backbone.obscura | 0.1.6 | A read-only proxy of a Backbone.Collection that can easily be filtered, sorted, and paginated. |
backbone.paginator | 2.0.8 | A pageable Backbone.Collection superset. Supports server-side/client-side/infinite pagination and sorting. |
bootpag | 1.0.7 | bootpag - dynamic pagination jQuery plugin. Works well with bootstrap or standalone. |
datatable | 2.0.2 | Datatable is a smart javascript plugin allowing you to easily create dynamic 'datatables' (with pagination, filtering and sorting) for better management of big quantity of data. |
griddle-react | 1.13.1 | Griddle - A fast and flexible grid component for React. |
jplist | 5.2.0 | jPList - jQuery Data Grid Controls is a flexible jQuery plugin for sorting, pagination and filtering of any HTML structure (DIVs, UL/LI, tables, etc) |
jquery-bootpag | 1.0.4 | bootpag - dynamic pagination jQuery plugin. Works well with bootstrap or standalone. |
jQuery-Paging | 1.2.0 | Probably the most advanced jQuery pagination plugin. |
list.pagination.js | 0.1.1 | A pagination plugin for List.js |
paginationjs | 2.6.0 | A jQuery plugin to provide simple yet fully customisable pagination |
simplePagination.js | 1.6 | A simple jQuery pagination plugin, 3 CSS themes and Bootstrap support. |
slidesjs | 3.0 | SlidesJS is a responsive slideshow plug-in for jQuery (1.7.1+) with features like touch and CSS3 transitions. |
twbs-pagination | 1.4.2 | jQuery simple pagination plugin for bootstrap-style webpages |
vue-paginate | 3.6.0 | A simple vue.js plugin to paginate data |
vuejs-paginator | 2.0.2 | A Vue.js plugin to easily integrate pagination. |
vuejs-paginate | 2.1.0 | A simple pagination component for Vue.js |
ng-bootstrap | 10.0.0 | Angular powered Bootstrap |
bootstrap-vue | 2.23.1 | Quickly integrate Bootstrap 4 components with Vue.js |
infinite-ajax-scroll | 3.1.0 | Turn your existing pagination into infinite scrolling pages with ease |
shards-vue | 1.0.7 | A free, beautiful and modern Vue.js UI kit based on the Shards UI kit. |