amazeui | 2.7.2 | Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development. |
baseguide | 4.2.0 | Lightweight and robust CSS framework for prototyping and production code. |
bigfishtv-turret | 5.2.1 | A responsive frontend framework build with Less to normalize styles for default HTML elements |
bootstrap-material-datetimepicker | 2.7.1 | Datepicker for bootstrap-material |
completer | 0.1.3 | A jQuery auto complete plugin. |
cropper | 4.1.0 | A simple jQuery image cropping plugin. |
cropperjs | 1.6.2 | JavaScript image cropper. |
datepicker | 1.0.10 | A simple jQuery datepicker plugin. |
distpicker | 2.0.8 | A simple jQuery plugin for picking provinces, cities and districts of China. |
drawer | 3.2.2 | Flexible drawer menu using jQuery, iScroll and CSS. |
fuelux | 3.17.2 | Base Fuel UX styles and controls |
imageviewer | 1.1.0 | A simple jQuery image viewing plugin. |
iNotify | 1.1.0 | JS achieve the browser title flashing , scrolling, voice prompts , chrome notice. |
intense-images | 1.0.7 | A simple library to view large images up close using simple mouse interaction, and the full screen. |
jssor-slider | 28.0.0 | Responsive jQuery Image Slider/Slideshow/Carousel/Gallery/Banner |
Kraken | 13.0.0 | A lightweight front-end boilerplate |
materialize | 1.0.0 | Builds Materialize distribution packages |
mdui | 2.1.3 | Web components Library that implement Google's Material Design. |
metro | 4.5.7 | The front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile projects on the web in Windows Metro Style. |
milligram | 1.4.1 | A minimalist CSS framework. |
ng.ckeditor | 2.1.0 | Angular Module for rendering the CKEditor |
page-accelerator | 0.1.1 | A very light solution to load web pages faster. |
PhononJs | 1.5.1 | Phonon is a lightweight & scalable Javascript/CSS3/HTML5 mobile framework to develop a single page application based on Phonegap / Apache Cordova. |
photo-editor | 1.2.0 | A photo editing application based on the Cropper.js |
plastiq | 1.33.0 | A fast, feature rich and simple framework for building dynamic browser applications. |
prettydate | 0.1.0 | A jQuery date prettify plugin. |
react-sortable-hoc | 1.11.0 | Set of higher-order components to turn any list into a sortable, touch-friendly, animated list |
simpleui | 0.1.1 | A simple UI framework for building simple web projects. |
smokejs | 3.1.1 | Smoke form validation and components for Bootstrap |
spectre.css | 0.5.9 | Spectre.css: a lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework. |
submitter | 0.3.1 | A simple jQuery form submitting plugin. |
todc-bootstrap | 3.0.2 | Google-styled theme for Bootstrap. |
twitter-bootstrap | 5.3.3 | The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. |
viewerjs | 1.11.7 | JavaScript image viewer. |
woofmark | 4.2.6 | Barking up the DOM tree. A modular, progressive, and beautiful Markdown and HTML editor |
zui | 3.0.0 | An open source front-end implementation that help you quickly construct modern multi-screen applications |
compressorjs | 1.2.1 | JavaScript image compressor. |
Halfmoon | 2.0.2 | Front-end framework with a built-in dark mode and full customizability using CSS variables; great for building dashboards and tools. |
jquery-cropper | 1.0.1 | A jQuery plugin wrapper for Cropper.js. |
bootstrap-v4-rtl | 4.6.2-1 | The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. |
quantumui | 1.2.0 | The most powerful ANGULARJS and Bootstrap CSS based UI components make developer life easy. |
boosted | 5.3.3 | Orange Boosted with Bootstrap is a framework library accessible, ergonomic and Orange branded based on Bootstrap v4.3.1. |
mirrorx | 1.1.3 | A React framework with minimal API and zero boilerplate. |
bootstrap | 5.3.3 | The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. |
materialstyle | 3.1.1 | Material Style is a Material Design UI library based on Bootstrap. |
codex | 1.19.1 | Codex design system for Wikimedia |
codex-design-tokens | 1.19.1 | design tokens of the Codex design system for Wikimedia |
codex-icons | 1.19.1 | icons of the Codex design system for Wikimedia |