
basicModal3.3.9Easy-to-use modal window for your website or webapp
custombox4.0.3Modal dialog effects with transitions CSS3
featherlight1.7.13Featherlight is a very lightweight jQuery lightbox plugin. It's simple yet flexible and easy to use. Featherlight has minimal css and uses no inline styles, everything is name-spaced, it's completely customizable via configuration object and offers image, ajax and iframe support out of the box. Featherlights small footprint weights less than 4kB – in total.
jBox1.3.3jBox is a powerful and flexible jQuery plugin, taking care of all your popup windows, tooltips, notices and more.
jquery.nicescroll3.7.6Nicescroll is a jquery plugin, for nice customizabled scrollbars with a very similar ios/mobile style. It supports DIVs, IFrames and document page (body) scrollbars. Compatible with Firefox 4+, Chrome 5+, Safari 4+ (win/mac), Opera 10+, IE 6+ (all A-grade browsers). Compatible with iOS devices as iPad, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, and many many mobile and touch devices.
jquery.scrollfire1.4.0Allows useful callbacks to be fired upon elements scrolling into and out of view from both the top and bottom of the viewport/window.
jspanel33.11.3A jQuery Plugin to create highly configurable multifunctional floating panels
lightcase2.5.0The smart and flexible Lightbox Plugin.
magnific-popup.js1.2.0Lightbox and modal dialog plugin. Can display inline HTML, iframes (YouTube video, Vimeo, Google Maps), or an image gallery. Animation effects are added with CSS3 transitions. For jQuery or Zepto.
remodal1.1.1Responsive, lightweight, fast, synchronized with CSS animations, fully customizable modal window plugin with declarative configuration and hash tracking.
scrolldir1.5.3Vertical scroll direction in CSS
ssi-modal1.0.28ssi-modal is the most flexible and powerful modal window.
tingle0.16.0A simple modal plugin written in pure JavaScript
Ventus0.3.0A window manager written in Javascript, HTML5 and CSS3.
jqwidgets19.2.0jQWidgets is an advanced jQuery, Angular, React, ASP .NET MVC, Custom Elements and HTML5 UI framework.
snazzy-info-window1.1.1Customizable info windows using the Google Maps JavaScript API.
basicLightbox5.0.4The lightest lightbox ever made
layx2.5.4Layx 新一代Web弹窗组件。