
ajile2.1.7ajile enables namespacing, dependency-management, and on-demand loading of cross-domain, local, and inline JavaScript within browsers.
ContentTools1.6.16A JS library for building WYSIWYG editors for HTML content
glamor2.20.40inline css for component systems
jinplace1.2.1A jQuery plugin for in place editing on a page, primarly controlled by HTML markup.
Morphext2.4.4A simple, high-performance and cross-browser jQuery rotating / carousel plugin for text phrases powered by Animate.css.
radium0.26.2A set of tools to manage inline styles on React elements
svgxuse1.2.6A polyfill that fetches external SVGs referenced in use elements when the browser itself fails to do so.
vivid1.0.10a JavaScript library which is built to easily customize and use the SVG Icons with a blaze.
iphone-inline-video2.2.2Make videos playable inline on the iPhone (prevents automatic full screen)
vue-functional-calendar3.0.0Lightweight, high-performance calendar component based on Vue.js
akar-icons-fonts1.1.22A perfectly rounded icon library made for everyone.
css-scope-inline0.1.1Lightweight CSS scoping for inline styles without a build step