
crossroads0.12.2Flexible router which can be used in multiple environments
gillie0.2.1JavaScript MVC Microframework
livequery1.1.1A jQuery plugin that helps with dynamic DOMs.
MinPubSub0.0.2198 byte publish/subscribe messaging micro-framework
MutationObserver.js0.3.7MutationObserver shim for ES3 environments
scrollama3.2.0Lightweight scrollytelling library using IntersectionObserver
watch2.0.4jQuery plugin for watching CSS property or element attribute changes.
css-vars-ponyfill2.4.9Client-side support for CSS custom properties (aka "CSS variables") in legacy and modern browsers
microevent1.0.0event emitter micro library (works in node+browser)
huntjs5.0.0Minimal library to observe nodes entering and leaving the viewport