
angular-material-icons0.7.1AngularJS directive to use Material Design icons with custom fill color and size.
angular-nvd31.0.9An AngularJS directive for NVD3.js reusable charting library
angular-svg-round-progressbar0.4.8AngularJS module that uses SVG to create a circular progressar
angularjs-nvd3-directives0.0.7Angular.js directives for nvd3
animateplus2.1.1CSS and SVG animation library
billboard.js3.13.0Re-usable easy interface JavaScript chart library, based on D3 v4+
bodymovin5.12.2After Effects plugin for exporting animations to SVG + JavaScript or canvas + JavaScript
bonsai0.4.5Bonsai runtime and node server
bootstrap-star-rating4.1.2A simple yet powerful JQuery star rating plugin for Bootstrap.
canvg3.0.10Javascript SVG parser and renderer on Canvas
circles0.0.6Lightweight JavaScript library that generates circular graphs in SVG. Now with animation.
d3-path1.0.5Serialize Canvas path commands to SVG.
d3-shape1.2.0Graphical primitives for visualization, such as lines and areas.
d3.chart0.3.0A framework for creating reusable charts with D3.js
d37.9.0A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG.
dc4.2.7A multi-dimensional charting library built to work natively with crossfilter and rendered using d3.js
devicon2.16.0Programming related icons collection
dom-to-image2.6.0Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG
dompurify3.1.6DOMPurify is a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. It's written in JavaScript and works in all modern browsers (Safari, Opera (15+), Internet Explorer (10+), Firefox and Chrome - as well as almost anything else using Blink or WebKit). DOMPurify is written by security people who have vast background in web attacks and XSS. Fear not.
event-drops1.3.0A time based / event series interactive visualization using d3.js. Use drag and zoom to navigate in time.
evil-icons1.10.1Evil Icons is a set of SVG icons designed extensively for using in modern web projects
fabric.js5.3.1Object model for HTML5 canvas, and SVG-to-canvas parser. Backed by jsdom and node-canvas.
feather-icons4.29.2Simply beautiful open source icons
flag-icon-css7.2.3This package has been renamed to flag-icons
flubber0.4.2Best-guess methods for smoothly interpolating and animating between shapes.
frappe-charts1.6.2Simple, responsive, modern SVG Charts with zero dependencies
frappe-gantt0.8.0A simple, modern, interactive gantt library for the web
geojs1.12.2JavaScript Geo visualization and Analysis Library
geojson2svg2.0.1Converts geojson to svg/path string given svg viewport size and maps extent.
geopattern1.2.3Generate beautiful SVG patterns
gojs3.0.11Interactive diagrams, charts, and graphs, such as trees, flowcharts, orgcharts, UML, BPMN, or business diagrams
graphdracula1.3.0JavaScript Graph Layouting and Drawing
insightjs1.4.0InsightJS is a data aggregation and vizualization library for quickly analyzing datasets in Javascript.
jquery-mapael2.2.0jQuery Mapael is a jQuery plugin based on raphael.js that allows you to display dynamic vector maps.
jqvmap1.5.1jQuery Vector Map Library
js-sequence-diagrams2.0.0Generates UML sequence diagrams from simple text
justgage1.7.0JustGage is a handy JavaScript plugin for generating and animating nice & clean gauges. It is based on Raphaël library for vector drawing, so it’s completely resolution independent and self-adjusting.
kartograph-js0.8.7JavaScript library for SVG mapping
nvd31.8.6A reusable charting library written in d3.js
octicons8.5.0GitHub's icon font
open-iconic1.1.1An open source icon set with marks in SVG, sprite, webfont and raster format
paper.js0.12.18The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting
peity3.3.0Peity (sounds like deity) is a simple jQuery plugin that converts an element's content into a simple mini `svg` pie, line or bar chart.
pizza0.2.1Pizza is a responsive Pie chart based on the Snap SVG framework from Adobe. It focuses on easy integration via HTML markup and CSS instead of JavaScript objects, although you can pass JavaScript objects to Pizza as well.
polymaps2.5.1A free JavaScript library for making dynamic, interactive maps in modern web browsers.
popmotion11.0.5The JavaScript motion engine. Handles animation, physics, and input tracking.
pretty-checkbox3.0.3A pure CSS library to beautify checkbox and radio buttons
progressbar.js1.1.1Responsive and slick progress bars with animated SVG paths
protovis3.3.1A visualization toolkit for JavaScript using SVG.
react-inlinesvg0.8.0An SVG loader for React
rickshaw1.7.1JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs
segment-js1.1.2A little JavaScript class (without dependencies) to draw and animate SVG path strokes
sevenSeg.js0.2.0sevenSeg.js is a jQueryUI plugin for creating vector-based (SVG) seven-segment displays. Bindings for Knockout included!
sketchpad0.1.0A simple sketchpad.
SVG-Morpheus0.3.2JavaScript library enabling SVG icons to morph from one to the other. It implements Material Design's Delightful Details transitions.
svg.connectable.js2.0.1A JavaScript library for connecting SVG things.
svg.draggy.js1.1.1A JavaScript library for dragging SVG things.
svg.pan-zoom.js2.8.0A JavaScript library for panning and zooming SVG things.
svgeezy1.0.0A simple JavaScript plugin which detects SVG images on your website, and automatically looks for a standard image fallback for those older, less capable browsers.
svgxuse1.2.6A polyfill that fetches external SVGs referenced in use elements when the browser itself fails to do so.
topcoat-icons0.1.0Open source icons for Topcoat
trianglify4.1.0Trianglify is a javascript library for generating colorful triangle meshes that can be used as SVG images and CSS backgrounds.
two.js0.8.14A two-dimensional drawing api meant for modern browsers.
webicons2.0.0Webicons is a set of resolution-independent social icons for use on your website.
xcharts0.3.0A D3-based library for building custom charts and graphs.
rough.js3.1.0Create graphics using HTML Canvas or SVG with a hand-drawn, sketchy, appearance.
vivid1.0.10a JavaScript library which is built to easily customize and use the SVG Icons with a blaze.
react-trend1.2.5react-trend React component
lottie-web5.12.2After Effects plugin for exporting animations to SVG + JavaScript or canvas + JavaScript
tabler-icons1.35.0A set of over 500 free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects. Each icon is designed on a 24x24 grid and a 2px stroke.
spritejs3.8.3A cross platform high-performance graphics system.
antv-x63.0.0JavaScript diagramming library that uses SVG and HTML for rendering.
railroad-diagrams1.0.0A small JS+SVG library for drawing railroad syntax diagrams.
save-svg-as-png1.4.17Convert a browser SVG to PNG or dataUri
geomicons-open2.0.0Open Source Icons for the Web
vue-svgicon3.3.2A tool to create svg icon components. (vue 2.x)
statosio0.9Generate simple charts, in a fast and reliable way.
flag-icons7.2.3:flags: A collection of all country flags in SVG — plus the CSS for easier integration
iconoir7.9.0A Simple and Definitive Open-Source Icons Library
html-to-image1.11.11Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG.
iconify3.1.1Unified SVG framework with over 70,000 icons to choose from
jsvectormap1.6.0A lightweight Javascript library for creating interactive maps
leader-line1.0.7Draw a leader line in your web page.
element-plus-icons-vue2.3.1Vue components of Element Plus Icons collection.
dom-to-image-more3.4.4Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG
akar-icons-fonts1.1.22A perfectly rounded icon library made for everyone.
carbon-charts1.21.3Carbon Charts component library