
bodymovin5.12.2After Effects plugin for exporting animations to SVG + JavaScript or canvas + JavaScript
force-js0.1.3The easy way to scroll and animate your page
highcharts-export-csv1.4.5Highcharts plugin to export the chart data to CSV, XLS or HTML table
pqGrid3.5.1Data grid inspired by MS Excel, provides sorting, filtering, paging, grouping, nesting, rows and cell selections, frozen rows, frozen columns, Add, delete, update, search, can display HTML, JSON, Array, XML, inline editing, validations, virtual rendering, virtual scrolling, cross browser, cross platform, Themeroller ready with 24 ready to use themes.
TableExport5.2.0The simple, easy-to-implement plugin to export HTML tables to xlsx, xls, csv, and txt files
tez.js10.0.1Lightweight, Flexible, Fast, Memory and Power Effecient Animation, Function and DOM Manager
json2csv5.0.7Convert JSON to CSV
lottie-web5.12.2After Effects plugin for exporting animations to SVG + JavaScript or canvas + JavaScript
mapbox-gl-export2.0.2This module adds control which can export PDF and images.