
blueimp-load-image5.16.0JavaScript Load Image is a library to load images provided as File or Blob objects or via URL. It returns an optionally scaled and/or cropped HTML img or canvas element. It also provides a method to parse image meta data to extract Exif tags and thumbnails and to restore the complete image header after resizing.
cloudinary-core2.13.1Cloudinary Client Side JS library. Cloudinary streamlines your web application’s image manipulation needs. Cloudinary's cloud-based servers automate image uploading, resizing, cropping, optimizing, sprite generation and more.
cloudinary-jquery-file-upload2.13.1Cloudinary Client Side JS library. Cloudinary streamlines your web application’s image manipulation needs. Cloudinary's cloud-based servers automate image uploading, resizing, cropping, optimizing, sprite generation and more. Cloudinary's jQuery File Upload plugin allows direct uploading from the browser to the cloud and dynamic cloud-based image transformations and effects.
cropperjs1.6.1JavaScript image cropper.
d3-axis2.1.0Displays automatic reference lines for scales.
d3-scale1.0.7Encodings that map abstract data to visual representation.
pica9.0.1High quality image resize in browser.
transformation-matrix-js2.7.22D affine matrix power tools for JavaScript
jimp0.22.12An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript (i.e. zero external or native dependencies).
bounce.js0.8.2Bounce.js is a tool and JS library for generating beautiful CSS3 powered keyframe animations.
moveable0.53.0Moveable is Draggable, Resizable, Scalable, Rotatable, Warpable, Pinchable, Groupable, Snappable.
jquery-cropper1.0.1A jQuery plugin wrapper for Cropper.js.
cloudinary-jquery2.13.1Cloudinary Client Side JS library. Cloudinary streamlines your web application’s image manipulation needs. Cloudinary's cloud-based servers automate image uploading, resizing, cropping, optimizing, sprite generation and more.