
choices.js11.0.3A vanilla JS customisable text input/select box plugin
faviconx1.0.1A tiny javascript library that makes progress bars out of the favicon placeholders.
gibon0.4.1Functional client-side router in ~570 bytes, built on HTML5 History API
hyperapp2.0.22The tiny framework for building hypertext applications
picomodal3.0.0A small, self-contained JavaScript modal library
slim-select2.10.0Slim vanilla javascript select dropdown
tocbot4.32.2Generate a table of contents based on the heading structure of a html document.
vanilla-tilt1.8.1A smooth 3D tilt javascript library forked from Tilt.js
vquery5.0.1A simple, light-weight, vanilla JS wrapper for jQuery-like syntax.
woofmark4.2.6Barking up the DOM tree. A modular, progressive, and beautiful Markdown and HTML editor
medium-zoom1.1.0A JavaScript library for zooming images like Medium
navigo8.11.1A simple vanilla JavaScript router with a fallback for older browsers
polyavatar0.8.0Simple plugin to generate polygonal avatars with customization options.
Sparticles1.3.1Lightweight, High Performance Particles in Canvas
simple-parallax-js5.6.2simpleParallax is a simple JavaScript library that gives your website parallax animations on any images or videos
tail.select.js1.0.2Create beautiful, functional and extensive (multi) select fields, written in Vanilla JavaScript without any dependencies!