balloon-css | 1.2.0 | Simple tooltips made of pure CSS |
d3-tip | 0.9.1 | Tooltips for d3 svg visualizations |
darktooltip | 0.4.0 | A simple customizable tooltip with confirm option and effects |
flot.tooltip | 0.9.0 | easy-to-use tooltips for Flot charts |
gojs | 3.0.14 | Interactive diagrams, charts, and graphs, such as trees, flowcharts, orgcharts, UML, BPMN, or business diagrams |
hint.css | 3.0.0 | A tooltip library in CSS for your lovely websites. |
html5tooltipsjs | 1.7.3 | Tooltips with smooth 3D animation. |
jBox | 1.3.3 | jBox is a powerful and flexible jQuery plugin, taking care of all your popup windows, tooltips, notices and more. |
jquery.tiptip | 1.3 | Intelligent ToolTip jQuery Plugin |
jspanel3 | 3.11.3 | A jQuery Plugin to create highly configurable multifunctional floating panels |
miniTip | 1.5.3 | Ultra lightweight jQuery tooltip plugin. |
ns-popover | 0.6.8 | A popover directive for angularJs |
opentip | 2.4.6 | Free opensource tooltip class. |
poshytip | 1.2 | jQuery Plugin for Stylish Tooltips |
react-mdl | 2.1.0 | React Components for Material Design Lite |
react-popper | 2.3.0 | React wrapper around PopperJS. |
simple-hint | 3.0.0 | CSS-only tooltip packed with a variety of features. |
tether-tooltip | 1.2.0 | CSS tooltips built on Tether |
tippy.js | 6.3.7 | Vanilla JS Tooltip Library |
tipso | 1.0.8 | A Lightweight Responsive jQuery Tooltip Plugin |
tooltipster | 4.2.8 | Tooltipster is a jQuery tooltip plugin. |
tootik | 1.0.2 | A pure CSS/SCSS/LESS Tooltip library |
vega-tooltip | 0.35.2 | A tooltip plugin for Vega-lite and Vega visualizations. |
wenk | 1.0.8 | Lightweight tooltip for the greater good |
tooltip.js | 1.3.3 | A kickass library to create tooltips, based on Popper.js |
ng-bootstrap | 10.0.0 | Angular powered Bootstrap |
bootstrap-vue | 2.23.1 | Quickly integrate Bootstrap 4 components with Vue.js |
imagemapster | 1.8.0 | jQuery plugin that activates areas in HTML imagemaps with support for highlighting, selecting, tooltips, resizing and more |
shards-vue | 1.0.7 | A free, beautiful and modern Vue.js UI kit based on the Shards UI kit. |
angular-tooltips | 1.2.2 | Angular.js tooltips module. |
easy-toggle-state | 1.16.0 | A tiny JavaScript library to easily toggle the state of any HTML element in any contexts, and create UI components in no time. |
jqwidgets | 20.0.0 | jQWidgets is an advanced jQuery, Angular, React, ASP .NET MVC, Custom Elements and HTML5 UI framework. |
chartist-plugin-tooltip | 0.0.11 | Tooltip plugin for Chartist.js. |
bulma-tooltip | 1.2.0 | Display a tooltip attached to any kind of element, in different position. |