abcjs | 6.4.4 | javascript for rendering abc music notation |
acorn | 8.14.0 | ECMAScript parser |
agility | 0.1.3 | Javascript MVC for the "write less, do more" |
alasql | 4.6.1 | Versatile SQL database for browser or node. Handles relational data and nested JSON (noSQL). Export to and import from Excel, localStorage or IndexedDB |
amcharts | 3.21.15 | JavaScript Charts V3 |
amplitudejs | 5.3.2 | A JavaScript library that allows you to control the design of your media controls in your webpage -- not the browser. No dependencies (jQuery not required) |
anchor-js | 5.0.0 | A Javscript utility for adding deep anchor links to online docs. |
angular-leaflet-directive | 0.10.0 | angular-leaflet-directive - An AngularJS directive to easily interact with Leaflet maps |
angular-mapboxgl-directive | 0.46.0 | An AngularJS directive for Mapbox GL |
angular-websocket | 2.0.1 | An Angular WebSocket service for connecting client applications to servers. |
animateplus | 2.1.1 | CSS and SVG animation library |
animejs | 3.2.2 | Polyvalent Javascript animation engine |
api-check | 7.5.5 | Validate the api to your functions to help people use them correctly. This is pretty much React's propTypes without React. |
aquarelle | 1.0.0 | watercolor animation |
arrive | 2.5.2 | arrive.js provides events to watch for DOM elements creation and removal. It makes use of Mutation Observers internally. |
asciidoctor.js | 1.5.9 | A JavaScript AsciiDoc processor, cross-compiled from the Ruby-based AsciiDoc implementation, Asciidoctor, using Opal |
avalon.js | 2.2.7 | A lightweight,high-performance and easy-to-learn javascript MVVM framework |
babylonjs | 7.43.0 | Babylon.js is a JavaScript 3D engine based on webgl. |
blueimp-JavaScript-Templates | 3.20.0 | 1KB lightweight, fast & powerful JavaScript templating engine with zero dependencies. Compatible with server-side environments like Node.js, module loaders like RequireJS, Browserify or webpack and all web browsers. |
blueimp-load-image | 5.16.0 | JavaScript Load Image is a library to load images provided as File or Blob objects or via URL. It returns an optionally scaled and/or cropped HTML img or canvas element. It also provides a method to parse image meta data to extract Exif tags and thumbnails and to restore the complete image header after resizing. |
blueimp-md5 | 2.19.0 | JavaScript MD5 implementation. |
bootstrap-drawer | 1.0.6 | A Bootstrap add-on to create drawer (off-canvas) styled navigation |
bootstrap-iconpicker | 1.10.0 | A simple iconpicker for Bootstrap 3.x |
bootstrap-select | 1.13.18 | Bootstrap-select is a jQuery plugin that overhauls select elements to improve their appearance and expand their functionality. |
bootstrap-switch | 3.3.5 | Turn checkboxes and radio buttons into toggle switches. |
bootstrap-tokenfield | 0.12.0 | Advanced tagging/tokenizing plugin for input fields with a focus on keyboard and copy-paste support. |
bootstrap-treeview | 1.2.0 | Tree View for Twitter Bootstrap |
bubbly-bg | 1.0.0 | Lightweight and beautiful bubbly backgrounds |
burger | 2.0.2 | Burger is a minimal hamburger menu with fullscreen navigation. |
cannon.js | 0.6.2 | A lightweight 3D physics engine written in JavaScript. |
canvg | 3.0.10 | Javascript SVG parser and renderer on Canvas |
cellx | 2.0.1 | Ultra-fast implementation of reactivity for javascript |
chibi | 3.0.9 | A tiny JavaScript micro-library |
circles | 0.0.6 | Lightweight JavaScript library that generates circular graphs in SVG. Now with animation. |
cleave.js | 1.6.0 | JavaScript library for formatting input text content when you are typing |
ClientJS | 0.2.1 | Device information and digital fingerprinting written in pure JavaScript. |
concretejs | 3.0.5 | Concrete is a lightweight Html5 Canvas framework that enables hit detection, layer support, pixel ratio management, exports, and downloads. |
conditionizr.js | 4.1.0 | Detecting front-end environments and conditionally loading assets |
cookiejar | 0.5.1 | JavaScript code to store data as JSON strings in cookies. It uses Prototype.js 1.5.1 ( or later. Apache Software licensed |
Cookies.js | 1.2.3 | Client-Side Cookie Manipulation API |
cookiesjs | 3.0.3 | Intuitive cookie manipulation library |
countup.js | 2.8.0 | Animates a numerical value by counting to it |
crafty | 0.9.0 | Crafty is a modern component and event based framework for javascript games that targets DOM and canvas. |
cropperjs | 1.6.2 | JavaScript image cropper. |
cryptico | 0.0.1343522940 | An easy-to-use encryption system utilizing RSA and AES for javascript. |
css-animations.js | 0.1.0 | A library to work with CSS3 keyframe animations from javascript |
cta.js | 0.3.2 | A light-weight performant library to animate your 'action-to-effect' paths |
currencyformatter.js | 2.2.0 | A super simple currency formatting library |
d3kit | 3.2.0 | A kit of tools to speed D3 related project development. |
danialfarid-angular-file-upload | 12.2.13 | An AngularJS directive for file upload using HTML5 with FileAPI polyfill for unsupported browsers |
dash-shaka-playback | 2.0.8 | clappr dash playback based on shaka player |
dat-gui | 0.7.9 | A lightweight graphical user interface for changing variables in JavaScript. |
datepicker | 1.0.10 | A simple jQuery datepicker plugin. |
deb.js | 0.0.2 | Minimalistic JavaScript library for debugging in the browser |
detectizr | 2.2.0 | Detectizr is a Modernizr extension to detect device, browser, operating system and screen. |
dinqyjs | 1.1.0 | A tiny but powerful Javascript library for working with collections. No bells and whistles and unwanted bloat, just the things you really need. |
DisplayJS | 2.3.0 | A simple JavaScript framework for building ambitious UIs |
distpicker | 2.0.8 | A simple jQuery plugin for picking provinces, cities and districts of China. |
dynamics.js | 1.1.5 | Javascript library to create physics-related animations |
egjs-axes | 3.9.1 | A module used to change the information of user action entered by various input devices such as touch screen or mouse into the logical virtual coordinates. You can easily create a UI that responds to user actions. |
egjs-component | 3.0.5 | A base class utility that manages events and options in modules. |
egjs-flicking | 4.12.0 | Simple module to implement flicking carousel interaction. |
egjs-infinitegrid | 4.12.0 | iA module used to arrange card elements including content infinitely on a grid layout. With this module, you can implement a grid-pattern user interface composed of different card elements whose sizes vary. It guarantees performance by maintaining the number of DOMs the module is handling under any circumstance |
egjs-rotate | 2.1.0 | Tiny custom rotate event binder |
egjs | 2.0.0 | Set of UI interactions, effects and utilities components library. |
elfinder | 2.1.65 | Open-source file manager for web, written in JavaScript using jQuery and jQuery UI. |
emojify.js | 1.1.0 | A Javascript module to convert emoji keywords to images. |
es5-shim | 4.6.7 | ECMAScript 5 compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines |
esprima | 4.0.0 | ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis |
excel-builder | 2.0.3 | An easy way of building Excel files with javascript |
fastdom | 1.0.12 | Eliminates layout thrashing by batching DOM read/write operations |
faviconx | 1.0.1 | A tiny javascript library that makes progress bars out of the favicon placeholders. |
fermata | 0.11.1 | Succinct native REST client, for client-side web apps and node.js. Turns URLs into magic JavaScript objects. Supports JSON, CouchDB, OAuth 1.0a, form uploads and more! |
flatpickr | 4.6.13 | A lightweight, powerful datetimepicker |
flv.js | 1.6.2 | HTML5 FLV Player |
focusable | 1.0.0 | Set focus on DOM element adding overlay to the rest of the page |
forerunnerdb | 2.0.24 | A NoSQL document store database for browsers and Node.js. |
formjs | 1.1.1 | A classic form styling with ease |
frzr | 0.22.7 | Turboboosted 2 KB view library |
gauge.js | 1.3.9 | 100% native and cool looking animated JavaScript/CoffeScript gauge |
gibon | 0.4.1 | Functional client-side router in ~570 bytes, built on HTML5 History API |
gijgo | 1.9.14 | Gijgo is a set of free open source javascript controls distributed under MIT License. All widgets are high performance, built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library with built-in support for Bootstrap, Material Design and Font Awesome. They are designed to saves you time and scales with your development process. |
gitgraph.js | 1.15.2 | A JavaScript library to draw pretty git graphs in the browser |
golden-layout | 2.6.0 | A multi-screen javascript Layout manager |
graphicsjs | 1.4.4 | A lightweight Javascript graphics library with the intuitive API, based on SVG/VML technology |
highlighter.js | 1.0.0 | Highlighter.js is a tiny (pure javascript) library to allow you to navigate, select and highlight DOM elements. |
html-minifier | 4.0.0 | Highly configurable, well-tested, JavaScript-based HTML minifier. |
html5-history-api | 4.2.10 | HTML5 History API expansion for browsers not supporting pushState, replaceState |
iconate | 0.3.1 | A light-weight library to animate your font-awesome like icons |
imageviewer | 1.1.0 | A simple jQuery image viewing plugin. |
imask | 7.6.1 | vanilla javascript input mask |
infieldLabel | 1.1.0 | A jQuery plugin that creates a compact, text-over-input, form layout while using semabtic HTML and preserving usability and accessibility. |
instafeed.js | 1.4.1 | A simple Instagram javascript plugin for your website. |
izimodal | 1.6.1 | Elegant, responsive, flexible and lightweight modal plugin with jQuery. |
javascript-canvas-to-blob | 3.29.0 | JavaScript Canvas to Blob is a function to convert canvas elements into Blob objects. |
javascript.util | 0.12.12 | javascript.util is a port of selected parts of java.util to JavaScript which main purpose is to ease porting Java code to JavaScript. |
jbone | 1.2.1 | Library for DOM manipulation |
jic | 2.0.2 | Javascript Image Compressor using HTML5 Canvas & File API that allows you to compress your jpeg & png images before uploading to the server (100% client-side and no extra libraries required!) |
jquery-compat | 3.0.0-alpha1 | JavaScript library for DOM operations |
jQuery.x18n | 1.1.3 | The jQuery adapter for the x18n internationalisation library. |
js-marker-clusterer | 1.0.0 | The library creates and manages per-zoom-level clusters for large amounts of markers. Google API v3. |
jsdiff | 7.0.0 | A javascript text diff implementation. |
jsel | 1.1.6 | DOM 3 XPath implementation for JavaScript objects. |
jslite | 1.1.12 | JSLite is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely jQuery-compatible API. If you use jQuery, you already know how to use JSLite. |
jsnes | 1.2.1 | A JavaScript NES emulator |
jssor-slider | 28.0.0 | Responsive jQuery Image Slider/Slideshow/Carousel/Gallery/Banner |
jstreegrid | 3.10.2 | grid plugin for jstree |
juicer | 0.6.15 | a high-performance lightweight javascript template engine |
just-animate | 2.6.2 | Web Animation library |
justgage | 1.7.0 | JustGage is a handy JavaScript plugin for generating and animating nice & clean gauges. It is based on Raphaël library for vector drawing, so it’s completely resolution independent and self-adjusting. |
keras-js | 0.3.0 | Run Keras models (tensorflow backend) in the browser, with GPU support. |
klass | 1.4.1 | Class provider with classical inheritance interface |
knockout-paging | 0.4.0 | Adds an extender to Knockout to add paging functionality to observable arrays. |
knockout-pre-rendered | 0.11.0 | Knockout pre-rendered |
labella | 1.1.4 | May the force label you. |
lamb | 0.61.1 | A lightweight, and docile, JavaScript library to help embracing functional programming. |
libphonenumber-js | 1.11.17 | A simpler (and smaller) rewrite of Google Android's popular libphonenumber library |
livescript | 1.6.1 | LiveScript is a language which compiles to JavaScript. It has a straightforward mapping to JavaScript and allows you to write expressive code devoid of repetitive boilerplate. While LiveScript adds many features to assist in functional style programming, it also has many improvements for object oriented and imperative programming. |
logerr | 1.2.0 | Provides JavaScript errors in readable format. Also allows developers to log exceptions remotely by sending a post reqest. |
lokijs | 1.5.12 | Fast document oriented javascript in-memory database |
luminous-lightbox | 2.4.0 | A simple, lightweight, no-dependencies JavaScript image lightbox. |
mark.js | 8.11.1 | A keyword highlighter for search terms or regular expressions |
material-colors | 1.2.6 | Colors of Google's Material Design made available to coders |
material-datetime-picker | 2.4.0 | A Vanilla JS Material Design date/time picker component |
matter-js | 0.20.0 | a 2D rigid body physics engine for the web |
microbejs | 0.5.2 | microbe.js - A modular JS library for DOM manipulation, and more |
minigrid | 3.1.0 | Minimal 2kb zero dependency cascading grid layout |
mobilebone | 2.8.1 | Bone main for mobile web APP with a sigle page mode. |
ModelCore | 1.1.1 | A RESTful Javascript ORM for AngularJS |
modernizr | 2.8.3 | Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser. |
mojio-js | 3.5.2 | Mojio javascript REST client. |
motajs | 0.18.0 | JavaScript library that aims to allow the developer to easily build web applications. |
myscript | 4.3.0 | The JavaScript library for the MyScript Cloud recognition service |
nanoajax | 0.4.3 | A small ajax lib |
nanogallery | 5.10.3 | image gallery simplified - jQuery plugin |
ng-fittext | 4.2.3 | An AngularJS directive for inflating web type |
NicEdit | 0.93 | Lightweight, Cross Platform WYSIWYG editor. |
nivo-lightbox | 1.3.1 | A simple, flexible, responsive, retina-ready jQuery lightbox plugin |
notie | 4.3.1 | notie - a clean and simple notification, input, and selection suite for javascript, with no dependencies |
offline-js | 0.7.19 | Automatically detect when a browser is offline |
opal-jquery | 0.0.8 | jQuery for Opal |
opal-parser | 0.3.43 | Ruby runtime and core library for javascript. |
opal | 0.3.43 | Ruby runtime and core library for javascript. |
openlocationcode | 1.0.4 | Library to convert between lat/lng and OLC codes |
parallax | 3.1.0 | Parallax Engine that reacts to the orientation of a smart device. |
particlesjs | 2.2.3 | A lightweight and dependency-free javascript plugin for particle backgrounds. |
pdfmake | 0.2.12 | Client/server side PDF printing in pure JavaScript |
phaser-ce | 2.20.1 | Phaser CE (Community Edition) is a fast, free and fun HTML5 Game Framework for Desktop and Mobile web browsers. |
phaser | 3.87.0 | A fast, free and fun HTML5 Game Framework for Desktop and Mobile web browsers. |
photo-editor | 1.2.0 | A photo editing application based on the Cropper.js |
planck-js | 1.3.0 | 2D JavaScript physics engine for cross-platform HTML5 game development |
postscribe | 2.0.8 | Asynchronously write javascript, even with document.write. |
PreloadJS | 1.0.1 | PreloadJS makes it easy to preload your assets: images, sounds, JavaScript, fonts, JSON, and text data |
prettydiff | 2.2.8 | Language aware code comparison tool for several web based languages. It also beautifies, minifies, and a few other things. |
qoopido.demand | 8.0.2 | Promise like module loader using XHR requests and localStorage caching to dynamically load JavaScript and CSS + dynamic dependency resolution + support for custom handlers |
qoopido.nucleus | 3.2.15 | Lightweight, atomic and modular JavaScript utility library that strongly encourages the creation and usage of small yet flexible, reusable and easily maintainable modules. |
rangy | 1.3.2 | A cross-browser DOM range and selection library |
rantjs | 1.0.6 | A procedural text generator for JavaScript |
raty | 3.1.1 | jQuery Raty - A Star Rating Plugin |
react-sortable-hoc | 1.11.0 | Set of higher-order components to turn any list into a sortable, touch-friendly, animated list |
react-uwp | 1.2.31 | UWP Design & Fluent Design UiKit by React |
redom | 4.1.5 | RE:DOM – Tiny UI library |
redux-saga | 1.3.0 | Saga middleware for Redux to handle Side Effects |
reflect-metadata | 0.2.2 | Polyfill for Metadata Reflection API |
responsive | 1.0.5 | This plugin add responsive functionality to JavaScript Charts and Maps |
rimg | 2.1.0 | Rimg supports responsive websites to provide a way to optimize images (like CMS-content) in a simple and performant way. Pure Javascript, no server-side code and 2 lines of code (library + definition). |
roll-call | 0.7.1 | Roll Call is a completely free |
RyanMullins-angular-hammer | 2.2.0 | Hammer.js support for Angular.js applications |
rythm.js | 2.2.6 | A javascript library that makes your page dance. | | 1.2.1 | Javascript SDK for communicating w/ a Sails server via WebSockets/ |
scion | 5.0.4 | An implementation of SCXML in JavaScript. |
scrolldir | 1.5.3 | Vertical scroll direction in CSS |
scrollReveal.js | 4.0.9 | Easily reveal elements as they enter the viewport. |
select-or-die | 0.1.8 | Yet another jQuery plugin to style/replace select elements. |
shave | 5.0.4 | Shave is a javascript plugin that truncates multi-line text within a html element based on set max height |
shell.js | 1.0.5 | A JavaScript and CSS library to create terminals |
shepherd | 1.8.1 | Guide your users through a tour of your app. |
simple-jekyll-search | 1.9.2 | Simple Jekyll site search using javascript and json |
simplemde | 1.11.2 | A simple, beautiful, and embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor. Features autosaving and spell checking. |
simpleui | 0.1.1 | A simple UI framework for building simple web projects. |
sketchpad | 0.1.0 | A simple sketchpad. |
Sly | 1.6.1 | JavaScript library for one-directional scrolling with item based navigation support |
SoundJS | 1.0.2 | A JavaScript library that provides a simple API, and powerful features to make working with audio a breeze. Easily ties in audio file loading to PreloadJS. |
spa.js | 2.0.6 | A webapp framework for routing control and view transitions |
spellbook | 1.0.3 | Javascript tools and Class extensions |
sprite-js | 0.1.1 | A very lightweight library to handle Sprites on HTML Canvas |
stacktable.js | 1.0.3 | jQuery plugin for stacking tables on small screens |
sticky-js | 1.3.0 | Sticky-js is a library for sticky elements written in vanilla javascript. With this library you can easily set sticky elements on your website. It's also responsive. |
stickybits | 3.7.11 | Stickybits is a lightweight alternative to position: sticky polyfills |
submitter | 0.3.1 | A simple jQuery form submitting plugin. |
superplaceholder | 1.0.0 | Super charge your input placeholders |
svgeezy | 1.0.0 | A simple JavaScript plugin which detects SVG images on your website, and automatically looks for a standard image fallback for those older, less capable browsers. |
t3js | 2.7.0 | T3 Javascript Framework |
tabellajs | 0.5.1 | Pure javascript, touch enabled, responsive tables |
template7 | 1.4.1 | Mobile-first HTML template engine |
tern | 0.24.3 | A JavaScript code analyzer for deep, cross-editor language support |
tesseract.js | 6.0.0 | Pure Javascript Multilingual OCR |
tether-select | 1.1.1 | Styleable select elements built on Tether |
tether | 1.4.7 | A client-side library to make absolutely positioned elements attach to elements in the page efficiently. |
tinyColorPicker | 1.1.1 | Tiny jQuery color picker for mobile and desktop with alpha channel |
tinyscrollbar | 2.4.2 | A lightweight cross browser jQuery based scrollbar. |
tmlib.js | 0.5.2 | javascript library for game programming. |
tocbot | 4.32.2 | Generate a table of contents based on the heading structure of a html document. |
tracing.js | 1.1.3 | Tracing.js is a library/utility to help you debug and trace javascript code. |
Trumbowyg | 2.27.3 | A lightweight WYSIWYG editor |
tslib | 2.8.1 | Runtime library for TypeScript helper functions |
tweenjs | 1.0.2 | TweenJS is a simple tweening library for use in Javascript. It was developed to integrate well with the EaselJS library, but is not dependent on or specific to it (though it uses the same Ticker and Event classes by default). It supports tweening of both numeric object properties & CSS style properties. |
ui-leaflet | 1.0.3 | ui-leaflet - An AngularJS directive to easily interact with Leaflet maps |
valid.js | 1.2.5 | A simple library for data validation |
validatorjs | 2.0.0 | A laravel-styled JavaScript Object/Form/JSON validation library. |
vanilla-masker | 1.2.0 | VanillaMasker is a pure javascript input mask. |
velocity | 2.0.6 | Accelerated JavaScript animation. |
Ventus | 0.3.0 | A window manager written in Javascript, HTML5 and CSS3. |
vex-js | 4.1.0 | Beautiful, functional, dialogs in Javascript |
viewerjs | 1.11.7 | JavaScript image viewer. |
vis | 4.21.0 | A dynamic, browser-based visualization library. |
vquery | 5.0.1 | A simple, light-weight, vanilla JS wrapper for jQuery-like syntax. |
waud.js | 1.0.3 | Web Audio Library |
wdt-emoji-bundle | 0.2.1 | Slack like emoji selector with apple, twitter, google, emojione and custom emoji support. |
wdt-loading | 0.1.0 | Asana like application loading screen with custom phrases support |
what-input | 5.2.12 | A global utility for tracking the current input method (mouse, keyboard or touch). |
whitestorm.js | 2.1.9 | Framework for developing 3D web apps with physics. |
wnumb | 1.2.0 | wNumb - JavaScript Number & Money formatting |
woofmark | 4.2.6 | Barking up the DOM tree. A modular, progressive, and beautiful Markdown and HTML editor |
zingchart-react | 3.2.0 | React components to generate interactive javascript charts using the ZingChart library |
zingchart | 2.8.6 | A npm package for easy downloading of ZingChart. |
zingtouch | 1.0.6 | A modern JavaScript touch gesture library |
zone.js | 0.13.1 | Zones for JavaScript |
zooming | 2.1.1 | Image zoom that makes sense. |
zoomove | 1.3.0 | Enlarges the image with the mouse hover and move |
Blotter | 0.1.0 | A JavaScript API for drawing unconventional text effects on the web. |
jquery.ime | 0.3.0 | jQuery based internationalization library |
input-autogrow | 1.1.1 | Autogrow plugin for inputs |
quasar-framework | 0.17.20 | Simultaneously build desktop/mobile SPA websites & phone/tablet apps with VueJS |
firmin | 1.0.0 | A JavaScript animation library based on CSS transforms and transitions. |
datalist-polyfill | 1.25.1 | A minimal and dependency-free vanilla JavaScript datalist polyfill. Supports all standard's functionality as well as mimics other browsers behavior. |
san | 3.15.1 | A Flexible JavaScript Component Framework |
scribbletune | 5.0.2 | Scribbletune is a JavaScript library that helps you construct musical ideas with JavaScript String & Array functions and export them as MIDI files. |
html2pdf.js | 0.10.2 | Client-side HTML-to-PDF rendering using pure JS |
angular | 12.2.17 | Angular - the core framework |
kotlin | 1.9.25 | Standard Library for Kotlin Applications |
react-dnd | 16.0.1 | Drag and Drop for React |
better-scroll | 2.5.1 | inspired by iscroll, and it has a better scroll perfermance |
filepond | 4.32.6 | FilePond, Where files go to stretch their bits. |
web3 | 4.16.0 | Ethereum JavaScript API |
deeplearn | 0.5.1 | Hardware-accelerated JavaScript library for machine intelligence |
aws-amplify | 4.3.46 | AWS Amplify is a JavaScript library for Frontend and mobile developers building cloud-enabled applications. |
acorn-loose | 8.4.0 | Error-tolerant ECMAScript parser |
acorn-walk | 8.3.4 | ECMAScript (ESTree) AST walker |
turndown | 7.2.0 | A library that converts HTML to Markdown |
carbon-components | 11.66.1 | The Carbon Design System is IBM’s open-source design system for products and experiences. |
tarekraafat-autocomplete.js | 10.2.9 | Simple autocomplete pure vanilla Javascript library. |
maptalks | 1.0.3 | A light JavaScript library to create integrated 2D/3D maps. |
print-js | 1.6.0 | A tiny javascript library to help printing from the web. |
compressorjs | 1.2.1 | JavaScript image compressor. |
magic-grid | 3.4.7 | Super lightweight javascript library for dynamic grid layouts. |
medium-zoom | 1.1.0 | A JavaScript library for zooming images like Medium |
fuzzysort | 3.1.0 | Fast SublimeText-like fuzzy search for JavaScript |
pdf-lib | 1.17.1 | Create and modify PDF files with JavaScript |
echarts-gl | 2.0.8 | Extension pack of ECharts providing 3D plots and globe visualization |
obelisk.js | 1.2.2 | JavaScript Library for Building Pixel Isometric Element with HTML5 Canvas |
sticky-sidebar | 3.3.1 | A JavaScript plugin for making smart and high performance. |
mapbox.js | 3.3.1 | Mapbox plugin for Leaflet |
tsparticles | 3.7.1 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
monet | 0.9.3 | Monadic types library for JavaScript |
tagify | 4.33.0 | lightweight, efficient Tags input component in Vanilla JS / React / Angular [super customizable, tiny size & top performance] |
sip.js | 0.20.0 | A SIP library for JavaScript |
drift-zoom | 1.5.1 | Easily add "zoom on hover" functionality to your site's images. Lightweight, no-dependency JavaScript. |
shifty | 3.0.3 | A teeny tiny tweening engine in JavaScript. |
kiwi.js | 1.2.1 | Kiwi.js is a Javascript/Typescript library for creating HTML5 games. |
css-vars-ponyfill | 2.4.9 | Client-side support for CSS custom properties (aka "CSS variables") in legacy and modern browsers |
alpaca | 1.5.27 | Alpaca provides the easiest and fastest way to generate interactive forms for the web and mobile devices. It runs simply as HTML5 or more elaborately using Bootstrap, jQuery Mobile or jQuery UI. Alpaca uses Handlebars to process JSON schema and provide |
vimeo-player | 2.25.0 | Interact with and control an embedded Vimeo Player. |
vanta | 0.5.24 | 3D animated backgrounds for your website |
amcharts4 | 4.10.38 | The most advanced amCharts charting library for JavaScript and TypeScript apps. |
venn.js | 0.2.20 | A javascript library for laying out area proportional venn and euler diagrams |
excalibur | 0.24.5 | Excalibur.js is a simple JavaScript game engine with TypeScript bindings for making 2D games in HTML5 Canvas. Our mission is to make web game development as simple as possible. |
livereload-js | 4.0.2 | LiveReload JS client - auto reload browser on changes |
vis-timeline | 7.7.3 | Create a fully customizable, interactive timeline with items and ranges. |
toastify-js | 1.12.0 | Toastify is a lightweight, vanilla JS toast notification library. |
mapbox-polyline | 1.2.1 | Polyline encoding and decoding |
jquery-cropper | 1.0.1 | A jQuery plugin wrapper for Cropper.js. |
hyphenopoly | 6.0.0 | Hyphenation for node and Polyfill for client-side hyphenation. |
css-selector-generator | 3.6.9 | JavaScript object that creates unique CSS selector for given element. |
facebook-nodejs-business-sdk | 21.0.5 | SDK for the Facebook Ads API in Javascript and Node.js |
data-layer-helper | 0.1.0 | This library provides the ability to process messages passed onto a dataLayer queue. |
deepstream-client | 7.0.4 | the javascript client for |
loading-attribute-polyfill | 1.5.4 | Fast and lightweight dependency-free vanilla JavaScript polyfill for native lazy loading / the awesome loading='lazy'-attribute. |
wicked-good-xpath | 1.3.0 | Pure JS implementation of the DOM Level 3 XPath specification |
jqwidgets | 20.0.0 | jQWidgets is an advanced jQuery, Angular, React, ASP .NET MVC, Custom Elements and HTML5 UI framework. |
SimpleLightbox | 2.1.0 | SimpleLightbox is a Lightweight plugin for responsive lightbox images and galleries with no dependencies. |
chartjs-chart-box-and-violin-plot | 4.0.0 | Chart.js module for charting boxplots |
gmaps-marker-clusterer | 1.2.2 | The library creates and manages per-zoom-level clusters for large amounts of markers. Google API v3. |
simpleCookie | 1.0.1 | A small javascript utility to make handling cookies simple |
yaml-js | 0.3.1 | Pure Javascript YAML loader and dumper, ported from PyYAML |
chartjs-plugin-doughnutlabel | 2.0.3 | Chart.js plugin for doughnut chart to display lines of text in the center |
qcobjects | 2.4.55 | QCObjects a Quickcorp Objects Library - Cross Browser Javascript Framework for MVC Patterns |
bilderrahmen | 1.0.1 | Lightweight vanilla-JS image lightbox crafted with CSS3 and inline SVG icons for modern browsers |
cuttr | 1.4.3 | Cuttr is a javascript / jQuery plugin that truncates multi-line text content with multiple truncation methods and custom ellipsis. |
fullview | 1.1.2 | Create fullscreen scrolling websites |
lit-grid-layout | 1.1.15 | A Grid Layout for Lit Element |
statosio | 0.9 | Generate simple charts, in a fast and reliable way. |
loadermest.js | 2.0.30 | a new CSS loader system |
Bijou.js | 8.2.4 | Useful JS snippets, in one simple library |
xsound | 4.0.1 | XSound gives Web Developers Powerful Audio Features Easily ! |
Sparticles | 1.3.1 | Lightweight, High Performance Particles in Canvas |
jslint | 2024.11.24 | JSLint, The JavaScript Code Quality and Coverage Tool |
tsparticles-slim | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-editor | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-engine | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-attract | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-bubble | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-remove | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-light | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-particles-attract | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-move-base | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-path-polygon | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-path-simplex-noise | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-emitters | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-infection | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-bubbles | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-fireworks | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-links | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-bubble | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-line | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-rounded-rect | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-spiral | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-gradient | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-out-modes | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-stroke-color | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-bounce | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-connect | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-grab | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-pause | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-push | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-repulse | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-trail | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-particles-collisions | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-particles-links | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-particles-repulse | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-move-parallax | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-particles.js | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-path-curves | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-path-perlin-noise | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-absorbers | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-polygon-mask | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-big-circles | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-confetti | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-fire | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-firefly | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-fountain | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-sea-anemone | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-snow | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-stars | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-triangles | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-circle | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-heart | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-image | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-multiline-text | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-polygon | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-square | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-star | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-text | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-angle | 2.9.3 | tsParticles rotation angle updater |
tsparticles-updater-color | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-life | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-opacity | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-orbit | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-roll | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-size | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-tilt | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-twinkle | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-wobble | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
notyf | 3.10.0 | A dead simple, responsive, a11y, dependency-free, vanilla JavaScript toast library. |
vis-network | 9.1.9 | A dynamic, browser-based visualization library. |
simple-keyboard | 3.8.26 | On-screen Javascript Virtual Keyboard |
simple-parallax-js | 5.6.2 | simpleParallax is a simple JavaScript library that gives your website parallax animations on any images or videos |
glightbox | 3.3.0 | Pure Javascript lightbox |
qr-scanner | 1.4.2 | A javascript QR scanner library |
vkui | 7.1.0 | VKUI library |
smartbanner.js | 1.25.0 | Customisable smart app banner for iOS and Android |
fancyapps-ui | 5.0.36 | JavaScript UI Component Library |
patternfly-bootstrap-treeview | 2.1.10 | Tree View for Twitter Bootstrap |
jsvectormap | 1.6.0 | A lightweight Javascript library for creating interactive maps |
oauth4webapi | 3.1.4 | OAuth 2 / OpenID Connect for JavaScript Runtimes |
vis-data | 7.1.9 | Manage unstructured data using DataSet. Add, update, and remove data, and listen for changes in the data. |
timepicker-ui | 2.6.1 | timepicker-ui is an easy library with timepicker. Created with TypeScript based on Material Design from Google. |
md5-wasm | 2.0.0 | Asynchronous MD5 calculator, employing WebAssembly for larger files |
konamimojisplosion | 0.5.2 | Connects konami-code-js to emojisplosion for a glorious easter egg. |
intween | 1.0.0-beta.7 | The Interactive Tweening Library |
webcomponents-template-polyfill | 1.5.1 | HTML template element polyfill. |
marvinj | 1.0 | Javascript Image Processing Framework based on Marvin Framework |
carrierjs | 2.5.2 | Carrier JS is promise based http client for browsers. It is used to interact with servers with ultimate caching feature. |
flowbite | 2.5.2 | The most popular library of interactive components built with Tailwind CSS |
zl-fetch | 6.0.6 | A library that makes the Fetch API easy to use |
radash | 12.1.0 | Functional utility library - modern, simple, typed, powerful |
ofilterjs | 1.0.7 | OfilterJs is a data object filter processor for Javascript, which provides simpler, more convenient and more efficient data operations for development. |
google-closure-library | 20230802.0.0 | Google's common JavaScript library |
tsparticles-confetti | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-fireworks | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
datedreamer | 0.3.6 | An easy to use lightweight javascript calendar library. |
x-markdown-css | 0.1.9 | A simple and customizable markdown CSS stylesheet for everyone. |
dragselect | 3.1.1 | Easy JavaScript library for selecting and moving elements. With no dependencies. Drag-Select & Drag-And-Drop. |
azure-storage-blob | 12.26.0 | Microsoft Azure Storage SDK for JavaScript - Blob |
tsparticles-demo-configs | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-interaction-external-slow | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-path-svg | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-canvas-mask | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-easing-back | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-easing-circ | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-easing-cubic | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-easing-expo | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-easing-quad | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-easing-quart | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-easing-quint | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-easing-sine | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-export-image | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-export-json | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-export-video | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-hsv-color | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-motion | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-plugin-sounds | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-arrow | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-cards | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-cog | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-path | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-shape-rounded-polygon | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-destroy | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-updater-rotate | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-all | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-basic | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
tsparticles-preset-hyperspace | 2.12.0 | Easily create highly customizable particle animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno. |
jos-animation | 0.9.2 | An animation library package to instantly add beautiful/professional looking animation to your website |
carbon-charts | 1.22.11 | Carbon Charts component library |
kontra | 10.0.2 | Kontra HTML5 game development library |
chatgpt.js | 3.5.0 | Client-side JavaScript library for ChatGPT. |
style-forge.colors | 2025.1.9 | Style-Forge.Colors: customizable color palettes for consistent, visually appealing web designs. |
style-forge.themes | 2025.1.8 | Style-Forge.Themes: powerful tool for managing and applying customizable themes in web applications. |
surreal | 1.3.2 | A lightweight JavaScript library for creating and manipulating HTML in a fluent, jQuery-like way. |