
aframe1.4.2Building blocks for the VR Web
arrive2.5.2arrive.js provides events to watch for DOM elements creation and removal. It makes use of Mutation Observers internally.
elevatezoom2.2.3A jQuery image zoom plugin, with tints, easing and gallery integration.
highlighter.js1.0.0Highlighter.js is a tiny (pure javascript) library to allow you to navigate, select and highlight DOM elements.
jquery-overlaps1.2.3A jQuery plugin that detects if one or more elements are overlapping.
multiple.js0.0.1Sharing background across multiple elements using CSS
angular-elevatezoom-plus1.2.2Angular directive for ElevateZoom Plus.
react-stripe-js3.1.1React components for Stripe.js and Elements.
stripe-js5.5.0Stripe's client-side JavaScript library.
zonos-elements1.3.146Zonos component UI for Stripe elements