
jquery.SPServices2014.02SPServices is a jQuery library which abstracts SharePoint's Web Services and makes them easier to use. It also includes functions which use the various Web Service operations to provide more useful (and cool) capabilities. It works entirely client side and requires no server install.
ngOfficeUiFabric0.16.1Angular directives for Microsoft's Office UI Fabric.
sp-pnp-js3.0.10A reusable JavaScript library targeting SharePoint client-side development.
pnp-common1.3.11pnp - provides shared functionality across all pnp libraries
pnp-odata1.3.11pnp - provides shared odata functionality and base classes
pnp-pnpjs2.15.0pnp - rollup library of core functionality (mimics sp-pnp-js)
pnp-sp-addinhelpers1.3.11pnp - provides functionality for working within SharePoint add-ins
pnp-sp-clientsvc1.3.11pnp - provides functionality for working within SharePoint add-ins
pnp-sp-taxonomy1.3.11pnp - provides functionality for working within SharePoint add-ins
pnp-sp1.3.11pnp - provides a fluent api for working with SharePoint REST
gd-sprest8.7.6A JavaScript library to interact with the SharePoint REST API.
gd-sprest-bs10.13.9A JavaScript library to interact with the SharePoint REST API including Bootstrap components.