amazeui | 2.7.2 | Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development. |
bootstrap-material-datetimepicker | 2.7.1 | Datepicker for bootstrap-material |
drawer | 3.2.2 | Flexible drawer menu using jQuery, iScroll and CSS. |
eqcss | 1.9.2 | EQCSS is a polyfill that introduces Element Queries, Scoped CSS, selectors for parent, next, and previous elements to all browsers IE8 and up |
materialize | 1.0.0 | Builds Materialize distribution packages |
mdbootstrap | 4.20.0 | Material Design for Bootstrap (MDB) is a powerful Material Design UI KIT for most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework - Bootstrap. |
mdui | 2.1.3 | Web components Library that implement Google's Material Design. |
metro | 4.5.7 | The front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile projects on the web in Windows Metro Style. |
milligram | 1.4.1 | A minimalist CSS framework. |
todc-bootstrap | 3.0.2 | Google-styled theme for Bootstrap. |
twitter-bootstrap | 5.3.3 | The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. |
mdb-ui-kit | 8.1.0 | Material Design for Bootstrap (MDB) is a powerful Material Design UI KIT for most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework - Bootstrap. |
base | 5.2.0 | A Rock Solid, Responsive CSS Framework built to work on all devices big, small and in-between. |
bootstrap-v4-rtl | 4.6.2-1 | The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. |
boosted | 5.3.3 | Orange Boosted with Bootstrap is a framework library accessible, ergonomic and Orange branded based on Bootstrap v4.3.1. |
bootstrap | 5.3.3 | The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. |
materialstyle | 3.1.1 | Material Style is a Material Design UI library based on Bootstrap. |
style-forge.patterns | 2.0.19 | Style-Forge.Patterns - versatile CSS library with pre-defined classes for responsive, consistent user interfaces. |