
angular-mapboxgl-directive0.46.0An AngularJS directive for Mapbox GL
mapbox-gl3.9.2A WebGL interactive maps library
perliedman-leaflet-control-geocoder3.1.0Extendable geocoder with builtin support for Nominatim, Bing, Google, Mapbox, Photon, What3Words, MapQuest, Mapzen, HERE
mapbox.js3.3.1Mapbox plugin for Leaflet
polylabel2.0.1A JS library for finding optimal label position inside a polygon
mapbox-polyline1.2.1Polyline encoding and decoding
mapbox-gl-leaflet0.0.16binding from mapbox gl to the leaflet api
mapbox-gl-draw1.5.0A drawing component for Mapbox GL JS
mapbox-gl-export2.0.2This module adds control which can export PDF and images.
mapbox-gl-legend1.2.6This module adds legend control which is able to create legend panel from mapbox style to mapbox-gl
mapbox-gl-style-switcher1.0.11Mapbox GL JS Style Switcher