
backbone.eventbinder0.1.0Manage your Backbone event bindings better
backbone.js1.6.0Give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events.
backbone.marionette4.1.3Make your Backbone.js apps dance!
backbone.modelbinder1.1.1Simple, flexible and powerful Model-View binding for Backbone.
backbone.validation0.11.5A validation plugin for Backbone.js that validates both your model as well as form input.
backbone.wreqr1.4.0A Simple Service Bus For Backbone and Backbone.Marionette
batman.js0.16.0The best client side framework for Rails developers.
bean1.0.15A small, fast, framework-agnostic event manager
chirashi6.5.0Minimalist DOM and events manager focused on performances
clarinet0.12.6SAX based evented streaming JSON parser in JavaScript (browser and node)
EventEmitter5.2.8Event based JavaScript for the browser
gillie0.2.1JavaScript MVC Microframework
hammer-time1.1.0A fast click based on the touch-action css property
hammer.js2.0.8A javascript library for multi-touch gestures
highland2.13.5The high-level streams library for Node.js and the browser
ion-sound3.0.7JavaScript plugin for playing sounds and music in web
javascript-detect-element-resize0.5.3A Cross-Browser, Event-based, Element Resize Detection
jbone1.2.1Library for DOM manipulation
jcanvas23.0.0jCanvas brings jQuery's powerful syntax and capability to the HTML5 canvas. Quickly create canvas-based apps that can utilize layers, animations, events, and much more. jCanvas works on all modern browsers and platforms, including iOS and Android.
jquery-simulate1.1.1jQuery plugin for simulating browser mouse and keyboard events
jqueryui-touch-punch0.2.3A small hack that enables the use of touch events on sites using the jQuery UI user interface library.
kibo1.1.0A simple JavaScript library for handling keyboard events.
min.js0.1.0A super tiny JavaScript library to execute simple DOM querying and hooking event listeners. Aims to return the raw DOM node for you to manipulate directly, using HTML5 (et al) tech like element.classList or element.innerHTML, etc.
radio0.2.0A small dependency-free publish/subscribe (pub/sub) javascript library
ScrollMagic2.0.8The javascript library for magical scroll interactions.
spinejs1.2.0MVC Library.
Tocca.js2.0.9Super lightweight script (1kb) to detect via Javascript events like 'tap' 'dbltap' 'swipeup' 'swipedown' 'swipeleft' 'swiperight' on any kind of device.
zabuto_calendar1.6.4jQuery plugin for Bootstrap to add a month calendar to your page.
react-big-calendar1.17.1Calendar! with events
jquery.hotkeys0.2.0**jQuery Hotkeys** is a plug-in that lets you easily add and remove handlers for keyboard events anywhere in your code supporting almost any key combination.