angular-material-icons | 0.7.1 | AngularJS directive to use Material Design icons with custom fill color and size. |
antd-mobile | 5.38.0 | A configurable Mobile UI specification and React-based implementation. |
antd | 5.22.1 | An UI design language |
bootstrap-material-design | 4.0.2 | Material Design for Bootstrap 3 |
colors | 3.0.0 | Better default colors for the web. A collection of skin classes for faster prototyping and nicer looking sites. |
flexMenu | 1.6.2 | FlexMenu lets you create menu bars that automatically collapse into a drop-down to fit the space available. |
gemma | 1.1.0 | A lightweight CSS library |
hashgrid | 6 | A little tool that inserts a layout grid in web pages, allows you to hold it in place, and toggle between displaying it in the foreground or background. |
heapbox | 0.9.4 | Customizable replacement for html select (not only) with events, callbacks, themes and much more. |
kerning.js | 0.2 | Take control of your web typography. |
kube | 6.5.2 | Kube is a minimalistic Web framework for professional developers and designers. |
material-colors | 1.2.6 | Colors of Google's Material Design made available to coders |
material-design-iconic-font | 2.2.0 | Material Design Iconic Font and CSS toolkit |
material-design-lite | 1.3.0 | Material Design Components in CSS, JS and HTML |
material-kit | 3.0.3 | A Badass Bootstrap UI Kit based on Material Design |
MaterialDesign-Webfont | 7.4.47 | Dist for Material Design Webfont. This includes the Stock and Community icons in a single webfont collection. |
materialize | 1.0.0 | Builds Materialize distribution packages |
mdbootstrap | 4.20.0 | Material Design for Bootstrap (MDB) is a powerful Material Design UI KIT for most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework - Bootstrap. |
milligram | 1.4.1 | A minimalist CSS framework. |
mobi.css | 3.1.1 | A lightweight, flexible css framework that focus on mobile. |
simpleui | 0.1.1 | A simple UI framework for building simple web projects. |
Blotter | 0.1.0 | A JavaScript API for drawing unconventional text effects on the web. |
ant-design-pro | 2.3.2 | An enterprise-class UI design language and React-based implementation |
mdb-ui-kit | 8.1.0 | Material Design for Bootstrap (MDB) is a powerful Material Design UI KIT for most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework - Bootstrap. |
ant-design-vue | 4.2.6 | An enterprise-class UI design language and Vue-based implementation |
colors.css | 3.0.0 | Better default colors for the web. A collection of skin classes for faster prototyping and nicer looking sites. |
alifd__next | 1.27.29 | A configurable component library for web built on React. |
xel | 0.28.16 | Widget toolkit for building native-like Electron, NW.js and Chrome apps |
angular-material-calendar | 0.2.14 | A calendar directive for AngularJS and Angular Material Design |
creativecommons-vocabulary | 2020.11.3 | A cohesive design system to unite the web facing Creative Commons |
daisyui | 4.12.14 | Tailwind CSS Components |
timepicker-ui | 2.6.1 | timepicker-ui is an easy library with timepicker. Created with TypeScript based on Material Design from Google. |
akar-icons-fonts | 1.1.22 | A perfectly rounded icon library made for everyone. |
style-forge.base | 5.3.6 | Style-Forge.Base: foundational CSS variables, base styles, typography, colors, utilities for consistent design. |
style-forge.colors | 1.3.1 | Style-Forge.Colors: customizable color palettes for consistent, visually appealing web designs. |
style-forge.helpers | 2.6.1 | Style-Forge.Helpers: essential CSS helper classes for spacing, alignment, visibility, and more in web development. |
style-forge.patterns | 2.0.19 | Style-Forge.Patterns - versatile CSS library with pre-defined classes for responsive, consistent user interfaces. |
style-forge.themes | 1.1.5 | Style-Forge.Themes: powerful tool for managing and applying customizable themes in web applications. |