chartjs-plugin-zoom | 2.2.0 | Simple HTML5 charts using the canvas element. |
cropit | 0.5.1 | Customizable crop and zoom. |
cropperjs | 1.6.2 | JavaScript image cropper. |
d3-zoom | 2.0.0 | Pan and zoom SVG, HTML or Canvas using mouse or touch input. |
elevatezoom | 2.2.3 | A jQuery image zoom plugin, with tints, easing and gallery integration. |
fancybox | 3.5.7 | Touch enabled, responsive and fully customizable jQuery lightbox script |
iScroll | 5.2.0 | Smooth scrolling for the web |
jquery-zoom | 1.7.21 | Enlarge images on click or mouseover. |
lg-autoplay | 1.2.1 | Autoplay module for lightgallery. |
lg-fullscreen | 1.2.1 | Fullscreen module for lightgallery. |
lg-hash | 1.0.4 | History(Hash) module for lightgallery. |
lg-pager | 1.0.2 | Video module for lightgallery. |
lg-share | 1.2.1 | Social media share module for lightgallery. |
lg-thumbnail | 1.2.1 | Thumbnail module for lightgallery. |
lg-video | 1.4.0 | Video module for lightgallery. |
lg-zoom | 1.3.0 | Zoom module for lightgallery. |
magnify | 2.3.3 | A lightweight jQuery magnifying glass zoom plugin. |
openseadragon | 5.0.1 | Provides a smooth, zoomable user interface for HTML/Javascript. |
photoswipe | 5.4.4 | JavaScript gallery |
snap.svg.zpd | 0.0.12 | A zoom/pan/drag plugin for Snap.svg |
svg.pan-zoom.js | 2.8.0 | A JavaScript library for panning and zooming SVG things. |
zoom.js | 0.0.1 | It's the best way to zoom an image |
zooming | 2.1.1 | Image zoom that makes sense. |
zoomooz | 1.1.6 | Zoomooz is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin for making any web page element zoom. |
zoomove | 1.3.0 | Enlarges the image with the mouse hover and move |
angular-elevatezoom-plus | 1.2.2 | Angular directive for ElevateZoom Plus. |
lightgallery-js | 1.4.0 | Full featured lightbox gallery. Zero dependencies |
medium-zoom | 1.1.0 | A JavaScript library for zooming images like Medium |
drift-zoom | 1.5.1 | Easily add "zoom on hover" functionality to your site's images. Lightweight, no-dependency JavaScript. |
jquery-cropper | 1.0.1 | A jQuery plugin wrapper for Cropper.js. |
fancyapps-ui | 5.0.36 | JavaScript UI Component Library |
xzoom | 1.0.15 | jQuery responsive image zoom in/out gallery plugin. With a lot of customizable options. Supports jQuery v1.2.6 and higher. |
photoswipe-deep-zoom-plugin | 1.1.2 | A plugin that adds tile-based zoom support to PhotoSwipe. Supports Deepzoom and Zoomify tile formats. |