipe is the most accurate touch slider |
switchery | 0.8.2 | Create iOS 7 styled switches from default input checkboxes |
switchy.js | 0.1.1 | This is a tiny jQuery plugin which can be used as both a switch or a slider. |
swup | 4.8.1 | Complete, flexible, extensible and easy to use page transition library for your web. |
sylvester | 0.1.3 | Vector and Matrix math for JavaScript |
symfonyCollectionJs | 4.3.1 | A plugin working with and without jquery to dynamically create elements of a symfony form collection. |
syn | 0.15.0 | Standalone Synthetic Event Library |
synaptic | 1.1.4 | architecture-free neural network library |
systemjs | 6.15.1 | Universal dynamic module loader |
systemjs-plugin-json | 0.3.0 | JSON loader plugin |
t3js | 2.7.0 | T3 Javascript Framework |
t7 | 0.3.2 | t7 is a small, lightweight JavaScript template library that compiles ES2015 template strings into virtual DOM objects. |
tAutocomplete | 1.0.0 | Automplete drop-down lists the details in a table format. The plugin is useful when multiple details has to be displayed. |
tabby | 12.0.3 | Simple, mobile-first toggle tabs. |
tabcomplete | 1.5.3 | Lightweight tab completion for inputs and textareas |
tabellajs | 0.5.1 | Pure javascript, touch enabled, responsive tables |
table-to-json | 1.0.0 | jQuery plugin that reads an HTML table and returns a javascript object representing the values and columns of the table |
tablefilter | 2.5.0 | HTML Table Filter Script |
tabler-icons | 3.28.1 | A set of over 500 free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects. Each icon is designed on a 24x24 grid and a 2px stroke. |
tablesaw | 3.1.2 | A set of plugins for responsive tables. |
tablesort | 5.2.1 | A dependency free sorting component for tables. |
tabletop.js | 1.6.3 | **Tabletop.js** takes a Google Spreadsheet and makes it easily accessible through JavaScript. With zero dependencies! |
tabulator | 6.3.0 | Interactive table generation JavaScript library |
tabulator-tables | 6.3.0 | Interactive table generation JavaScript library |
tachyons | 4.11.1 | Performant, mobile-first, and 100% responsive modular css framework. |
taffydb | 2.7.3 | TaffyDB is an opensouce library that brings database features into your JavaScript applications. |
tag-editor | 1.0.20 | A powerful and lightweight tag editor plugin for jQuery. |
tag-it | 2.0 | A jQuery UI plugin to handle multi-tag fields as well as tag suggestions/autocomplete. |
taggd | 4.0.0 | A jQuery plugin that adds tags to your image. |
taggle | 1.15.0 | Taggle is a dependency-less tagging library |
tagify | 4.33.0 | lightweight, efficient Tags input component in Vanilla JS / React / Angular [super customizable, tiny size & top performance] |
tagmanager | 3.0.2 | A jQuery plugin to create tag input fields, which works nicely with Twitter Typeahead.js and Twitter Bootstrap |
tail.select.js | 1.0.2 | Create beautiful, functional and extensive (multi) select fields, written in Vanilla JavaScript without any dependencies! |
tailwindcss | 2.2.19 | A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces. |
taquito | 21.0.0 | High level functionality that builds upon the other packages in the Tezos Typescript Library Suite. |
tarekraafat-autocomplete.js | 10.2.9 | Simple autocomplete pure vanilla Javascript library. |
tarteaucitronjs | 1.19.0 | Comply to the European cookie law |
task.js | 0.1.5 | Simplified interface for getting code to run on different cores (node.js, and web) |
taskforce | 1.0 | Protest in Washington DC. |
tauCharts | 2.7.4 | D3 based data-focused charting library |
teadao | 0.6.1 | Rapid Application Development Framework Built With React.js |
techan.js | 0.8.0 | A visual, technical analysis and charting library built on D3. Build interactive financial charts for modern and mobile browsers. |
teleject-hisrc | 2.0.0 | A simple jQuery plugin for adaptive images in responsive web design |
telnyx-webrtc | 2.22.3 | Telnyx WebRTC Client |
template7 | 1.4.1 | Mobile-first HTML template engine |
template_js | 0.8.0 | template.js simple and easy to use javascript template. |
templatebinding | 0.3.4 | Polymer's template binding polyfill. Concatenated and minified. |
tempus-dominus | 6.7.13 | A robust and powerful date/time picker component. For usage, installation and demos see Project Site on GitHub |
tempusdominus-bootstrap-4 | 5.39.0 | A date/time picker component designed to work with Bootstrap 4 and Momentjs. For usage, installation and demos see Project Site on GitHub |
tensorflow | 4.22.0 | An open-source machine learning framework. |
tent-css | 1.4.3 | A CSS survival kit. |
tern | 0.24.3 | A JavaScript code analyzer for deep, cross-editor language support |
terraformer | 1.0.12 | A Geo-toolkit built in Javascript. |
tesseract.js | 6.0.0 | Pure Javascript Multilingual OCR |
tether | 1.4.7 | A client-side library to make absolutely positioned elements attach to elements in the page efficiently. |
tether-drop | 1.4.2 | Client-side library for creating dropdowns |
tether-select | 1.1.1 | Styleable select elements built on Tether |
tether-tooltip | 1.2.0 | CSS tooltips built on Tether |
textAngular | 1.5.16 | A radically powerful Text-Editor/Wysiwyg editor for Angular.js |
textAngularJs | 2.1.2 | A fork of textangular that can be used on Angular 1.7+ |
textarea-autosize | 1.0.0 | Vertically adjust a textarea based on user input without needing a clone or ghost element. |
textfit | 2.4.0 | A fast, jQuery-free text sizing component that quickly fits single and multi-line text to the width (and optionally height) of its container. |
texthighlighter | 1.2.0 | TextHighlighter allows you to highlight text on web pages. |
textify.js | 3.0.1 | Next Generation Text Animation Library |
textile-js | 2.1.1 | A full-featured JavaScript Textile parser |
textillate | 0.4.0 | A simple plugin for CSS3 text animations |
tez.js | 10.0.1 | Lightweight, Flexible, Fast, Memory and Power Effecient Animation, Function and DOM Manager |
tg-ads-mediation__ads-cdn | 1.1.0 | Ads for Telegram Mini Apps |
tha-hashnode-widget | 1.0.1 | A very simple but responsive widget for loading blog posts from Hashnode in your personal website. |
thecarnie-cycle2 | 2.1.6 | An updated version of jquery.cycle2 for Jqery 3.x - 2nd gen cycling |
themoviedb-javascript-library | 3.0.3 | A Javascript library to interact with themoviedb.org Rest API. |
then-request | 6.0.1 | A request library that returns promises, inspired by request |
thorax | 2.2.1 | Handlebars + Backbone |
three-dots | 0.3.2 | CSS loading animation made by single element. |
three-js-csg | 72.0.0 | An NPM module for ThreeJS's CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) port |
three.js | 0.172.0 | JavaScript 3D library |
three.meshline | 1.4.0 | Mesh replacement for THREE.Line |
thrift | 0.14.1 | node.js bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system |
ticketbase-js | 0.1.13 | Integrate Ticketbase forms into your site |
tilt.js | 1.2.1 | A tiny requestAnimationFrame powered 60+fps lightweight parallax tilt effect for jQuery. |
timbre | 14.11.25 | JavaScript library for objective sound programming |
timeago.js | 4.0.2 | timeago.js is a simple library (only 2kb) to used to format datetime with *** time ago statement. eg: '3 hours ago'. localization supported. |
timecircles | 1.5.3 | TimeCircles is a jQuery plugin that provides a nice looking way to either count down towards a certain time, or to count up from a certain time. The goal for TimeCircles is to provide a simple yet dynamic tool that makes it very easy to provide visitors an attractive countdown or timer. |
timedropper | 1.0 | timedropper jQuery time plugin |
timekit-js-sdk | 1.19.8 | JavaScript SDK for the Timekit API (timekit.io) |
timeline.css | 1.0 | Timeline The best way to create your own Timeline, with just CSS! Share life and work events with Timeline.css! Sass and SCSS port too! |
timelinejs | 3.6.6 | TimelineJS is an open-source tool that enables you to build visually-rich interactive timelines and is available in 40 languages. |
timeonsite | 1.2.1 | measure your user's Time on site accurately |
timepicker | 1.3.5 | Enhances standard form input fields helping users to select (or type) times. |
timepicker-ui | 2.6.1 | timepicker-ui is an easy library with timepicker. Created with TypeScript based on Material Design from Google. |
timer.jquery | 0.9.0 | Start/Stop/Resume/Remove a timer inside any HTML element. |
timezone-js | 2.0.4 | JavaScript timezone library based on Olson timezone data |
tingle | 0.16.0 | A simple modal plugin written in pure JavaScript |
tiny-date-picker | 3.2.8 | A small, dependency-free date picker |
tiny-slider | 2.9.4 | Vanilla javascript slider for all purposes, inspired by Owl Carousel. |
tinyColorPicker | 1.1.1 | Tiny jQuery color picker for mobile and desktop with alpha channel |
tinycolor | 1.6.0 | Fast Color Parsing and Manipulation |
tinycon | 0.6.5 | Add notification bubbles in the favicon |
tinyduration | 3.3.1 | ISO-8601 duration parsing and serialization |
tinymce | 7.6.0 | TinyMCE rich text editor |
tinyscrollbar | 2.4.2 | A lightweight cross browser jQuery based scrollbar. |
tinysort | 3.2.8 | TinySort is a small script that sorts HTML elements. It sorts by text- or attribute value, or by that of one of it's children. |
tipograf | 2.0.0 | Lightweight CSS typography base for your next project |
tippy.js | 6.3.7 | Vanilla JS Tooltip Library |
tipso | 1.0.8 | A Lightweight Responsive jQuery Tooltip Plugin |
titatoggle | 2.1.2 | Default bootstrap checkbox toggle buttons. Just default Bootstrap, add a class to use these awesome toggle buttons. Browser support: Internet Explorer 9, FireFox, Safari, Chrome, Safari Ios, Stock Android browser 4.2, Chrome Android |
tldjs | 2.3.1 | JavaScript API to work against complex domain names, subdomains and URIs. |
tmlib.js | 0.5.2 | javascript library for game programming. |
to-markdown | 3.1.1 | HTML-to-Markdown converter |
toast-css | 1.1.0 | An insane grid. You’ve been warned. |
toastify-js | 1.12.0 | Toastify is a lightweight, vanilla JS toast notification library. |
toastr.js | 2.1.4 | ToastrJS is a JavaScript library for Gnome / Growl type non-blocking notifications. jQuery is required. The goal is to create a simple core library that can be customized and extended. |
tocas | 5.0.1 | The fastest and most intuitive way to build diverse websites and progressive web application interfaces. |
tocas-ui | 5.0.1 | A CSS3 UI library with the meaningful naming convention. |
tocbot | 4.32.2 | Generate a table of contents based on the heading structure of a html document. |
tocktimer | 1.1.1 | timer object/class. kickass! |
todc-bootstrap | 3.0.2 | Google-styled theme for Bootstrap. |
togeojson | 0.16.0 | convert KML and GPX to GeoJSON |
tolgee-web | 5.29.5 | Tolgee for web |
tom-select | 2.4.1 | Tom Select is a versatile and dynamic |
tonal | 2.2.2 | A functional music theory library |
tone | 15.1.3 | A Web Audio framework for making interactive music in the browser. |
tonic | 13.3.6 | A composable component inspired by React. |
tooltip.js | 1.3.3 | A kickass library to create tooltips, based on Popper.js |
tooltipster | 4.2.8 | Tooltipster is a jQuery tooltip plugin. |
tootik | 1.0.2 | A pure CSS/SCSS/LESS Tooltip library |
topcoat | 0.8.0 | CSS for clean and fast web apps |
topcoat-icons | 0.1.0 | Open source icons for Topcoat |
topojson | 3.0.2 | An extension to GeoJSON that encodes topology. |
tota11y | 0.1.6 | An accessibility visualization toolkit |
touchjs | 0.2.14 | clouda event and gesture lib touch.js |
toxiclibsjs | 0.1.3 | Toxiclibsjs is an open-source library for computational design tasks with JavaScript. This library is a port of http://toxiclibs.org for java and processing. http://haptic-data.com/toxiclibsjs |
tracing.js | 1.1.3 | Tracing.js is a library/utility to help you debug and trace javascript code. |
tracking.js | 1.1.3 | A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web. |
trackpad-scroll-emulator | 1.0.8 | A jQuery plugin that emulates OSX trackpad-style scrollbars in any browser or platform. |
transducers.js | 0.3.2 | A small library for generalized transformation of data |
transformation-matrix-js | 2.7.2 | 2D affine matrix power tools for JavaScript |
transitionize | 0.0.3 | Create CSS3 transitions dynamically |
translate.js | 3.12.0 | two lines js accomplish html Fully automatic translation. No page changes, no language configuration files, no API Key, right SEO friendly! |
translater.js | 1.0.12 | Simple translation tools. |
transparency | 0.11.0 | Transparency is a minimal template engine for browsers. It maps JSON objects to DOM elements with zero configuration. |
treant-js | 1.0 | javascript library for drawing tree diagrams |
tree-grid-directive | 0.4.0 | AngularJS directive for a tree grid, using Bootstrap |
tree-model | 1.0.7 | Manipulate and traverse tree-like structures in javascript. |
treejs | 1.8.3 | a lightweight tree widget, compatible with originaljs/react/vue, 9.6kb size for tree.min.js&tree.min.css without gzip. |
treesaver | 0.10.0 | JavaScript library for creating column and page-based layouts. |
triangles | 1.0.2 | Triangle background generator |
trianglify | 4.1.0 | Trianglify is a javascript library for generating colorful triangle meshes that can be used as SVG images and CSS backgrounds. |
tributejs | 5.1.3 | Native ES6 @mentions |
trix | 1.3.1 | A rich text editor for everyday writing |
trunk8 | 1.3.3 | trunk8 is an intelligent text truncation plugin to jQuery. When applied to a large block of text, trunk8 will cut off just enough text to prevent it from spilling over. Unlike conventional truncation that just limits the character length of text, trunk8 measures the content area for spill-over and intelligently chooses the text that best fits in the given space. |
tslib | 2.8.1 | Runtime library for TypeScript helper functions |
tsparticles | 3.7.1 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-all | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-basic | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-confetti | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-demo-configs | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-editor | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-engine | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-fireworks | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-attract | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-bounce | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-bubble | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-connect | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-grab | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-pause | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-push | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-remove | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-repulse | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-slow | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-trail | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-light | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-particles-attract | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-particles-collisions | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-particles-links | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-particles-repulse | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-move-base | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-move-parallax | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-particles.js | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-path-curves | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-path-perlin-noise | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-path-polygon | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-path-simplex-noise | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-path-svg | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-absorbers | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-canvas-mask | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-easing-back | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-easing-circ | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-easing-cubic | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-easing-expo | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-easing-quad | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-easing-quart | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-easing-quint | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-easing-sine | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-emitters | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-export-image | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-export-json | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-export-video | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-hsv-color | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-infection | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-motion | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-polygon-mask | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-sounds | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-big-circles | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-bubbles | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-confetti | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-fire | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-firefly | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-fireworks | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-fountain | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-hyperspace | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-links | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-sea-anemone | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-snow | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-stars | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-triangles | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-arrow | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-bubble | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-cards | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-circle | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-cog | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-heart | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-image | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-line | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-multiline-text | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-path | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-polygon | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-rounded-polygon | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-rounded-rect | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-spiral | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-square | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-star | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-text | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-slim | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-angle | 2.9.3 | tsParticles rotation angle updater |
tsparticles-updater-color | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-destroy | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-gradient | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-life | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-opacity | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-orbit | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-out-modes | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-roll | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-rotate | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-size | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-stroke-color | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-tilt | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-twinkle | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-wobble | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tuesday | 1.2.3 | A quirky CSS Animation Library by Shakr. |
tufte-css | 1.8.0 | Edward Tufte uses a distinctive style in his handouts: simple, with well-set typography, extensive sidenotes, and tight integration of graphics and charts. |
tui-calendar | 1.15.3 | TOAST UI Calendar |
tui-chart | 3.11.3 | TOAST UI Application: Chart |
tui-code-snippet | 2.3.2 | TOAST UI Utility: CodeSnippet |
tui-date-picker | 4.3.3 | TOAST UI Components: DatePicker |
tui-editor | 1.4.10 | GFM Markdown Wysiwyg Editor - Productive and Extensible |
tui-grid | 4.21.22 | TOAST UI Grid : Powerful data grid control supported by TOAST UI |
tui-image-editor | 3.15.3 | TOAST UI Component: ImageEditor |
tunajs | 1.0.15 | Audio effects library for the Web Audio API |
turbolinks | 5.2.0 | Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster |
turkuaz | 1.0.0 | Hızlı ve kolay web sayfaları geliştirin |
turn.js | 3 | The page flip effect for HTML5 |
turndown | 7.2.0 | A library that converts HTML to Markdown |
tv4 | 1.3.0 | A public domain JSON Schema validator for JavaScript |
twbs-pagination | 1.4.2 | jQuery simple pagination plugin for bootstrap-style webpages |
twbuttons | 0.1.4 | alexwolfe/Buttons for Twitter Bootstrap 3 |
tween.js | 25.0.0 | Super simple, fast and easy to use tweening engine which incorporates optimised Robert Penner's equations. |
tweene | 0.5.11 | JavaScript Animation Proxy. It can work with GSAP, Velocity.js, Transit or jQuery. |
tweenjs | 1.0.2 | TweenJS is a simple tweening library for use in Javascript. It was developed to integrate well with the EaselJS library, but is not dependent on or specific to it (though it uses the same Ticker and Event classes by default). It supports tweening of both numeric object properties & CSS style properties. |
tweet | 2.2.0 | put twitter on your website with tweet, an unobtrusive javascript plugin for jquery |
tweetnacl | 1.0.2 | Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to JavaScript |
twemoji | 15.1.0 | A Unicode standard based way to implement emoji across all platforms. |
twgl.js | 6.1.0 | A Tiny WebGL helper library |
twig.js | 1.17.1 | JS port of the Twig templating language. |
twikoo | 1.6.41 | A simple comment system based on Tencent CloudBase (tcb). |
twilio.js | 1.2.0 | Twilio.js allows you to establish audio connections between a web browser and a Twilio Application. This means you can open inbound and outbound audio connections to Twilio for building soft phones, walkie-talkies, conference calls, click-to-talk systems, and more, all from the browser. |
twind | 1.0.7 | compiles tailwind like shorthand syntax into css at runtime |
twine | 2.0.0 | A minimalistic 2-way binding system |
twing | 7.0.0 | First-class JavaScript Twig compiler |
twitter-bootstrap | 5.3.3 | The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. |
twitter-bootstrap-wizard | 1.2 | This twitter bootstrap plugin builds a wizard out of a formatter tabbable structure. It allows to build a wizard functionality using buttons to go through the different wizard steps and using events allows to hook into each step individually. |
twitter-fetcher | 18.0.4 | Fetch your twitter posts without using the new Twitter 1.1 API. Pure JavaScript! |
twitterlib.js | 1.0.9 | Library for doing all things Twitter API related, with added sauce for filtering, paging and paging |
twix.js | 1.3.0 | Twix.js allows you to work with date ranges |
two.js | 0.8.15 | A two-dimensional drawing api meant for modern browsers. |
txdfe-at | 1.7.3 | 一个设计体系组件库 |
txt.wav | 1.0.5 | Text animation library |
typeahead-addresspicker | 0.1.4 | A quick full rewrite of jquery address picker plugin, using typeahead autocomplete from twitter and new google maps API: PlacesService and AutocompleteService |
typeahead.js | 0.11.1 | fast and fully-featured autocomplete library |
typeahead.js-bootstrap-css | 1.2.1 | Bootstrap3 style for typeahead.js using Bootstrap 3 mixins and variables |
typebase.css | 0.5.1 | typebase.css is a minimal CSS typography boiler plate |
typeboost.css | 0.1.11 | Typeboost.css is a set of CSS rules to ensure readable, scalable and responsive typography. No dependencies. REMs are used for font sizes, paddings, and margins. Wrap your HTML content with class .col and you are done. |
typed.js | 2.1.0 | A jQuery typing animation script |
typeis | 1.1.2 | Typeis. it's the smart and simple javascript type check and validation library |
typeit | 8.8.7 | A lightweight, easy-to-implement jQuery animated typing plugin that types text for you. |
typeplate-starter-kit | 3.0.1 | A Typographic Starter Kit |
typescript | 5.7.3 | TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development |
typicons | 2.1.2 | Typicons icon font |
typogr | 0.6.8 | Typography utils |
ua-device-detector | 1.1.8 | Parses user-agent to set css classes or directly usable via JS / NodeJS. |
ui-cropper | 1.0.9 | Image crop directive for AngularJS, square, circle and rectangle areas. Working aspect. Features like export array and more comming. |
ui-leaflet | 1.0.3 | ui-leaflet - An AngularJS directive to easily interact with Leaflet maps |
ui-router-extras | 0.1.3 | UI-Router Extras: Sticky states, Future States, Deep State Redirect, Transition promise |
ui-selectableScroll | 0.1.4 | This is an extension of the original jQuery ui selectable plugin. It has capabilities to scroll vertical and horizontal as well. |
ui.multiselect | 0.3.1 | Another attempt of a sortable, searchable multiple select widget |
uikit | 3.22.0 | UIkit is a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces. |
uiv | 2.0.6 | Bootstrap 3 components implemented by Vue 2. |
umbrella | 0.0.0 | Lightweight and intuitive javascript library |
underscore-contrib | 0.3.0 | The brass buckles on Underscore's utility belt. |
underscore.js | 1.13.7 | JavaScript's functional programming helper library. |
underscore.string | 3.3.5 | String manipulation extensions for Underscore.js javascript library. |
undraw-ui | 1.2.3 | Undraw UI - A Vue.js 3 UI library |
unibox | 2.0.3 | A powerful search suggestion input box. |
unicorn.js | 1.0 | Unicorn CPU emulator framework port for JavaScript |
unistore | 3.5.2 | Dead simple centralized state container (store) with preact and react bindings. |
unitegallery | 1.7.40 | The Unite Gallery is multipurpose javascript gallery based on jquery library. It's built with a modular technique with a lot of accent of ease of use and customization |
universal-mixin | 2.0.0 | Create mixins and lightweight traits that work in old, modern, and future JS engines. |
unsemantic | 1.2.3 | Unsemantic is a fluid grid system that is the successor to the 960 Grid System. It works in a similar way, but instead of being a set number of columns, it's entirely based on percentages. |
unslider | 2.0.3 | The simplest little slider. |
unveil | 1.3.0 | A very lightweight jQuery plugin to lazy load images |
unveil2 | 2.0.8 | A very lightweight jQuery plugin to lazy load images |
upb | 2.0.0 | A NodeJS, browser, Bower, AMD, and CommonJS library that generates and decodes UPB (Universal Powerline Bus) commands. |
upng-js | 2.1.0 | Small, fast and advanced PNG / APNG encoder and decoder |
uppy | 4.12.2 | Extensible JavaScript file upload widget with support for drag&drop, resumable uploads, previews, restrictions, file processing/encoding, remote providers like Instagram, Dropbox, Google Drive, S3 and more :dog: |
url-search-params | 1.1.0 | Simple polyfill for URLSearchParams standard |
urlive | 1.1.1 | jQuery URLive lets you easily create a live preview of a URL. |
urljs | 2.7.0 | A lightweight JavaScript library to manipulate the page url. |
us-map | 1.0.1 | A Javascript map of the United States built with SVG/VML by using Raphael as a jQuery plugin. |
use.js | 0.4.0 | An AMD plugin for consuming globally defined JavaScript. |
userinfo | 1.1.1 | Javascript wrapper for the userinfo.io API |
usertiming | 0.1.7 | W3C UserTiming polyfill |
uswds | 3.11.0 | Open source UI components and visual style guide for U.S. government websites |
utf8 | 3.0.0 | A well-tested UTF-8 encoder/decoder written in JavaScript. |
uuid | 8.3.2 | RFC4122 (v1, v4, and v5) UUIDs |
uvCharts | 1.1.6 | Simple yet powerful JavaScript Charting library built using d3.js |
v-charts | 1.19.0 | Vue Echarts Components |
v-mask | 2.2.1 | Super tiny input mask library for Vue.js based on PureMask.js (~2kb) exposed as directive. No dependencies |
vConsole | 3.15.1 | A lightweight, extendable front-end developer tool for mobile web page. |
valid.js | 1.2.5 | A simple library for data validation |
validate-js | 2.0.1 | Lightweight JavaScript form validation library inspired by CodeIgniter. |
validate.js | 0.13.1 | Declarative validations for JavaScript |
validator | 13.12.0 | String validation and sanitization |
validatorjs | 2.0.0 | A laravel-styled JavaScript Object/Form/JSON validation library. |
valigators | 1.4.1 | A simple validation library for any data type |
valine | 1.5.3 | A fast, simple & powerful comment system. |
valjs | 0.7.3 | Another jQuery Form Validation plugin |
vanilla-lazyload | 19.1.3 | A fast, lightweight script to load images as they enter the viewport. SEO friendly, it supports responsive images (both srcset + sizes and picture) and progressive JPEG |
vanilla-masker | 1.2.0 | VanillaMasker is a pure javascript input mask. |
vanilla-modal | 1.6.5 | A dependency-free CSS-driven plain JavaScript modal written in ECMAScript 6. |
vanilla-routing | 0.0.4 | vanilla-routing is modern Vanilla Javascript routing library. |
vanilla-tilt | 1.8.1 | A smooth 3D tilt javascript library forked from Tilt.js |
vant | 4.9.15 | Lightweight Mobile UI Components built on Vue |
vanta | 0.5.24 | 3D animated backgrounds for your website |
vast-client | Javascript VAST Client | |
vault.js | 1.0.3 | Key-Value Storage of true data types for the browser and node |
vazir-font | 30.1.0 | A Persian (Farsi) Font - قلم (فونت) فارسی وزیر |
vditor | 3.10.8 | ♏ 易于使用的 Markdown 编辑器,为适配不同的应用场景而生 |
vectorious | 6.1.14 | A high performance linear algebra library. |
vee-validate | 4.15.0 | Simple VueJS input validation plugin |
vega | 5.30.0 | The Vega visualization grammar. |
vega-embed | 6.29.0 | Publish Vega visualizations as embedded web components with interactive parameters. |
vega-lite | 5.23.0 | Vega-lite provides a higher-level grammar for visual analysis, comparable to ggplot or Tableau, that generates complete Vega specifications. |
vega-tooltip | 0.35.2 | A tooltip plugin for Vega-lite and Vega visualizations. |
vegas | 2.6.0 | Vegas - Fullscreen Backgrounds and Slideshows. |
veinjs | 0.3 | Injects CSS into the document (it's a perfectly legal procedure) |
velocity | 2.0.6 | Accelerated JavaScript animation. |
venly-connect | 2.7.1 | Venly Connect SDK |
venly-web3-provider | 3.5.3 | Venly enabled Web3 Provider for the web |
venn.js | 0.2.20 | A javascript library for laying out area proportional venn and euler diagrams |
venobox | 2.1.8 | Responsive jQuery modal window plugin |
verify | 0.0.1 | A powerful asynchronous validation library |
vertx | 3.9.4 | Effortless asynchronous application development for the modern web and enterprise. This library internally uses SockJS to send and receive data to a SockJS vert.x server called the SockJS bridge. http://vertx.io/core_manual_js.html#sockjs-eventbus-bridge |
vex-js | 4.1.0 | Beautiful, functional, dialogs in Javascript |
vexflow | 4.2.5 | A JavaScript library for rendering music notation and guitar tablature |
vibrant.js | 1.0.0 | Get color variations from an image. Basically a JS port of Android's Palette |
victor | 1.1.0 | A JavaScript 2D vector class with methods for common vector operations |
victory | 37.3.5 | Data viz for React |
vide | 0.5.1 | Easy as hell jQuery plugin for video backgrounds. |
video.js | 8.21.1 | An HTML5 and Flash video player with a common API and skin for both. |
video.js-chromecast | 2.0.9 | Chromecast plugin for videojs |
videogular | 1.4.4 | Bower repository for Videogular project |
videogular-themes-default | 1.4.4 | Default Videogular's theme |
videojs-background | 1.0.7 | Full background video for video.js |
videojs-chromecast | 1.1.1 | Displays a Chromecast button in the control bar. |
videojs-contrib-ads | 7.5.2 | A framework that provides common functionality needed by video advertisement libraries working with video.js. |
videojs-contrib-dash | 5.1.1 | A Video.js source-handler providing MPEG-DASH playback. |
videojs-contrib-hls | 5.15.0 | Play back HLS with video.js, even where it's not natively supported |
videojs-contrib-media-sources | 4.7.2 | A Media Source Extensions plugin for video.js |
videojs-contrib-quality-levels | 4.1.0 | Exposes a list of quality levels available for the source. |
videojs-flash | 2.2.1 | The official Flash tech package for Video.js. |
videojs-ga | 0.4.2 | Google Analytics plugin for video.js |
videojs-hotkeys | 0.2.30 | Adds more hotkey support to video.js |
videojs-ima | 2.3.0 | IMA SDK Plugin for Video.js |
videojs-markers | 0.7.0 | video marker breaks plugin for video.js |
videojs-overlay | 1.1.4 | A plugin to display simple overlays during video playback. |
videojs-panorama | 0.1.7 | a plugin for videojs run a full 360 degree panorama video. |
videojs-playLists | 0.2.0 | Playlists done right for Videojs |
videojs-record | 4.8.0 | A video.js plugin for recording audio/video/image files. |
videojs-resolution-switcher | 0.4.2 | Resolution switcher for video.js 5 |
videojs-swf | 5.4.2 | The Flash-fallback video player for video.js (http://videojs.com) |
videojs-thumbnails | 0.1.1 | progress bar thumbnails plugin for video.js |
videojs-vast-plugin | 0.2.1 | A VAST plugin for VideoJS |
videojs-vast-vpaid | 2.0.2 | VAST plugin to use with video.js |
videojs-vimeo | 2.0.2 | Allows you to use Vimeo URL as source with Video.js. |
videojs-wavesurfer | 3.10.0 | video.js plugin that adds a navigable waveform for audio and video files. |
videojs-youtube | 3.0.1 | YouTube playback technology for Video.js |
videomail-client | 10.0.21 | A revolutionary node.js module which enables you to record videos directly in the browser. |
vidom | 0.12.1 | Library to build UI in a declarative way |
view-design | 4.7.0 | A high quality UI components Library with Vue.js |
view-ui-plus | 1.3.19 | An enterprise-level UI component library and front-end solution based on Vue.js 3 |
viewer.js | 0.11.1 | A viewer for documents converted with the Box View API |
viewerjs | 1.11.7 | JavaScript image viewer. |
viewport-units-buggyfill | 0.6.2 | Making viewport units (vh|vw|vmin|vmax) work properly in older WebKit and Trident |
vimeo-player | 2.25.0 | Interact with and control an embedded Vimeo Player. |
vimeo.ga.js | 0.5.1 | A Google Analytics plugin for measuring Vimeo Player Events. The plugin supports Universal Analytics, Classic Google Analytics, and Google Tag Manager. |
virtual-keyboard | 1.30.4 | Virtual Keyboard using jQuery UI |
vis | 4.21.0 | A dynamic, browser-based visualization library. |
vis-data | 7.1.9 | Manage unstructured data using DataSet. Add, update, and remove data, and listen for changes in the data. |
vis-network | 9.1.9 | A dynamic, browser-based visualization library. |
vis-timeline | 7.7.3 | Create a fully customizable, interactive timeline with items and ranges. |
visibility.js | 1.2.4 | Wrapper for the Page Visibility API |
visibly.js | 0.1.1 | A cross-browser Page Visibility API shim |
vissense | 0.10.0 | A utility library for observing visibility changes of DOM elements. |
vivagraphjs | 0.12.0 | Graph Drawing Library |
vivid | 1.0.10 | a JavaScript library which is built to easily customize and use the SVG Icons with a blaze. |
vivus | 0.4.6 | JavaScript library to make drawing animation on SVG |
viz.js | 2.1.2 | A hack to put Graphviz on the web. |
vizceral | 4.9.0 | Intuitive animated traffic graph using webgl. If a graph of nodes and edges with data about traffic volume is provided, it will render a traffic graph animating the connection volume between nodes. |
vjs-video | 0.1.11 | An angular js directive for video.js |
vkui | 7.1.0 | VKUI library |
voca | 1.4.0 | The ultimate JavaScript string library |
vocalizer | 1.0.0 | Vocalizer is a plugin that help people learn to say your name |
voerro-vue-tagsinput | 2.7.1 | A simple tags input with typeahead made with Vue.js 2 |
vonic | 1.1.3 | Mobile UI Components, based on Vue.js and ionic CSS. |
vquery | 5.0.1 | A simple, light-weight, vanilla JS wrapper for jQuery-like syntax. |
vscode-webview-ui-toolkit | 1.4.0 | A component library for building webview-based extensions in Visual Studio Code. |
vssue | 1.4.8 | A vue-powered issue-based comment plugin |
vtt.js | 0.13.0 | A JavaScript implementation of the WebVTT specification. |
vue | 3.5.13 | Simple, Fast & Composable MVVM for building interactive interfaces |
vue-async-data | 1.0.2 | async data loading plugin for Vue.js |
vue-bootstrap-datetimepicker | 5.0.1 | Vue.js component for bootstrap-datetimepicker |
vue-bootstrap-typeahead | 0.2.6 | A typeahead/autocomplete component for Vue 2 using Bootstrap 4 |
vue-cesium | 3.2.9 | Vue 3.x components for CesiumJS. |
vue-chartjs | 5.3.2 | vue.js wrapper for chart.js |
vue-clickaway | 2.2.1 | Reusable clickaway directive for reusable Vue.js components |
vue-clipboard2 | 0.3.3 | A Vuejs2 binding for clipboard.js |
vue-color | 2.8.1 | Color of Vue Components |
vue-demi | 0.14.10 | Creates Universal Library for Vue 2 & 3 |
vue-disqus | 5.1.0 | Vue component to integrate Disqus comments in your application, with support for SPA |
vue-echarts | 7.0.3 | ECharts component for Vue.js. |
vue-filter | 0.2.5 | A plugin for Vue.js. It can enhance vue filter system. |
vue-flow-form | 2.3.2 | Create conversational conditional-logic forms with Vue.js. |
vue-focus | 2.1.0 | A set of reusable focus directives for reusable Vue.js components |
vue-form | 4.10.1 | Form validation for Vue.js |
vue-functional-calendar | 3.0.0 | Lightweight, high-performance calendar component based on Vue.js |
vue-google-maps | 0.1.21 | This is a google map component for Vue.js |
vue-i18n | 11.0.1 | Internationalization plugin for Vue.js |
vue-imgix | 2.9.1 | A simple yet powerful integration between Vue and Imgix |
vue-instant | 1.0.4 | vue instant allows you to easily create custom search controls with auto suggestions for your vue 2 application. |
vue-js-toggle-button | 1.3.3 | A toggle button component for Vue.js 2+ |
vue-lazyload | 3.0.0 | Vue module for lazy-loading images in your vue.js applications. |
vue-ls | 4.2.0 | Vue plugin for work with Local Storage from Vue context |
vue-markdown | 2.2.4 | A Powerful and Highspeed Markdown Parser for Vue |
vue-material | 1.0.0 | Material Design for Vue.js |
vue-material-components | 0.3.4 | Web components of Vue.js and materializecss |
vue-meta | 2.4.0 | Manage HTML metadata in Vue.js components with ssr support |
vue-moment | 4.1.0 | Handy Moment.js filters for your Vue.js project |
vue-multiselect | 3.1.0 | Multiselect component for vue.js |
vue-paginate | 3.6.0 | A simple vue.js plugin to paginate data |
vue-resource | 1.5.3 | A web request service for Vue.js |
vue-router | 4.5.0 | Official router for Vue.js 2 |
vue-select | 3.20.3 | A native Vue.js select component that provides similar functionality to Select2/Chosen without the overhead of jQuery. |
vue-shortkey | 3.1.7 | A plugin for VueJS 2.x accepts shortcuts globaly and in a single listener. |
vue-smart-table | 2.5.0 | A table with dynamic components for vue.js |
vue-strap | 1.1.40 | Bootstrap components built with Vue.js |
vue-svgicon | 3.3.2 | A tool to create svg icon components. (vue 2.x) |
vue-tables-2 | 2.3.4 | Vue.js 2 grid components |
vue-the-mask | 0.11.1 | Tiny (2KB) and dependency free mask input for Vue.js |
vue-toasted | 1.1.28 | Responsive Touch Compatible Toast plugin for VueJS 2+ |
vue-tour | 2.0.0 | state management for Vue.js |
vue-validator | 2.1.7 | Validator component for Vue.js |
vue2-filters | 0.14.0 | A collection of Vue.js filters |
vuefire | 3.2.1 | Firebase bindings for Vue.js |
vuejs-datepicker | 1.6.2 | A simple Vue.js datepicker component. Supports disabling of dates, inline mode, translations |
vuejs-paginate | 2.1.0 | A simple pagination component for Vue.js |
vuejs-paginator | 2.0.2 | A Vue.js plugin to easily integrate pagination. |
vuejs-storage | 3.1.1 | Vue.js and Vuex plugin to persistence data with localStorage/sessionStorage |
vuetify | 3.7.6 | Vue.js 2 Semantic Component Framework |
vuex | 4.1.0 | state management for Vue.js |
vuex-persistedstate | 4.1.0 | Persist and rehydrate your Vuex state between page reloads. |
vuikit | 0.8.10 | UIkit with all the power of Vue |
w2ui | 1.5.3 | JavaScript UI library. Includes grid, layout, toolbars, trees, popups. |
w3-css | 4.1.0 | W3.CSS is a modern CSS framework with built-in responsiveness |
wade | 0.3.3 | Blazing fast, 1kb search library |
waffle-grid | 1.3.6 | An easy to use flexbox grid system |
waline | 3.4.3 | client for waline comment system |
wallop | 2.4.1 | wallop is a minimal 4kb library for showing & hiding things |
wangEditor | 10.0.13 | wangEditor, your simple open-source easy-use rich text editor! |
wangeditor5 | 5.1.23 | wangEditor5, Open source web rich text editor, run right out of the box, config simply. |
watch | 2.0.4 | jQuery plugin for watching CSS property or element attribute changes. |
waterfall.js | 1.1.0 | Pinterest Grid in Just 1KB |
waud.js | 1.0.3 | Web Audio Library |
wavedrom | 3.5.0 | Digital timing diagram in your browser |
wavesurfer.js | 7.8.15 | Interactive navigable audio visualization using Web Audio and Canvas |
waypoints | 4.0.1 | Easily execute a function when you scroll to an element |
wdt-emoji-bundle | 0.2.1 | Slack like emoji selector with apple, twitter, google, emojione and custom emoji support. |
wdt-loading | 0.1.0 | Asana like application loading screen with custom phrases support |
weather | 0.0.3 | There really should be a conclusive JavaScript weather library. |
weather-icons | 2.0.12 | 215 weather themed icons inspired by Font Awesome and ready for Bootstrap |
web-animations | 2.3.2 | JavaScript implementation of the Web Animations API |
web-socket-js | 1.0.0 | HTML5 Web Socket implementation powered by Flash. |
web-starter-kit | 0.2.0-beta | Google Web Starter Kit: Boilerplate & Tooling for Multi-Device Development |
web-vitals | 4.2.4 | Easily measure performance metrics in JavaScript |
web3 | 4.16.0 | Ethereum JavaScript API |
web3-arkane-provider | 0.23.0 | Arkane-enabled Web3 Provider for the web |
webcamjs | 1.0.26 | HTML5 Webcam Image Capture Library with Flash Fallback |
webcomponents-template-polyfill | 1.5.1 | HTML template element polyfill. |
webcomponentsjs | 2.8.0 | webcomponents.js |
webextension-polyfill | 0.12.0 | A lightweight polyfill library for Promise-based WebExtension APIs in Chrome. |
webfont | 1.6.28 | Web Font Loader gives you added control when using linked fonts via @font-face. |
webicons | 2.0.0 | Webicons is a set of resolution-independent social icons for use on your website. |
webkit.js | 0.1.0 | Pure JavaScript Port of WebKit |
webkul-micron | 1.1.6 | a microInteraction library built with CSS Animations and driven by JavaScript Power |
weblas | 0.9.1 | GPU accelerated BLAS for node and the browser |
webpack-cesium | 1.37.0 | webpack version of Cesium |
webrtc-adapter | 9.0.1 | A shim to insulate apps from WebRTC spec changes and browser prefix differences |
webshim | 1.16.0 | modular capability-based polyfill loading libary, which extends jQuery with HTML5 features in legacy browsers |
websqltracer | 1.0.3 | Console tracer for Web SQL or SQLite |
webtorrent | 1.9.7 | Streaming torrent client |
webtorrent-component | 1.0.2 | WebTorrent HTML element. |
webui-popover | 1.2.18 | A enhancement popover plugin for Bootstrap ,but you can use it stand-alone without Bootstrap! |
webuploader | 0.1.1 | It's a new file uploader solution, with two runtimes(html5 & flash). |
webvr-polyfill | 0.10.12 | Use WebVR today, on mobile or desktop, without requiring a special browser build. |
webvtt-parser | 2.2.0 | WebVTT parser and validator |
wechat.js | 0.1.3 | easy sharing on wechat http://sofish.github.io/wechat.js |
weld | 0.2.3 | Template antimatter for JavaScript |
wenk | 1.0.8 | Lightweight tooltip for the greater good |
weui | 2.6.21 | A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules in mobile web applications. |
wewwitten-javascwipt | 0.1.4 | Owoified javascript? |
what-input | 5.2.12 | A global utility for tracking the current input method (mouse, keyboard or touch). |
when | 3.7.8 | A lightweight Promises/A+ and when() implementation, plus other async goodies. |
whereyat | 0.1.2 | Where y'at adds classes to your HTML based on where your users are. |
whitestorm.js | 2.1.9 | Framework for developing 3D web apps with physics. |
wicked-good-xpath | 1.3.0 | Pure JS implementation of the DOM Level 3 XPath specification |
wicket | 1.3.8 | A modest library for moving between Well-Known Text (WKT) and various framework geometries |
wikibase-sdk | 9.0.5 | utils functions to query a Wikibase instance and simplify its results |
wingcss | 0.1.9 | A lightweight, responsive CSS Framework |
winjs | 4.4.3 | WinJS is a set of JavaScript toolkits that allow developers to build applications using HTML/JS/CSS technology. |
winstrap | 0.5.12 | Winstrap is the official Bootstrap theme for Microsoft design language. |
wired-elements | 2.1.2 | Collection of hand-drawn sketchy web components |
wnumb | 1.2.0 | wNumb - JavaScript Number & Money formatting |
woofmark | 4.2.6 | Barking up the DOM tree. A modular, progressive, and beautiful Markdown and HTML editor |
wordcloud2.js | 1.2.3 | Tag cloud/Wordle presentation on 2D canvas or HTML |
workbox-sw | 7.3.0 | This module makes it easy to get started with the Workbox service worker libraries. |
wow | 1.1.2 | Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page |
wretch | 2.11.0 | A tiny wrapper built around fetch with an intuitive syntax. |
wuzzle | 1.1.0 | Responsive, minimal and customizable grid system |
wysihtml | 0.5.5 | Open source rich text editor for the modern web. |
wysihtml5 | 0.3.0 | wysihtml5 is an open source rich text editor based on HTML5 technology and the progressive-enhancement approach. It uses a sophisticated security concept and aims to generate fully valid HTML5 markup by preventing unmaintainable tag soups and inline styles. The code is completely library agnostic: No jQuery, Prototype or similar is required. |
x-editable | 1.5.1 | In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery |
x-markdown-css | 0.1.9 | A simple and customizable markdown CSS stylesheet for everyone. |
x-tag | 1.5.11 | The X-Tag core library |
x18n | 2.0.3 | A JavaScript internationalisation library |
x2js | 1.2.0 | XML <=> JSON mapping/converting library |
xStore | 2.0.4 | Client-side stores that serialize data for you |
xcharts | 0.3.0 | A D3-based library for building custom charts and graphs. |
xdomain | 0.8.2 | A pure JavaScript CORS alternative |
xel | 0.28.17 | Widget toolkit for building native-like Electron, NW.js and Chrome apps |
xhook | 1.4.9 | Easily intercept and modify XHR request and response |
xively-js | 1.0.4 | The official JavaScript library for interfacing web apps with Xively™ |
xls | 1.0.0 | Excel 5.0/95 and 97-2004 spreadsheet (BIFF5 XLS / BIFF8 XLS / XML 2003) parser |
xlsx | 0.18.5 | Excel (XLSB/XLSX/XLSM/XLS/XML) and ODS spreadsheet parser and writer |
xlsx-populate | 1.21.0 | Excel XLSX parser/generator written in JavaScript with Node.js and browser support, jQuery/d3-style method chaining, and a focus on keeping existing workbook features and styles in tact. |
xregexp | 3.2.0 | Extended regular expressions |
xsound | 4.0.1 | XSound gives Web Developers Powerful Audio Features Easily ! |
xstream | 11.14.0 | An extremely intuitive, small, and fast functional reactive stream library for JavaScript |
xterm | 5.5.0 | Build terminals in the browser |
xuijs | 2.3.2 | A lightweight, dead simple, micro-tiny, super modular JavaScript framework for building mobile web applications. Its true: the minified code is super tiny. |
xzoom | 1.0.15 | jQuery responsive image zoom in/out gallery plugin. With a lot of customizable options. Supports jQuery v1.2.6 and higher. |
yadcf | 0.9.6 | This jQuery plug-in allows the user to easily add filter components to table columns, the plug-in works on top of the DataTables jQuery plug-in. |
yairEO-validator | 3.4.0 | The Validator is cross-browser and will give you the power to use future-proof input types such as 'tel', 'email', 'number', 'date', and 'url'. I can sum this as a 'template' for creating web forms. It uses the power of custom 'data' to achieve high flexibility |
yaml | 2.7.0 | YAML parser and stringifier for JavaScript |
yaml-js | 0.3.1 | Pure Javascript YAML loader and dumper, ported from PyYAML |
yamlcss | 4.1.2 | A modular CSS framework for truly flexible, accessible and responsive websites |
yamljs | 0.3.0 | Standalone JavaScript YAML 1.2 Parser & Encoder. Works under node.js and all major browsers. Also brings command line YAML/JSON conversion tools. |
yasgui | 2.7.29 | Yet Another SPARQL GUI |
yasqe | 2.11.22 | Yet Another SPARQL Query Editor |
yasr | 2.12.19 | Yet Another SPARQL Resultset Visualizer |
yepnope | 2.0.0 | A Script Loader For Your Conditional Builds |
yorkie-js-sdk | 0.5.7 | Yorkie JS SDK |
youtube-google-analytics | 8.1.4 | This is a plug-and-play tracking solution for tracking user interaction with YouTube videos in Google Analytics. It will detect if GTM, Universal Analytics, or Classic Analytics is installed on the page, in that order, and use the first syntax it matches unless configured otherwise. It include support for delivering hits directly to Universal or Classic Google Analytics, or for pushing Data Layer events to be used by Google Tag Manager. |
yox | 1.0.0-alpha.408 | A lightweight mvvm framework |
yox-router | 1.0.0-alpha.308 | Router for yox.js |
yox-touch | 0.11.4 | Hammer.js wrapper for yox.js |
yui | 3.18.1 | YUI 3 Source |
z-schema | 6.0.2 | JSON schema validator |
zTree.v3 | 3.5.42 | jquery tree plugin |
zabuto_calendar | 1.6.4 | jQuery plugin for Bootstrap to add a month calendar to your page. |
zclip | 1.1.2 | A lightweight jQuery "copy to clipboard" plugin |
zebra_dialog | 3.1.0 | A small, compact, and highly configurable dialog box plugin for jQuery meant to replace JavaScript's native alert and confirmation windows |
zenscroll | 4.0.2 | A module to smooth-scroll web pages and containers (DIVs) |
zensh-ui-autocomplete | 0.6.1 | AngularJS Autocomplete, wrapper for the jQuery UI Autocomplete Widget! |
zepto | 1.2.0 | Zepto.js is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers, with a jQuery-compatible API |
zepto.fullpage | 0.5.0 | A zepto plugin to create fullpage scrolling webapps |
zeroclipboard | 2.3.0 | The ZeroClipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie and a JavaScript interface. |
zingchart | 2.8.6 | A npm package for easy downloading of ZingChart. |
zingchart-angularjs | 1.2.1 | A ZingChart AngularJS directive |
zingchart-react | 3.2.0 | React components to generate interactive javascript charts using the ZingChart library |
zingtouch | 1.0.6 | A modern JavaScript touch gesture library |
zl-fetch | 6.0.6 | A library that makes the Fetch API easy to use |
zoid | 9.0.87 | Cross domain components. |
zone.js | 0.13.1 | Zones for JavaScript |
zonos-elements | 1.3.146 | Zonos component UI for Stripe elements |
zoom.js | 0.0.1 | It's the best way to zoom an image |
zooming | 2.1.1 | Image zoom that makes sense. |
zoomooz | 1.1.6 | Zoomooz is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin for making any web page element zoom. |
zoomove | 1.3.0 | Enlarges the image with the mouse hover and move |
zrender | 5.6.1 | A lightweight canvas library which providing 2d draw for ECharts. |
zuck.js | 2.1.0 | A JavaScript library that lets you add stories everywhere |
zui | 3.0.0 | An open source front-end implementation that help you quickly construct modern multi-screen applications |
zumper-angular-payments | 1.0.7 | Directive for formatting and validating credit card forms |
zurb-ink | 1.0.5 | Ink is a responsive email framework for making emails that look great on any device. |
zxcvbn | 4.4.2 | realistic password strength estimation |