
analytics.js2.9.1The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any web application.
angular-google-analytics1.1.9Angular Google Analytics - Easy tracking for your AngularJS application
angulartics-google-analytics0.5.0Google Analytics plugin for Angulartics
angulartics1.6.0Vendor-agnostic web analytics for AngularJS applications
autotrack2.4.1Automatic + enhanced analytics.js tracking for common user interactions
boba.js1.0.3A small, easily extensible JavaScript library that makes working with Google Analytics easier.
crossfilter1.3.12Fast multidimensional filtering for coordinated views.
crossfilter21.5.4Fast multidimensional filtering for coordinated views.
ga-lite2.1.0Small, cacheable subset of Google Analytics JS client
jquery-scrolldepth1.2.0A jQuery plugin to track page scroll depth
keen-js6.0.0Keen IO JavaScript SDK
kronos.js0.7.2JavaScript client for Kronos
ngAnalytics1.1.2Angular directive for Google Analytics Embed API
piwik5.2.1Piwik is a free web analytics tool that provides you with detailed reports on your website's visitors, your marketing campaigns and much more. Piwik is an open source alternative to Google Analytics, available in 45 languages, and has been downloaded more than 1 million times!
youtube-google-analytics8.1.4This is a plug-and-play tracking solution for tracking user interaction with YouTube videos in Google Analytics. It will detect if GTM, Universal Analytics, or Classic Analytics is installed on the page, in that order, and use the first syntax it matches unless configured otherwise. It include support for delivering hits directly to Universal or Classic Google Analytics, or for pushing Data Layer events to be used by Google Tag Manager.
aws-amplify4.3.46AWS Amplify is a JavaScript library for Frontend and mobile developers building cloud-enabled applications.
angulartics214.1.0Vendor-agnostic web analytics for Angular2 applications
snowplow-ga-plugin0.1.0A Google Analytics plugin to send GA events to a Snowplow data collection pipeline.
snowplow2.18.2Snowplow is a data delivery platform that collects and operationalizes behavioral data, at scale.
sourcebuster-js1.1.0Get sources of your site's visitors (utm / organic / referral / typein).
duckdb-wasm1.29.0DuckDB powered by WebAssembly
web-vitals4.2.4Easily measure performance metrics in JavaScript