
loading-attribute-polyfill1.5.4Fast and lightweight dependency-free vanilla JavaScript polyfill for native lazy loading / the awesome loading='lazy'-attribute.
style-forge4.3.7Style-Forge: CSS framework with themes, utilities, flexbox, and grid for creating responsive websites.
style-forge.base5.3.6Style-Forge.Base: foundational CSS variables, base styles, typography, colors, utilities for consistent design.
style-forge.colors1.3.1Style-Forge.Colors: customizable color palettes for consistent, visually appealing web designs.
style-forge.form4.0.4Style-Forge.Form: versatile library for easy form creation, validation, styling, and submission in web apps.
style-forge.helpers2.6.1Style-Forge.Helpers: essential CSS helper classes for spacing, alignment, visibility, and more in web development.
style-forge.patterns2.0.19Style-Forge.Patterns - versatile CSS library with pre-defined classes for responsive, consistent user interfaces.
style-forge.themes1.1.5Style-Forge.Themes: powerful tool for managing and applying customizable themes in web applications.