inferno-compat | 8.2.3 | Provides a compatibility with React codebases |
inferno-component | 7.4.11 | Provides ES2015 stateful components (with lifecycle events) to Inferno |
inferno-create-class | 8.2.3 | Provides a helper to create Inferno Components without needing ES2015 |
inferno-create-element | 8.2.3 | Provides methods to create Inferno VNodes |
inferno-devtools | 7.4.11 | Provides support for React's Dev Tools for Inferno |
inferno-hyperscript | 8.2.3 | Bridging hyperscript to InfernoJS |
inferno-mobx | 8.2.3 | Official Inferno bindings for Mobx |
inferno-redux | 8.2.3 | Official Inferno bindings for Redux |
inferno-router | 8.2.3 | Provides routing functionality for Inferno |
inferno-server | 8.2.3 | Provides methods to render HTML strings from Inferno elements |
inferno-shared | 8.2.3 | Helpers functions for Inferno |
inferno-test-utils | 8.2.3 | Suite of utilities for testing Inferno applications |
inferno-vnode-flags | 8.2.3 | Provides an enum of all possible VNode Flags used when calling Inferno.createVNode |
inferno | 8.2.3 | An extremely fast, isomorphic JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces |