
diff2html2.12.2Fast Diff to colorized HTML
gojs3.0.16Interactive diagrams, charts, and graphs, such as trees, flowcharts, orgcharts, UML, BPMN, or business diagrams
highcharts-export-csv1.4.5Highcharts plugin to export the chart data to CSV, XLS or HTML table
highlight.js11.11.1Syntax highlighting with language auto-detection.
highlighter.js1.0.0Highlighter.js is a tiny (pure javascript) library to allow you to navigate, select and highlight DOM elements.
highlightjs-line-numbers.js2.9.0Highlight.js line numbers plugin.
jquery-highlighttextarea3.1.3Allows highlighting words and sentences in textareas
jquery.finderselect0.6.0Add File Explorer selecting functions to any element
maphilight1.4.2a plugin that adds visual hilights to image maps
mark.js8.11.1A keyword highlighter for search terms or regular expressions
prism9000.0.1Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting. A spin-off project from Dabblet.
SyntaxHighlighter3.0.83SyntaxHighlighter is a fully functional self-contained code syntax highlighter developed in JavaScript.
texthighlighter1.2.0TextHighlighter allows you to highlight text on web pages.
codeflask1.4.1A micro code-editor for awesome web pages
imagemapster1.9.2jQuery plugin that activates areas in HTML imagemaps with support for highlighting, selecting, tooltips, resizing and more
leader-line1.0.7Draw a leader line in your web page.
hanabi0.4.0Highlight any code, in a colorful way.
marked-highlight2.2.1marked highlight