
embed-box2.0.3Simple install guidance for CMS plugins
embed-js5.0.4A JavaScript plugin that analyses the string and embeds emojis, media, tweets, code and services.
embedly-jquery3.1.2This library allows you to easily embed objects on any page.
embedo1.14.0A simple, fast, lightweight and standalone social media content embed plugin for web
github-calendar2.3.4Embed your GitHub contributions calendar anywhere.
gitter-sidecar1.3.3An embeddable Gitter client.
lowdb1.0.0JSON database for Node and the browser powered by lodash API
soundplayer-widget0.4.2Lightweight embedded SoundCloud player widgets
vega-embed6.25.0Publish Vega visualizations as embedded web components with interactive parameters.
vimeo-player2.22.0Interact with and control an embedded Vimeo Player.
Embetty4.0.1Embetty displays remote content like tweets or videos without compromising your privacy.
lite-youtube-embed0.3.2A faster youtube embed.