
adobe-sign-sdk1.1.0SDK for Adobe Sign REST API
algoliasearch-helper-js2.28.1Helper for implementing advanced search features with algolia
amplifyjs1.1.2AmplifyJS is a set of components for data management and application communication.
api-check7.5.5Validate the api to your functions to help people use them correctly. This is pretty much React's propTypes without React.
aping1.4.3apiNG is an AngularJS directive that enables you to receive, aggregate, limit, order and display data from one or more sources. The complete setup is dead simple, just by adding data-attributes to your html
aws-sdk2.1692.0AWS SDK for JavaScript
bla1.9.2Easy way to create your own API methods for server and client sides
cosmicjs5.0.5The official client module for Cosmic JS. This module helps you easily add dynamic content to your website or application.
gh.js3.2.0Tiny GitHub API wrapper for server and client.
gillie0.2.1JavaScript MVC Microframework
github-api3.4.0A higher-level wrapper around the Github API.
hellojs1.20.0A clientside Javascript library for standardizing requests to OAuth2 web services (and OAuth1 - with a shim)
hiw-api5.2.0The HIW JavaScript API is designed to allow developers to access data stored within the HIW more easily, using JavaScript. By using the HIW JavaScript API, developers won't have to write much of the boilerplate code required to make calls to the HIW's RESTful Service, and it also provides helpful information, such as code-completion, as developers work with the HIW JavaScript API.
ifvisible2.0.10Crossbrowser & lightweight way to check if user is looking at the page or interacting with it. (wrapper around HTML5 visibility api)
instagram-lite3.0.0A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin used to display a user's Instagram photos.
ion-sound3.0.7JavaScript plugin for playing sounds and music in web
jic2.0.2Javascript Image Compressor using HTML5 Canvas & File API that allows you to compress your jpeg & png images before uploading to the server (100% client-side and no extra libraries required!)
jquery.rest1.0.2A jQuery plugin for easy consumption of RESTful APIs
js-marker-clusterer1.0.0The library creates and manages per-zoom-level clusters for large amounts of markers. Google API v3.
moviedb0.2.12Library for interacting with themoviedb.com API
ngAnalytics1.1.2Angular directive for Google Analytics Embed API
oauth-io0.6.2OAuth that just works
parse5.3.0The Parse JavaScript SDK
particle-api-js11.1.2Particle API Client
playlyfe-js-sdk1.0.1Playlyfe Javascript SDK for browser-based apps
postgrest-client1.1.2Advanced client for the PostgREST API
restangular1.6.0Restful Resources service for AngularJS apps
restful.js0.9.6A pure JS client for interacting with server-side RESTful resources. Think Restangular without Angular.
setImmediate1.0.5A shim for the setImmediate efficient script yielding API
snoocore3.2.0A minimal and complete JavaScript driver for the Reddit API.
swagger-ui5.18.2Swagger UI is a dependency-free collection of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API
twitter-fetcher18.0.4Fetch your twitter posts without using the new Twitter 1.1 API. Pure JavaScript!
whitestorm.js2.1.9Framework for developing 3D web apps with physics.
fastify5.2.1Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js
web34.16.0Ethereum JavaScript API
isomorphic-fetch3.0.0Isomorphic WHATWG Fetch API, for Node & Browserify
vimeo-player2.25.0Interact with and control an embedded Vimeo Player.
disqusjs3.0.2Alternative DISQUS - Render comments components from Disqus API
facebook-nodejs-business-sdk21.0.5SDK for the Facebook Ads API in Javascript and Node.js
wikibase-sdk9.0.5utils functions to query a Wikibase instance and simplify its results
gmaps-marker-clusterer1.2.2The library creates and manages per-zoom-level clusters for large amounts of markers. Google API v3.
ky0.27.0Tiny and elegant HTTP client based on the browser Fetch API
pinia2.3.0Intuitive, type safe and flexible Store for Vue
fs-tpp-api2.4.8FirstSpirit Third-Party-Preview API
meting2.0.1Wow, such a beautiful html5 music player (with Meting API)
mapcreator-api3.3.3Mapcreator JavaScript API
ccxt4.4.46A JavaScript / TypeScript / Python / C# / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 130+ exchanges
scalar-api-reference1.25.101Generate beautiful API references from OpenAPI specs
rapidoc9.3.8Custom Element for Open-API spec viewing
generate-ip2.4.4Randomly generate, format, and validate IPv4/IPv6 addresses.
generate-pw1.5.11Randomly generate, strengthen, and validate cryptographically-secure passwords.
chatgpt.js3.5.0Client-side JavaScript library for ChatGPT.