bootstrap-drawer1.0.6A Bootstrap add-on to create drawer (off-canvas) styled navigation
headhesive1.2.4An on-demand sticky header
jquery-one-page-nav3.0.0A lightweight jQuery plugin for the navigation on one-page sites. Adds smooth scrolling when clicking on the navigation and automatically selects the correct navigation items as you are scrolling through the different sections.
stickybits3.7.11Stickybits is a lightweight alternative to position: sticky polyfills
stickyNavbar.js1.3.5Fancy sticky navigation jQuery plugin with smart anchor links highlighting
bootstrap-vue2.23.1Quickly integrate Bootstrap 4 components with Vue.js
shards-vue1.0.7A free, beautiful and modern Vue.js UI kit based on the Shards UI kit.
flexnav1.3.3A jQuery plugin for responsive menus