
angular-confirm1.2.6Angular Confirm Modal
angular-ui-bootstrap2.5.6Native AngularJS (Angular) directives for Bootstrap
angular-ui-mask1.8.7Mask on an input field so the user can only type pre-determined pattern
angular-ui-router1.1.1State-based routing for AngularJS
angular-ui-validate1.2.3General-purpose validator for ngModel.
angular-ui0.4.0AngularUI - The companion suite for AngularJS
bootstrap-ui-datetime-picker2.6.4AngularJs directive to use a date and/or time picker as a dropdown from an input
ui-leaflet1.0.3ui-leaflet - An AngularJS directive to easily interact with Leaflet maps
angular-ui-scrollpoint2.1.1Add a 'ui-scrollpoint' class to elements when the page scrolls past them.