
angular-material-icons0.7.1AngularJS directive to use Material Design icons with custom fill color and size.
css-social-buttons1.4.0Zocial CSS social buttons.
entypo2.0Entypo is a set of 250+ carefully crafted pictograms
font-linux0.9Font-linux is an icon font containing logos of popular linux distributions for inclusion in websites.
genericons3.1Genericons are vector icons embedded in a webfont designed to be clean and simple keeping with a generic aesthetic. Use for instant HiDPI or to easily change colors on the fly.
iconate0.3.1A light-weight library to animate your font-awesome like icons
iGrowl3.0.3A lightweight jQuery plugin that generates growl-like notifications with an emphasis on icons.
ionicons7.4.0The premium icon font for Ionic Framework
open-iconic1.1.1An open source icon set with marks in SVG, sprite, webfont and raster format
pretty-checkbox3.0.3A pure CSS library to beautify checkbox and radio buttons
react-mdl2.1.0React Components for Material Design Lite
simple-line-icons2.5.5Simple and elegent line icons.
SocialIcons1.0.1An easier way to create social icons and buttons. Retina ready. No Images.
stackicons1.0Icon font and Sass-based construction kit for Stackicons-Social, which supports multiple button shapes and a unique multi-color option in CSS for over 60 social brands.
fork-awesome1.2.0A fork of the iconic font and CSS framework
vivid1.0.10a JavaScript library which is built to easily customize and use the SVG Icons with a blaze.
vue-svgicon3.3.2A tool to create svg icon components. (vue 2.x)
fontisto3.0.4Fontisto gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized: size, color, drop shadow and anything that can be done with the power of CSS.
font-logos1.2.0An icon font providing popular linux distros' logos
boxicons2.1.4High Quality Web Icons
element-plus-icons-vue2.3.1Vue components of Element Plus Icons collection.
remixicon4.2.0Remix Icon is a set of open source neutral style system symbols elaborately crafted for designers and developers. All of the icons are free to use for both personal and commercial.
primeicons7.0.0Font Icon Library for Prime UI Libraries