aegis | 1.3.3 | Aegis CSS Framework |
conditionizr.js | 4.1.0 | Detecting front-end environments and conditionally loading assets |
cssuseragent | 2.1.31 | CssUserAgent: user-agent specific CSS support |
object-fit-images | 3.2.4 | Polyfill object-fit and object-position on images on IE9, IE10, IE11, Edge, Safari, ... |
blueprintjs-core | 5.15.0 | A React UI toolkit for the web. |
style-forge.base | 5.3.6 | Style-Forge.Base: foundational CSS variables, base styles, typography, colors, utilities for consistent design. |
style-forge.helpers | 2.6.1 | Style-Forge.Helpers: essential CSS helper classes for spacing, alignment, visibility, and more in web development. |
style-forge.patterns | 2.0.19 | Style-Forge.Patterns - versatile CSS library with pre-defined classes for responsive, consistent user interfaces. |