backbone.radio2.0.0Messaging patterns for Backbone applications.
basis.js1.11.1JavaScript framework to build single-page applications
frontpress1.0.8Full front-end AngularJS template for WordPress Rest API.
jsviews1.0.14Next-generation MVVM and MVP framework - built on top of JsRender templates. Bringing templates to life...
ng-meta1.0.3Meta tags support for AngularJS single page applications (SPA)
spa.js2.0.6A webapp framework for routing control and view transitions
vonic1.1.3Mobile UI Components, based on Vue.js and ionic CSS.
quasar-framework0.17.20Simultaneously build desktop/mobile SPA websites & phone/tablet apps with VueJS
vanilla-routing0.0.4vanilla-routing is modern Vanilla Javascript routing library.